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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Reading Comprehension
Jake Weil
Grade 2/ Reading

Common Core Standards:

Grade 2: Key Ideas and Details - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text
Lesson Summary:
This lesson will entail using pictures to understand who, what, when, where, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of the words. Next, the students will play a game called Jeopardy asking questions about wellknown movies. (Previously, the teacher took a poll on what the students have seen so I had an idea of what
movies I could use). The students then will play the game while answering who, what, when, where, why, and
how questions about the movies. After the game, the students will do a post assessment answering questions
about the movies. The next day, the teacher will go over who, what, when, where, why, and how again to
refresh their memories. We will read a story as a class, answering questions during and after the story. As a
class, we will play a game of Jeopardy to answer questions about the story and the understanding of the words
who, what, when, where, why, and how. The students will then take a post assessment to answer questions
about the story and the understanding of the words who, what, when, where, why, and how so the teacher can
get a general idea of who is struggling with this concept and where we need to go next with this concept.
Estimated Duration:
This lesson will take an estimated time of 100 minutes. I plan on dividing the lesson into two days with each
period lasting 50 minutes.
Commentary: My approach to this lesson is to read a story that is interesting and engaging to them. It is very
important to find a story that will be interesting to the students, otherwise they will get bored and not want to
listen to the story which in turn wouldnt be able to answer the questions. I anticipate the Jeopardy game being
a little bit of a challenge but I think once the students get familiar with how the game works, then they will
jump right in and love it! I will get them hooked into the lesson by creating engaging and fun activities that
will make them have fun and not even realize they are learning!

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
15 minutes: Introductory activity The teacher will explain who, what, when, where, why, and how by giving
examples of a well-known movie called Finding Nemo to get them to understand the meaning of the words.
The teacher will then create a wh chart on the whiteboard with who, what, when, where, and why in each
column. The teacher will hold up a picture and ask the students to place the picture in the correct column.
This will give me an idea of how to answer the questions and understand them. Once this is finished and the
teacher feels as though the students understand the concept, they will then move on to the Jeopardy game with
the class.
25 minutes: The students will play a game of Jeopardy using well-known movies to answer the questions
about, who, what, when, where, why, and how. This game of Jeopardy will be a little different than the real
Jeopardy because the students will be given choices rather than having to come up with the answers
themselves. The teacher will break the students up into groups of four. Once they have their teams, the
teacher will explain that for each correct answer you get money. The team with the most money at the end will
earn a prize. When the teacher is done explaining the game, the teacher will read the first question and the
answers. Each team will gather with their team and decide on an answer together. They will wait their turn
and call out their answer when the teacher asks them. They will continue to do this for about 25 minutes to
gain practice on this skill and prepare them for tomorrows lesson. Here is the link to Jeopardy
10 minutes: The students will take an online post assessment about who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions from the well-known movies so the teacher has an idea on who is struggling with this concept and
who I need to keep an eye on and give extra help tomorrow for their next lesson. Here is the link to the exit
Day 2:
5 minutes: The teacher will go over the meanings of who, what, when, where, why, and how with a couple of
examples from yesterday. The teacher will call on students to answer questions using these words to refresh
the students memories from what they learned yesterday during class.
20 minutes: The teacher will introduce the book called The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. The teacher will
read the book and have the students answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions throughout the
story and after to see if they understand the story.
15 minutes: The students will play a game of Jeopardy like they did the previous day but answering questions
about the story. Again, they will get split up into different groups, the teacher will read the questions and
answers, each group will give their answer, and the group with the most money will win a prize! Here is the

link to the Jeopardy game -

10 minutes: The students will take a post assessment based on The Rainbow Fish. This will give the teacher
an understanding of where the students are at and if they understand the concept. Here is the link to the exit

A pre-assessment I will do with the students on the first day is by creating a wh chart and having the students
choose the correct picture for who, what, when, where, and why by using the well known movie Finding
Nemo. The students will be shown a picture and asked to place that picture in the correct column to gain an
understanding of what the word means.
On the second day for the pre assessment the teacher will ask questions about the well known movies using
who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to review the skills taught yesterday and get them ready to
go for the next lesson on the concept.
Scoring Guidelines:
For the scoring guidelines on the first day, it will be dependent on the teachers judgment based on
observations. When calling on the students to place the picture into the correct column, the teacher is
able to see who understands the meaning of who, what, when, where, and why based on if they place
the picture in the correct column. The teacher is able to see who understands the concept and who is
For the scoring guidelines on the second day, it will be dependent on the teachers observations on
whether or not the students are able to answer the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions
based on yesterdays lesson. If they are not, the teacher will have to go over more examples so the
students understand the concept before moving on.
Formative Assessments: The students will be given a formative assessment for both days by playing a
Jeopardy game about well-known movies on the first day to gain a general understanding of the concept and
then about a story that was read as a class to gain an understanding of who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions throughout the story. The teacher will score the students based on observation by seeing if the
students are getting the answers right as a group and have a general understanding of the concept.
For the first day post assessment, the students will do a post assessment exit slip online about the well-known
movies answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions through multiple choice.

For the second day post assessment, the students will do a post assessment exit slip online about The Rainbow
Fish so the teacher can see if the students understand the concept.
Scoring Guidelines:
For both post assessment exit slips, the teacher will score and give them a percentage based on how
many they got right over the total number of questions. I will score it this way because I want to be
able to see who understands the concept based on seeing if they chose the correct answer. This way, I
can compare the students scores and give extra help to those who need it.
Differentiated Instructional Support
Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
For the students who are gifted or accelerated, I would alter their exit slip to fill in the blank rather than
multiple choices. For the Jeopardy game, I would still have them participate in the game with their group but
as they are answering questions verbally, those students would also work on answering those questions
expressively by filling out the answers to the questions from the Jeopardy game on a worksheet that is given to
them by the teacher. This will challenge them by having reinforcing it expressively rather than just verbally to
the teacher.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
For the students who are struggling with the activities, I would have higher level students be in a group with
them so those students can explain and help them out with the questions. I would also alter the exit slip by
giving them only two choices rather than four to pick from to answer the questions.

This site is a place where you can find 2nd grade reading passages and questions about the passages to help
your child understand the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how to help with their reading

Homework Options and Home Connections

For homework, I will give the students a link where they can play a Pacman arcade game to answer questions

about who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the story read and from the well-known movies.
Here is the link to the homework -

Interdisciplinary Connections
This lesson can be integrated into Science, Social Studies, and Religion. The students are learning how to read
or use information presented to them by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. This
can help with any content area where they are reading a passage because in order to fully understand what they
are reading they will need to ask those questions to understand the full picture. This is in turn will help with
their reading comprehension in the future with more in depth questions that will be needed.

Materials and Resources:


-The Rainbow Fish book
-The picture cards for the first day pre assessment
- A whiteboard and dry erase markers
- Jeopardy website/links - and
-First day pre-assessment
-Second day pre-assessment

For students


Key Vocabulary
The meaning of who, what, when, where, why, and how questions

Additional Notes

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