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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

Goal 1: Classroom Management Building Positive
The kids who need the most love, will ask for it in the most unloving
Strategy 1: Interest Inventories explore student interest and needs as
a starting place for building positive relationships
Timeline: first 2 days of classes, use throughout the year to focus
learning around student interest & needs
Strategy 2: Participating in extra-curricular activities spend time with
students outside of the classroom, at school events (coaching
basketball, attending school based events)
Timeline: ongoing throughout the year
Strategy 3: Implement strategies from Love & Logic focus on
strategies that will work for individual students.
Timeline: Introduction at the beginning of the year & ongoing
implementation throughout the year.
Indicators & Measures of success: Regular reflection on behaviour
within classroom; what is the root/cause of this behaviour? Am I
connecting with each student to minimize behaviour, and repairing
relationships after discipline?
Goal 2: Professional Development Develop Literacy for Life
vocabulary and strategies for students
The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that
you learn, the more places youll go
Strategy 1: Inspire Interest in Reading - Work towards being a
resource for my students when selecting a book.
Timeline: Weekly, ongoing throughout the year
Read current YA literature outside of my own "interest" during
silent reading period & Tuesday tutorial
Let students inspire my reading choices (*book worm rewards)

Develop a blog as a resource for my students on whats

new/interesting in the YA reading world (period 5 on Tuesday
& Thursday).
Strategy 2: Explore literacy across disciplines & develop a PD project
around the topic
Timeline: Daily, ongoing throughout the year
Target need within my own classroom and at the school-wide
level (begin with students with the highest need)
o Use ReadTheory & Jerry Johns as a baseline
Focus on Non-Fiction Notice & Note signposts to develop
reading strategies for life. (Look to Professional
Development Discussions for realistic implementation on
the classroom)
o Read Notice & Note (Fiction & Non-Fiction)
Look at literacy for life in each discipline: financial literacy
(banking, writing cheques), environmental literacy, health
literacy (doctor, dentist, nutrition labels, exercise, balanced
diet), understanding important events & significant people
(pop culture references, historical references)
Assisting in the creation of classroom libraries (what resources
do we need in our classrooms?)
2.1.3. Use Textual Clues

Identify and use structural features of a variety of oral, print and other media texts,
such as newspapers, magazines, instruction booklets, advertisements and schedules,
encountered in everyday life to access ideas and information and to read with

Indicators & Measures of success: Students will increase vocabulary

and worldly understanding. As a result, reading comprehension
levels (in both non-fiction and fiction) should increase over the duration
of the year, independent strategies will need to be developed on a
case-by-case basis for students who need more independent
Goal 3: Self-Care Finding a Work/Life Balance
You cant pour from an empty cup

Strategy 1: Prepare for upcoming week on Friday afternoons, leaving

weekends "planning free"
Strategy 2: Use Prep/Professional Development time effectively
Period 1: Planning & Preparation for Units of Study
Period 5: Professional Inquiry Project
Period 6: Professional Inquiry Project
Period 7: Marking & Developing Differentiation tools
(classroom observation)
Strategy 3: Exercise daily & get enough sleep
Indicators & Measures of Success: Regular reflections on what I need to
best help my students. Is my own self-care affecting my ability to
positively care for my students? What adjustments need to be made to
ensure I am bringing my best self into the classroom daily?

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