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LSU Lesson Plan Format

Name: Dustin Johnson

Lesson Focus: To have students revisit passing and hitting to open
space and then to display efficiency in holding and serving an
omnikin ball.

Date: 10-31-2016
Grade: 4

Lesson Title: Holding and Serving an Omnikin Ball

Class Length:
25 min
Class Size: 26

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement
Benchmark 1-E-1: Demonstrates mature form in locomotor, non-locomotor movement concepts, and
manipulative skills.
GLOs: 1-E-1.1: Demonstrates spatial awareness movement concepts for location, individual/partner,
and group activities.
GLOs: 1-E-1.4: Apply all spatial awareness movement concepts for levels with mature forms of selected
fundamental motor skills.
Standard 2: Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor
Benchmark 2-E-2: Applies critical elements to improve personal performance in fundamental and
selected specialized motor skills.
GLOs: 2-2.2: Understand and demonstrate proper techniques for a variety of fundamental skills
while practicing with a partner.
Standard 5: Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
Benchmark 5-E-1: Demonstrates good sportsmanship and fair play in a variety of settings.
GLOs: 5-E-1.3: Work cooperatively with peers in group or team activities.
Cognitive: TLW identify the proper skill cues to holding and serving an Omnikin ball to open space in
class today.
Affective: TLW communicate appropriately and will work cooperatively while holding the ball and
giving each student equal opportunities to serve the ball 100% of the class time by the end of class.
Psychomotor: TLW demonstrate the proper way to hold and serve an Omnikin ball 75% of the time
by the end of the class.

Cognitive: I will identify the proper skill cues to holding and serving an Omnikin ball to open space in
class today.
Affective: I will communicate appropriately and will make sure work cooperatively while holding the
ball and giving each student equal opportunities to serve the ball 100% of the class time by the end
of class.
Psychomotor: I will demonstrate the proper way to hold and serve an Omnikin ball 100% of the
time in class today.

Cognitive: Students will be asked to identify the proper skill cues to holding and serving an Omnikin
ball to open space before leaving class today.
Affective: Students will self-assess their communication along with their holding and serving
cooperation while I also scan the room during the whole class period.
Psychomotor: The teacher will observe students throughout the lesson making sure that they are
holding and serving an Omnikin ball 100% of the time.


Higher-Order Thinking
Skill Addressed





Skill/Concept Taught
Holding an Omnikin ball
Serving an Omnikin ball

Learning Styles
Kinesthetic- practicing
and participating
Auditory- instruction and
Interpersonal- working with

Skill Cues/Instructional Cues Used

Hold the ball using teamwork.
Create the tripod with your arms up and your
head down!
Make sure to be on one knee when holding!
Use the two different serves!
Eyes on the ball when you are hitting it!
Hit the ball to open space!

Students with an injury that can affect their locomotor skills, they can walk or just be a holder when
we hit the Omnikin ball. If injury is too severe, then they can officiate and cheer on their team.

Increasing or decreasing the amount of time that a team has to serve the ball after the hold is
Making the outside boundaries smaller or bigger depending on success.
Use the smaller or bigger Omnikin ball depending on catching success rate and the hitting to open
space success rate.
Make the open space larger or smaller depending on success.
Compare how we have to hold the Omnikin ball is like a triangle and that in order to properly hold it, we have
to have big angles.

Omnikin Ball
Hula Hoops
Poly spots

2 real Omnikin and 4 smaller Omnikin Balls
6 (2 of each color)
A lot to space off each court off.


Students will need to display spatial awareness and remain in their own personal space.
Students will need to display the proper skill cues of hitting, holding, and catching an Omnikin ball.
Students should not act inappropriately towards another student.
Students should use equipment correctly and responsibly.

1 min

Activity Description
Anticipatory Set: I will discuss Omnikin ball and where it
originated in.

Skill/Teacher Cues
Okay class so how many of you
have heard of Omnikin ball?
(shows them the Omnikin ball)
How many of you have played
this game, show of hands?



Who here knows where

Omnikin ball started?
It was created in Canada!
Okay so lets see how fast we
Okay class, so can you find a partner and get toe-to-toe
can each get toe-to-toe with a
with one another facing me?
Have students get toe to toe with a partner and separate
The person on the left (points to
into two different lines facing each other one arms length
side I am talking about) get in a
away from one another.
single filled line on this line one
arms length away from one
another and the person on the
right stand directly in front of
your partner on arms length
Instant Activity Instruction: Omnikin Train
Use students to help demonstrate
The object of the game is to make one lap around the gym as the activity and rules while I give
fast as possible working as a team. While you and your partner instructions.
holds the Omnikin ball over your head, you will securely pass
it on to the next couple of people as fast as you can without
letting the ball hit the ground. When you pass the ball you and
your partner then run to the end of the line and wait for the
ball to come. You will continue to do this until you make it all
the way back to where you began! If you drop the ball you
have to start all the way from the beginning!


Students are already in position. They are just waiting for
me to give them the ball.

Stress student safety when

running to the end of the line.

4 min 30

Instant Activity Game Play:

Have students play the first round.
If done extremely quickly, have students do activity again
but instead hopping not running.
If there is enough time for another round, have students
line up in a single line and make one or two laps.

Watch for safety issues.


Have students bring me the ball and sit down in front of
me waiting for instruction.

Okay so can I get one person to

safely place the ball by me and
can everyone please come have a
seat right in front of me!?

1 min 40

Activity Description
Skill Instruction:
Okay so for this next week I am going to teach you how to
play a full game of Omnikin ball. So before we start anything,
we have to learn first how to hold the Omnikin ball when we

Skill/Teacher Cues
Wide triangles!
knee on the ground!
sitting on your heels!
head down!
Chest down on your knee!

Also, watch time and see how fast

or slow the first activity goes!***

Can I get three volunteers to help me demonstrate?

So when we hold we want to make a triangle! Each person
will have one knee on the ground while sitting on your foot.
You also need to make sure that your chest is down resting on
your bent knee and that your head in down so that the ball
doesnt hit it! One last thing we have to remember is to make
sure we hold the ball with our arms extended over our head
with our palms to the ceiling.

Arms extended with your palms

Two hands!
fingers to the ceiling!
Use students to help demo both

Today when we serve we are going to work on the push

technique! It is very simple. You have to use two hands and
you simply push the ball in the direction you want it to go!
Make sure that your fingers are to the ceiling!
So what we are going to do today is have each team practice
holding and hitting the ball to the other group across from you
on the court.
There will be 3 courts marked off by poly spots or lines on
the court.
1 minute

Okay so can I get students 1,2,3, and 4 to get on to this
court. Now can I get students 5,6,7, and 8 to get on this

I will have a total of six teams.

Four teams will have 4 students
and the other two will have 5.

6 minutes

Skill Practice:
Before students begin I will personally give each court two
Omnikin balls so they arent distracted initially.

Wide triangles!
knee on the ground!
sitting on your heels!
head down!
Chest down on your knee!
Arms extended with your palms

While students are holding and pushing the ball. Give proper
feedback to ensure they are holding correctly.
I would make sure that each student has a few opportunities to
switch so they can both hold and hit.


Have students leave their equipment where they are and
have them come meet by me.


Activity Description
Culminating Activity Instruction: Hit the Hoops!
Okay so did everyone find holding and hitting the ball fun
and easy??
Next what we are going to do is play a little game of Hit the

Two hands!
fingers to the ceiling!
Watch for safety and give
feedback to students, focusing on
their holding and pushing
Alright everybody everyone
leave your equipment where it is
at and come meet by me in
Skill/Teacher Cues
Express no defense and stress
Watch out for hula hoop

Hoops! So each team will get three different color hula hoops
and you are responsible for spreading the hula hoops out on
your side of the court. The object is to serve the Omnikin ball
and hit the other teams hula hoop without bouncing or hitting
the ground! If you hit the hula hoop you get one point for red,
two for yellow, and three for blue (or whatever colors we
have). We are not working on defense today so we have to let
the Omnikin balls bounce at least one time. So no defense!



Okay can I have one person from each team go get the
three hula hoops and meet back at your court?
Lets get those hula hoops places as quickly as we can!


8-9 min

Culminating Activity/Skill Application:

Have students play one round while switching up the balls in
the courts so everyone has an opportunity to use each ball
since we only have two real Omnikin balls.
Also have students replace the hula hoops if they wanted two
or three times.

Wide triangles!
knee on the ground!
sitting on your heels!
head down!
Chest down on your
Arms extended with your
palms up!
Two hands!
fingers to the ceiling!


Okay so can I get a few students grab all of the
equipment and come put it here (in designated area) and
meet by me? But please stay next to your group members
from this last activity!

Watch for safety and give

feedback to students,
focusing on their holding
and pushing abilities.

Okay so does everyone enjoy Omnikin ball so far?
What two skills did we work on today?
Okay so groups get together really quick and fill this sheet out together and hand it back to me!
Remember what the proper skill cues were today!
Circle each skill cue for holding: on one knee. Standing up. Head down. Head up. Chest down. Chest up
Circle each skill cue for hitting: two hands. One hand. Fingertips up. Fingertips down.

1. What were the most successful components of this lesson? Why were they successful?


2. What aspects of this lesson should be changed/modified? Why should they be modified?

3. Did you meet the objectives of this lesson? Did the students achieve the SLTs? Why or why
not? How do you know?

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