Foundation of Education

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The Establishment of the school of

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of
First Semester Examination of Foundation of Education

Name : Muh Imam Shofwan
NIM : 0203515086







A. Background
Kudus is one of a small regency in central java by millions of citizen with less of
poverty. Surrounding by several industries and agriculture makes this small city look more
prosperous than other nearer cities. This successful mostly initiated by the role of education
and the civil awareness of the important of the education. People realize that by having high
education level, they will get better position both in social life and work place. People know
that by having knowledge and skill, they can compete in a company or government official
and even they will be able to create and produce their own need for their life.
There many formal and informal school institution in kudus. The private schools grow
up as well as government school. Even, now days the private school grows better and more
attractive than government one. Each of the school offers different service, education system
and also curriculum. Generally, all of them hold the school institution to educate students
become ready person who able to face and work in particular work field. Two of different
education institutions which are actually having positive competition each other are religious
and government school. The religious schools are under supervised by religion ministry,
while the government school and controlled and supervised by

education and culture

In senior high school level at present, vocational school (SMK) has been develop and
grow very well in Kudus. Even, in very short time, hundreds of vocational schools have been
established spread out around Kudus. This success of educational development actually bears
other problems where students will face many challenge and several bed effect of the modern
era. Here is the role of religion to handle and cover students' behavior and attitude. Religion
will guide them to be religious and good students who respect to himself and others. Beside
religious, students must be able to be active inventing and creating the new innovation
through fashion and Multimedia based on Islamic culture. Moreover, all the knowledge must
be based on the holy Quran as the only true source of the role.

Kudus is very well-known as kota santri (moslem educated students) where many
children from around Indonesia study here. This small city is also very popular for the right
place to study and memorizing holy Quran (Tahfidz). The silent place, the supporting master
teacher and methods make all students around Indonesia want to study holy Quran here.
However, normally, the students who study holy Quran do not study in the formal institution.
They usually live in the boarding house with religious lesson and informal packet C for
studying national curriculum and have no opportunity to enter university to improve their
knowledge. Moreover, they also have no chance to express their ideas of art or fashion and
other natural skills combined by modern technology which enable them to be more creative
and innovative and more useful to Himself And Other People.
Based on these phenomena, I would like to establish the new school which able to
facilitate and provide the students and people needs of modern technological education based
on holy Quran role. This is the school which is purposed to educate students mastering in
holy Quran, creative in fashion and also innovative in technology. The school which prepares
the ready graduate who have useful skill and ready to accepted in government universities to
further their knowledge. The modern institution will provides students both in religious and
technological knowledge.
B. School profile
This Tahfidz vocational school is named SMK YANABIUL ULUM. The name of
the school is SMK YANABIUL QURAN meaning the source of Quran. The reason for
choosing the name for this school is expected able to create students with high capacity and
competence with knowledge based on Holy Quran guidance. The main reason for taking
vocational level for establishing the school is in this age level, students talent has been
visible and ready to be guided.
SMK YANABIUL ULUM is a private school managed by the chief of the institute
helped by the school headmaster and staffs. This vocational school will be completed with
classrooms, language laboratory, computer laboratory, science laboratory, and farms to
practice cultivation. There are three majors that can be chosen by the students. The subjects
are also different from senior high because it has normative, adaptive, and productive

subjects that focus on their majors. This vocational school is the only Tahfidz School in
Kudus. This is hoped that the outputs be ready and able to face the modern era.

C. School Motto
Being Health, Creative, Innovative, having good attitude, memorized holy
Quran and having extensive Knowledge
D. Vision

To create Islamic Education Based on Holy Quran, Islamic Syari dan Amali



1. To educate students having good attitude and

memorizing Holy Quran
2. To create students become skillful, fluent in Arabic
and English.
3. Creating students which master in science,
competitiveness, religious and able to develop
4. Creating active, innovative students in fashion and
5. Preparing professional and skillful graduate which
ready to face global challenge.

F. Goal

To create sunny kind personal Holy Quran memorizer having readiness for
welcoming new era of Islamic glory

SMK YANABIUL QURAN applies KTSP (School based Curriculum) as main curriculum.
The choices of this curriculum is for the purpose that amendments based logically consequences
of politic issue, government system, social culture, economic, science and technology changes
in the living of state community. In addition, KTSP curriculum has been developed dynamically
in accordance with the demand and change that occur in society. The school program in which
students must enroll themselves is Boarding school program provided by the school. This
boarding uses Salafi (traditional boarding curriculum) technique and methodology in teaching
and learning Tahfidz Holy Quran.
The learning process involves:
From the point of view of subject matter, teaching and learning in SMK YANABIUL ULUM
support and realize the achievement of the vision, mission and objectives of the school, until
completed class XII SMK student payloads received in 1 week 52 hours of class X, XI and 54-58
hours XII. The teaching and learning process in YANABIUL QURAN is conducted indoor and
outdoor includes:
Main program namely: Tahfidz Quran (Memorizing Holy Quran)
And Choices skill program:
To actualize all the programs as stated in vision and mission, the school will serve students
with the following subject namely:
a. Local curriculum

Tahfidz and Tajwid (holy quran pronounciation)

Nahwu shorof (Arabic grammar)

5. Adab (attitude)
6. Tafsir (Holy quran interpretation)
7. Hadist (Prophet Hadist)
b. Government Curriculum

Bahasa Indonesia


Civil education








Fashion and clothing


Internet and Technology of multi media



A. Theory of Education
There are several learning theories develop by several philosophers namely
The establishment of SMK YANABIUL QURAN follows behaviorism theory. This
theory explains that behavior can be controlled or modified according to the antecedents and
consequences of a behavior. A behavior will only occur if given the right environment or
antecedent. The behavior is more or less likely to reoccur according to the reinforcements or
consequences that follow, such as rewards and punishments. For examples: receiving a
sticker for correct answers, students who arrive late will receive detention.
B. Philosophy of Education
Long Time ago at 500 Bc 7000 Bc (Before century), education is aimed to teach
survival skills, teach group harmony. In Arabic at 700 AD 1350 AD stated that the educational
goal are to prepare priest according to scribe for the empire. The two foundations above show us
that basically, people enter in educational institutions for they want to stay a life in social and
survive in any conditions. Moreover, the education is also able to raise a person life level from
low level to higher one. In holy Quran states in surat Al Mujadilah chapter 11:

Means: O you who have believed, when you are told, "Space yourselves" in assemblies, then
make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, "Arise," then arise; Allah
will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees.
And Allah is acquainted with what you do.

It was clear that to have high level in God eyes and in social environment, human being have to
educate themselves. People have to have skill and knowledge so that they will life with honor
and respect. By having skill, people will have more opportunities to get better job and also able
to create their own company which facilitate other skillful people to survive. Fashion and
multimedia skill is few of the knowledge that people should master, because this skill will enable
people to create and develop economical aspect of a country. Resent year, western fashions and
multimedia have influence almost negative culture to Indonesian people. That is why religious
skillful students must be tough to create smart and Muslim fashion expert that produce and
maintain Islamic fashion.
In montessory theory, he states that

Education as a process involving the whole child, respecting his uniqueness and ability to

shape his own future

Education is a sensory-based pedagogy that is based on the belief that children learn at
their own pace through manipulation object

Dealing with montessorys theory, SMK YANABIUL QURAN try to underline that the
education will allow students to broad their uniqueness and ability to shape his own future.
The cornerstone of the philosophy is the foundation with regard to educational goals
in accordance with the philosophy of the state. In general, the school aims to educate
children to be good human beings. What is meant by good is essentially determined by the
values, ideals or philosophy adopted by a country, teachers, parents, the community and even
the world. Curriculum has a close relationship with the philosophy of the nation, especially
in determining human obsession as a goal to be achieved through formal education.
Moreover, it is the most important philosophical consideration used to make decisions in
every aspect of the developing on the school curriculum.

Indonesia has its own history and tradition of vocational education. This history may or
may not be similar to what has occurred in other modern industrial nations, but the philosophy
underlying it is worth exploring for the future of education.
Indonesia in general and Kudus in particular have material infrastructures, public and
private, that are wearing out rather quickly because of lack of proper maintenance over the years,
the stress of overpopulation, the impedance of inefficient bureaucracies, caused by fear of
litigation, and an Indonesia attitude of solving problems and creating products quickly and then
forgetting about them in the rush for new creations. Renewals of vocational education have
traditionally been attempts to address these periodic infrastructure needs. So today, not only does
the neglected infrastructure need help, but the new generation of tradespeople or workers who
will repair and expand the infrastructure is beginning to retire. Consequently, politicians in
Kudus are pumping new money into vocational education in a panic to ward off the coming
scarcity of tradespersons.
In addition the goals and how to achieve learning objectives, curriculum preparation is
also needed to consider other philosophy like the philosophy of educational institutions. As an
example of this is SMK YANABIUL QURAN breath as schools in the implementation of
learning is always held on the Quran. Preparation of learning the Quran at SMK YANABIUL
QURAN based on the philosophy of Islamic educational institutions.
There are many philosopher ideas become the principles of the school establishment.
The philosophy and thinking of vocational and technology had been developed thousand
years ago. This type of education is advanced based on human need to gather with the
development of human civilization.
The Following philosophers and its relation to vocational education and vocational
technology education:
1. Ibn Tufail (about 1105-1185 AD). Ibn Tufail believe that the Creator exists and he also
testified that all of existence is however different in nature turns out to have points in
common in terms of both origin and formation. It pointed to the idea that everything is
sourced from a single subject (prima causa), they also believe in one God.
2. Avicenna (980-1037 AD). According to Ibn Sina, the purpose of education should be
directed at developing the full potential of its development towards a perfect person, the
physical, intellectual and moral. Ibn Sina's thought is very relevant to the state of vocational
education in Indonesia. One of the most fundamental problems of our education is to

stimulate curiosity and creativity in each student. The situation that occurred today in fact
reversed, in many cases it actually kills education and do not appreciate creativity. The level
of creativity is lacking, although this factor is needed in vocational education.
3. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), one of the most central of the idea is the principle of
"character development" and "moral education". Good education is education that is based
on the universal principles.
4. Jean-Jaccques Rousseau (1712-1778). Rousseau considers that the process of learning more
effectively passed through the experience. Rousseau disagreed with the education that is run
with strict discipline and obedience demanded exceptional students. Rousseau believed that
people were developing by nature, but then decomposed by the culture. One of the elements
of culture that are responsible for education, then education must be transformed.
5. Plato (427-347 BC). Plato underlying thoughts on the "ideal country" where the state is the
party which is responsible for the education community. Plato thought that children should
be separated from his mother; the state must maintain and educate them. Those who have
been educated then act as guard the country and come to care for and help people who are
weaker. Synthesis for the Development of Vocational Education Plato is in line with the
principle of equitable distribution of education in Indonesia. There are many children who
cannot afford education provided by the state. School is not yet available in sufficient
quantities, insufficient teachers in terms of quantity and quality, etc. Distribution of
education is a major problem in Indonesia, including for vocational education. The principle
of equity and of course the quality of vocational education should be a central issue because
of the vast area of our country as well as the high degree of variation in the local state of
C. Foundation of Law


The Preamble to the 1945 Constitution

The 1945 Constitution

The Governments Regulations


Education Ministers Regulations

The Preamble to 1945 Constitution

Subsequent there to, to form a government of the state of Indonesia which shall protect
all the people of Indonesia and their entire native land, and in order to improve the public
welfare, to advance the intellectual life of the people and to contribute to the establishment of a
world order based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice, the national independence of
Indonesia shall be formulated into a constitution of the sovereign Republic of Indonesia which is
based on the belief in the One and Only God, just and humanity, the unity of Indonesia,
democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations amongst representatives and the
realization of social justice for all of the people of Indonesia.
The 1945 Constitution
Article 31
(1) Every citizen has the right to receive education.
(2) Every citizen has the obligation to undertake basic education, and the government has the
obligation to fund this.
(3) The government shall manage and organize one system of national education, which shall
increase the level of spiritual belief, devoutness and moral character in the context of
developing the life of the nation and shall be regulated by law.
(4) The state shall prioritize the budget for education to a minimum of 20% of the State Budget
and of the Regional Budgets to fulfill the needs of implementation of national education.
(5) The government shall advance science and technology with the highest respect for religious
values and national unity for the advancement of civilization and prosperity of humankind.
Government Regulations


2 Year 1989 about National Education

No 20 Year 2003 about National Education System
No 14 Year 2005 about Teachers and Lecturer
No 19 Year 2005 about Education National Standards
No 32 Year 2013 about Education National Standards

The Regulations of Education Minister

Another background of the establishment of vocational high school is the regulation of education
minister No. 70 year 2013 about the framework and vocational high school curriculum based on
the program and students.
The decisions are :
1. Assign spectrum expertise vocational secondary education which includes areas of
expertise, program expertise and skill package as attached to this decision.
2. The spectrum referred to as a reference in the opening and operation of field /
program / package on vocational skills.
3. Expertise on each package is opened, SMK can specialize certain competence in
accordance with the demands of the world of work-related (concentration of
expertise) without neglecting basic skills such expertise.
4. Opening of field / program / package of new vocational skills in reference to the
provisions concerning the establishment of SMK.
5. The additions / changes the field / program / package on vocational skill set as
a. The additions / changes the field / program / package on vocational skills in
accordance with the spectrum of vocational secondary education expertise can
be done after the vocational establishments meet the requirements in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
b. The additions and / or changes in membership package in accordance with the
spectrum of vocational secondary education expertise assigned by the Head of
Education in accordance with their authority.
c. Each proposed additions / changes the field / program / package of expertise
referred to in item a and b with the proposal and written reasons.
6. With the enactment of this decision, the Director General of Primary and Secondary
Education No. 251 / C / KEP / MN / 2008 on Spectrum's expertise SMK Education
declared invalid.

7. The things that have not been regulated in this decision will be arranged in separate
8. If in the future there is a mistake in this decision will be held changes / improvements
as appropriate

In this regulation, it was stated that fashion and multimedia are two of skill which vocational
programmed. Based on this foundation, the establishment of SMK YANABIUL QURAN
will give students much opportunity to enhance their personal skill while the Hafidz Quran
(memorizing holy Quran) foundation program as stated by Prophet Muhammad statement as
follow :

means : The best of you (human being) are one who study about holy Quran and do what
in Holy Quran says.

And We (Allah) has sent down you the Book (Al Quran) to explain everything, and guidance
and mercy and glad tidings to those who surrender. (QS An-Nahl 89)
Based on this foundation, SMK YANABIUL QURAN will be established with memorizing
Holy Quran program as one of the first major of the curriculum to create ouput with high
capacity in mastering holy Quran as the only the best one source of any knowledge.
D. Education of Socio-culture
Kudus is popular as kota santri (moslem educated students) where many children
from around Indonesia study here. It is also well known for the place to study and
memorizing holy Quran (Tahfidz). The societies in kudus mostly tend to educate their
children in Muslim formal school, Muslim boarding school and government school.
The people mostly interest in commerce and convection production. The high society
level establishes the industries while the low level society becomes he workers of the


Besides engaging in industries, the people also work in a big company like Cigarette
Companies and paper company. Many of them prepare themselves with skill and capability to
be ready for entering this company with high payment.
E. Foundation Of Economy
The economical system will influence the education in a country. The good economy
supports the education system, and the good education system supports the economy of a
country. They support each other. In Indonesia, the education is fully supported by the
government through BOS given every year for all formal schools.
In Kudus, the economic background of the society is middle and middle below economy.
The people are mostly company workers, farmer and some as civil servant. The low income in
the society makes only few people continue their education to University or other higher level.
This condition encourages the writer to establish the school which able to prepare students with
qualify skill which is needed by some industries to improve their income to get their prosperity.
They will have high bargaining in facing economical global.
F. Need And Importance
Globalization era and modern technology bring several benefit and also bad effect for
people and particularly for young learner. Students must be educated primarily with religion
knowledge that will guide them to follow the right way. This can be actualized by teaching them
with Quran and exploring the content of Holy Quran.
It was stated before that Kudus is surrounded by industries and company. One of the most
dominant industries are engaged in convection sector. Hundreds of convection employs unskilled
labor as low paid workers. Mostly they work full day more than eight hour by salary under
regency standard payment. In addition, the amount of unskilled labor is increasingly growing
that led to cheapening of labor. Based on this condition, SMK YANABIUL QURAN has great
vision to produce skillful labor and competence in fashion and convection.
On the other side, the multimedia program for the second choices will also prepare the
students with high proficiency in any kind of multimedia to face the global era which demand all
societies able to use and master any technologies. They can use their capability in multimedia to


get a better job and even creating vacancies for others. They are also able to earn some money by
their skill easily than become low worker.
G. Manifestation
To support the school program, the school will provide full service and education system
by the following:
1. Boarding school for Tahfidz Holy Quran after school as major program from the
2. Multimedia skills programs which equip learners with the skills, knowledge and
attitudes to be competent in:
Applying the principles of graphic arts
Mastering of 2-dimensional images
Mastering the techniques of photographs
Displaying the results of digital photography in a dish Multimedia
Proficient in web design
Mastering the 3-dimensional image
3. fashion skills programs equip learners with the skills, knowledge to be competent in:
Measuring, making patterns, sewing and finishing of clothing.
Selecting textile materials and auxiliary materials appropriately.
Drawing a variety of clothing appropriate occasions.
Decorating the appropriate fashion design.
Managing business in the field of fashion.
4. Nonacademic (extracurricular)
Study tours
Conversation, speech, and debate
Leadership and self-state
Graphic design / calligraphy / wall magazine

From the explanation above I will conclude that SMK YANABIUL QURAN will produce
the qualified output that ready to enter the industries and company and also able to develop their
own industry which provide any vacancy and employ many other labors. The school also will


produce students with low profile people with high competence of hafidz Holy Quran who will
always preserve and maintain the holy quran as muslim book and the main source any
knowledge. Generally, the school will also give good influence to Kudus city development.
The curriculum and the appropriate program will also support and realize the schools
vision and mission to be the best school ever be in Kudus.
Based on the foundations stated before, the school will also be undergone by education
and teaching learning process well and supported by high competence teachers and staff.

1. Cattington, Limon E. 2010 (Ed). Handbook of Curriculum Development.
New York: Nova Science Publisher Inc.


2. Lake , Vickie E. & Winterbottom, Christian. 2010. In Kattington, Limon

E. 2010 (Ed). Handbook of Curriculum Development. New York: Nova
Science Publishers, Inc.
3. Nation, I.S.P. & Macalister, J. 2010. Language Curriculum and Design.
New York: Taylor and Francis Group
4. Nichols, Shidaker, Johnson, & Singer. 2006. MANAGING CURRICULUM
AND ASSESSMENT A Practitioners Guide. Ohio: Linworth Publishing,
5. Slattery, Patrick. 2006. Curriculum Development in the Postmodern
Era. New York: Roudledge Taylor and Francis Group


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