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Unfriendly Mob

Part 5
The Truth Revealed
Written by,
Ian Toomey

A fight had broken out at the back of the middle school. Teachers and
custodians rushed through the seemingly endless crowd of kids until finally, a
custodian made it through. He reached down and pulled a sixth grader and seventh
grader each other. Two teachers grabbed the boys and prevented them from taking
any more punches at each other.
Everyone disperse! Go! the custodian yelled.
The crowd of kids slowly walked away. The two boys were hauled inside the
school and were taken directly to the principals office.
Sit down, and cool off. No talking! a teacher said sternly.
The two boys sat facing each other on opposite sides of the office, but neither
looked at each other. The principal, a tall, slender man with brown hair and green
eyes walked in. His business attire matched his all business expression. He sat down
behind her desk and took a deep breath.
Pssh, I aint givin you that! the seventh grader spat.
Then Ill expel you right here, right now.
The two boys told him their names. He wrote them down on a notepad.
So, boys, why were you fighting? What happened? Be honest, here. It could
mean the difference between a suspension and an expulsion.
He tried to push me, so I hit em. Simple as that. The older boy sitting on
the left side of the office said.
Yeah, right! You came right up and punched me, you idiot! Dont lie! the
younger boy exclaimed.
BOYS! One at a time, please. Geez.
Thats not true! I didnt do anything to you!

Mr. Gardner, can you come in here, please? the principal said into an
intercom on his desk.
A second later the door opened and a short, stalky, mostly bald, and serious
looking man entered. He was wearing a white-button up dress shirt and a black
pinstripe vest. He had a red tie on under the vest, and wore black glasses, perched
on his nose.
Hey. I need help controlling these kids. Take that one to your office and
interview him. I need them separated. The principal said. She pointed to the
younger boy.
Come with me. Mr. Gardner said to the younger boy. The boy stood up and
followed him out, stealing a quick glare at the other boy before the door swung
Mr. Gardner led him to another office, where they sat down on opposite sides
of a table.
Whats your name, bud?
The boy told him his name.
What happened today?
Well, I was just walking around after lunch and that idiot came up to me and
punched me! I tried to back away, but he kept coming towards me. He kept
punching me, and I kept trying to get away. The boy cried, on verge of tears.
Alright, calm down, bud. Did you punch him back?
The boy took a few deep breaths and shook his head.
Okay. Are you hurt?
No. Just bruised up.
Mr. Gardner typed the boys name into his laptop, and a picture came up. It
matched the boy sitting in front of him.
Do you have your school ID card?
I havent gotten mine yet.
Are you a new student?
The boy nodded.
How long have you been at TMS?
Just a week. I swear I didnt hit him!
I believe you, kiddo. Well just have to see what the principal wants to do
with you two.

They went back to the principals office. The two adults went outside and
talked for a second, keeping an eye on the kids through a glass window in the door,
then they came back in. The seventh grader went with Mr. Gardner, while the sixth
grader stayed with the principal.
Can you tell me your side of the story, please?
The boy told him exactly what happened.
Youre sure you didnt hit him?
Pinky swear.
Okay. Im going to check the security camera, and if what I see matches
what you told me, youll be good to go, but if it doesnt youre gonna be in a whole
heap of trouble. Okay?
The principal watched the security camera footage on her computer, then
looked up at the sixth grader.
Wait here.
The principal stood up and left the office, telling his secretary to keep an eye
on the sixth grader to make sure he didnt try anything. He went down to Mr.
Gardners office where he and the seventh grader were talking. He barged right in
and interrupted the conversation.
You, young man, have some explaining to do! I want to hear the truth. I
watched the security camera footage and it shows you just going up and punching
that younger student. What happened between you two? the principals expression
and voice were both deadly serious.
He called me a name yesterday, so I had to tell him that wasnt okay-my
way. The seventh grader said snidely.
I dont understand why it came to this. Hes a new sixth grader! Hes only
been here a week! Youve been here for two years! You know darn well that fighting
is not tolerated here. Is name-calling a good reason to beat the living tar out of
someone? Is anything a good reason to beat anyone, especially a new student, up?
No, it isnt. Any last words, young man?
Um, Im sorry, sir.
Yeah, well, its too late for sorry. Youre expelled. Get your stuff from your
classroom and meet me back here. Mr. Gardner will accompany you. If you try
something, Ill call Officer Shirley and let him deal with you. I will be calling your
parents about this as well, young man.
Yes, sir.

The seventh grader, along with Mr. Gardner, went to the door. The principal
went back to his office to talk with the nervous sixth grader. He was right where he
left him, still sitting in the same chair. He looked pale.
Hey, you okay? Do you need the nurse?
No. Im fine. Please dont expel me! the sixth grader exclaimed worriedly.
No, Im not gonna expel you, bud. You did nothing wrong. Who is your
homeroom teacher?
Um, Mrs. Stephens. Im on, um, Extreme team.
Alright, buddy. Im gonna let you go to class. But, I want you to report here
after school. I unfortunately must call your parents about this. But dont worry, Ill
tell them you didnt hit the other kid.
Yeah. Sure. Um, thank you. The boys complexion suddenly looked better.
The paleness had disappeared.
You may go.
The sixth grader stood up and left the office, pulling out his cell phone and
typing up a quick text to his best friend.
Dude! You wont believe what happened to me! We gotta talk.
His friends reply popped up a moment later.
Let me guess you were in that fight. Yeah, I know about it. Practically the
whole school knows about it!
Youre right, yo. A seventh grader came up and started punching me. I think
hes getting expelled. The principal let me go, but wants me to report to her office
after school. Plus, shes gotta call Dr. Sweed and tell him about it. Im screwed
tonight for sure!
Dang. Youre lucky, bro. Usually kids in fights both get expelled. Youre lucky
you at least didnt get suspended on our first week. I dont think Dr. Sweed is gonna
care that much, really.
Youre probably right about Sweed. Hopefully the principal doesnt suspend
me after school See you in gym?
Yep, see you in gym. Flag football. Gonna be epic!
Awesome! Now I just gotta survive History
Haha, good luck!
Cristian put his phone away and went into the class, giving the teacher his
hall pass from the principal. He took his seat in the back and takes out his textbook,
trying to stay awake during the incredibly long lecture on the war of 1812. Ninety

minutes later, he was finally released. It was PE time, and he couldnt wait to be
with Kieran again.
-//I walked into the office a little nervously. School had just gotten out, but I
wasnt going home-not yet, at least. I went up to the secretary and told her who I
was here to see. She had me sit down and wait while she called the principal. I sat
down and held my backpack in my lap. A moment later the principal came out and
saw me nervously looking around the office, trying to pass the time.
Yes? I said, standing up.
Come in, please.
I slung my backpack over my shoulder and followed her into her office. He
shut the door behind me and I sat down in front of her desk. He sat down behind his
desk and sighed.
Where are you from, buddy?
Um, Michigan.
What brought you here to Maple Valley?
I took a deep breath. Here was a chance to spill the beans and possibly get
Kieran and I rescued and taken away from Dr. Sweed and returned to our families in
Michigan, but then again, are they even our real families? Or was Dr. Sweed our real
biological father? Or were neither of them our real parents, and we were just
orphans with nowhere to go? I had a lot of questions, but zero answers. I didnt
know who to trust anymore.
I opened my mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Reluctantly, I
shut my mouth again.
Okay, never mind that question. Maybe it was too early to ask. Sorry, buddy.
Want to know why I called you here?
I nodded, anxious to move along and forget the confusion of my family.
Officer Shirley wanted to talk to you and get your side of the story about the
fight earlier. Hes our school resource officer. Dont worry, youre not in trouble.
He called his secretary on the phone, and a moment later the door opened
and a police officer walked in.
Hi, whats your name?
Cristian. I said.
Hi, Cristian. Im Officer Shirley with the King County Sheriffs Office. Nice to
meet you.

You, too.
Officer Shirley sat down next to the principal.
The principal took out a notepad and pen for him.
Okay, buddy, I need to ask you some questions about the fight earlier. Are
you willing to talk to me?
I nodded, resting my arms on the edge of the desk and resting my head on
my arms.
I nodded.
Me too. Thisll be quick though, then you can go home, okay?
I nodded.
Tell me about what happened earlier.
I told him about what happened. I described the seventh grader coming up to
me and punching me, and me trying to deflect the punches. Officer Shirley took
notes on the notepad as I talked, and he listened intently and never interrupted me.
When I finished, he wrote a few more notes, then took a deep breath.
Okay. Is that all?
I nodded.
Great. Good job. That wasnt too hard, was it?
I shook my head.
Youre sure you didnt hit him?
No sir. I never threw a punch in the entire scuffle.
Okay. Thank you, Cristian. You did very well. Im done for now, but you call
me if there is something you want to talk about, okay? Ill find you if I need to talk to
you again. I am done here.
Do you have any questions for us, Cristian? the principal asked.
I shook my head.
Good. Then were done here. You may go, Cristian. Have a great weekend.
Thanks. You too. Bye. I said, standing up and grabbing my backpack. I slung
it over my shoulder and went to the door.
See you later, Cristian. Officer Shirley said.
See you later. I said.

I turned and left the office, hurrying out to the waiting car. I jumped into the
back to find Kieran waiting for me. Dr. Sweeds chauffeur drove us home.
When we got home, Kieran and I played video games, did our homework, and
even got to play a little outside in the backyard-all before dinner time.
-Three days later, we were back at school. School was out for the day, and we
were having a meeting with none other than Mrs. Kendrick-the science teacher Dr.
Sweed tells us is his wife. But the thing is, Mrs. Kendrick doesnt know Dr. Sweed is
coming. She just thinks shes meeting two new kids who will be joining her class. Its
kind of a surprise for her. I just hope it goes smoothly.
We walked in to the room, and Mrs. Kendrick looked up. She smiled, standing
up and walking around her desk.
Cristian? Kieran?
We both nodded. We sat down at a table with Mrs. Kendrick.
You two must be the new students. Welcome to Tahoma Middle School. I am
Mrs. Kendrick.
A pleasure to meet you, maam. Kieran said, extending his hand to Mrs.
Kendrick. Mrs. Kendrick shook his hand, then shook mine.
Nice to meet you. I said.
You too, boys. So, youre going to move into my class, then huh? How much
science did you take in your old school?
Um, just a little bit. We only had a little bit before we moved here.
Okay. Cool. What chapter did you boys get to?
We only got through chapter 3.
Okay. That I can work with. We just started chapter 4, so youll be right
where you left off. Are there any challenges that you two have in regards to
Nope! None.
Just then the door to the classroom opened and Dr. Sweed walked in, wearing
a smart looking white shirt and tie with a tan suit coat and black dress pants and
shiny dress shoes. His jet-black hair was combed nicely, and he wore a pair of
Not now, Paul. Mrs. Kendrick.
Kieran and I smiled.
Hello, Deborah. Dr. Sweed said softly.

Mrs. Kendrick froze.

I know that voice. She whispered. She stood up and turned around.
Yes, Deborah. Its me.
I thought you died in the war.
Never. Im still a spring chicken.
Wait. Is this a set up?
Dr. Sweed nodded.
Those kids are more than just new students, Deborah.
Wait a minute. You mean
Theyre our kids?
But, how did you find them?
It wasnt easy, thats for sure. I found the two others, but they ran away.
How do you expect me to believe all this?
Well, it might be hard, but it is true. Im trying to get our family back
Deborah Kendrick faltered for a second, then hugged Dr. Sweed.
Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. This is insane. I thought I was alone. The army
told me you were KIA. Its been eleven long years of feeling alone. I cant believe
were back together again.
Kieran and I stood up and went over to Dr. Sweed and Mrs. Kendrick.
Weve got a lot to catch up on. I said.
So, how bout it, Deb? Do you want to restart where we left off?
Yes, Greg. Yes!
So, kids, are you coming into my class, or was this just a set-up?
Were staying here in Maple Valley. I like it here. What do you say?
I nodded, and so did Kieran.

-A solo Vermont State Police Jeep slowed and pulled to the side of the road.
The trooper got out, and let two children out of the backseat. The two kids, a boy
and a girl, stood and stretched. On the state line, the Maine State Trooper went up
to the Vermont Trooper. He handed the kids over to him, with the reassurance that
they were in good hands. The Maine Trooper said goodbye to the kids, then got back
into his Jeep. He drove away, and the Vermont State Trooper sighed.
Just then the FBI agents walked out of their hiding spots.
Hey, kids. Agent Kelly with the FBI. Were here for you.
No! No, no, no! You set us up! the boy yelled, panic in his eyes. He pointed
at the Trooper with anger.
Im sorry! I didnt have any control over it! The Trooper explained.
Come with us.
They followed the agents as they walked them over to the waiting helicopter.
They all got in.
Whats gonna happen to us? I asked.
Youll be flown to the nearest airport, then well fly you two back to Michigan
to be reunited with your families.
No!!! Paige cried.
We cant go back to Michigan!
Why not?
We have to get back to our brother. We must get back to Dr. Sweed!
Dr. Sweed? Dr. Greg Sweed? That crazy old fart? Hes been dead for eleven
years! He died in Iraq!
No, he didnt. He is very much alive.
Well, regardless, were flying you two back to Michigan.
I groaned.
This is so stupid. I muttered, rolling my eyes and folding my arms in
Whatever, dude. Paige scoffed.
The agents started up the helicopter and flew off to the airport. When they
landed, they got on an airplane, and settled in for the flight back to Michigan.

The plane landed in the middle of a torrential downpour. The plane taxied to a
covered hangar, and parked, the engines shutting down. Two kids walked down the
stairway to the ground silently. Both were angry inside, and they looked outside of
the hangar with disdain. They followed two men in black suits and ties to a waiting
van. They climbed in, not saying a word. The driver drove them across the airport to
a building.
When they got to the building, they went inside and were locked in a room.
Were gonna get back to Dr. Sweed however we can. The girl said, finally
breaking his multi-hour silence.
Definitely. The boy replied.
How are we gonna get out of here and away from the FBI?
I dont know. Well figure it out somehow. Im sure. Check the doors and
windows. See if we can get out through one.
The kids went over to the door and checked it, but not surprisingly, it was
locked. The boy went over to a window on the left wall, and pushed on it. It slid
open, and cold air and rain blew in.
Paige! I got a way out!
The boy helped the girl out, then he slid out himself. They looked around, and
saw no one. Black clouds covered the sky, and rain poured down in buckets. The
kids ran to an awning and crouched down so they were below the window.
What could we do to get out of here?
Hop a flight?
No, we cant do that. Theyll ask for a ticket, and when they see we dont
have one, theyll kick us off for sure!
No, they wont. They only check tickets at the gate. Havent you ever flown
Uh, no. Geez, its cold!
I know. Look! Theres a plane coming in right now. Lets go inside, go to the
gate, and try to get on. We could just act like were with a family, and sneak right
past them. Theyre usually tired and dont check that closely anyway.
Have you done this before.
I plead the fifth.
Whatever. Wed better hurry.

Together, the kids ran across the tarmac and went inside the airport. They
walked through the security checkpoint, following a family of four, then broke off
and went to a flight that was going to Maine.
The kids sat down, and relaxed a little. They watched people disembark off
the United Airlines 737, when suddenly they boy gasped and slid down his chair.
Whats up? the girl asked.
Its my parents. Theyre here! I cant let them see me or else well never
make it back to Dr. Sweed!
Shoot. Hide!
Where? Theyll see us move!
Oh, right. Just stay here.
The two kids crouched down low in their seats, praying that Dylans parents
would leave. Instead, they sat down on the other side of the row of chairs and
started to talk to each other.
Weve gotta get on that plane, but theyre gonna see us for sure! the girl
whispered into the boys ear.
I know, I know! Im working on it!
The boy saw a small family gathering to get on the plane, and a plan formed
in his little mind.
Get up and go to that family over there. Just act like were with them, but
dont get to close. Just follow them onto the airplane.
The kids stood up, and the boys mom turned around.
Dylan? she asked, surprised.
Darn it! the boy muttered.
The two kids turned around and greeted the boys parents.
The boy and the mother embraced.
Were so glad your safe! Are you hurt?
Dylan shook his head.
Im fine, mom. Can you stop hugging me? Everyone can see! Dylan said,
embarrassed he was being hugged in public.
Mom released him and dad hugged him briefly, then mom took Dylans hand
and started walking out of the airport.
Oh, hold on. Ive gotta go to the bathroom really quick.

Dylan let go of his mom and went into the bathroom, going into a stall and
locking the door.
How are we gonna get out of here? he mumbled to himself.
Dylan? dad called out.
I unlocked the cell and went out. Dad knew me to well.
Hey son, whats wrong?
Can we talk please?
Sure. Come on.
Together we walked out of the bathroom and down the walkway to a gate. We
sat down, and mom joined us. Paige sat a few rows away, giving us privacy.
Mom, dad, Im going to ask you a tough question, and I want you to be
completely honest with me.
You got it, son.
I took a few deep breaths.
Are Cristian and I adopted?
Mom and Dad looked at each other, then at me. Mom spoke first.
Yes, Dylan. We were waiting until you were a little older to tell you. Howd
you find out?
I explained to them how we had found out.
Why couldnt I stay with my actual parents?
Well, when you were born, your mother was only eighteen years old and still
in high school. Your dad was in the Army, and your mom couldnt take care of you
while she was in high school and your dad was fighting in the war. So, they decided
to put you up for adoption, and we adopted you and Cristian. It was not because of
you that you were put up for adoption It was solely your parents.
So, why didnt you tell us earlier?
Well, son, we were waiting until we thought you were old enough to
understand it all. We were going to tell you when you turned twelve.
Look, Dylan, I know this might be hard to believe, but please dont run away
or anything.
Why would I run away? Theres nowhere for me to go. I paused for a
moment. I need time to think on my own. Ill be back.

I stood up and walked away. I found a corner and sat down, pulling my hood
on my hoodie over my head. I curled up into a ball and buried my face in my legs
and wrapped my arms around them. I thought about what mom and dad had said. It
made sense, but in a way, I didnt want it to make sense. I didnt cry, I didnt sob,
nothing like that, I just sat there and sorted through my thoughts.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up. A security guard was kneeling
next to me.
Hey, bud. Are you okay?
Yes. I just need to be alone. I know where my parents are, but I just need to
be alone.
Did you and your parents get in a fight?
I shook my head.
What happened?
I just found out Im adopted.
Oh. I see.
Well, if you know where your parents are, then Im fine with you being right
here, and Ill leave you alone.
Thank you.
The guard shook my hand, then stood up and walked away. I went back to
Does nobody love me enough to keep me?
I sighed. Well, now what do I do? The truth about my family is out now, and I
dont know where to even go now. I sat there for about twenty minutes, just letting
thoughts racing through my mind. Then, with nothing else to go on, I stood up,
sighed, and went back to mom and dad.
You okay, kiddo? mom asked.
Yeah, I guess. I mumbled.
Come on. Lets get some food.
Paige is can come too, right?
Wos Paige?
I explained who Paige was and why she was with me.
Oh, yeah, sure. She can come.

Paige stood up and walked with me as we followed mom and dad out of the
airport and into a waiting taxi van. We were driven back home, then we got in our
family van and drove to a restaurant.
I didnt feel like eating, but I forced myself to finish my three tacos because I
knew I needed the nutrients. All I could think of was how Paige and I were going to
ditch and get back to Cristian and Kieran.
Now Ive just got to get Paige on board.
Later, when we got home, Paige and I went to my room to talk. My room was
messy, but my bed was made. It had been a long time since I had sat on my own
bed. The last time I was here, I had been asleep. Cristian had been disappointed
about how his soccer game had gone, and he had gone to bed early. Man, that feels
like forever ago.
Ive got an idea on how to get back to Cristian and Kieran. I said.
What is it?
I laid out my plan.
Hey, wait a minute. That might work. But how are we gonna pay the taxi
Um, with my allowance. Ive got something like 85 bucks in my piggy bank.
If thats not enough, Ill give him my watch.
Paige glanced at Dylans watch. A small, blue, race car watch that was
probably worth about $5 in resale. She looked at Dylan incredulously.
Hes never gonna take a kids $5 watch as payment for a ride to the airport.
Its not worth anything!
Well, what do you suggest I give em?
I dont know, maybe let him take your clothes?
Are you insane?
I dont think so. Look, well figure it out somehow. Lets just get out of here
tonight and get back to Cristian and Kieran. Paige said incredulously.
Ill call the cab company. Have them meet us at the gas station up the road.
That way we dont risk getting seen by mom and dad.
Dylan quickly found the nearest cab company, and he gave them a call. They
said we would need to be there within ten minutes of the pick-up time, or our cab
wouldnt be there.
Okay. Set it for twelve thirty am, please.

You got it. Now, youre not trying to run away from home or anything, right
What? Heck, no!
Alright, just checking. Well have a cab there for you at twelve thirty for ya.
Please be there at least ten minutes before your scheduled pick-up time.
Well be there. Thank you, sir.
Youre welcome, kid. Have a good night.
I said goodbye and hung up.
Weve got a cab at twelve-thirty am at the gas station on the corner. We
have to be there by twelve-twenty though.
Good. Lets get some sleep so we can do this.
I went out and found mom and dad in their room. They were getting ready for
bed. We said goodnight, and I went back to my room. Paige was sleeping in
Cristians room. She went to her room, and I got myself ready for bed. I set an alarm
on my watch for twelve AM, then crawled into bed. Sleep came easily.

-//Two figures crept through the house. One started down the stairway, and
stepped on a creaky step. The two figures froze, waiting for any signs of impending
capture, but the house was silent. Satisfied, the figures continued, being careful to
step lightly.
They got to the first floor, and crept to the front room. One unlocked and
opened the door, and then the lights in the room flipped on.
Oh, no you dont! Dylans dad exclaimed, grabbing Dylan around the waist
and slamming the door shut.
Hey! Leggo! Stop! Dad, come on!
Dylan squirmed and wiggled, but dad had him in a firm grip.
What are you two doing? he asked, pushing Dylan down onto the couch and
directing Paige to sit next to him. Paige obeyed.
Trying to go back to my brother. Dylan pouted.
Where in the world were you two going to go at midnight? Why arent you
Um, we were going to catch a cab to the airport, then sneak onto the flight
heading back to Cristian. Thats what we were going to do, Mr. Moskowitz. Paige

Oh. How did you two expect to pay for both the Taxi, and a flight to wherever
you two going?
I was going to pay the cab with my allowance, then we were going to sneak
onto the plane. Dylan said.
I see. What was your destination?
Maine. Thats where Cristian and Kieran are. We want to be there with
Running away is never the answer, kids.
The kids sat silently, pondering what he had said.
Go back to bed. We need our rest. Oh, and youre grounded, Dylan.
The kids nodded, standing up. They went to go upstairs, but dad spoke up.
Paige? Do you mind staying with me for a second?
Paige stopped and turned. She had fear in her eyes. She went back to dad.
Go to bed, please Dylan.
Dylan scampered off to bed.
Paige, please sit down. I just want to talk to you.
Paige sat down nervously.
Im so sorry! I shouldnt have gone, I know. I wasnt thinking. Please dont be
super mad! she exclaimed anxiously.
No, Paige. Im not mad. Im surprised, but Im not mad. You can relax. Where
are you from?
Um, Ohio.
Paige nodded.
Would you like to go home to Ohio?
Wait. Youll get me back home?
Of course, if you want to go home, you can.
Oh, um, thank you, Mr. Moskowitz. Thats very kind. But, I dont have any
Ahh, thats okay. Well get you home, no cost to you.
Oh, okay. Um, thank you.
So, would you like to go?

Paige thought for a moment, then she nodded.

Yes, please.
Alright. Be up at eight thirty. Ill take you to the airport.
Thank you. I really appreciate that.
No problem. See you bright and early.
Paige stood and went upstairs, wondering if she had made the right decision.
-//Kieran and Cristian were running. Fast. There were a posy of bullies chasing
them, and they could do nothing but flee for their very lives. They turned down a
side street, but the posse stayed on their heels.
Give it up! One bully yelled. He was the leader of the group, a fat, brown
haired boy with facial piercings and tattoos.
Hit an alley! Kieran suggested to Cristian.
On it. Cristian replied.
The boys saw an alleyway up ahead between two buildings.
They ran up the street, only ducking into the alleyway at the last second.
Sadly, the bullies saw them.
Cristian raced down the alleyway next to Kieran, knocking over trash cans
and barrels to try and slow their opponents. It worked, sort of. The first couple
bullies were knocked over by the barrels, but the rest just weaved out of the way.
One jumped over two barrels at the same time, never breaking his pace.
We gotta shake em! Cristian cried.
I know! Im working on it.
Lets go to the ice cream shop and hide there. Duck behind the counter.
Good idea. Go!
The kids darted out of the alleyway and back up the street towards the ice
cream shop. They burst into the empty ice cream shop, hoping the counter and
sitting down behind it just as the bullies burst in.
Find them! Theyre in here somewhere. I just know it. Sniff them out and
bring them to me. The leader said to his cronies.
The boys spread out throughout the ice cream shop, looking for Cristian and
Cristian and Dylan crawled into a back room and hid behind some boxes. A
worked came in and stopped.

Hey kids, you dont belong back here.

SHHHH!! They cant find us, or else theyll beat us up. Kieran whispered,
just loud enough to be heard.
The worked closed the door, and knelt next to Cristian.
You mean the boys outside that are ransacking my store are looking for you
Yes. They want to beat us up. They think we stole something from them, but
I swear we didnt!
Dont worry guys, Ill deal with them.
She stood up and left the room, going out to the counter.
Hey! Boys! Get over here before I call the cops on the lot of ya! she yelled.
The leader went over to the lady and made a snide remark.
Okay, fine. If thats the way you want to play. Youre locked in here and I
called the cops. Sit down before I tell them to call your parents. NOW! the worker
said, pressing a red button under the counter.
The boys sat down, obviously scared.
So, you think its okay to come in here and tear up my store for no good
reason? You just go tearing up stores for fun?
No, maam, we were looking for some kids. They stole our yu-gi-oh cards.
The leader said.
Do I look like I care?
No, maam. The leader said.
You guys cant be coming in here and tearing up my store, or any other
store, when youre looking for someone. I dont care if they stole your grandmas
wedding ring, if you come in here, you act like a civilized human being, or you get
thrown out. The worker said. She grabbed a pad of paper and a pen.
Boy, dont even try me. You think Im mad? I can be a whole lot meaner. Give
me your names or give them to the cops, I dont care.
One of the boys made a run for the door, only to discover that it was locked.
I wasnt kidding when I said it was locked. Now sit down, shut up, and wait.
Please! Just let us go! We cant get arrested! Our parents will kill us.

I said shut up! Would you like it if I called them myself, or if the cops took
you all home in cuffs?
I thought so. Now shut up. I dont want another peep out of you or you wont
like it. Im close to making you all clean my whole store. By hand. Twice!
The group of boys sat together, looking at each other in fear. Finally, there
was a knock on the door. The worker went and unlocked the door, and let three
policemen inside.
Kieran and I listened to the officers handle our pursuers, all the while staying
silent. Just as the last boy was being cuffed, the worker appeared behind the
counter again.
Oh, and if you were wondering, the kids you were looking for were in the
back room the whole time.
WHAT? Why didnt you tell us?
March! the officer said firmly.
They led the boys out of the store, then the worker came into the backroom
Hey, you boys okay?
We nodded, standing up.
Thank you, maam. Thanks, a bunch.
No problem, kids. Come on out. You guys are safe now. You guys want ice
Oh, um, I dont have any money to pay for it.
Thats okay. Its on the house.
Alright! Thank you.
The trio went out to the counter.
An officer came in and interviewed Cristian and Kieran about what happened,
then decided to leave them with the worker.
I hope you have a better day, kids. Do you two need a ride home?
Oh, um
Kieran looked at Cristian.
Uh, no, I think were good. We dont live to far from here. Thanks, though.
No problem. Could I get a number I can call your parents on? Its just to
explain to them what happened and what we did.

Oh, um, sure.

Kieran told him our house number, and he wrote it down.
Take this card and keep it. If you kids get into trouble again, call me anytime.
My number is on the card. The officer said, holding out a card. Cristian took it.
The officer smiled, then left the store to call their parents. The boys both
picked out a flavor of ice cream, and the worker scooped them on to a cone and
handed it to them. Then she walked around the counter.
Okay if I sit with you on my break?
Sure! Kieran said.
The worker sat down at their table.
So, what exactly happened to you two?
Well we were walking home from school, and I found a card on the ground.
Some sort of Pokmon card or something. I put it in my pocket, then the big boy,
the one who talked back to you, he came up to us and started telling me to give him
the card. I did, but then he said he we stole all his cards, and he threatened to beat
us up. Well, we took off running, and him and his posse started to chase us. Kieran
explained. The boys described running through the alley and knocking over the
barrels, then running here and jumping behind the counter.
Thats what happened to us.
Where are your backpacks?
They stole them. We told the officer that, and he promised to get our
backpacks back.
Well, I hope they do. Those are pretty important.
For sure. Cristian said.
The boys finished their ice cream.
Thank you, for helping us. That was really kind.
No problem, kids. You two have a better day. Id go home if I was you. Who
knows if those kids have friends or not?
True. Were going home right now.
Do you want me to call your parents and have them come get you? That
might be safer.
True, it might be.
Could you call them, please?
Sure. Whats the number?

Cristian told her. She called, but there was no answer. They tried both of their
parents cell phones, but there were no answers there either. None of the phones
had a voicemail.
Well, thats okay. Well walk. Were not too far from here, anyway. Thank you,
for everything.
Youre welcome, boys. Stay safe out there.
Thanks. We will.
The boys left the ice cream shop and headed for home. When they arrived,
Mrs. Kendrick greeted them and they talked about their day.
So, what happened after school? How come I got a call from the police?
Oh, um, there was a little incident today after school, and um, the police
were involved...
What happened boys?
Kieran explained what happened to us.
Oh, well, Im glad your safe now, guys. You two are clever, though. Hiding in
the back room of an ice cream parlor would not have been my first idea.
Eh, well, the worker there was really nice. She helped us out.
Im glad she did. I dont want you kids getting beat up for no reason. Now,
who wants a cookie?
Me! two boys chirped loudly.
Mrs. Kendrick smiled.
I thought so.
About an hour later, the two boys were playing catch in the front yard,
enjoying the evening air and relaxing after a long day of school. A twig snapped on
the side of the house, and Cristian froze. He had been through enough already that
something as small as that made him nervous. He looked around, but saw nobody
but Kieran. They decided it must have been an animal and they kept playing. But
then a large figure stepped out onto the front yard. Both kids gasped.
RUN! Cristian yelled.
The boys took off down the road, their legs churning and lungs burning. The
figure gave chase, and in a moment, his posse was with him again.
The bullies had found them again, and this time, they had nothing to lose.
Now what? Kieran asked.
I dont know, but stay ahead of them. If they catch us, were gonna be a pile
of pulp.

I know. Where do we hide?

I dont know. Lets hop a fence and go into the forest.
We hopped a fence into someones backyard, then ran across the yard. We
hopped the back fence just as a man yelled at them. We didnt even break our pace.
Once over the fence, we kept running, dodging trees and hopping over roots. We
heard the bullies behind them struggling to get over the high wooden fence, and
they smiled. This meant that we could get a head start, then duck down and hide in
a bush, just like Dylan and I had done when they ran from the cops during our
second kidnapping. It fooled the cops, so it might just fool our brain-dead bullies,
We got ahead of our pursuers, then ducked under the bush, crawling into the
center of it. Our only problem was, the bush had thorns that pricked our skin all
Hey, at least the thorns are good protection from them. Kieran said.
For sure. I thought wed be safe from them, but I guess not.
Yeah. I thought so, too.
Just then we heard heavy footsteps coming we way.
Quiet! Kieran whispered anxiously.
I nodded. The bullies slowed down when they got to the same area as we
Find them. We need to make them pay. The leader rasped.
Yes, boss. His posse replied.
His cronies started to ruffle through bushes and look up tree trunks. Kieran
picked up a stick with a sharp point on one end and held it in his hand, ready to
Just in case. He whispered.
I nodded. A boy came up and stopped right in front of us He ruffled through
the bush, but thankfully didnt see us. Seemingly satisfied, the boy moved on.
Lets camp out here until they come out. Theyll have to come out soon
enough to go home for their little mommas cooking. Well camp out and wait, then
beat them up when we find them. The leader announced.
The group of boys sat down to wait.
Shoot! Were screwed! Kieran whispered.
Just wait until they either fall asleep, or it gets dark, then well sneak past

Kieran nodded, his anxiety clear on his face. We sat still for over 2 hours, but
the bullies never went to sleep. It started to get dark, and I was sure Mrs. Kendrick
and Dr. Sweed would start to worry about us. I wondered if theyd called the cops to
look for us by now. The sun went down, and so did the air temperature. It was
freezing in Maple Valley at night! We only had on short sleeve shirts and jeans. The
bullies stayed right where they were.
I felt a sneeze coming on, but I stifled it so it was barely noticeable.
Geez, that was close!
For real!
I was shivering so much I was sure the bullies could hear the bush moving,
but they just stayed right where they were. I checked my watch. It read 8:03PM.
Weve been out here since about four thirty. Thats almost four and a half
hours of hiding. This sucks. And its starting to pour down rain. Welcome to
Washington, I guess.
We waited until 9:30, then we heard a dog barking. The barking came closer
and closer, and I started to wonder if the dog was wild or domesticated. If it was
wild, well, were toast twice!
The barking got closer and closer, and the gang jumped up. They took off
away from us, but Kieran and I stayed in the bush, hoping the dog meant rescue.
The dog came right up to our bush, and it crawled inside and started to
snuggle with us. A man followed the dogs barking until he found us.
Come on out of there. You two okay?
Just a little scratched up from the bush, but were not really hurt.
Awesome. Whatcha doing in the bush?
Hiding, sir, from bullies. They want to beat us up for nothing. They ran off
right before you got here.
Ah, I see. Well come with me and youll be safe. How long have you two been
out here for? You two look cold.
Um, since about four-thirty. We were waiting until it got dark to try and
sneak away from our bullies, but then you came, so it all worked out.
The group started to walk back the way they had come. When they got to the
road, they found Dr. Sweed and Mrs. Kendrick waiting for them.
Were so glad youre both okay. Mrs. Kendrick said, hugging them both.
Were cold and hungry, but alive. Thats what matters. Kieran said.
Thats true. Dr. Sweed said from beside Mrs. Kendrick.

We said thank you and goodbye to mike, then we headed home. Once we got
home, we told Dr. Sweed and Mrs. Kendrick what happened while we ate some
dinner and warmed up around the fireplace.
You know, boys. Ive been thinking of returning to the compound in Maine.
We wanted to get your input on this before we made any definite decisions, though.
Which do you want more? Would you rather we stay here in Maple Valley, or go back
to Maine?
Kieran and I looked at each other, then back at Dr. Sweed and Mrs. Kendrick.
Maine. We both said simultaneously.
They smiled.
I guess thats settled.
Besides, Ive always wanted to travel. To heck with TMS. Mrs. Kendrick said.
Wait, we dont want to make you quit your job. We can stay here if youd
prefer, Mrs. Kendrick. I said.
No, thats okay, kiddo. Family is more important than work, every time.
Well, okay. I guess.
The next day, we put the house on the market, and two days later, it sold.
Mrs. Kendrick quit her job at TMS, and we helped her pack up her stuff, and sent it
with professional movers to meet us in Vermont. Then we went to the airport and
caught a flight to Vermont, leaving the house spick and span and pretty much likenew. We checked the bags we had, except for the one bag we each wanted to carry
on, then hopped on the flight to Maine. The flight was going to take seven hours and
thirty minutes total, and that included an hour layover in Washington D.C with a
connecting flight. Our flight took off at eight-twenty in the morning, and we landed
in Vermont at 6:50.
Right on time.
We trooped off the plane and got our luggage, then got into a car that Dr.
Sweeds guards had driven to pick us up in. We drove to the compound, and Kieran
and I went to my room.
-//Hey, kid! Wake up! Its the FBI. Wake up, kid.
I opened my eyes, looking around. Three men surrounded my bed. The man
to my right wrapped his arm around me and carried me firefighter style over his
shoulder. I squirmed, but the man just squeezed me even more. I saw Kieran being
carried ahead of me, and he looked terrified.
The man carried me out to a waiting van, where they locked Kieran and I in
the back of the truck. There were two doors, and they locked both.

What are we gonna do? Kieran asked.

I have no idea. How did they find us?
With our trackers. We implanted all of you with tracking beacons under your
skin, so weve known where you were for a while now. A man said from the front.
There was a small window with bars in it that separated the front from the back.
We dont want to go with you. Dont you get it? Were happy here! Our
parents know were here, and theyre fine with it. You guys are just power hungry
pigs. Kieran raved.
The man in the backseat slid a pane of glass across the window, cutting off
the front and back of the truck.
Stupid pigs. Kieran muttered. The truck started and we were driven away
from the compound, looking back longingly for some sign that our absence had
been noticed, but the compound remained dark and quiet.
You know what? I said angrily.
I say we take them down.
Are you crazy?
Look, were never going to be able to live with them until we prove to the FBI
that we arent in danger. If we take them down, they wont be able to keep taking
us away from where we want to be. Its simple. They back down, and we live with
Mrs. Kendrick and Dr. Sweed for the rest of our lives. Or, we let them win, and we
live with our families for a while, then get taken by Dr. Sweed again, and the whole
cycle repeats itself.
Well, yeah, I see what you mean, but how in the world are we going to take
down the FBI? Were just two kids, and theyre a whole army compared to us!
Just one agent at a time, Kieran.
But, how, I dont get it
One at a freaking time.

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