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Unit 6

Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism

Table of Contents

Background of Selected Tourism Destination: India..........................................................4
Background of Tourism Organization: Premier Inn Heathrow...........................................5
Identification and discussion on two current issues..........................................................6
Social and Cultural Scenario..........................................................................................6
Causes based on the destination selection.......................................................................7
Analysis and determination of the factors driving the changes in destination..................8
Methods of Data Collection...............................................................................................8
Analysis and discussion on emerging trends in terms of tourism products and services
Assessment and Discussion how the emerging trends influence the type of visitors and
their numbers...................................................................................................................10
Discussion how the selected travel and tourism responded to the emerging trends in
terms of types of travel and tourism product demanded and changing pattern of
customer requirements....................................................................................................11
Critical analysis of responses (strategies) taken by the selected organization...............12
Examination how effective were the responses and analyze the impacts of the
performance of the travel and tourism organization chosen...........................................15
Critically analyze the consequences of firms failing to response to the changing needs
References and Bibliography..........................................................................................17

Tourism and Hospitality is the emerging industry in many countries and in some
countries it is passing the stage of maturity. This is the report which has been prepared
to discuss on the contemporary issues and trends affecting the travel and tourism. The
information of this report will help the concerned persons informing the influence on
current issues in the business of travel and tourism. The report will inform the reader
how the tourism and travel organization concentrating in business maintain the current
issues and trends. Premier Inn Heathrow has been selected as travel and tourism
organization and Bangladesh has been selected as destination.

Task 1

Background of Selected Tourism Destination: India

Bangladesh has been selected as destination of tourism to discuss on the contemporary
issues on tourism. Bangladesh is the third world country in the world and is situated in
the south Asia. Bangladesh is an independent nation in the world and it achieved its
independence in the year 1991 with the win of liberation war against Pakistan.
Bangladesh is the country which is growing in terms of economy and in terms of
indicators of tourism and hospitality. Bangladesh is the natural resourced based country
as a result the tourists of this country will be able to see the beauty of countryside as
well the site of architectural engineering including national parliament building, national
memorial, Ahsan Munjil and many more places. The communication system is now in
well condition so tourists can easily be connected everywhere in the world (The
Guardian, 2013).

Background of Tourism Organization: Premier Inn Heathrow

Premier Inn Heathrow as tourism organization and the profit generating record and
record of customer satisfaction indicates that Premier Inn Heathrow is versatile and
resilient hotel business. Considering the market and overall indicator Premier Inn
Heathrow can enter in the market of Bangladesh. Premier Inn Heathrow is just one mile
away from the London Heathrow Airport and the location of this hotel is in the 15 Bath
Road of London. Premier Inn Heathrow is the resilient hotel which faces competition
from the Holiday Inn and Hilton basically.

Figure: Premier Inn Heathrow

Source: Premier Inn Heathrow, (2013)

Identification and discussion on two current issues

Bangladesh is a democratic country in the world and the developing country in South
Asia. If any tourism and hospitality organization deserves to enter in the market of
Bangladesh it must needs to consider or analysis on several issues basically the
contemporary issues. From the study on the factors or indicators that can contribute to
the development of the tourism and hospitality in Bangladesh it has been known that
security issues and infrastructure are the main contemporary issues for the tourism
organization (Kotler and Keller, 2007).
Tourism and Hospitality organization needs to consider the infrastructural and security
issues before investing in the tourism and hospitality sector in Bangladesh. Besides
these issues the consideration should be on the government view on the tourism
industry, the condition of market for the hotel and tourism business. On the basis of the
identification of several contemporary issues the main two issues that the tourism
organization can keep in mind before investing in Bangladesh are presented belowTerrorism
Terrorism is the issues that can spoils the security of the assets and life of the tourists
and the tourism and hospitality industry will boost up the performance of the
organization. Terrorism needs to manage by the government of Bangladesh and needs
to ensure the security of the assets of the tourists coming from all over the world. In
Bangladesh the life security index is not in satisfactory level rather the condition of the
life security in Bangladesh is not in the satisfactory level. From the estimation it has
been known that in 2013, 12 foreigners had been killed (The Guardian, 2013).

Social and Cultural Scenario

The social and cultural condition of Bangladesh is not modern or up to date what makes
problems for the tourists coming from the foreign countries. In the society of Bangladesh
the modern life style are criticize and the foreign tourists will face problems regarding
the leading of their life style in Bangladesh and they may be affected by slang wards in
some cases (The Guardian, 2013).

Causes based on the destination selection

Bangladesh has been selected as destination for the tourism industry for the
following reasons

The people of Bangladesh are keen to the tourists and are very hospitable so the

tourists feel better while spending time in Bangladesh

The natural scenery of Bangladesh attracts the tourists and impressed their heart

and mind with the appeal of beauty

Bangladesh has been selected for the destination of tourism and hospitality

industry as it has the attachment of the huge local market

It is selected as destination as the condition of weather of Bangladesh is
favorable as only two or three months of whole remain negative for the loitering

and rests are good for tourism.

Bangladesh is good in the aspect of providing the tourists with modern treatment,

provides with modern hotel facilities and well -structured communication system.
Bangladesh has been selected as market or destination as Bangladesh is now
considered as the hub of South Asia (The Guardian, 2013).

Analysis and determination of the factors driving the changes in destination

Bangladesh has been selected as destination for the tourism and hospitality
organization but what was not possible before 5 or 10 years. Several factors contribute
to the selection of the destination. The factors that drive to make the decisions to select
Bangladesh as country of destination are presented below

The expansion of economy of Bangladesh forces the author to select

Bangladesh as point destination for the tourism and Hospitality industry.

The index of the security of the life forces the author to select Bangladesh as

place of destination
The natural scenery of Bangladesh forces the author to select Bangladesh as the
natural scenery helps the tourism organization to attract the tourists what makes

the tourism organization as successful one.

The index of security and safety of Bangladesh favors Bangladesh to be selected
by the author (Kotler and Keller, 2007).

Methods of Data Collection

To prepare any report the author needs to go through the using of data. On the basis of
the importance of the report the author can use primary data and secondary data. The
primary data composed or gathered from the interview and market survey on the other
hand the secondary data can be collected from the business bulletins, newspapers,
business journals (Creswell, 2003) This is the report which has been prepared on the
contemporary issues influencing the tourism organizations business and to prepared the
report all the data has been used from the primary sources (The Guardian, 2013).

Task 2

Analysis and discussion on emerging trends in terms of tourism products and

services offerings
Day by day the trends in tourism and hospitality industry are increasing and changing
and the changes occur due to the change take places for the tastes tourist. The tourists
are influenced by the advancement of technology and the tourism organizations are
influenced by the changing behavior of the tourists.

Premier Inn Heathrow is the United Kingdom tourism and hospitality industry and the
success of this business depends on the success of the proper customization of the
needs of tourists. Traditionally, the tourists were badly to collect the seat appeared
physically to the respective tourism organization and the tourists of Premier Inn
Heathrow are not exception to that. This was hassle oriented services for the tourist.

The advancement of technology or the gift of technology makes the tourism

organization as digital one and to compete with the competitors the tourism organization
started to digitalize the tourism business structure and the services of the tourism
sectors. At present the management of Premier Inn Heathrow introduces the digital
system by which the tourists around the world can reserve the seats in hotel, now can
use internet facilities to communicate and can be connected with around the world
including the business partners, relatives and friends (Kumar, 2010).

Assessment and Discussion how the emerging trends influence the type of
visitors and their numbers

Visitors are possible to classify under different categories as the on the basis of the
objectives, on the basis of the activity performed the tourists can be classified as regular
tourist, traditional tourist, sports tourist and business tourist remarkably. This is the
section of the report where the discussion has been presented on the emerging trends
and the influence of creation of tourist. With the emerging trends the type of visitors and
numbers varies and change.
This is the world of cloud competition where the tourism organization faces cloud
competition and the cloud competition has been occurred due to the emerging trends.
The emerging trends are the globalization; the emerging trends are increasing the
number of sporting sports event. From the estimation it has been known that in the year
2014 the number of sports tourists in Bangladesh were 10% more as in this year
Bangladesh organized Asia Cup 2014. So this indicates the new issues increase the
number of tourist. Another estimation on the tourists number on Bangladesh shows that
in the year 2013 the number of tourists in Bangladesh were 5 less than the tourist in the
year 2012 as in 2013 the political condition were not good in Bangladesh what decrease
the number of business tourist (The Guardian, 2013).

Task 3

Discussion how the selected travel and tourism responded to the emerging
trends in terms of types of travel and tourism product demanded and changing
pattern of customer requirements
To satisfy the objectives of the report Bangladesh has been selected as the destination
and Premier Inn Heathrow has been selected as the tourism organization. The
emerging trends around the world increase the competition degree and appeared with
the nature variation of competition. In this section of the report the discussion has been
on how Premier Inn Heathrow relating the issues how the management of Premier Inn
Heathrow faces the competition emerges from the emerging trends.
Emerging trends
This is the present competitive business world where the advancement has been on the
information technology which influences the business operation of the organization
which concentrating in the tourism and hospitality industry. Premier Inn Heathrow is
resilient business organization response to the advancement of information and
communication technology by digitalizing its seat reserving system and payment
system. Premier Inn Heathrow has the alliance with the transportation organization and
airline business organization as it wants to achieve strategic position in the market.
Premier Inn Heathrow is sincere about the current competitive business environment
and to face the competition the management of Premier Inn Heathrow believes in the
unique selling proposition and market serving strategy (Premier Inn Heathrow, 2013).

Critical analysis of responses (strategies) taken by the selected organization

Premier Inn Heathrow has been selected which can enter in the emerging market of
Bangladesh as the market of Bangladesh is enriched with varied opportunities for the
business organization of tourism and hospitality industry. The critical responses that can
be useful for Premier Inn Heathrow when it will enter in Bangladeshi market has been
presentedFocused Strategy:
It is Premier Inn Heathrow which is one of the well-known third generation hotel
businesses in United Kingdom and to face the contemporary issues efficiently and
effectively the management of this organization highlights on the focused strategy of
Porter generic strategy. The main theme of focused strategy of Porter generic strategy
is that the management of Premier Inn Heathrow will provides the market such products
and services which will be super quality and will be offered in the market with
reasonable low price. Focused strategy of Premier Inn Heathrow helps it to capture the
business or luxurious tourists as the launch of Bungalow is the part of focused strategy
of the management of Premier Inn Heathrow. If it choices Bangladesh as a destination
then it needs to go through the Focused strategy what will help to attract the tourists of
Bangladesh by providing quality services with low cost (Kumar, 2010).
Unique selling Strategy
Unique selling strategy is the strategy to face the emerging issues as the emerging
issues force to develop unique selling to increase the volume sales. If Premier Inn
Heathrow enters in the market of Bangladesh the unique selling proposition will help it
to capture the market and as a unique selling strategy the sales executives can visit to
the spots where the potential tourists may have and convince them about the facilities
the tourists are offered in this hotel.

Segmentation, Targeting and positioning strategies

Segmentation, Targeting and positioning strategies are the marketing strategies applied
in Premier Inn Heathrow and to capture bigger market share and the strategies are
presented belowSegmentation Strategy:
Segmentation strategy divides the market into different segments and the management
of Premier Inn Heathrow will be benefitted if it segments the market of Bangladesh in
the following ways

Segmentation on the basis of the income:

Bangladesh is the third world country of South Asia and the income generation of
people of this country basically from the agricultural sector and keeping this fact in mind
the market of Bangladesh can be categorized as the market high income, market of
medium income and market of low income. The high income market will be the
industrialist, the medium income market is the combination businessmen and
established job holders and the low level income market are the rest of the people. The
products and services of premier Inn Heathrow needs to be design on the basis of the
income level of market (Premier Inn Heathrow, 2013).

Targeting Strategy:
The management of Premier Inn Heathrow needs to target the market if it deserves to
engage in the market of Bangladesh. Premier Inn Heathrow will be benefitted it targets
the business tourists and sports tourists as in Bangladesh the number of business
tourists and sports tourist are more. From the survey it has been known that the ratio of
sports and business tourist contribute by on third of all the tourist in Bangladesh.

Positioning Strategy:
Segmenting and targeting strategy will be considered as failed it the positioning strategy
cannot work best. Positioning strategy is the strategy that will help Premier Inn
Heathrow with the competitive advantages placing the products and services in the
mind of the tourists and they will be turned as the behavior of rebuy tourists (Kotler and
Keller, 2007).

Task 4

Examination how effective were the responses and analyze the impacts of the
performance of the travel and tourism organization chosen
To face the contemporary issues and trends the management of Premier Inn Heathrow
follows several strategies to response. In this section of the report analysis has been
conducted how the responses works whether effectively or not. From the analysis of
the business performance of Premier Inn Heathrow it has been known that premier Inn
Heathrow is doing well in United Kingdom by the application of Segmentation, Targeting
and positioning strategies.
From the analysis of these strategies the above strategies are recommended and it can
be said that the application of these strategies in the market of Bangladesh will provide
Premier Inn Heathrow a great opportunities to achieve a better or competitive place in
the market of Bangladesh (The Guardian, 2013).

Critically analyze the consequences of firms failing to response to the changing

A slogan is now well-known and well spread that the business will be champion in
competition if it becomes champion in change. This is the section of the report where it
is asked to discuss critically the consequences of firms failing to response to the
changing needs.
Business organization should be competent to adjust any situation created inside and
outside the organization. The success of business organization depends on the degree
how much it can develop strategies or options to adjust with the change. If a firm fails to
response to the changing needs the firm will lose the customers one by one. Losing
tendency of customer will decrease the amount of sales of the respective company. The
decrease of sales volume will increase the cost and will reduce the volume of profit and
ultimately the organization will be forced to quit from the market (The Guardian, 2013).

The contemporary issues and trends influence the operation of business and the
success of the organization depends on the management of the contemporary issues
effectively. From the analysis it can be said that Bangladesh is the emerging and
prospective market for the organization which wants to generate profits from the market
and Premier Inn Heathrow is the resilient hotel what can choice Bangladesh to enter as
[profitable emerging market for the attributes Bangladesh provides to the tourism
business organization.

References and Bibliography

Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2010) Principles of Marketing, 13 th edition, Pearson pp.


CIM (2009) The Chartered Institute of Marketing. Marketing and 7 Ps, A brief
summary of marketing and how it works.

Hooley, G. J., Saunders, J. A. and Piercy, N. F. (2008) Marketing Strategy and

Competitive Positioning, 3rd ed. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Kumar, P. (2010) Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism Service, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.

Kotler, K. and Keller, K. (2007) Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Dorling

Kindersley: India.

Kangis, P. and O`Reilly, M. D. (2003) Strategies in a dynamic marketplace: A case

study in the airline industry, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 56, pp. 105-111.

Mason, K. and Alamdari, F. (2007) EU network carriers, low cost carriers and
consumer behavior: A Delphi study of future trends, Journal of Air Transport
management, Vol. 13, pp. 299-310.









<> [Access time: 03- 06-2014]

Premier Inn Heathrow (2013), Website: Available at< http://www.Premier Inn> [Access time: 02.06.2014]

Creswell, J. W, 2003. Research Design; Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods

Approaches. 3rd ed. London: Sage Publications Ltd.







< > [Accessed on 29May, 2014]



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