NHT by M M El-Wakil

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Heat Transfer with Change in Phase


Heat Transfer with Change in Phase

HeatTransfer Coefficients Range

Ii in filmwise condensation of pure steam over horizontal tubes 1-3 in.

diameter, is approximately 2000-4000 Btu Ihrft' of. For organic compounds, the values are less by about an order of magnitude. The
presence of appreciable amounts of noncondensable gases, such as
atmospheric air seeping into a turbine condenser which is held at high
vacuum (I psia pressure or less), complicates the analysis [50]. In
general, it reduces the heat-transfer coefficients because such gases
blanket the cooling surfaces and considerably increase the heat- and
mass-transfer resistances. Such noncondensables must therefore be
vented or pumped out such as by the use of air ejectors with turbine
Liquid-Metal Film Condensation
Little information is available on the condensation of metallic vapors.
The above correlations have not therefore been found adequate for the
prediction of heat-transfer coefficients in liquid metal condensation.
The discrepancy seems to be due to the existence of a thermal resistance
at the vapor-liquid interface manifesting itself in fairly large temperature
drops there [119, 120].
Dropwise Condensation
In dropwise condensation no continuous liquid film blankets the
cooling surface and much of the latter remains bare. The vapor condenses in the form of drops which originate at surface nuclei, grow and
then detach from the surface under the influence of gravity. The process
has similarities to its opposite, nucleate boiling. Dropwise condensation
occurs when the cooling surface is prevented from being wetted such as
by a contaminant.
Because of the mechanism of dropwise condensation, heat-transfer
coefficients about 4 to 20 times those of filmwise condensation have been
obtained. The advantages of dropwise condensation are therefore
obvious. It has, however, been reliably obtained with steam only, and
under carefully controlled conditions. Additives, to promote dropwise
condensation by preventing the condensate from wetting the surface,
have been used with varying degrees of success. They are effective for
limited periods of time. Such additives may not be desirable anyway,
such as in boiling-reactor systems. Unlike filmwise condensation, Shea
and Krase [12 I] reported that the heat-transfer coefficient in dropwise
condensation increases with the temperature difference (I, - Iw) to a
maximum, then decreases because of increased condensation rates which
blanket the surface and cause an approach to filmwise condensation


conditions. They also showed a large velocity effect. The presence of

noncondensable gases affects dropwise condensation in a manner similar
to that for filmwise condensation.
Because of the difficulty of maintaining reliable dropwise condensation in practice, filmwise heat-transfer coefficients are recommended for
design purposes.
11-1. If the surface tension between the liquid and vapor for water at 2120 F
is 4.03 tbjlft, calculate the amount of liquid superh~at necessary to generate a
4.6~.Xl.Q,~; in~ diameter bubble at atmospheric pressure (average).
\!!:bJIn an experiment on pool boiling of water, the heat flux and water
temperature and pressure were simultaneously increased so that saturation boiling
occurred at all times. Burnout occurred when the pressure reached 300 psia, Assuming for simplicity that burnout heat transfer occurred solely by radiation, and
that the radiation heat transfer coefficient is 200 Btu/hr ft 2 OF, estimate the temperature of the heating surface at burnout.
11-3. What should the maximum allowable volumetric thermal source
strength be for a flat-plate fuel element operating in saturated pool boiling
water on the lunar surface where the gravitational forces are one sixth those on
earth? The system pte'ssure is 100 psia. The---ereihent -measures 4 X 0.25 in.
Ignore cladding and use a 2: 1 safety factor.

11-4. Water flo\vs at 2,000 psia and 500"F through a hollow cylindrical fuel
_ element having inner and outer diameters of I and 1.28 in. respectively, including
0.030 in. cladding on both sides. The outer surface is surrounded by graphite
and may be considered insulated. For a water velocity of 30 fps, estimate the
vo~' thermal source strength that would cause burnout.
1-5 A 5-ft high boiling-water reactor channel operates at 600 psia. Water
~ent.... - e channel at 4700E and 4 fps. 2 X 10 6 Btu/hr are generated sinusoidally
in the channel. Thefunnel ~e ass~ circular, 2-in. in diamerer,-with
.:&lEa cross-sectional area of 0.0218 W. Neglect the extrapolation lengths.
Assuming that burnout will probably occur at the center plane, determine whether
the chann!;:) is safe.
11-6._ ~A boil1ng-water reactor channel operating at 1,000 psia is 7.68 ft high
and contains 0.80 in. diameter fuel rods (including 0.025 in. cladding). Water
enters the channel saturated at 15 fps. The flow area per fuel element isO,OO18
ft2. It is assumed for simplicity that energy is generated sinusoidally in the
channel with a maximum volumetric thermal source strength of 2 X 10 1 Btu thr
fP, and that the extrapolation lengths may be ignored. Calculate the critical
heat fll!xes at the entrance, center, and exit of the channel. Sketch the variation
of critical heat flux and actual heat flux versus height up the channel and _, _j
calculate the minimum safety factor (ratio of critical-to-actual fluxes) in the :::.&~,~ ~
11-7. Liquid sodium flows at 20 fps and 700C inside a 4-ft long hollow
J' cylindrical fuel element having diameters 1 and 0.5 in. respectively. The ~utside
surface of. the element may be considered insulated. Using a safety factor of 2,


Two-Phase Flow


with a 6 percent steam quality_ Calculate the nonboiling and boiling heights
if heat is added along the channel (a) uniformly and (b) sinusoidally. Neglect
the ~_;m-~olation lengths.. .
12-7,) A 6ft-high bOllIng-water channel operates at 700 pSJa average, 23.1 OF
subctH5ling, and 6 percent exit quality (as above). The voids in the upper part
of the channel, however, cause strong neutron-tlux depression there, so that the
axial flux distribution is represented by




Ce- 7CZ IH smH

where C is a constant, Z = 0 indicates the channel entrance, and H is the channel

height. Find (a) the height z at which the flux is maximum, (b) the value of C in
terms of the maximum flux, and (c) the non boiling and boiling heights.
...,./' 12-8. A 5-ft-high boiling-water channel is 4.25 in. by 0.45 in. in cross
section. Heat is added sinusoidally at an average pressure of 600 psia. Water
enters the channel 5 Btu/lbm subcooled at 2 fps and leaves 'with a void fraction
of 32.9 percent. Neglecting the extrapolation lengths, calculate the power
density in kilowatts per liter of coolant volume (a) in the entire channel and (b)
in the boiling height only.
12-9. A boiling-water reactor channel operates at 1,000 psia, with 19.6"F
subcooling and 10 percent exit quality. The acceleration pressure drop is 0.1 psi.
The slip ratio is 2. Compute the amount of heat added in the channel in Btu/hr
if the channel cross-sectional area is 3 in. 2.
12-10. A 4-ft-high boiling-water channel is 4.5 in. by 0.5 in. in cross section.
It receives heat uniformly at the rate of 3 X lOs Btu/hr ft2 of wide sides only.
The average channel pressure is 1,200 psia. Water enters the channel saturated
at 2 fps. For a slip ratio of 2 and a fri~tion factor of 0.03, calculate the friction
and acceleration pressure drops in the channel.
, / ~ / 12-11. A 5-ft-high boiling-water channel has an equivalent diameter of 0.5 in.
~,;' J Water enters the channel at the rate of 2 X 10 5 Ibm/hI' at 10 fps (forced circulation),
22F sub cooled. Five Mw(t) of heat are added sinusoidally in the channel. The
slip ratio is 1.8, and the average pressure is 900 psia. Neglecting the extrapolation
lengths, calculate the friction and acceleration pressure drops. Consider the
cladding surface to correspond to smooth-drawn tubing.


12-12. A 12-ft-high BWR channel operates at 800 psia and 18.23"F subco
oling. The nonboiling height is 4 f1. The slip ratio is 2. The exit quality is
20 percent. The friction factor is 0.015. The equivalent diameter in the channel
is 0.14 f1. (a) Find the acceleration pressure drop if the friction pressure drop
is 10 lbjlft'. (b) Find the power generated in the channel in Mw(t) per ft' of
channel-flow area.
12-13. A boiling-water channel has a cross-sectional area of 0.025 fP. It
operates at 1,000 psia, receives saturated inlet water and has an exit quality of
10 percent. The slip ratio is 3. The acceleration pressure drop is 0.1 psi. How
much heat is generated in the channel in Btu/hi"?
12-14. A lO-ft-high channel in a I,OOO-psia boiling-water reactor generates
2 X 10 5 Btu/hi' uniformly. It has an equivalent diameter of 0.15 ft. The inlet

Two-Phase Flow


water has a velocity of 6 fps and is 24.61 of subcooled. The water mass-flow rate
is 2(x)(} Ibm/hi" and the slip ratio is 3.0. Find the friction pressure drop in that
channel if the friction factor is 0.015.
12-15. A vertical fuel element in a boiling-water reactor is ~n the form of a
thin cylindrical shell 2 in. ID. Water flowing upward enters at core bottom 22F
subcooled. The inlet water speed on the inside of the cylinder is 3 fps. The
average pressure within the element is 900 psia. The portion of the heat generated by the element and conducted radially inward is 10 6 Btu/hr. The slip ratio
is 2.0. The element support at the top is such that there is a sudden reduction
in the inside diameter to 1.7 in., followed by a sudden expansion back to 2.0 in.
Calculate the net pressure change due to this obstruction. The obstruction may
be considered long enough so that the pressure changes are additive.
12-16. A 2-in.-diameter, two-phase flow channel has an obstruction in it in
the form of a concentric I-in.-diam. disk. The pressure drop due to the obstruction is 0.1 psf at a total mass-flow rate of 124.3 Ibm Ihr, and a pressure of 600 psia .
Wjlat is the quality at the obstru,~tion? Take CD = 0.6. The fluid is wa~er.
12-17. 100 Ibm/hi" of saturated water enter a I-in.-diam. boiling channel
at 1.000 psia. At a point where 3.247 Btu Ihr have been added in the channel,
a restriction in the form of a 0.2-in.-diam. orifice exists. Calculate the pressure
drop due to the restriction if CD = 0.6.
12-18. A PWR pressure vessel is connected to a heat exchanger via a long
pipe. The pressure in the vessel is 2,000 psia. A break occurred at the end of
the pipe. At the.. break, the quality was found to be 5 percent. What is the
void fraction at the same location'?
12-19. A small hole, 0.02 ft2 in area, developed in the core shroud of a
natural-circulation BWR. Two-phase mixture at 800 psi a and 10 percent quality
spilled into the downcomer. The downcomer is at 799 psia. The coefficient
of discharge through the hole can be ta1cell !is 0.6. What is the rate of spillage
in Ibm/hi"?
12-20. A 12-in.-diam. primary coolant pipe carries 2,000 psia, 560F water
froIJ.1 the pressure vessel of a PWR. A sudden clean break is presumed to have
~occurred 2 f1. from the vessel. Calculate the initial rate of coolant loss in Ib m'/ sec.
12-21. A PWR operates at 2,000 psi a and 580F average water temperature.
The outlet pipe is 1 ft in diam. A sudden break occurred about 20 ft from the vessel.
The break is clean and perpendicular to the pipe axis. The back pressure is
atmospheric. Calculate the rate of coolant loss in Ibm/sec at the instant the
break occurred.

Two-Phase Flow


with a 6 percent steam quality. Calculate the nonboilin~ and, boiling heights
if heat is added along the channel (a) uniformly and (b) sInusOIdally. Neglect
lhe eJs.tniq;~olation lengths.
: '12-7 ,; A 6-ft-high boiling-water channel operates at 700 psia average, 23.1 of
subccrolC~g, and 6 percent exit quality (as above), The voids in the upper part
of the channel, however, cause strong neutron-flux depression there, so that the
axial flux distribution is represented by
!p =



Ce-7'lZ IH S I n -

where C is a constant, Z = 0 indicates the channel entrance, and H is the channel

height. Find (a) the height z at which the flux is maximum, (b) the value of C in
ter;;'s of the maximum flux, and (c) the non boiling and boiling heights.
../' 12-8. A 5-ft-high boiling-water channel is 4.25 in. by 0.45 in. in cross
section. Heat is added sinusoidally at an average pressure of 600 psia. Water
enters the channel 5 Btullbm sub cooled at 2 fps and leaves with a void fraction
of 32.9 percent. Neglecting the extrapolation lengths, calculate the power
density in kilowatts per liter of coolant volume (a) in the entire channel and (b)
in the boiling height only.
12~9. A boiling~\\;ater reactor channel operates at 1,000 psia, with 19.6F
sub cooling and 10 percent exit quality. The acceleration pressure drop is 0.1 psi.
The slip ratio is 2. Compute the amount of heat added in the channel in Btu/hr
if the channel cross~sectjonal area is 3 in. 2
12-10. A 4~fthigh boilingwater channel is 4.5 in. by 0.5 in. in cross section.
It receives heat uniformly at the rate of 3 X 10 5 Btu /hr ft2 of wide sides only.
The average channel pressure is 1,200 psia. \-Vater enters the channel sat~ra~ed
at 2 fps. For a slip ratio of 2 and a fril;tion factor of 0.03, calculate the fnctIOn
and acceleration pressure drops in the channel.
./'. / 12-11. A 5ft~high boilingwater channel has an equivalent diameter of 0.5 in.
Water enters the channel at the rate of2 X 10 5 lb m/hi- at 10 fps (forced circulation),
220F subcooled. Five Mw(t) of heat are added sinusoidally in the channel. The
slip ratio is 1.8, and the average pressure is 900 psia. Neglecting the extra~oJation
lengths, calculate the friction and acceleration pressure drops. ConSIder the
cladding surface to correspond to smooth~drawn tubing.
12-12. A 12-ft-high BWR channel operates at 800 psia and 18.23F sub cooling. The non boiling height is 4 ft. The slip ratio is 2. The exit quality is
20 percent. The friction factor is 0.015. The equivalent diameter in the channel
is 0.14 ft. (a) Find the acceleration pressure drop if the friction pressure drop
is IO Ibl/ft'. (b) Find the power generated in the channel in Mw(t) per ft' of
channel-flow area.
12-13. A boiling~water channel has a cross~sectional area of 0.025 ft2. It
operates at 1,000 psia, receives saturated inlet water and has a? exit q~a1ity of
10 percent. The slip ratio is 3. The acceleration pressure drop IS 0.1 pSl. How
much heat is generate9 in the channel in Btu/hi-?
12-14. A 10-ft~high channel in a I ,0OO~psia boiling~water reactor gene~ates
2 x lOs Btu/ht uniformly. It has an equivalent diameter of 0.15 ft. The mlet


Two-Phase Flow


water has a velocity of 6 fps and is 24.61 OF subcooled. The water mass~flow rate
is 2000 Ibm/hi- and the slip ratio is 3.0. Find the friction pressure drop in that
channel jf the friction factor is 0.015.
12~15. A vertical fuel element in a boiling~water reactor is in the form of a
thin cylindrical shell 2 in. ID. Water flowing upward enters at core bottom 22DF
subcooled. The inlet water speed on the inside of the cylinder is 3 fps. The
average pressure within the element is 900 psia. The portion of the heat gener~
ated by the element and conducted radially inward is 10 6 Btu/hi-. The slip ratio
is 2.0. The element support at the top is such that there is a sudden reduction
in the inside diameter to 1.7 in., followed by a sudden expansion back to 2.0 in.
Calculate the net pressure change due to this obstruction. The obstruction may
be considered long enough so that the pressure changes are additive.
12-16. A 2-in.-diameter, two~phase flow channel has an obstruction in it in
the form of a concentric I~in.~diam. disk. The pressure drop due to the obstruc~
tion.is 0.1 psf at a total mass~flow rate of 124.3 Ibm/hr, and a pressure of 600 psia.
What is the quality at the obstruction? Take CD = 0.6. The fluid is water.
12-17. 100 Ibm/hi- of saturated water enter a I~in.~diam. boiling 'channel
at 1,000 psia. At a point where 3,247 Btu/hr have been added in the channel,
a restriction in the form of a 0.2~in.~diam. orifice exists. Calculate the pressure
drop due to the restriction if CD = 0.6.
12-18. A PWR pressure vessel is connected to a heat exchanger via a long
pipe. The pressure in the vessel is 2,000 psia. A break occurred at the end of
the pipe. At the break, the quality was found to be 5 percent. What is the
void fraction at the same location?
12-19. A small hole, 0.02 ft2 in area" develoQed in the core shroud of a
natural-circulation BWR. Two-phase mixture at 800 psia and 10 percent quality
spilled into the downcomer. The downcomer is at 799 psia. The coefficient
of discharge through the hole can be l<i\.en as 0.6. What is the rate of spillage
in Ibm/hr?
J.2-20. A 12~in.~diam. primary coolant pipe carries 2,000 psia, 560F water
from the pressure vessel of a PWR. A sudden clean break is presumed to have
"'occurred 2 ft. from the vesse1. Calculate the initial rate of coolant loss in Ibm/ sec.
12-21. A PWR operates at 2,000 psia and 580 0P average water temperature.
s The outlet pipe is 1 ft in diam.
A sudden break occurred about 20 ft from the vessel.
The break is clean and perpendicular to the pipe axis. The back pressure is
atmospheric. Calculate the rate of coolant loss in Ibm/sec at the instant the
break occurred.

total heat generated in the core is SO Mw(t). The coola nt enters th e core at the
bottom at 48soF. Th e total coolant now is 40 X 10' Ibm / hr, equally distributed
. o~er the core cross section. The heat-transfer coefficient, assumed constant
over the entire core, is 6000 Btu/hr ft' of. Determine (a) the minimum coolant
pressure to avoid boiling and (b) the maximum fuel temperature in the core.
13-6. A water-cooled cylindrical reactor core is 4 ft in diameter and S ft
high . The fuel is uranium metal S percent enriched in the form of nat plates
0.2 in: X 4 in . in cross section. At a point in the core I ft above the centerplane
and I.S ft radial distance from the center-line, the coolant is SOOF and the fuel
generates heat with a volumetric thermal source strength of 2.6 X 10' Btu/hr ft '
Find: (a) the maximum thermal neutron nux in the core (the extrapolation lengths
may be ignored), and (b) the maximum temperature drop in the fuel element at
the above point in of.
13-7. In a 6-ft-high pressurized-water reactor core the coolant pressure is
not to exceed 1,900 psia. The fuel is in the form of pins O.4S in. in diameter.
clad in 0.02S-in.-thick Zircaloy 2. The maximum volumetric thermal source
strength in the core is 4 X 10' Btu/hr ft'. The heat-transfer coefficient between
coolant and cladding is 6000 Btu/hr ft' of. The coolant mass rate of now per
fuel rod is a constant 3,370 Ibm / hr. Find the maximum temperature of the
coolant entering the core if boiling is to be avoided. Neglect the extrapolation
lengths. '
13-8. A sodium-cooled fast-reactor core contains vertical fuel rods O.S in. in
diameter and S ft high. Sodium enters the core at 27 fps and S40F. The ratio
of coolant to fuel by volume (in an infinite lattice corresponding to that of the
core) is I: I. The maximum allowable surface temperature is 1000F. Determine
(a) the heat-transfer coefficient and (b) the total heat given off by one rod having
the above maximuni temperature in Btu /hr. Neglect extrapolation lengths.
13-9. A 0.6-in.-diameter, 4.4S-ft-long fuel rod is made of 1.3 percent
enriched uranium metal. It is light-water-cooled. The coolant now is 19,000
Ibm/hr. The heat-transfer coefficient is 7920 Btu /hr ft' of and may be assumed
constant' along the entire length of the rod. The minimum coolant temperature
is 3S0F. The maximum fuel-surface temperature is I 100F. Neglect the effects
of cladding and extrapolated lengths and find (a) the position along the fuel rod
at which the maximum surface temperature occurs and (b) the total heat given
off by the rod, in Btu /hr. Assume sinusoidal heating.
13-10. A 4-ft-high fuel element is in the form of a clad cylindrical rod. The
outside diameter of the cladding is O.S in. The maximum volumetric thermal
SOUfce strength in the element is 2 X 10' Btu/hr ft'. The coolant enters the bottom
of the element channel at SOOF at a rate of 2,000 Ibm /hr per element. The heattransfer coefficient is 2000 Btu /hr ft' OF. The specific heat of the coolant is
I ~tu !Ibm of. For sinusoidal axial heat generation find the percent of the
element volume with a cladding surface temperature within 23F of the maximum .
Assume that the extrapolation lengths are negligible.
.;/;13-11. A 5-ft-long cylindrical fuel element is composed ofO.S-in.-diameter
. fuel and 0.003-in.-thick cladding. The element, placed horizontally in the
reactor, is subjected to coolant flow perpendicular to its axis. It is assumed, for
simplicity; that the heat-transfer coefficient and the temperature of the coolant

a re Un!'rorm around th e entire surface of th e I

and 4000F respectively T h '
e em ent an a re SOO Btu / hr ft ' OF
e maXInlUm volumetric th
the el ement is 10' Btu / hr ft ' a d th
erm a SOurce strength in
, n
e neutron flux distrib t"
e Iement is refl ected at both ends b . f' .
u Ion IS smu SOldal. The
I d .
Y 10 mIte heavy-watcr refle t
Th f
c a dmg thermal conductivities are IS d 10 B
c ars.
e uel and
tU / hr ft OF, respectively. Determine the maximum and min'
t an
Imum emperatures in th e center line of the fuel
13-12: A thermal pebble-bed reactor has a S-f -d'
t lameter sphencal Core.
The pebbles are randomly packed in tehe es rna e of 3 percent enriched UO,.
thirds of the core volume The
core so that they occupy about two.
maxImum thermal-neutron nux' 10 " N
h fO
t e 'e Jects of extrapolated length and c1addin
heat produced by a single fuel element and (~) ~~d determme (a) the maxImum
10 the same fuel element if its surfa
e maxImum fuel temperature
ce emperature IS 1000F () I h'
maxImum fuel temperature in the co ? Wh?
. e s t IS the
y. Use SSO b for fission cross
It uses I-m.-diameter spherical fuel p bbl

'*and 136
13-13. A water-cooled reactor contains
. If
cm long The fuel i s '
verllca uel rods 0.6 in. in diameter
the core at 3S00P Th
. uramum metal 1.3 percent enriched. Water enters
The ratio of mOderato~_~Oa:I~:~% a~~Oe~~blev~~~urface temperature is 1100F.
corresponding to that of the core is 2 S'I
I e 10 an mflmte square lattIce
cladding and extrapolated lengths d~t~rmin em et velOCIty IS 20 fps. Neglecting
plane at which the above maximu 'f I
f e the posItIOn above the Core center
m ue -Sur ace temperature takes place
-14. A heterogeneous reactor core is' h
t . . m t e form of a cube 4 ft on the side.
It contains 4 900 fuel rods of 20
percen ennched uranium metal Th f I
are O.S 0 in. in diameter, including 0.02S-in -t'
e ue rods
hlCk ' .
d' :b
zIrconIum claddmg. The core
generates S X 10' Btu/hr Th fl
e ux Istn utIOn is und'st b d b
at her materials. Determine (a) th h t
I ur e
y coolant or
if the flux reaches zero at th b e o-spot actor due to flux distribution only
e oun d anes (b) same as (a) b t . h
engths greater by SO percent than th
U WIt extrapolated
e core Sl es, 10 all d,rectIOns and (e) q" .
13-15. A SOO-M (t) b '1'
01 109-water reacto
UO f
dIameter and 0.60 in. long. The ell t
ruses, ue'. pellets O.SO in. in
Zircaloy 2 can 0.S7 in. OD. Th pes bare placed end to end 10 a 0.032-in.-thick
helium gas. The maximum allo::~F hetween fuel and c1addmg is filled with
Btu /hr ft'. Four percent of th th e I eat flux 10 the core IS set at 335,000
e erma output of th
moderator-coolant Find the tot I
e core IS produced in the
spot factor is 4.S0. .
anum er of pellets necessary if the overall hot-


13 16 'Th
cladd' - . f e maxImum temperature through the film (between coolant and
109 sur ace) 10 a channel with sinus 'd I h
dIrection is 1000F under no hot-ch
d?' a
eat generatIOn .10 the axial
and Ff = 3, find the maximum fi~;n~~on IlIOns. For Zc = 4 ft, H = He = 12 ft,
channel conditions.
perature drop 10 the channel under hoth'
13-17. A fuel element of the cross secti
by water entering the core at

on s own IS 12 ft hIgh. It IS cooled
ft' of. The COre generates ISO~~ F Wlthda heat transfer coefficient 2000 Btu /hr
The average coolant te
wet) an contaInS 20,000 ft' of fuel surface area.
mperature nse In the core is SOF. The hot-channel

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