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Goals both short-term and long-term with animation license:

Practice and grow more proficient at the creating, controlling of Undead, and master control
over negative energies, applying them where Sanctuary requires. Furthermore I would work
toward gathering the bodies and corpses of as many creatures, learning of which type of
creature may be used for certain tasks.
This I intend to do with the aid of the citizenry and adventurers. Reward them for bringing me
the corpses of the creatures of the Underdark, rallying groups to go on a hunt for them. While
the Stewards most likely will be opposed to this, I do not fear them. Nor shall any in my
retinue need to be afraid of them.
I expect I will be required to venture into the Lowerdark in search of lost tombs, burial sites
and the rare creatures inhabiting these. Once more these ventures will be accompanied by my
own guards, as well as they from the adventuring populace whom wish to make coin. This
would also serve to get these so-called adventurers away from the citizenry whom might
dislike them, and encourage them to put themselves to good use. Any treasure and knowledge
regarding animation found will be shared with the Spellguard and will allow myself to control
the weave ever more-so effective as mentioned above.
Inform the populace of the benefits of animation, and ease their fears of its possible dangers.
This I would accomplish to hosting regular debate within Sanctuary. Answer any questions
any may have, and encouraging the dialogue upon the subject. In due time I imagine citizens
and adventurers alike will be willing to sign themselves over to serve Sanctuary after they
have passed, as they did in life.
Secure a relationship with the Boneyard/Thomas shop, with the hope of a future possibly
alliance. This would be done by working for him, getting him the items and knowledge he
seeks. For example the Oily Bones, and the Paladin Blood, I know he seeks. With the
dialogue mentioned above I imagine Thomas to be welcoming of the aid.
Reinforce Sanctuarys fighting force with the Undead. Controlled and effective, used in
combatting the Dread. In this way saving lives of the living, and utilizing both slain enemies
and those explicitly having given permission and are willing to continue the fight against the
Dread after theyve fallen, and provide the city with free labor through the use of animated

Goals both short-term and long-term as a Prefect:

Establish House Cruoris, providing a way for they without purpose or direction for they who
too desire to know about the Undead and Necromancy spell schools. In doing so I will
promote awareness and understanding of magic, especially the school of Necromancy.
Through continual dialogue with they who inhabit Sanctuary.
In doing so foster magical knowledge and work to bring any talented in the ranks of the
Spellguard, in order to stay in contact with the Spellguard and prove any possible worth I
consider myself to be, to them.
I would establish a Vanguard, exploring and defeating the Dread where it may be found in the
Underdark, from the adventuring populace. Only they of talent, skill and accepting of the use
of necromancy shall be accepted in. I would use the Vanguard to aid the Watchers and
Warders in their duties, falling under the command of both organizations.
In doing so further the agenda of the Spellguard, and aid where I may.
Provide Sanctuary with free labor through the use of animated enemies. (Already established
this over at my writing for the Animation License)
Ensure law is brought upon the territory I hold domain over. Criminal and otherwise
unwanted elements will be removed or rehabilitated. I shall draw those skilled in combat and
of a lawful disposition to aid me with this. Criminals shall be hunted down and brought to the
Watchers, to be tried by Sanctuarian Law.
Use the established House Cruoris to further the agenda of the Spellguard. The reputation
House Cruoris holds, or may hold, shall serve as a beacon to draw they who desire coin and
adventure to the projects the Spellguard and Sanctuary designs. This would cease the need for
Sanctuary to rely upon its Watchers and Wardens unnecessarily, instead have the adventuring
populace tackle any possible danger.
Continue to recruit those in the general populace to for the Spellguard. Bring about a school
for those newly arrived to practice their talents and ensure they are prepared and skilled to
join the Spellguards ranks.

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