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Journal 12:

Its the last Monday that I will spend it in Alofouq School. I spend this Monday
as usual I attend the assembly in the morning, and then I observe one class
of my classes today. Today I carry out with me 4 activities is about puzzle,
power point, flash cards, and worksheet that taught for grade 5 it was pretty
good in the begging they were very enthusiasm but when they saw my MCT
they were a little bit quiet but I feel everything went good and Im proud of
what id di today for my learners. I learned today I should not smile for the
learners always because if I smile they will not respect me as a teacher they
will thought Im like a friend for them not a teacher. Moreover, I noticed
today of my MST she used repeating strategy for her learners to let the
words stuck on their minds and I think its a useful strategy that Im as a
learner I used to my students. The day I spent it today was good and my old
learners of grade 4 they always come to me say why did you not teacher we
want you they made my day I swear because I was enjoyed while I taught

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