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International Examinations

As you know, taking an English test or exam can be a good way to see what level your English
is at. It can also be a useful or necessary way to prove your level of English for work, study
or citizenship for some countries.
There are so many different kinds of exams, though, and they are all suitable for slightly
different purposes. This task aims at continuing taking a look at some of the most popular
English tests.
This time, lets check the following well-known examinations: CELTA, TKT, KET, PET,
To do this, have a look to the references stated and taking into account the information about
these exams, answer the following question:
1. Classify the tests into the following goals:
Evaluate knowledge in English teaching.
Is directed to evaluate business language.
Evaluate basic understanding in English.
Dont evaluate advanced levels.
2. Whats the main purpose of each one of these examinations?
3. What language skills does each test evaluate?
4. What is the structure of each one of the examinations?

Make sure you answer accurately all of these questions. Try to organize the information so
that it is clear, complete, and well-presented. Take in mind the Evaluation Rubric to know
what will be evaluated and how.

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