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Observation #4

Class/section: FHS 1500-008

Robyn Oliphant
Assignment: Observation 4
Background Information
Childs age:
Fictitious name: Henry
Hillcrest High School, Theater team meeting
There was a mix of parents, teachers and students all in the same room for a
meeting about upcoming theater performances, and events.
For Observation 4, I thought of three questions for each developmental area, cognitive
psychosocial, and biological. Each area dealt and brought up different view-points and overall
areas of growth that adolescences should be able to recognize. Follow up questions such as
Why do you think that? and Can you expand a little more on that topic? Were asked along
with used in the recording of their answers, they were placed into the overall answer of the
question. It was interesting to see how students of such age answered these questions, I thought
the conversation would have gone a little bit differently.
Cognitive Development
With growing up do you think it has affected your ability to learn?
Yes, become more mature and the experiences he has had it has made it so he knows what
to and what not to do. In certain circumstances.
How do your beliefs about intelligence affect your motivation and learning?
Makes me want to learn more because I can increasingly learn more about the world
around me and help me to make it a better place.
What do you feel high school students who do not attend college need to learn?
How to get better grades so they can attend college. Dont be dumb and learn how going
to college can help them and other individuals that will come into their lives.
Based on the interview done with Henry and the information given in the textbook and
class; Henry is on track with his cognitive development. Maybe even a little further along than
most adolescences. Education is crucial for later life... A year of school can propel thinking
forward. (Berger. 2016. pg. 341) Henry has a clear understanding of this with his comment
about high school students who do not attend college. They need to understand how much
college could help them individually currently and in future years.
Psychosocial Development
How has your teacher to student relationships been affected with growing up?
Teachers connect with him on a more personal level, connect more with him through their
teaching and he learns more from them.
How has your peer to peer relationship been affected with growing up?
Tends to lead more to those who have the same goals and interests as he does, and stray
away from those who dont have those same goals (morals/values) and interests.

How has your parent to child relationship been affected with growing up?
Good, parents are very supportive/demanding of doing well in school. As grades get
harder demands become stronger and closer to college there is more support than previous years.
Push for excellence or as close as you can get.
Friendships are important at every stage (Berger. 2016. pg. 359) By observing and
interviewing Henry in a social setting where many of his peers where you could tell the
importance of these relationships and what they met to him. What I found interesting his that
Henry mentioned that with age and growing up he tended to hang out or socialize with people
that had similar interests as him. We talked about this in class and how our friend groups start to
change based on the Identity and Role we take on in adolescences.
Biological Development
What visible changes did you notice during and after puberty?
Voice dropped, so does everyones though. More growth of hair EVERYWHERE. Along
with height. Those are the big ones Ive noticed but there are probably more.
Do you feel that body-image can be problematic during puberty? If so why?
Yes, because others fear how people look at them and they try to change themselves to
meet the demands of others instead of focusing on other more important things in their life.
Compared to your friends, do you feel that puberty affected you the same or differently?
Affected him the same, because it happened to a lot of us at the same time. We were
more concerned about ourselves and the changes we were experiencing then all of our other
This set of developmental questions, listening to Henrys answers were extremely
interesting. It was like he had read our textbook or was sitting in class as we talked about it.
Some of his answers were extremely similar to what the book talks about. The body-image
question for instance people fear how others look at them. The definition of body image in the
book is a persons idea of how his or her body looks, especially related to size and shape.
(Berger. 2016. pg. 324) It was extremely similar and once again Henry was very advanced in this
developmental stage than where he should be for his age. Henry understood the effects of
puberty and the stages that they go through. He has a good grasp on what his taking place in his
life and his personal development in these three stages.
Reference List
Berger, K. S. (2016). Invitation to the Life Span (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

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