DMSA - Chelation & Detox

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DMSA Chelation Detoxify Your Body Quickly

DMSA Chelating Agent Removes 20 Toxic Metals Quickly

Protocol: How To Use DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic Acid)To Remove Heavy Metals From Your
Dosage is based on body weight as follows. In this case the patient is a 70 pound child.
Adults use the same formula to figure out dosage requirements, simply substitute your weight.
If you dont want to calculate this yourself simply email us your body weight and we will calculate it for you.
20-30 mg of DMSA per kilogram of body weight per day (to a maximum of 2 gms per day) (if you prefer to calculate in pounds, its
approximately 9-13 mg of DMSA per pound of body weight per day)
1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds therefore to figure this out in pounds do the following:
Divide your childs weight in pounds by 2.2
example: a 70 pound child weights approximately 32 kilograms and would require 640 to 960 mgs of DMSA per day, this is 6 to 9 capsules
for one day. Read on for the actual protocol to use.

Monthly Treatment Protocol

Hopefully you have established the correct dosage your child needs. This dosage is only taken for 3 DAYS. Then one day of rest (nothing
taken). Followed by 9 days of supplement replacement (high quality multivitamin such as Greens Plus) then another day of rest (nothing
taken). Now repeat this procedure. Below is a monthly summary.

Monthly Summary (days 1 to 30)

Days 1-3
Take DMSA, 1/3 of the total daily dosage taken 3 times during the course of the day.
example: your child weights 70 pounds therefore his/her total daily dosage is 640-960 mgs.
Why the range? Each individual tolerates the DMSA differently, use the lower range of 640 mg if child develops symptoms, use the high
range of 960 mg if child has no symptoms. For first time use the low range is suggested until it is determined how well the childs body
tolerates DMSA.

How To Give DMSA

It may be difficult to get an autistic child to swallow a capsule. It is therefore recommend that the total daily dose be combined in a
favourite beverage (do not put in milk products or grapefruit juice) and 1/3 of this drink be given to the child in the morning, another 1/3 at
lunch, and the final 1/3 at dinner or in the evening. For this example, a 70 pound child, simply pull apart the 7 of the 100 mg capsules and
mix them into the drink. Then pour 1/3 of this drink into a separate cup and give it to the child in the morning. Give the next 1/3 at lunch
time and the final 1/3 at dinner or in the evening. Ideally, DMSA should be given every 4 hours as it has a 4 hour half-life inside the body.
Practically, however, it is not always feasible to get yourself and your child up throughout the night to do this. If you choose to follow the 3
days on 11 days off schedule, getting up in the night may be workable as you only have to do it for 3 days. Other chelation schedules,
such as 7 days on, 7 days off, are not suited for this.

Day 4
Rest. Child does NOT take any DMSA.

Days 5-13
Child does NOT take any DMSA.
Child follows supplement replacement therapy as determined by yourself or your health care practioner. A high quality multi-vitamin is
recommended. A high quality diet is critical for autistic children, this cannot be overstated. A few tips. Completely avoid man-made
products such as artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sorbitol, splenda etc) and the processed food found at typical fast food places, and
microwave dinners etc. Simple whole foods are best and will help your child get better sooner. STRONGLY suggest that your autistic child
eat real butter as is contains arachidonic acid and linoleic acid, both of which are necessary for vital brain function. The addition of real
butter into a childs diet has been shown to greatly help children with attention deficit disorders. Avoid all butter substitutes such as
margarine. If you can afford organic butter (approx $8 per pound) its even better. Avoid bad fats such as vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil
and ALL products that contain these oils. Read labels on food. Become a smart consumer. Instead use olive oil, coconut oil, and hemp
seed oil (very close to the perfect ration of 4:1 omega 6 to omega 3). Avoid sugar (read labels), this includes things that are converted into
sugar such as grains (white bread), white pasta, corn syrup (read labels, its in almost everything). These are basic diet tips, become an
expert on nutrition and learn to heal your child. Email for more basic, cheap,and easy diet tips.

Day 14
Rest. Child does NOT take any DMSA.

Day 15
Start taking DMSA again. Repeat days 1-15.

This completes the one month treatment protocol. Follow this protocol for 3 month then do the 24 hour urine challenge (Email for details
about how to do this and cost) to measure the levels of heavy metals, specifically mercury still remaining in your child.
Note: DMSA cannot cross the blood brain barrier by itself. It needs to be combined with alpha-lipoic acid (very inexpensive at any
pharmacy or walmart, walgreens etc) to do this. When all the mercury has been removed from the childs body THEN you can start
removing it from the brain. This is the final stage. Do not add alpha-lipoic acid at the start of the DMSA treatment.

What follows is a general overview of mercury and lead poisoning.

Overview of Mercury and Lead Poisoning
Our bodies are constantly exposed to an onslaught of environmental toxins. Lead and mercury are two heavy metals that seem to have
found their way into almost everyone. Lead and mercury do not occur naturally in the body and as such are very toxic. These two heavy
metals are known to interfere with how nerves communicate. Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a compound approved in the
1960s by the FDA for the removal (chelation) of heavy metals. DMSA is considered the preferred agent for the chelation (removal) of
heavy metals in both adults and children. Mercury is considered to be the second most toxin substance on the planet (uranium is #1) and
the negative effects of lead exposure are well documented.
Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is also known as succimer and sold as a prescription under the trade name Chemet, note that
Chemet contains sucralose, a know neuro-toxin, probably not something you want to give to your child. DMSA is also sold as an over the
counter nutritional supplement in some areas. DMSA has a somewhat strong sulfur like smell. Its chemical properties make it particularly
suited to chelate (remove via excretion) mercury and lead, the two most common toxic heavy metals in people. DMSA isnt particular
about what heavy metals it removes, it simply grabs all the metals it encounters. When you are chelating mercury you are also removing
over 15 other heavy metals.

How Did I Get Heavy Metals (Mercury and Lead) In My Body?

There are several possible ways heavy metals got into your body. Below each of the more common exposures will be discussed.
Remember there are no safe levels for heavy metals. Chelation of toxic heavy metals with DMSA is well documented in the scientific
literature. There are several other chelation agents but DMSA so far as been proven to be the safest and most effective.

There are 4 main sources of mercury poisoning:
1. In Vitro, passed from mother to baby
2. Vaccinations
3. Dental Amalgams or Silver Fillings

4. Contraception Pills and Contact Lense Solution

1. In Vitro
A mother with mercury in her body will pass it into her baby. The level of mercury in the tissue of the fetus, newborn, and young children is
directly proportional to the number of silver fillings in the mothers mouth.

2. Vaccinations
Vaccinations are the #1 mercury exposure in infants, and the #2 exposure in adults.
25% of vaccines today still contain mercury.
Flu shots still contain mercury.
When mercury is removed from flu shots, it is replaced with other heavy metals such as aluminum and formaldehyde.
Mercury is used as a preservative in vaccinations. Vaccinations are currently a hot topic of debate with some parents linking autism to
vaccinations. Flu shots contain mercury also, as a preservative. According to the EPA the average child can tolerate 0.3 micrograms of
mercury. Note that a 2 month old infant receiving all 4 scheduled vaccinations (DtaP, Polio, Hib, Hepatitus B) will have a mercury level of
62.5 micrograms, 125 times higher than the EPA safe level.

3. Dental Amalgams or Silver Fillings

Amalgam fillings leech methyl-mercury into your body. Methyl-mercury is particularly dangerous as its attracted to tissues and organs and
can actually cross the blood brain barrier and get into your brain.
Fact: Most major countries other than the U.S. have extensive bans and health warnings regarding the use of amalgam fillings. This
includes Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Fact: In 1988 scrap dental amalgam material was declared a hazardous waste by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). OSHA
has certain mandates present to handle amalgam fillings before going into and out of your mouth. The OSHA guidlines include:
Scrap amalgam must be stored in an unbreakable, tight sealed container away from heat.
Use a no-touch technique for handling the amalgam
Store under liquid, preferably glycerin or photographic fixer solution
Here is a quick, informative video explaining how mercury from dental fillings gets out of the filling and into your body:

As the movie clearly shows, activities such as brushing your teeth and drinking hot liquids can increase your exposure to methyl-mercury
(mercury vapor) from 10 to 100 times.
What about fish? There is inorganic mercury in fish but the amount that actually ends up in the human body from fish consumption is
very low and has been blown out of proportion by the media.

4. Contraception Pills and Contact Lense Solution

Mercury used to be used in both of these products. It has since been discontinued. Using these products in the 1980s would have
exposed you to mercury, which in turn would be passed from mother to child.

Lead is one of the most prominent metals you will see on any tests. Our parents were part of the lead generation, it takes 4 generations to
eliminate their exposures. Sources include leaded paint, leaded gasoline, painted dishes, toys from China, candy from Mexico, childrens
jewelry, and canned foods to name just a few. The point is if its in your body you need to get it out. DMSA is able to effectively chelate lead
from the human body.
Lead is particularly toxic to children, leading to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Hyperactive Disorders. Their growing nervous system
is negatively impacted by chronic and acute lead exposure. DMSA has been shown to be safe for use in children. The 24 hour urine
challenge should be done before and after a DMSA chelation program. During the Urine Challenge, DMSA is used as the provoking agent
to measure the level of lead in the body.

DMSA Chelation
The chemical process behind how DMSA works to chelate heavy metals from the body is somewhat technical and beyond the scope of
this article. The basic mechanism is that DMSA has receptor sites that the heavy metals bind to. New research suggests the following
action. Heavy metals reside inside the cells of the body and DMSA cannot enter the cells. Instead glutathione (the bodys natural chelator)
residing inside the cell pushes the metals out of the cell whereby they are picked up by DMSA and excreted. Now you might say cant I just
take a glutathione supplement and force more heavy metals out of the cell? The answer is no because naturally occurring glutathione
levels are 100 higher inside the cell than outside. Any glutathione supplement you take will end up circulation around the outside of the cell
only. What you need to do instead is take the precursor for glutathione so you body will manufacture its own glutathione. One known precursor (the chemical that allows your body to make its own glutathione) is N-AcetylCysteine, abbreviated as NAC. Glycine also plays a
large role in the production of glutathione, which is why its in the DMSA Synergy product.
DMSA should be taken in on again and off again cycles. Ideally 3 days on and 11 days off. The reason is that the body needs 11 days to
regenerate its glutathione levels. Three days on and 11 days off is the fastest and safest way to use DMSA to chelate heavy metals.

DMSA and the Blood Brain Barrier

As previously stated DMSA can NOT cross the blood brain barrier. One study exists with lab rats wherein the DMSA did cross the blood
brain barrier. However these test animals were so toxic that their normal functioning was greatly impaired. The results have never been
duplicated so its safe to say that DMSA cannot cross the blood brain barrier. DMSA must be taken in conjunction with alpha-lipoic acid to
cross the blood brain barrier. After you have chelated the heavy metals from your body (know as lowering your body burden) you should
then add alpha-lipoic acid with your DMSA to pull the mercury and other metals from your brain.
DMSA is taken in capsule form. Other competing forms of chelation, namely ETDA (suppositories) and DMPS (intraveniously) are more
dangerous and less effective. DMSA is thought to remove small amounts of beneficial minerals, therefore a vitamin and mineral
supplement such as a high quality multi vitamin should be taken in conjunction with DMSA

Top of Page

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Arsenic Poisoning
Chelating Agent
Child Vaccinations
DMSA Chelation
DMSA Store
Lead Poisoning Symptoms
Mercury Poisoning
Urine Test for Lead, Mercury
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