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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 21, 2016

What are the most essential qualities students and youth must strive to cultivate?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

Students! Embodiments of love! Where the six qualities of zeal,

determination, courage, intelligence, ability and heroism are
present, there Divine help will manifest! In any field, at any
time, for anyone who is endowed with all these six precious
qualities, success is assured. They will ensure your all-round
prosperity. However these qualities confront various difficulties
from time to time. Just as a student faces various exams to
graduate, these noble qualities are also subject to trials. Such
trials should be regarded as stepping stones to one's high
achievements. These trials are in the form of losses, troubles,
pains, sufferings and calumny. You must overcome these
troubles with courage and self-confidence and go ahead.
Without self-confidence the six qualities cannot be acquired.
Students should develop self-confidence and embark on the
journey of life with faith in God.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1997.

I am always with you, in you, above you, before you, behind you, guiding and guarding
you. Baba

21 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: auh ikhVy bhuq zrUrI gux hn ijhVy ividAwrQIAW Aqy nOjvwnW nUM
Apnwauxy cwhIdy hn? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ividAwrQIau[ pRym srUpo[ ij`Qy joS,p`kw ierwdw,hOslw,bu`DImqw,kS`mqw
Aqy vIrqw vrgy gux hox,au`Qy idivXqw ivrwjmwn huMdI hY[iksy vI Kyqr ivc,iksy
vI smyN,iksy vI leI, ijhdy ivc ieh Cy kImqI gux hox gy , auQy ivjy p`kI
hY[ieh gux,mnu`K nUM hr pwisauN suK-SWqI idMdy hn[ies dy vwvjUd,ieh gux
smyN-smyN qy keI muSklW pYdw krdy hn[ijs qrHW iek ividAwrQI nUM,gRYjueyt
hox leI , keI pRIiKAwvW pws krnIAW pYNdIAW hn ausy qrHW ieh au`qm gux
pRwpq krn leI,mnu`K nUM keI AjmwieSW iv`coN guzrnw pYNdw hY[ieh AjmwieSW
nUM,au`cqm qr`kI pRwpq krn dy v`K-v`K kdm m`inAw jw skdw hY[ieh
AjmwieSW ,nukswn,musIbqW,,du`KW,muSklW Aqy inMdw dy rUp ivc hn[quhwnUM ieh
muSklW ,hOsly Aqy Awqm-Brosy nwl dUr krnIAW cwhIdIAW hn Aqy A`gy vDnw
cwhIdw hY[Awqm-Brosy qoN ibnw,ieh Cy gux pRwpq nhIN kIqy jw
skdy[ividAwrQAW nUM Awqm-ivSvwS pYdw krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy Awpxy jIvn dw
sPr,Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS r`K ky SurU krnw cwhIdw hY[( 14 jnvrI,1997 dy
idvX pRvcn)[
mYN hmySw,quhwfy nwl hW,quhwfy ivc hW,quhwfy au`pr hW,quhwfy swhmxy hW,quhwfy
ip`Cy hW Aqy quhwfw mwrg-drSn krdw hW Aqy quhwfI r`iKAw krdw hW[(bwbw)[

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