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5: The Differential Equation for the Orbit, and Integrable

Power-Law Potentials
From Section 3.2, the orbits can be calculated from

d" =

mr 2

2 (E # V (r) # l 2 )
2mr 2

If the variable of integration is changed to u = 1/r,

" = "0 # $

Fortunately, n = 1 (f(r) = kr) corresponding to isotropic 3D

simple harmonic oscillator, and n = -2 (f(r) = kr-2) is inverse
square law force: Gravitation or Coulomb. Analytical
solutions exist for these most important situations.


# 2mV
2 #u

Once the central force potential V is specified and E is

given, we can in principle, do the integral and get the orbit
In general, the integral must be evaluated numerically. True
even for most power law forces:
f(r) = krn ; V(r) ! rn+1
(1) For n = 1, -2, and -3, the result can be expressed
trigonometric functions.
(2) For n = 5, 3, 0, -4, -5, and -7, the result can be expressed
as elliptic integrals.
(3) For other n, the results are not so simple, and in many
cases, only numerical results exist.

* Rewrite Conservation of angular momentum:

l = mr 2" = constant,

l d
= 2
dt mr d"
The equation of motion in r direction (Section 3.1)
mr " 3 = "
= f (r)


1 d # l dr & l 2
= f (r)
r 2 d" $ mr 2 d" ' mr 3

Substitute u = 1/r

d 2u


f( )
l u
2 2

In terms of potential V(r) = V(1/u)

d 2u

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.


m d
V( )
2 du

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

*Proof: The resulting orbit is symmetric about two

adjacent turning points. Equivalently, the orbit is
invariant under reflection about the apsidal vectors
rmin or rmax.

# du &
(Note: if ! = 0 is NOT a turning point, % ( ! 0 and it
$ d" '" =0
changes sign with the ! to ! substitution. Although the
differential equation is still invariant with the substitution, the
resulting orbit will be different, since the initial condition is
A Brief Discussion of Closed and Open Orbits

Closed orbit r(!) = Periodic motion: After a finite number of

oscillations of r between rmax and rmin, the motion repeats itself


Open orbit:

If the orbit does not close on itself after a finite

number of oscillations between rmax and rmin,

The argument used is very general and clever: Assume that the
coordinates are chosen so that the turning point occurs at ! = 0.
As a turning point, it has following properties:
# du &
u(!=0) = 1/ rmin (or 1/ rmax ) and % ( = 0
$ d" '" =0
d u
m d
) AND the above
The differential equation
d" 2
l 2 du u
initial conditions are the same if!! is substituted by -!.
Therefore, the orbit is symmetrical and is invariant under
reflection about the apsidal vectors.
By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

Use the equation for the orbit !(r) to find the change in ! due
to one complete oscillation of r from rmin " rmax " rmin:

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

The angular change is 2# the change in going once from

rmin to rmax:

"# = %



2 (E $ V (r) $ l 2 )
2mr 2

As shown in Section 3.3, for a given !, the orbit is circular if

the total energy E = min (or max!) value of the effective
potential, which occurs at some r ($ r0),
E # V(r0) = V(r0) + !2 {2m(r0)2},
and the radial velocity r = 0.

Results in periodic motion and a closed orbit only if "! = a

rational fraction of 2!: "! $ 2!(a/b),

(a, b = integers)

If the orbit is closed, after b periods, the radius vector of the

particle will have made a complete revolutions and the particle

will be back at its original position.
3.6 Conditions For Closed Orbits (Bertrands theorem)
Circular Orbits
Recall: the radial motion for a particle of mass m in a
central potential V(r), the centrifugal term !2 (2mr2) (the
angular part of the KE) acts as an additional potential,
E = 12 mr2 + l 2 + V (r) = 12 mr2 + V '(r)


V '(r) = l 2 + V (r) is the effective potential.


A circular orbit is allowed for ANY attractive potential V(r):

% If and only if V has a min (or a max!) at r = r0

Circular orbits are always ALLOWED, but they are not always

STABLE! Here, we examine the stability issue.

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

At r = r0, the force coming from the effective potential is

#V '
= 0 . Which leads to
zero: f '(r0 ) = "
#r r0

f(r0) = -!2 (m r03) .

Therefore, the attractive force from V(r) exactly balances the
repulsive centrifugal force

Stability of Circular Orbits

For a given !, whether a circular orbit is stable or unstable
depends on whether V is a minimum or a maximum at r = r0.

If V has a maximum at r = r0 (right figure), the circular orbit

is unstable: If give m an energy slightly above V(r0), the orbit

will no longer be circular, and also will now be unbounded (m
moves through r = 0 or out to r " )). Mathematically, "2V/"r2
< 0 at r = r0.

For a stable circular orbit:

" 2V '
3l 2
"r r0 mr04
"r 2 r

If V has a minimum at r = r0 (left figure), the circular orbit is

stable. If give m an energy slightly above V(r0), the orbit will
no longer be circular, but will still be bounded (r will oscillate
between apsidal values, as for E3 in figure). Mathematically,
"2V/"r2 > 0 at r = r0.


Since f(r0) = -!2 (m r03),

3 f (r0 )
d ln f
> "3
"r r0
d ln r r0

Suppose, f(r) is ann attractive power law force

f(r) = -k r (k >0),
! becomes: -knr < 3kr .
or n > -3

Stability criterion for circular orbits for power law central force
% Stable circular orbits for f(r) = -krn only exist for n > -3
% All attractive power law forces f(r) = -krn with n > -3 can
have stable circular orbits.


By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

Small Deviation From A Circular Orbit

$ = k /m =

If a circular orbit (r = r0) is stable, then a small increase in the

particle energy above the value for a circular orbit results in
only slight variations from the circular orbit r0.
Taylor series expansion of V at r0 gives

V '(r) = V '(r0 ) +

Note: Perturbation around a potential minimum can always
be approximated by a Simple Harmonic Oscillation. This is
a very general conclusion (QM, EM, CM).

"V '
1 " 2V '
(r # r0 ) +
(r # r0 )2 + ...
"r r0
2 "r

To understand the orbit, it is more useful to analyze the

oscillation as a function of %, instead of t:
r = r0 + A sin(&%).
= 2 , & = $mr02/l
dt mr
mr 4 # 2V '
or " 2 = 20
l #r 2 r
" V'
3l 2
+ 4
Since 2 = #
"r r0 mr0
"r r

The first term V(r0) is a constant (a minimum).

The second term = 0, since V is a minimum at r0.
The third term > 0, since V(r0) is a minimum.
1 # 2V '
V '(r) " V '(r0 ) = +
(r " r0 )2 + ... $ k(%r)2
2 #r

here k =

" 2V '
> 0.
"r 2 r

Therefore, for small deviation from

r0, fr = -k#r (k > 0).

The particle executes a simple harmonic
oscillation in r about r0.

" 2V '
/ m is the time domain angular
"r 2 r

"2= #

mr04 $f
l 2 $r

Finally, " 2 =

r = r0 + A sin($t)

+ 3=

d ln f
d ln r

r $f
f $r r


By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

Consider the stable circular orbit case:

As the radius vector r sweeps around the plane, r goes

through $ cycles of oscillation. If $ = q/p with, q, p integers, (so
$ is a rational number) then after q revolutions of the radius
vector, the orbit retraces itself. % The orbit is closed

Integrating the above equation gives a force law:

f (r) = "

r 3"#

All force laws of this form (with $ a rational number) lead to

closed, stable,
almost circular orbits.


$ = 1 ' f(r) = -(k/r2) (Inverse r squared law)

$ = 2 ' f(r) = -kr (Isotropic harmonic oscillator)
$ = 5/3 Not interesting from the physics viewpoint.

Bertrands Theorem

Method: Keep additional terms in Taylors series expansion (to

compute $2) and solve orbit equation.
Answer: Solved by J. Bertrand (1873). Proved that in such
cases, the orbits are closed ONLY for:
$ = 1 ' f(r) = -(k/r2) (Inverse r squared law!)
$ = 2 ' f(r) = -kr
(Hookes Law:
Isotropic harmonic oscillator!)
Bertrands Theorem: The only central forces that result in
bound, closed orbits for all particles are the inverse-square law
and Hookes law.
A very important result! For example, bound celestial
objects (planets, stars, etc.) all are OBSERVED to have
orbits that are * closed.
Using only celestial observations PLUS Bertrands theorem,
one can conclude that the gravitational force fg(r) varies as

Question: If initial conditions are such that the perturbed

circular orbit is not close to those required for circular orbit (the
orbit is not circular), will the same type of force law ($ a
rational number)
f (r) = "
r 3"#
still give closed orbits?
By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

By Prof. Juyang Huang, Texas Tech University. All rights reserved.

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