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Twin Gun: A Story of the Indy-Ohio War

A gunshot rang out across the dark and overcast sky of the
Indiana Azure Camp wasteland. It had been five days of endless
hand and gun combat and Victoria didnt understand why they
were even fighting. She knew that once the president had
declared that each state was its own country, in the April of
3015, hasty plans were made by all. It was now 3016 and with
Hawaii siding with Ohio because of trade and California siding
with Indiana because of some pact, the war they had started
would be hard to win. Victoria still hadnt figured out why they
had started this nonsense war in the first place. She didnt see
anything wrong with the people of Ohio and didnt see any point
in only wearing blue, Indianas color. Instead, Victoria wore
purple: a mix of Indiana blue and Ohio red.
Pulling on her purple sweatshirt, Victoria yawned like a
bear and opened the frayed yellow cover to her tent. On instinct

she covered her ears. Shouts had started to bounce back and
forth like ping-pong balls, from one side of the camp to the
other. Almost half the camp had been woken due to the gunshot
and they werent too happy. You see, Indiana and Ohio had
agreed on a night rest. A night rest was when both sides were at
a truce for ten hours, when the suns glowing face wasnt
shining. To make sure it wasnt, Victoria turned to the east.
Victoria felt like there was a string tugging her toward the
border between the Indiana Azure Camp and the Ohio Maroon
Camp. She got all the way to the border and stopped. Was this
really a good idea? All of a sudden the Azure General order,
Everybody into lineup 133. Victoria and Smith are going in for
the surprise and Sunny and Matt are rapid firing. LETS GO!!

Victoria nodded and saluted with the others as they

shouted, Blue, Sir!, which is what they had been trained to
yell so that if anyone around heard them, they knew where their
loyalties resided. She then took off at a full sprint, grabbing her
3014 hand crafted pistol like gun, the second of only two that
were ever made, from the shed. As she skidded past Smith, she
proceeded to drag him with her to the Combat Base. When they
strolled into the meeting room at the Combat Base, acting like
they hadnt just run a marathon, Victoria collapsed into her chair
breathing heavily. She scanned the room as others took their
seats around her. The Combat Base, that was really a tent, hadnt
changed much. The aqua tent fabric was still held up by pearl
tree like pillars that seemed to grow right through the cedar
meeting table that sat in the middle of the tent. The banners that
showed all of Indianas alliances hung along the sides of the
tent, like usual, the only thing about the banners that was

different was that New York was now next to Virginia. Victoria
wondered why New York had switched sides.
While Victoria began to ponder why New York would
switch sides, Luke zipped up the front of his maroon colored
jacket and turned around. He knew inside it was a bad idea, but
he couldnt help himself. He hated the Indiana natives and the
dumb night rest. He wanted to conquer Indiana already and stop
having to sleep out in the cold. Granted the gunshot might have
been a bit over doing; he could have just set a bomb on the
border. He hadnt realized it was a bad idea, until he remember
he was shooting at the slick, metal divider, that stood between
the camps, and his hand made, small, bronze bullet bounced
back to graze his forearm. It didnt hurt that bad and he loved
the color of blood, but it was a dead give away that he had shot
the gun.

He heard the maddening yells and furious shouting of the

Azure Camp and grinned, It was all worth it. Well, he thought it
was all worth it. Then he heard the Maroon Leader spitting,
Who shot that bullet! I swear whoever did that will have to join
the Azure Camp and die or stay here and die!
Luke slowly turned around and some invisible force
slammed him back into the metal divider. What was that? It was
like he was playing a game of tug a war with someone on the
other side and was losing! He just managed to pry himself off
the divider and shuffled forward to the Big Tent before the
Leader came around the Big Tents corner. He knew that was
where Abby, the Maroon Leader, would want them to go. As
usual, he was wrong.
Just then Abby screamed, We are supposed to be big scary
bears and all you guys manage to do is stand around like

guppies! Into formation 45B! Luke and Journey surprise them

and everyone else stay in formation!
Luke patted his pocket to make sure his 3014 pistol, the
first of only two made, was still there. Then he tried to slink
over the border, but instead, an invisible force dragged him into
the far woods where he was meet by two Azure warriors one in
purple and one in blue. He didnt have time to comprehend why
the one was wearing purple before she pointed a pistol at him,
that had to have been made in 3014.
I wish I didnt have to do this! She hissed from
somewhere behind her teeth.
Well, I dont, He laughed as he pulled out his own pistol,
hearing a sound like something fell out with it, and grabbed her
He flipped her onto her back and got a good look at her
appearance. Her hair was the color of melted caramel and he

almost forgot what he was doing as the warm smell of fresh

baked cookies and apple cider reached his nose. His eyes
shifted to look into hers, she couldnt possibly smell like that
after almost a week in the wilderness, could she? Then he
actually took in the sight of her eyes, they were the color of the
sea with what seemed to be silver stripes. Her eyes made her
seem like a doll in painted glass form, her skin didnt help that
thought as it was porcelain white which made her look even
more like a glass vase. He hadnt realized until now that the
tugging feeling was gone and a new sensation was taking over
his very being. She gave off vibes that she was a smiling
Rapunzel, happy even though she was locked in a tower, to far
for him to reach.
When Luke was staring her straight in the eye, Victoria felt
shivers go down her spine. he was sucking her soul out of her
staring right into her eyes.She just had to break the awkward

silence creepily forming between them like a rope ladder bridge,

swaying out from under her feet. Nice 3014 pistol you have
there, She chuckled nervously, It looks like I have its twin!
He looked down at his pistol and smiled, I guess that can
be what I call you then. My name is Luke and I honestly dont
care what yours is, Twin Gun.
His eyes were a surprisingly warm evergreen and his hair
was white blond and looked like he had taken a swim in bleach
because his skin was the same color. He smelled like dirt and a
soap scent she couldnt seem to name. She couldnt stop staring
at his childlike smirk, that seemed more evil than kind, and it
probably make her seem like a rude jerk.
My name's really Victoria and you can call me whatever
you want! She sighed inwardly, Great going Victoria! Keep up
the weirdo jerk act would ya.

Like previously stated I dont care if your name is

Victoria and I definitely dont care if you want me to call you
anything other than Twin Gun. He snipped.
He then let go of her wrist and helped her up, I would
scram if I were you.
That was all he said as he ran in the other direction.
Almost right after he ran away from the one he now called
Twin Gun, Luke had heard the horn blow and knew that
someone had been captured. He also knew report back to the
Maroon colored tent that had Greek style pillars keeping the
ceiling from falling down. The walls of the tent were lined
with the 23 flags of Ohios alliances of whose number was
shrinking by the day. He had sat down in his assigned seat at the
ebony colored oak table and waited. He realized a few minutes
later that everyone was in the side tent attached to the Big Tent.
He stumbled into the side tent and his eyes widened. Kneeling

on the floor with her porcelain hands tied behind her was Twin
Gun. He felt that dumb sensation coming back. It felt as if his
heart was attached to a thin wire that was stretched from him to
her and if he turned away his heart would be ripped from his
chest. He knew they would torture her and even if she was on
the other side, she had stolen his heart. He just couldnt let them
tear out her veins until she told them what they wanted, he just
couldnt. The tugging almost brought him to his knees right next
to her it was so strong.
He tripped forward and gasped, What are you doing?
Abby slyly turned around and smirked, We caught this
Azure down in the far woods.
Luke looked down into Twin Guns eyes and pleaded, Why
were you in the far woods?
Twin Gun nodded to something laying a few inches in front of
her and Luke picked it up. It was the bronze bullet that had he

had hit himself with, it must have fallen out when he pulled his
gun out of his pocket! The bullet was the final page, a beacon in
the dark of night on the stormy sea.Ungag her! He ordered and
Abby obeyed.
I thought you might want it, it might have symbolized
something. Victoria whimpered.
Well, now it does. Victoria, He paused, for her to get the
point, Will you go out with me? I cant stand here knowing
what they will do to you and not do anything.
He handed her the bullet back with it now tied to a purple ribbon
that he had taken from her hair.
Luke undid her binds and helped her up, never letting go of
her hand as he walked outside of the tent into an ambush of
Azures and raised their hands to the sky. In that moment the
tugging that both Luke and Victoria had experienced never felt

farther away yet, as close as the very person next to them,

holding their hand.
And that is how my dad, Ohios newly promoted Maroon
Leader, and my mom, Indianas newly voted in Azure General,
fell in love, my fellow classmates. Right as I finished my
presentation the bell rang out its dreadful last word of the day as
if announcing an execution. I scampered to my seat to scoop up
my things and then out the door. On my way out Jason, my
crush, came up to me and puzzled, I think you dropped this.
He handed me my bronze bullet necklace and departed
hesitantly adding, Hey maybe we should hang out some time,
see ya tomorrow!
I clutched my neck decoration to my chest and giggled. I
was so happy in that moment that Mom had let me wear it that
day, it must have been good luck. No, it is good luck! It had

been the start of my parents love story and it looked like it

would be the start of my own.

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