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Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

November, 2016

News | Education | Schedule

A New Masonic Year

Did You Know?


To counteract similar
exaggerations about the
Masonic membership of
the signers of the
Constitution of the
United States. Brother
Ronald E. Heaton also
researched The Masonic
membership of Signers
of the Constitution, he
concluded that thirteen
signers were Masons.
Their membership is
supported by clear and
conclusive written
records; there are seven
signers who are
sometimes claimed as
members, but the
evidence is insufficient
and not conclusive; the
balance were not

On November 5th 2016, the new officers elected and
appointed were dually installed by Bro. Brian Wilber, PM. It
was an amazing night full of fellowship, family and
community. Bro. Alejandro Duran, delivered a heartfelt
speech regarding this fraternity and how proud he was, that
his son Bro. Carlos Duran was now the Worshipful Master, a
historic moment in Waukegan Lodges history, he being the
first Latino Master in our 167 year history.
Bro. Alejandro will sit in the North-West corner as our new
Marshal. The officers elected and appointed are as follows;
Carlos Duran as Worshipful Master, Cory Connor as Senior
Warden, Benjamin Short as Junior Deacon, Robert Johnson as
Secretary, Bob Lang as Senior Deacon, Erik Solomon as Junior
Deacon, Alex Gholson as Senior Steward, Miguel Estrada as
Junior Warden, Richard Vanderhoef as Chaplain and Leonard
Sigfried as Tyler.
Worshipful Duran had kind remarks for the lodge and
announced that the plan for the coming year would be one
inclusive of the community. To be seen, to participate and to
assist. Your officers look forward to taking Waukegan 78 to
the next level and beyond in the coming year and there will
be no Brother left behind.
The Officers of Waukegan 78

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

November, 2016

From the South-East Corner

Its that time again, Brothers dues time. I wanted to take this moment to
thank all the brothers who have supported their lodge and paid their 2016
dues. I will be ocially sending out the 2017 dues shortly. They are as they
were last year, $120.00 which is all inclusive with per capita. If you know you
will be unable to pay dues, I cannot stress how important it is for you to reach
out to me or the Master, otherwise we just assume you no longer value the
membership and subsequently, suspend any member who has not paid 3 years
in a row. We are now able to accept payment for the dues via PayPal right from
our lodge website [].
RW Robert H. Johnson,
Secretary, Waukegan 78

District Unity

2016-2017 Schedule

Monday, November 28th 2016 - Millburn
No. 127 (Gurnee/Lakevilla)

In attempt at promoting visitation

and unity within our district, the
district website [],
has published a password protected
document showcasing brothers all
over our district who are able to fill
parts of various ceremonies and
degrees as well as their contact
information. This should make it
easy to fill a slate in the 1st NE

Wednesday, December 28th 2016 Wauconda

Wednesday, January 25th 2017 - Anchor
& Ark No. 1027 (Waukegan)

Additionally, another password

protected document is there
showing the fee structures for all
the lodges in our district. Want to
know what one of the seven lodges
in the 1st NE charges for dues? Just
go to the website and look.

Monday, February 27th 2017 - Waukegan

No. 78 (Waukegan)
Monday, March 20th 2017 - Libertyville
No. 492 (Libertyville)
Masters & Wardens Meetings are back! 6:20

At your Service,

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

November, 2016

Just Another Entered Apprentice Degree

The shuing of feet, the sound of men laughing and the clinking of people putting on jewels. The jokes
about apron strings being too short and the sound of the gavel. We opened lodge, we obligated a new
brother and then we had dessert. I spoke to men about the degree and about plans to push unity within
our district. We had a great degree night, you can even ask the candidate, he'll tell you it was awesome...I
hope ;)
We went out for drinks since there was a nice pub about two blocks from the lodge. We sat outside so a
few members could have their cigars while we all sat around, joked, pondered and talked about all manner
of Masonic things. Too be sure, it was definitely too cold to sit outside under the dark autumn sky. But no
one, no one at all wanted to get up and go inside where the music was a just a little too loud and the
conversation would've been stifled. And no one wanted to go home either.
We were just eight guys, including the new Entered Apprentice, sitting around and enjoying the
fellowship. After we shared some jokes and some hilarious, yet embarrassing stories, we asked him, "Did
you join the right fraternity?" He nodded his head and laughed. He said, "I was in the service, I've heard it
all." And we all chuckled at that. Other than jokes we also oered him something else, something we oer
every man who asks and puts in the eort.
We oer true friendship and brotherhood. Not the kind that ends when you move away, or the kind that
only lasts as long as you hang around. What we oer is something more, it's special and ineable. I think
he gets it, so we did our job. As we all fell silent for what seemed to be just about a second too long, we all
stood up and started to shake hands as we walked to the door and parted ways.
And that's it guys. Nothing special, but yet it is. Just another Entered Apprentice Degree, just another
day, changing the world.

Masonic Birthdays! (Anniversary of Becoming a Master Mason.)

Gary W. Allen
Charles R. Castellanos
Terence E. Cracknell
Willie F. Edwards
V. N. 'Bud' Fraser
William E. Glisson
Charles S. Guthrie
Thomas J. Hair
Billy G. Hale
Donald L. Hens
Andrew E. Inglis
Edward J. Keenan Sr


Glenn F. Knuth
Joseph M. Legat
Sheldon Lovinger
Mark S. Ross-Corbett
Kenneth P. Rottmann
Frederick J. Russell
Joseph W. Sallis
Patrick J. Schumacher
Robert R. Shields
Donald E. Simon
James W. Tesch
Brian W. Wilber


Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

November, 2016

Waukegan No. 78
Lodge Happenings
November 21st - Stated Meeting & Annual Meeting
November 28th - School of Instruction @ Millburn
Lodge 127
December 5th - Set up for Christmas Party
December 10th - Children's Christmas Party 11-3
December 12th - 1st Open
December 19th - Stated Meeting

*Just a note, the schedule is

dependent on the return of
catechisms. We will post updates
to the schedule as needed on our
website as well as weekly
announcements through our
call em all phone system and
Facebook page. Waukegan Lodge #78

December 26th - Dark

January 2nd - Dark

January 9th - 1st Practice - 1st NE
District info and calendar
- Instruction Club
Listing for Masonic events

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