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13th June, 2016

I attended the IPP MR meeting which starts at 9:30 itself.

14th June, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00562 Was in Raigarh

17th June, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00598/1 Local travel to Tata Housing

20th June, 2016


Meeting at STUP Consultancy but I came to office and swiped

22nd June, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00622

23rd June, 2016


Awaiting approval TR/MS/16/00625 (Reminder sent to approver

24th June, 2016

Leave taken

4th July, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00656

8th July, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00678

11th July, 2016

Leave taken

12th July, 2016


Awaiting approval TR/MS/16/00694 (Reminder sent to approver

14th July, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00695

20th July, 2016

attendance at the EOD.

Meeting with customer. No TR raised, local car used. I swiped

21st July, 2016

Swiped for attendance

local meetings

22nd July, 2016

Swiped for attendance

local meetings

28th July, 2016

Swiped for attendance

local meetings

29th July, 2016

Approved TR/MS/16/00752

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