Narrative Text

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Greedy Dog

One day, a dog stole a piece of meat from a butchers shop. The dog ran away with the meat. It came to
a bridge over stream.
As the dog was crossing the bridge, it was something moving in the water. There, it saw a dog with a
piece of meat and jumped into the water. Of course there was no other in the water. It had been looking at its
own picture. The dog swam to the side of the stream and got out of the water.
Then it went to get the meat which it had put down on the bridge. But the meat had gone, another dog, a
real dog, had found the meat and had run off with it.
1. What kind of text the story is ?
a. Descriptive
b. Report
c. Narrative
d. Procedure
2. Why did the writer write the story ?
a. to describe the dog
c. to show how the dog stole the meat
b. to entertain the readers
d. to inform the readers to avoid dog
3. We can find the orientation in ....
a. paragraph 1
b. paragraph 2
c. paragraph 3
d. paragraph 1,2,3
4. It had been looking at its own picture. ( Paragraph 2 line 3 )
What does the underlined word refer to ?
a. the water
b. the meat
c. the dog
d. the bridge
A useful man
Once upon a time, there was an old man. He was very, very old. Some people said he was a thousand
years old. He was also very wise and he knew many things. Many people came to visit him in his cave near the
sea. They always asked him to help them.
One day, a young man came to see this wise man. O, wise father, said the young man, I want to be
useful to people. I want to serve them all my life. How can I do this?
Thats very good, said the old man. Here is a magic box. Dont open it until you reach home. If you
open it now, something will happen to you.
Thank you, wise father, said the young man. He took the box and left. When he was out of the cave,
he stopped. I wonder what is in the box? he said to himself, Im going to look.
He opened the box and at once he turned into a tall tree, a coconut tree. That was his punishment for
disobeying the old man advice, but he still had his wish because the coconut tree is very useful to people.
5. We can conclude that the text is .
a. report
b. narrative
c. procedure
d. recount
6. From the text, we get the communicative purpose of the text is .
a. to describe about coconut tree
c. to entertain the readers with the story
b. to give information
d. how to produce coconut tree
7. That was his punishment for disobeying the old man.
The underlined word means
a. compensation
b. payment
c. penalty
d. reward
8. Where can we find resolution of the text?
a. paragraph 1
b. paragraph 3
c. paragraph 4
d. pragraph 5
Telaga warna
Once upon a time, The King Prabu ruled a Kingdom in west java. King Prabu and his wife were wise
and kind so that their people were prosperous.
The problem came because The King didnt have children. They tried manyways to have children, but
they always failed.
One day, prabu prayed to god, and he was very happy because God accepted his prayer. Soon, they had
a child that was beautiful but spoiled and had the bad behaviour.
For her seventeenth birthday party, the princess got the gold necklace from her parents. Unfortunately,
when she saw it, she didnt like it and threw it away into the floor. Everybody was shocked because from the
ground emerged a lot of water. All of the kingdom suddenly became a big lake.
People call it Telaga Warna and believed that the colors came from the princess necklace.
9. What kind of text is it ?

a. descriptive
b. narrative
c. report
d. recount
10. The communicative purpose of the story is.
a. to describe the king
c. to entertain the readers
b. to describe the kingdom
d. to retell the past experience
11. One day, prabu prayed to god, and he was very happy because . ( paragraph 3 line 1 )
The underlined word has the same meaning with
a. sad
b. glad
c. worried
d. confuse
12. The first paragraph is called
a. complication
b. reorientation
c. resolution
d. orientation
The Lost Caterpillar
Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They had just had their breakfast on a
big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go home, Mama worm said.
Suddenly, a cricket said, Your last child is ugly!. Ugly? asked mama worm. Then she looked at
the child. He was not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly! she said, You are not my child. Go
The little brown worm walked away. He was very sad. When he was near a lake, he looked into the
water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cried. You are not ugly, said a voice. Oh, I find you, my child.
The worm looked around. There was a beautiful big caterpillar and her children. They all lookedthe
same as he. They may call you ugly, said mother caterpillar,. But you are the most beautiful childin
the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
13. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers with a fable
c. to describe a specific animal
b. to instruct the steps of making something
d. to retell past events for informing
14.The organization of the text is .
a. Orientation, Complication, Resolution,
c. Orientation, series of events, Reorientation
b. Goal, materials, steps
d. Identification, descriptions
15.Orientation can be found in paragraph .
a. one
b. three
c. two
d. four
Why do hawks hunt chicks?
Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen,
Will you marry me?
The hen loved the brave, strong and wished to marry him. But she said, I cannot fly as high as you can. If
you give me time, I will learn to fly, then we can fly together.
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. This is to show that you have promised to
marry me, said the hawk.
It so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he
became angry. Throw that ring away at once! shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened that she threw
away the ring immediately
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed
the hen, Why didnt you tell me earlier? Now, you will always be scratching the earth and I will always be
flying above to catch your children, said the hawk.
16. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. to entertain the readers with a fable
b. to instruct the steps of making something
17. The above text is a kind of a / an .
a. Narrative
b. Report
18. The organization of the text is .
a. Orientation, Complication, Resolution, Coda
b. Goal, materials, steps
19. Orientation can be found in paragraph .
a. one
b. three
20. Did the hawk finally marry the hen ?
a. Yes, it is
b. Yes, it does

c. to describe a specific animal

d. to retell past events for informing
c. Procedure

d. Recount

c. Orientation, series of events, Reorientation

d. Identification, descriptions
c. two
c. No, it doesnt

d. five
d. No, it didnt

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