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Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263


HOW DEMONSTRATED (please note answers

/examples given by student )

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263

1-- Al-Drary kindergarten is a government

school in Al-Drary area, Sharjah. The principle
is Fatima Al- Al Nuiami, she is responsible for
282 students and 12 teachers.
2- The school follow the government
kindergarten curriculum, the subjects are
taught; Arabic, English, science and math. The
school have a weekly theme based on the
curriculum for example plants and animals.

3- What I really enjoyed most about m

practicum is that we were welcomed in th

school, and the school staff are very helpful.

4- I faced one challenge, the class was missin

behave, discipline and teacher respect.

Professionalism and Understanding:

5- Coming to the school early and leave afte

1. Please give a brief description time is over. If I was going to be late, make sur
of the school, i.e. boys/girls, that my teacher know.
size, location. Curriculum and
texts used
2. What





6- In our first week of the school, the Englis







celebration. One of the teachers asked our hel

because they were very late and one day wa

left. For sure we said yes, we organized the gift

3. What did you enjoy most about for the children and cleaned the place, also o
your practicum?
the celebration day, each one of us took th

role of one activity table. My activity was giraff

craft. Moreover, many times I helped my MST i

4. What challenges did you face?

accessing the students homework and I remin

her if she forgot whats in the weekly plan.

5. What did you do to show your

commitment to your job as a
teacher in the school?

7- I start the day with greeting the teachers,

Singh the sigh in the sheet. I go to th

classroom, welcome the students in the class

chat and play with them until assembly time

6. How did you collaborate with

After that I help the teacher with lining up th

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263

Planning for Learning

1. Talk about the process of
planning for lessons. How did
your MST go about this? How
did you plan to ensure you
worked within the curriculum?

2. What did you learn about

planning during the practicum?
3. What challenges did you face
when preparing your lesson
4. Explain how you planned for
teaching speaking and

1- I sat with the teacher, she showed me th

next concept they will be teaching the
next day, she explained to me the
traditional way she teaches it, and then I
told her my ideas of the way I want to
teach it, sometimes she gave the green
light to do it, but sometimes she said tha
it might be not suitable for the children.
Also I discussed with her about the
students levels and the appropriate
activities for them.

2- I learned that the lesson plans should not

be complex and the activities should be
suitable for all the students.
3- The challenge I faced was preparing 3
activities for the 3 levels, because they
usually have one focus group table,
where the teacher assess their learning,
for example the teacher pick up 5
students, she asks them to write the
letter p on the whiteboard. And the rest
of the students play in the corner. But
Children are not used to this routine.
4- For speaking I ask them questions to
make them talk and express them self.
For listing, I read the story twice, and
then ask them questions.

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263

Implementing and Managing Learning

1- What strategies did you use to manage the
2- Which were the most effective strategies you
observed your MST using in the classroom?
3- Describe a lesson you taught and the way in
which you implemented the lesson class work,
group work, and individual work. How successful
was this for you?
4- Explain the stages and how you taught listening
and speaking as an integrated process.
5- What strategies did you employ to teach

speaking /listening activities?

1- The happy and sad face,

when I notice that they
started making noise and
talk or play with their
friends in the circle time, I
pull the sad face and say:
do you want Miss Fatima to
be sad?
2- Praising the students who
are sitting nicely and
giving them stickers,
students get jealous when
they see their friends
getting praised, so they
copy the students who are
is sitting nicely.
3- Letter I lesson. Classwork
(flashcards), group work
(puzzle of pictures
insects), individual work

6- What do you have to take into consideration

when teaching speaking/listening activities?

4- Pre-listening (purpose
must be given at this
stage),During (in-while)
5- Post -listening (speaking
6- Asking questions to help
students to think about
before they listen. For
specking repeating.

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263

1. What did you do to appear well organized when
in the schools? (Refer to organizing your time,
portfolio, tasks etc).
2. Why do you think its important to be well
organized when in the school?
3. Have your organization and planning skills
improved? Yes - in what way? No - what steps
can you take to improve in this area?

1- I






Schedule in the booklet.






feel less stress and more

relaxed, when you finish
your work on time, there
will be no pressure.
3- Yes, being prepare, sschedule

my Time and start early.

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263


1- What has been your most powerful learning

throughout the practicum?

1- How to deal with the

students who have
difficulties in learning.

2- What was the most helpful feedback you

received during the placement?

2- Confident in the role of


3- What challenges did you face when writing your



4- Were you able to make links between what you

did at college and what you observed or
experienced during TP? Give an example.
5- What do you think are important things to study
at college to ensure that you are well prepared
for TP?

Assessing myself and

ordering my ideas
according to what
happened and trying to
mention all the required
4- Yes, the
Gaols we set in the
collage, my goal was
mange planned activities
effectively, I observed my
MST the way she manage
the activities in the class.
5- The curriculum content, for
example, the sounds.

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263


Did you face any problems or challenges in dealing

with _____________ and how did you manage these?
Refer to one of following:
Other staff
What skills do you think are important for trainee
teachers to have when dealing with _______
Other staff

1- I tried to use some new

strategies. Negative
reinforcement, cancelling a
chore. For example one kid
was beating the students
so when corners time
came, I made him sit on
the carpet for 10 minutes.
2- Respectable with MST.
Cooperative with other staff.
Being professional with the
administration. Fairness with

Portfolio and Observation tasks

Show how your portfolio is organized.

Chit chat, I learned that

each student have different
levels and personality.

Tasks that focus on new

concepts and strategies.

Choose one task that you found interesting and tell

about it. What did you learn from doing this task?

What changes would you make to the observation

Refer to one artefact / other task / journal you found
interesting and tell about it.
Portfolio-Assessment Criteria to be completed post

Fatima Mohammed Hassan - H00328263

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