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Journal 15

On November 17, 2016 it was the last day of teaching practice I have
completed fifteen days in aloufuq school. It was emotional day mixed up
with happiness and sadness , I was happy that I will be the last day in the
school because I got enough of teaching every day, and I felt sad because
I will not see my students but they hugged me in the last day and it means
to me a lot their hugs. I learned a lot in this teaching practice like to be
strong when you find yourself weak against your students and I can't
control their behavior. I taught in this day my old students which grade 4
not grade 5 about the Arabian and Australian deserts and they don't know
that I will teach them in this day, and did they not bring their names I was
confused in this day with their names and I was not good at controlling the
students behavior, so I felt angry but at the end I was calm. Moreover, I
felt proud at the end of the day that I taught them and gave them what I
have that is what I aim for teach them and let them understand the

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