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On my vacation, After I had finished in years 3 at Department of

Electrical of energy, I applied my Curriculum Vitae to get internship in the lab
of automation of electrical at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). The
following report is responsible for Building Installation which is focusing on
Programmable Logic Controller.

I feel profound happiness in forwarding this internship training report
as an image of sincere efforts. I greatly thank all who generously helped by
sharing their valuable experience and devoting their precious time with me.
Without their help my training could not have been completed and succeed.
First and foremost, I wish to extend my deepest and sincerest
gratitude to my dear parents who give me financial and moral support and
encouragement at the course of my ways.
And then ,I acknowledge to
Dr.OUM Romny ,the General Director of Institute of Technology of
Dr.BUN Long ,the main of Electrical and Energy Department.
Mme.CHHITH Chunny ,Adviser of Report of internship.
Moreover I would like greatly thank to Mr.CHAN Tola, he is my supervisors in
this internship. Thanks for Give me a chance to internship in there,

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