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Malala Yousafzai more than a simple activist

Do you know the case of the violation of human rights in a certain part of
Pakistan? In a province northwest of Pakistan, the Taliban regime banned
girls' school attendance. This is the story of how a simple girl who was
not satisfied with the fact of not being educated, I fight even in the worst
moments in order to assert the right of everyone to education, how he
faced an entire regime with such That the other girls could also have an
education, how she suffered an accident and not only knew recover, but
also went ahead and never forgot her goal. This is the story of how a
Teacher, a Student, a Notebook, and a Pencil can change the world.
Malala is known for her activism in favor of civil rights, especially
women's rights. Yousafzai's promotion has become a movement with
international support. She wrote a blog for the BBC under a pseudonym,
on this blog she detailed her life under the occupation of the Taliban, the
following summer, the New York Times reporter made a documentary
about her life, Yousafzai increased in importance, giving interviews In the
written press and on television, and was nominated for the International
Peace Prize. She was the first National Youth Peace Prize winner who is
now named after the award. She was also the recipient of the 2013
Sakharov Prize. In July of that year, the United Nations plenary
addressed the call for access to education around the world.
On the afternoon of October 9, 2012, she boarded her school bus. An
armed man approached and asked for her by name, and then pointed a
gun at him and shot him three times. One of the bullets hit the left side
of the forehead, the bullet pierced the skin through the length of the
face, and then entered the shoulder. In the days after the attack, she
remained unconscious and in critical condition, but later her condition
improved enough that she was sent to a better hospital for her intensive

rehabilitation. After this she decided, instead of taking a stance in

repression towards those who decided to try to silence her, she decided
to act in a peaceful way and try to reach an agreement against the
After knowing more or less, the story of Malala, my position on the
subject is that I am in favor of this figure, he has shown me not only
through facts that his intentions are pure, but also, through his attitude.
His attitude tells me that he really is someone who wants to fight for
others, who wants a better quality of life for children and women. In my
opinion the fact that after having gone through an extremely traumatic
moment as he was shot and that after that she recovered and had no
grudge against those who attacked his life, but rather tried to reach a
Peaceful agreement with them tells me a lot.

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