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1. It is a set of standards to be followed in assessment.

A. Goals and objective
B. criteria
C. behavior

D. condition

2. They are sets of learning outcomes specifically designed for students.

A. Goals and objective
B. Criteria
C. behavior
D. condition
3. He gives some marks of a good curriculum which may be used a criteria for evaluation
a. J. Galen Saylor
b. John McConnel
c. J. Jacques Rousseau
d. Edward Bloom
4. These are systematically planned find evaluated, reflects the aims of the school and
promotes continuity of experience.
a. Learning
b. Curriculum
c. Evaluation
d. Teaching Strategies
5. Which of the following DOES NOT belong in marks of a good curriculum which may be used
as criteria for evaluation purposes.
a. A good curriculum arranges learning opportunities flexibly for adaptation to particular
situations and individuals.
b. A good curriculum utilizes the most effective learning experiences and resources available.
c. A good curriculum makes maximum provision for the development of each learner.
d. A good curriculum maintain imbalance among all aims of education.
6. It is a structured set of learning outcomes or task that educator usually call goals and
a. curriculum
b. instruction
c. Criteria
d. Course
7. They says that knowledge of the curriculum is for successful assessment, evaluation,
decision making and teaching.
a. Jowell and Ivans b. Jowell and Evans c. Howell and Evans d. Howell and Ivans
8. It is the actual engagement of the learners of the planned learning activities.
a. Recitation
b. Instruction
c. Activity
d. Laboratory
9. It is the process of collecting information for use in evaluation.
a. Curriculum
b. Implemented curriculum c. Intended curriculum

d. Achieved

10. It refers to a set of objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan.
a. Curriculum
b. Implemented curriculum c. Intended curriculum

d. Achieved

11. It refers to the curriculum outcomes and now considered as the product.
a. Curriculum
b. Implemented curriculum c. Intended curriculum

d. Achieved

12. It refers to the various learning activities or experiences of the students.

a. Curriculum
b. Implemented curriculum c. Intended curriculum

d. Achieved

13. What kind of evaluation takes place at the end of the lesson?
a. Summative evaluation

b. Curriculum evaluation c. Formative evaluation d. None of the

14. What is the process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational
a. Formative evaluation b.Summative evaluation c.Curriculum evaluation d. None of the
15. What evaluation takes place during the lesson?
a. Curriculum evaluation
of the above

b. Summative evaluation

c. Formative evaluation

d. None

16. It provides the situation or the conditions for teaching and learning to occur.
a. Subject Matter b. Learning Environment
the above

c. Method of teaching and learning d. None of

17. This refers to the various ways of teaching, teaching styles, approaches, techniques, and
steps in delivering curriculum.
a. Assessment

b. Instruction

c. Measurement

d. None of the Above

18. What factor is considered as the heart of instruction?

a. Method of Teaching and Learning

b. Teachers

c. Learners

d. Subject

19. What level that students has demonstrated all the knowledge, skills, and achievement that
exceeded the standard set.
a. Level 4

a. Level 2

a. Level 3

a. Level 1

20. Is the process of collecting information which describes the students achievement in
relation to curriculum expectations?
a. Method of teaching and learning b. Measurements

c. Assessment

d. Instruction

21. What school year was declared as the pilot year in the public school?
a. S.Y 2001-2002

b. S.Y 2002-2003

c. S.Y 2003-2004

d. S.Y 2004-2005

22. How many areas of learning that BEC decongested the overcrowded of the old curriculum?
a. 4 areas

b. 6 areas

c. 5 areas

d. 7 areas

23. What level that students has demonstrated some of the knowledge, skills, and achievement
that exceeded the standard set.
a. Level 4

a. Level 2

a. Level 3

a. Level 1

24. It is an elements of curriculum that refers to the implementation of the objectives.

a. Instruction

b. Evaluation

c. Direction

d. Discussion

25. It is an approach to instruction that referred to as direct instruction.

a. Supplantive approach

b. Genovative approach

c. Educational approach

26. It is an approach to instruction that referred to as constructivist or developmental

a. Supplantive approach

b. Genovative approach

c. Educational approach

26. In this approach the teacher functions as a facilitator who takes a less central role in a
learning process.
a. Supplantive approach

b. Genovative approach

c. Educational approach

27. In this approach to instruction to highly teachers directed.

a. Supplantive approach

b. Genovative approach

c. Educational approach

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