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Recursos Educativos VillaEduca

Worksheet N 4 Week 26 August

Name: ..................................................................................................... Grade: 5 Bsico.
I.- Look at the sentences and write True or False. Follow the example.
1. A bird can sing


2. A monkey can sing


3. A fish can swim


4. A parrot can swim


5. A snake can run


6. A tiger can run fast


II.- Read the sentences and draw the animal.

This animal can`t fly

This animals can swim fast

This animal can`t climb trees

This animal can fly at night

This animal can`t swim

This animal can fish

III.- Look at the pictures and say if the sentences are true or false. VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 5 BSICO

Recursos Educativos VillaEduca

IV.- Make true sentences. Use your own ideas.

I can`t ........................................but I can ..........................................
I can.................................................but I can`t..................................
My parents can ...................................but they can`t..............................
My best friend can ................................but he can`t ................................
Monkeys can .................................but they can`t ........................................

V.- Write the name of the sport under the picture.




ride a horse

play volleyball

Play tennis

play football

play basketball

do gymnastics









....................................... VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 5 BSICO

Recursos Educativos VillaEduca

VI.- Look at the examples and the explanation.

I like watching tennis on TV.
I don`t like playing golf.
I love going to the games.
I hate watching the news on TV.

When you talk about activities, use the ing form of the verbs (as in the examples above)
after the verbs like, love and hate.

VII.- Pair work. Ask and answer questions. Use the verbs in the box. Follow the
Do you like playing basketball?
Yes, I watch it every weekend.

read books

surf the net

write emails

do homework

chat with friends

play basketball VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 5 BSICO

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