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Assignment Report FOR INTERNAL USE RP/1984-1985/V1I.1.8 NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION Regional Network for the exchange a of information and experience in science and technology in Asia and the Pacific PHILIPPINES ‘THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPUTERIZED LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM AT PCARRD by Ivan Mistrik United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture) Organization Paris, June 1985 Serial No. FMR/POI/85/157 Assignment Report RP/1984-1985/V1I.1.5 FMR/PGI/85/187(Mistrik) 15 June, 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..... Background ... Management Information Services Unit (MIS). Scientific Literature Services Unit (SLS)..... Software requirements for the library and documen- tation system ..... Comparison between the Iv+V system and INFORMIX «6+. Recommendations .. Annex 1 - Mission itinerary ..... Annex 2 - Organizational set-up of PCARRD ...... Annex 3 - Specifications of the PCARRD computers . 10 12 15 18 19 INTRODUCTION 1 A Unesco consultant mission to the Philippines was undertaken from 27 October to 15 November 1984 under Unesco's Regular Programme for 1984 - 1985, to carry out a feasibility study on the establishment of a computerized library and documentation system at the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), Los Banos, Laguna, and to give a presentation and a demonstration of the IV+V System software package* in the Asian Regional Seminar on the Application of Microcomputers to Library and Information Management at the University of Phi- lippines-Institute of Library Science (UP-ILS), Diliman Campus, Quezon City. Within the schedule allowed by the mission (Annex 1) the following activities (presented in chronological order) were carried out: (a) A two-hour lecture on the characteristics of the Iv+V System as well as a one-hour demonstration of the IV+V System basic tools and the IV+V appli- cation on toxicology were given in the Unesco/UP- ILS-Regional Seminar. (b) PCARRD's micro-computer hardware (ACS 8600-14 and ACS 986-40) and the available system software (XENIX, INFORMIX) were examined. (c) PCARRD's current library and documentation procedures were studied in the context of current efforts in de~ veloping computerized information management systems, in particular RETRES (Research Information Storage and Retrieval System) and RMIS (Research Management Information System). (a) A hour lecture on the characteristics and highlights of the IvV+V System was given to the staff of PCARRD and the University of the Philippines at Los Banos. (e) The applicability of the IV+v System in the handling —— Informations Vermittlung and Verarbeitung (in English "Information Dissemination and Processing"). The IV+V System is a generalized database management package for microcomputer, particularly designed for bibliographic work, which the developers in Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany offered to make available free-of-charge to Unesco-sponsored projects in the developing countries. bibliographic, factual, and management information was discussed with the staff of the two principal units (MIS, SLS) responsible for information processing activities within PCARRD. (£) PCARRD's overall needs for integrated software package were reviewed with the staff of the above units and comparative analysis of various available software packages was undertaken with a view to assessing the feasibility of their use by PCARRD. (g) Visits to several institutions within Los Baiios science community (the Agricultural Information Bank for Asia of the South Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA~AIBA), the Agricultural Resource Center of the University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB-ARC), the International Rice Research In- stitute (IRRI))were undertaken and working con- tacts established on the subject of bibliographic data exchange. (h) A visit was paid to the National Library of the Phi- lippines, where a software package like the IV+v System might be used to support library and infor- mation management functions. (i) In the context of searching for a local company which might be able to maintain and service the Iv+V System, a visit to the Computer Engineering Corporation (CEE) in Manila has been arranged and some technical and legal details discussed. CCE could be considered as a primary candidate to pro- vide the local services and support. (j) The possibility of providing local teaching and training support for the IVv+v System was discussed with the UP-ILS staff in Manila. BACKGROUND The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), the national coordi- nating agency for agriculture and natural resources research is responsible for promoting effective infor- mation transfer, research utilization and document handling for the benefit of agricultural scientists, xesearchers and extension workers. For this purpose PCARRD is establishing a computer-based interactive information system which can support its library, in- formation and management functions. The library and documentation component of this system, which is the subject of the present report, will be developed through the collaboration of the Management Information Services Unit, which is responsible for data processing at PCARRD and has already set up a number of computerized informa- tion services for the management of R&D, and the Scienti- fic Literature Service which is in charge of the library and documentation services of PCARRD. The organizational structure of PCARRD showing the position of these units is given in Annex 2. Management Information Services Unit (MIS) 4. Through the Management Information Services Unit (MIS), PCARRD provides necessary data for decision-making and data processing activities to satisfy the information needs of the national research network ,particulalry in the fields of agriculture and natural resources. The unit possesses two state-of-the-art multi-user micro- computers (specified in detail in Annex 3) to support its functions. To date, the PCARRD-MIS is implementing seven information systems as follows: (a) Research Management Information System (RMIS) 5. RMIS provides information processing support for the research programme planning, programming and moni- toring functions of PCARRD. This provides for a com- puter-assisted processing system to create files of proposed, new and on-going research projects ;supports the packaging of the national research programme; consolidates budgetary plans; and maintains the files of approved research projects for monitoring and evaluation. It is capable of supporting, on-line, data entry for updating,as well as inquiries on the research programme and/or about any project in the file. (b) Equipment Infrastructure Management System (EIMS) 6. Based on the results obtained in the resource surveys carried out in 1979 and 1982, EIMS provides a computer- based inventory of all equipment and infrastructure resources of agencies in the national research network. This system and the MMS (see below) are currently implemented at SEARCA HP-3000 mini-computer, pending possible conver- sion to the existing PCARRD computers or to more power- ful hardware. (c) Manpower Management System (MMS) This is a computer-based system which provides a complete summary curriculum vitae of the researchers (e) 10. (£) We (g) 12. involved in agriculture and natural resources research. The main output of this system is the Directory of Research Manpower Resources in Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Mines. This directory provides infor- mation on the location, distribution, and speciali- zation of the overall research manpower resources in the areas covered. MMS includes as a sub-system the Personnel Information System (PIS) which provides a data-base of all PCARRD personnel to assist in personnel planning and management. Financial Management System (FMS) This system provides management and financial indicators to help in formulating operating plans and in ensuring institute financial control. It is currently being tested to run on the ACS 8600-14 of PCARRD to assist in the mo- nitoring of PCARRD-GIA funded projects and in project accounting activities. Activity Monitoring System (AMS) This manual system provides for proper monitoring and coordination of the overall activities in PCARRD. Re- ports regarding activities of the Secretariat as well as significant activities within the national research network are regulary prepared for submission to the Presidential Management Staff of Malacahang (PMS) and the National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA). Publications Mailing System (PMS) Through this system, computerized mailing labels are generated for the PCARRD publications and to assist SLS (see below) in disseminating research information. Research Information Storage and Retrieval System (RETRES) This system will be implemented at PCARRD to provide for data banking of terminal reports of completed research projects, publications and other library materials; to develop a query system that will facilitate literature search; to assist selective dissemination of information; and to provide the system interface between the computer file and the manual library system which is described below. Through the implementation of this system, research planners and administrators will be able review available technology and research gaps based on the literature already collected. This system complements RMIS as it concerns bibliographical abstracts, research publi- cations and technical reports of completed research, while RMIS deals with proposed, new, and on-going research projects. The system is currently being de- veloped for the ACS 986-40 micro-computer of PCARRD using the INFORMIX data~base management package. Scientific Literature Services Unit (SLS) 13. Through SLS, PCARRD aims to strengthen facilities and services in order to provide comprehensive, fast, effective information and data services to meet the information needs of policy-makers, development planners, project leaders, researchers and other spe- cialists of the PCARRD/NSTA system; to effectively perform its role as a national planning, monitoring, and coordinating agency in agriculture and natural resources research; and to strengthen scientific literature servies in the ten regional centres of the PCARRD research network. PCARRD-SLS' functions are as follows: (a) Current Awareness Programme (SLS per se) 14. This programme aims at developing the capabilities of other national institutions to promote informa- tion exchange by helping them to learn of new publi- cations and to develop their library services and holdings. (b) Documentation services 15. SLS indexes periodicals and journals covering agri- culture, forestry, fisheries, mines and other related subjects,as well as minutes of the PCARRD Go- verning Council, the Technical Program Planning and Review Board (TPPRB), and Director's Council meetings; in the bibliographic guides and tools produced by this service the subject headings are patterned after AGROVOC, a multilingual thesaurus of agricultural terminology published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (c) State-of-the-art reviews 16. (a) 17. (e) 18. 19. (£) 20. (g) 21. 6k SLS reviews relevant research information on parti- cular commodities and disciplines to determine the state-of-the-art or level of technology development in the areas concerned, Library services SLS selects, acquires and maintains a collection of agricultural literature including monographs; periodicals; other serials such as annual reviews, reports, yearbooks, catalogues and proceedings; theses and dissertations; and newspapers. Classification and cataloguing Descriptive cataloguing consists of registering the main bibliographic data of a document which will decribe it adequately and identify it among the other documents in the SLS. For this type of cata- loguing, SLS follows the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR), second edition. Subject cataloguing is concerned with the accessi- bility of the subject content of items in the collec- tion. This includes both classification and subject headings. To ensure consistency in the use of sub- ject headings, SLS has adopted the AGROVOC and U.S. Library of Congress subject headings. Readers' services The principal function of SLS is to make available. to the users books, pamphlets, periodicals, serial publications and the other materials in its holdings. The unit is also concerned with assisting readers in securing information and in using the re- sources of the SLS in study and research. SLS also prepares and publishes reference and information guide. Inventory SLS maintains an inventory to establish the location of books and the other resources/materials in the collection. (h) 22. (i) 23. Gi) 24. 25. Statistics and reports SLS record its performance through reports and statistics. The annual report summarizes what the service has accomplished during the year under review and what it expects to accomplish in the years to follow. Statistics are recorded daily on simple forms and from them are prepared monthly, quarterly and annual reports. Archives SLS keeps the adminstrative record produced by PCARRD. Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) SDI is a computerized system of information re- trieval and dissemination of relevant current in- formation to researchers and other concerned users. The SDI system at PCARRD, presently in the planning stage, will be able to draw extensively, on the manual current awareness service which is already operational (see point (a) above). PCARRD maintains links through SLS with a number of national, regional and international organiza- tions: (a) NSTA PCARRD provides NSTA upon request with items from the SLS library holdings (journal, mono- graphies, etc.) (b) Regional Applied Communication Office (RACO)/ Scientific Literature Service (SLS) Consortium PCARRD provides its current awareness service through this programme to researchers at the regional level (i.e. in the various regions of Philippines) (c) Current Agricultural Research Information system (CARIS), FAO, Rome PCARRD is designated as the national centre for CARIS, with SLS as the implementing arm, and is responsible for the collection and inputting of data on current and on-going research projects in agricultural sciences an technology. (d) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization PCARRD through the SLS is one of the Associated Cen- ters of the Regional Network for the Exchange of In- formation and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific (ASTINFO) promoted by Unesco, with NSTA being the national ASTINFO coordinating unit. (e) Other linkages PCARRD is responsible for the networking and sharing of resources and facilities among information centres, libraries and documentation entres within the country, as well as in the ASEAN information network and other international and regional network systems. PCARRD-SLS coordinates with the UPLB library which prepares the input to the International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology (AGRIS) for the Philippines. It is also identified as one of the infor- mation sources of INFOTERRA (the International Referral Network of the of United Nations Environment Programme) which have the function of providing decision-oriented information on the environment within a reasonable time to INFOTERRA users upon request. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM 26. 27. PCARRD has identified the need for automation in the following SLS functions current awareness (current contents service) selective dissemination of information (SDI) information exchange (local and international) classification cataloguing abstracting/indexing bibliography As a first step in this direction, PCARRD-MIS is currently developing RETRES which is a computer~assisted storage and retrieval system for research information in agriculture and natural resources. 28. The system is being designed to incorporate the following primary features: - A thesaurus which should provide the standard descriptors to classify and index the information - Computerized storage of bibliographic abstracts - An inguiry system which provides a computer-assisted search and inquiry protocol with the use of standard or patterned inquiry methodologies and keyword. The INFORMIX system presently used for the RETRES application is a good general data-base package, but it cannot be easily adapted for development of library operations which typically involve quite sophisticated input and output procedures, as well as data-base mana- gement and information retrieval capabilities. For this reason PCARRD has been searching for more appropriate software specifically developed to accommodate biblio- graphic applications. The software requirements for esta- blishing a computer-based interactive library and informa~ tion management system can be summarized as follow: (a) For file management, variable length capability is necessary to make optimal use of the available mass storage capacity. (b) Utilities for sorting, creation of inverted files and query,as well as a screen generator and a report generator, are necessary. (c) The software package should have the capability for interactive updating and file-to-file transfer of records. (a) Word processing capabilities, i.e. text formatting and processing capability. (e) Audit/log files. (£) Simple arithmetic computation is necessary for statistical purposes. (g) The software package should run in a multi-user environment. - 10- Comparison between the IV+V System and INFORMIX 29. The IvV+V System has a number of features which are not available in the INFORMIX package: - It has a variable length capability - It has a table look-up capability, i.e. for searching freely within a table which has no limit (as well as providing for searching on indexed keys as does INFORMIX) - It has word processing capabilities (limited to a simple line editor in the present prototype,but expected to be considerably more sophisticated in the operational version under development). 30. Some of the features of the INFORMIX data-base system which are not available in Iv+V System are as follow: - It runs in a multi-user environment - It has an audit (log file) capability - It is capable of simple arithmetic computations. 31, Both the Iv+V System and INFORMIX are powerful,but each has its own limitations. In the configuration of a comp- puter-based library and documentation system, two of the most critical factors are the variable length capa~ bility and the word processing capability,and the IV+v System will be capable of both. However, INFORMIX runs in a multi-user environment ,while the IV+V System is a single-user system,such that it uses up basically all the hardware resources when it is processing (although it would in principle be possible to make simultaneous use of several copies of the package under a multi-user operating system, provided that each user is restricted to a given set of files). The system at present has no sort utility or audit log files, unlike INFORMIX, but is expected to include these facilities in at least their basic form when the operational version is available at the end of 1985% On the other hand, both are capable of multi-parameter queries and creation of indexes for information retrieval (inverted files in the case of INFORMIX,and B-trees in the case of the IV+V System). »———. Release 2 (a prototype available from i July 1985) will already have sorting capability. 32. 33. -41- In addition, the "flat" file structure of the Iv+v System which is designed as an application of the re- lational data-base model, and its sophisticated in- put and output modules,should make transfer of files from INFORMIX to IV+V and vice-versa,a straight-forward procedure. Similarly, it should be readily possible for PCARRD to exchange bibliographic data using IV+V with cooperating information centres and libraries, particularly if these centres also install the same package, either as a stand-alone system or microcom- puter-based input and output processor linked to a host computer such as AIBA's HP-3000. Iv+V is conceived as a versatile "tool-box" for deve- loping individualized information system applications that is relatively easy to handle for trained personnel with some computer experience; system utilities are available, on the other hand, to allow the development. of "friendly" interfaces to applications for different levels of end-users, including these with no computer experience who require considerable prompting and help facilities. It should not be necessary to do any pro- gramming in setting up PCARRD's library and documen- tation applications on IV+V once an appropriate inter- face ("p-code interpreter") is written by the software developer to install the package on the chosen computer (for technical reasons it would be somewhat easier to prepare this interface for ACS 8600-14 than for the ACS 986-40). Thus knowledge of PASCAL, the host pro- gramming language of the system, should not be required for the development and implementation of Iv+V applica- tions unless improvements or additonal features are required. RECOMMENDATIONS (a) 34. Study and implementation team PCARRD should develop two levels of expertise in automated library and documentation services: at the computerized information system level through MIS staff ,and at the library applications level through SLS staff. It is very important to appoint an SLS infor- mation officer to work with MIS on the team responsible for the choice of a software package and design of the library and documentation data-base of PCARRD, and later, for its administration and exploitation. Only by closely involving the data-base users,in this case the informa- tion and library professionals at PCARRD, will it be possible to ensure that the system corresponds to user needs and can be operated effectively to fulfill them. (b) 35, 36. (c) 37. earzee Decision on a software strategy PCARRD should review the capabilities of IV+V and INFORMIX in the light of the present mission and the subsequent training received by an MIS staff member on Iv+v in Graz, Austria, under Unesco auspices, and should decide on an appropriate software strategy for development of its com- puter applications in the library and documentation field. The three principal options, given in decreasing order of preference from the viewpoint of the consultant, are: - Adoption of the IV+V System software package - Adaptation of the present RETRES system by developing a "shell" for the INFORMIX package which is specifi- cally library oriented - Continued study of the above approaches and of other existing software, perhaps aided by a second inter- national consultant mission if necessary. Development and implementation of software is a time- Consuming and expensive activity which should only be undertaken on the basis of a clearly defined implemen- tation plan. The option selected for PCARRD's initial computerized documentation and library operations should foresee a system which fulfills the needs of the Council for a period of at least two years. In the case of the Iv+V System the principal constraint, which should be care- fully considered, is that of working with a single-user system during this initial period. In the subsequent period it is probable that a multi-user version of Iv+V will be available*or that PCARRD will have gained sufficient experience to develop its own multi-user interface to the package; such developments would almost certainly avoid the need for major medium-term charges in software as the compu- terized documentation and library activities expand in the future. Workplan If PCARRD selects the IV+V System as the basic software package for its library and documentation applications the following activities are proposed: 4) Signing of an agreement. between PCARRD and Unesco concerning the provision of IV+V (May .-June 1985) ii) Development of an interface between the package and the ACS 8600-14 micro-computer (or possibly the ACS 986-40 if this will not cause undue difficulty) (July-August 1985, about 4 man-weeks of work required by a system specialist = 0883000) —— A ‘pseudo' multi-user version is already being planned. iii} iv) v) vi) Development of several initial applications (July aucust 1985,perhaps with about 2 man-weeks of assistance from an external specialist for planning and initiating the work - USgi,500) Installation of the system at PCARRD and training of the concerned staff in its use (September - October 1985, mission of an external specialist for 2 weeks - US#4,500) Testing of initial applications in Manila using sample data (November - December 1985) Initial applications to be operational; discussions with Unesco and software developers on future needs of PCARRD and its possible role in maintaining and distributing the IV+v System in the Philippines (December 1985). MISSION ITINERARY UPILS, Manila, 27 October - 1 November 1984 PCARRD, Los Bahos, 1 November - 14 November 1984 Date 27/10 PI 28/10 PI Activity M Departure from Heidelberg M Arrival in Manila 29/10 AM Participation in Opening Ses- s PI 30/10 ion of Unesco/UP-ILS-Workshop M Installation of Iv+V soft- ware package on PDP 11/23 at Decision Systems Corp. Testing of Iv+V software package and Preparation of Demonstration 31/10 AM Presentation of Iv+V soft- PI it EVENING ware package and Demonstra- tion of IV+V Basic Tools as well as "Toxicology" Appli- cation Package at Unesco/ UP-ILS-Workshop M Presentation of IV+V soft- ware package at ICLARM Participantion in Technical Session 2 (Case Studies) at Unesco/UP-ILS-Workshop Departure for Los Banos Contact Person(s) Dr.T.Cruz, Ms.D.Cuflada Ms.P. Cariifo, Partici- pants Decision Systems Corp. Engineers Participants Mr. J. McLean Participants Ms. D. Cufiada 2-3/11 4/1 6/11 Wi 8-9/11 10/11 14/11 12/1 13/11 PM PM Orientation on PCARRD hardware configurations (ACS 8600-14 and ACS 986-40) and available system software Orientation on PCARRD, SLS, MIS ACD/ Presentation of Altos-based RMIS & RETRES Presentation of IV+V software package Application of IV+V software package in handling of: = Bibliographic information - Factual information - Management information PCARRD's overall needs for integrated software package Comparative analysis of other software packages Discussions on Iv+V software package as vehicle for develop- ment of PCARRD's Applications (focusing on SLS, MIS) PCARRD's 12th Aniversary Celebration Preparation of preliminary version of feasibility study Discussion and analysis of preliminary version of feasibility study Final interview with Council of PCARRD Directors Ms.R. Dominguez Mr.S. Miras Ms.C. Mamon Ms.C. Mamon,Dr.T.Cruz Ms.D.Cufada,Dr.A.Euse- bio, Dr.E, Tan Mr.B. De Leon, Mr.S. Miras Directors MIS Staff SLS Staff UPLB Staff MIS Staff SLS Staff FRSRD Staff MIS Staff SLS Staff MIS Staff SLS Staff Dr.T.Cruz, Ms.C.Mamon Ms.Cufada, Mr.B.De Leon Ms.R. Dominguez, Mr.S. Miras Dr.R. Valmayor Directors Dr.T. Cruz Ms.D. Manon Ms.D. Cuflada PM 14/11 AM PM EVENING 15/11 AM Orientation visit to AIBA, SEARCA Orientation visit to ARC, UPLB Orientation visit to IRRI Departure for Manila Orientation visit to National Library of Philippines Orientation visit to Computer Engineering Corp. Departure from Manila Arrival in Heidelberg Dr.J. Sison, Mr.M. Sherwood Dr. Manuel Mr.L, Vergara Dr.S. Quiason Mr.C. Ballesteros DIRECTORS" COUNCIL }- ~ -----~ | Exe ORGANIZATIONAL SET-UP OF PCARRD GOVERNING COUNCIL tive Director Technical Advisory Committee Internal Planning and Development office Control Unit ~ Planning and Program Development |! unit i ~ International Projects unit Management ~ Management Information Staff Services Unit " i ' 1 Deputy Executive Director 1 Deputy Executive Director for Research i for Development: and i Financial Management state | ‘state | T T }! fs ] Crops Livestock Fisheries Forestry Socié-Eco. Farm Resource Mines | [Applied | Finance ana Institution | | Communications De Administrative Development | STERInE Hegla "Department Department as) - (sts ~ Accounting Infrastructure (sts | RESEARCH DEPARTMENTS 12S obp SS easee S acosr t o> AVA > cash Resources & | 7 Printing ~ General Development | - pro Services ~ equipment | > RACOS = Motor Pool | ~ Property 1 - Personnel ns National Research Centers Regional Re- search Con sortia Cooperating Stations including MA-RIARS @ XaNNe ~ 18 - ANNEX 3 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE PCARRD COMPUTERS 1_ST COMPUTER SYSTEM Hardware System: eer tenet wee eee MACHINE DESCRIPTION Altos Computer Model ACS8600-14 Multi-user/multi-tasking Maximum of 8 users 500 KB RAM 16-Bit 8086 CPU one 8-inch Floppy Disk Drive with 500 KB Storage Capacity one Winchester Hard Disk Drive with 40 MB Storage Capacity Altos UK-14 Add-on Disk Drive 8 inch Winchester Hard Disk 40 MB Total Storage RAM U/K-1 Add-on Memory 500 KB Cipher F880 Magnetic Tage Unit Open Reel Type, 9-Track 1600 BPI, PE Format Accepts 7,85, 10.5-inch reels Televideo Model 950 Terminal 25 lines x 80 characters Protected fields Advanced editing 14 x 10 dot resolution Auxillary port Data Products B300 Line Printer Band Printer 300 lines per minute 132 columns original plus 5 copies self-test Diagnostic Display Hardware System (cont.}: ory MACHINE DESCRIPTION 1 Data Products D50 Daisy Wheel Printer Typewriter Quality 47 cps Throughput Bidirectional 132-158 columns serial interface tee Software System: Xenix Operating System Altos Word Processor (Horizon Word Processor) Altos Financial Planner (Multiplan) Informix DBMS, Ace Report Writer “c" Compiler RM/Cobol SMC Basic, Fortran 77 Utilities: CPM/Double Density; sort, merge, copy, tape archive 2_ND COMPUTER SYSTEM Hardware System: gry 1 aan teee Software System: MACHINE DESCRIPTION Altos Computer Model 986-40 16 bit 8086 CPU Multi-user/multi-tasking Maximum of 9 users 1 MB RAM one 5 1/4 inch floppy disk drive with 1 MB storage one Wichester hard disk drive with 40 MB Storage Altos u/K-40 586 Disk Upgrade 40 MB Wyse Display Terminal 24 rows x 80 col green phosphor screen tilting/rotating display 6 ft. cable Networking Package includes: Ethernet software, controller chassis, transceivers and soft cable Xenix Operating System Informix DBMS RM/Cobol Fortran 77 SMC Basic "c" Language

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