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Woorksheet English For Mathematics

Thursday, 10November 2016

NIM : RSA1C215030



1. Complete the following sentences with the verb to be in the correct

a. Sir Isaac Newton is a very famous mathematician and physicist andhis
devotions to mathematics is very important.
b. In the 1660s he was in Grantham and his halfbrothers and half
sisterswereat home in Lincohnshire.
c. Mr. Forester had beento Paris for a long time.
d. He will bein Paris next week.

2. Write in the Past Simple and the Past Participle of the following verbs.
Some are regular and some irregular.

Past Simple

Past Participle





























3. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.


A ratio is an indicated division. It should be thought of as a fraction.

Thelanguage used is: the ratio of a to b which means a

b or

b and the

symbol isa : b. In this notation a is the first term or the antecedent, and b is
the second term orthe consequent. It is important to remember that we treat
the ratio as a fraction. Aproportion is a statement that two ratios are equal.
Symbolically wewrite:a:b = c:d or

a c
b d .

The statement is read a is to b as c is to d and we call a and d the

extremes, band c the means, and d the fourth proportional. Proportions are
treated as equationsinvolving fractions. We may perform all the operations on
them that we do on equations, and many of the resulting properties may already
have been met ingeometry.

a. What should a ratio be thought of as?
A ratio should be thought of as

b. How is the statement read when we write a :b = c :d or

The statement read when we write a : b = c : d or

to b as c is to d.

a c
b d ?
a c
b d

is a is

c. How are proportions treated?

Proportions are treated as equations involving fractions.
4. Grammar questions
The statement is read a is to b as c is to d .

Is it important who reads the statement?

What is the main interest of the sentence?
+ Passives are very common in technical writing where we are more interested
infacts, processes, and events than in people.
Data is transferred from the internal memory to the arithmetic logical unit.
Distributed systems are built using networked computers.
( about facts / processes )
The organization was created to promote the use of computers in education.
( about event )
+ With the passives, we can use by + noun if we need to show who / what
isresponsible for the facts / processes or events.
A new method for studying geometric figures and curves, both familiar
andnew were created by Descartes and Fermat.

1. Writing

In thecolumns below, write in the passive verb forms from the text.
Present Simple

Past Simple

Is thought

Was thought

Is used
Is used
Are treated

Was used
Was used
Were treated

Present Perfect
Have been

Have been used
Have been used
Have been

Will Future
Will be thought

Will be used
Will be used
Will be treated

Are met
Complete the rule:

Have been met

Were met

Will be met

The passive is formed with the auxiliary verb + the


Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
All calls were registered (register) by the Help Desk staff.
Each call are evaluated (evaluate) and then be allocated(allocate) to the









contacted(contact) bytelephone, and an appointment arrange). Most calls was

dealt(deal) within one working day. In the event of a major problem requiring the
removalof a users PC, a replacement can usually supplied(supply).

Make the sentences passive. Use by only if it is necessary to say who

does/ did the action.
a. Charles Babbage designed a machine which became the basis for
buildingtodays computer in the early 1800s.
A machine, which became the basis for building todays computer, was

designed by Charles Babbage in the early 1800s.

b. People submerged geometry in a sea of formulas and banished its spirit
formore than 150 years.
Geometry in a sea of formulas and banished its spirit was submerged by

people more than 150 years.

c. People often appreciate analytical geometry as the logical basis for
mechanicsand physics.

Analytical geometry are often appreciated by people as the logical basis

for mechanics and physics.

d. Bill Gates founded Microsoft.
Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates.
e. People call the part of the processor which controls data transfers between
thevarious input and output devices the central processing unit (CPU).
The part of the processor, which controls data transfers between the

various input and output devices, is called the central processing unit (CPU)
by people.
f. You may use









combinations.Thus we will use 1, 2 and 3 to write 123, 132, 213 and so on.
Ten digits of the HinduArabic system in various combinations may be

used by you. Thus, 1, 2 and 3 to write 123, 132, 213 and so on will be used by
g. Mathematicians refer to a system with which one coordinates numbers
andpoints as a coordinate system or frame of reference.

h. People similarly establish a correspondence between the algebraic and

analyticproperties of the equation f ( x, y ) = 0, and geometric properties of
theassociated curve.
A correspondence between the algebraic and analytic properties of the

equation f ( x, y ) = 0, and geometric properties of the associated curve

similarly are established by people.
i. In 1946 the University of Pensylvania built the first digital computer.
In 1946, the first digital computer was built by the University of
2.3Change the following passive sentences into active.
a. This frame of reference will be used to locate a point in space.
People will use this frame of referenceto locate a point in space.

b. Although solid analytic geometry was mentioned by R.Descartes, it was

notelaborated thoroughly and exhaustively by him.
Although R.Descartes mentioned solid analytic geometry, he was not

elaborate it thoroughly and exhaustively.

c. Most uses of computers in language education can be described as CALL.
CALL can describes as most uses of computers in language education.
d. Since many students are considerably more able as algebraists than
asgeometers, analytic geometry can be described as the royal road in
geometrythat Euclid thought did not exist.
The royal road in geometry that Euclid thought did not exist

candescribes as analytic geometry since many students are considerably

more able as algebraists than as geometers.
e. Now new technologies are being developed to make even better machines.
Now people are developing new technologies to make even better
f. Logarithm tables, calculus, and the basis for the modern slide rule were
notinvented during the twentieth century.
People during the twentieth century didnt invent logarithm tables,

calculus, and the basis for the modern slide rule.

g. After World War 2 ended, the transistor was developed by Bell
After World War 2 ended,Bell Laboratories developed the transistor.
h. The whole subject matter of analytic geometry was well advanced, beyond
itselementary stages, by L.Euler.
L.Eulerwell advanced the whole





geometrybeyond its elementary stages.

i. In general, fields may be required from several logical tables of data held in
In general,several logical tables of data held in a database may require



1. Give the definitions for each of words in exercise 1.1.

a. A type of cone that has an eccentricity equal to 1. It is an open curve
symmetricalabout a line. parabola .
b. A type of cone that has an eccentricity between 0 and 1 ( 0 < e <1 ). It is a
closedsymmetrical curve like an elongated circlethe higher the eccentricity,
thegreater the elongation. ellipse .
c. A type of cone that has an eccentricity ( e) greater than 1. It is an open
curve withtwo symmetrical branches. hyperbola .

2. Read the text.

The evolution of our presentday meanings of the terms ellipse, hyperbola,
andparabola may be understood by studying the discoveries of historys
greatmathematicians. As with many other words now in use, the original application
wasdifferent from the modern.
Pythagoras (c.540 B.C.), or members of his society, first used these terms
inconnection with a method called the application of areas. In the course of
thesolution (often a geometric solution of what is equivalent to a quadratic
equation) oneof three things happens: the base of the constructed figure either
falls short of,exceeds, or fits the length of a given segment. (Actually, additional
restrictions wereimposed on certain of thegeometric figures involved.) These
three conditions weredesignated as ellipsis defect, hyperbola excess and
parabola a placing beside. Itshould be noted that the Pythagoreans were not
using these terms in reference to conicsections.

In the history of conic sections, Menaechmus (350 B.C.), a pupil of Eudoxus,

iscredited with the first treatment of conic sections. Menaechmus was led to
thediscovery of the curves of conic sections by a consideration of sections of
geometricalsolids. Proclus in his summary reported that the three curves were
discovered byMenaechmus; consequently, they were called the Menaechmian
triads. It is thoughtthat Menaechmus discovered the curves now known as the
ellipse, parabola andhyperbola by cutting cones with planes perpendicular to an
element and with thevertex angle of the cone being acute, right or obtuse
The fame of Apollonius (c.225 B.C.) rests mainly on his extraordinary
conicsections. This work was written in eight books, seven of which are presented.
Thework of Apollonius on conic sections differed from that of his predecessors in
that heobtained all of the conic sections from one right double cone by varying the
angle atwhich the intersecting plane cuts the element.
All of Apolloniuss work was presented in regular geometric form, without the
aidof algebraic notation of present day analytical geometry. However, his work can
bedescribed more easily by using modern terminology and symbolism. If the cone
isreferred to a rectangular coordinate system in the usual manner with point A as
theorigin and with (x, y ) as coordinates of any points P on the cone, the
standardequation of the parabola y2 = px (where p is the length of the latus
rectum, i.e. thelength of the chord that passes through a focus of the conic
perpendicular to theprincipal axis) is immediately verified. Similarly, if the ellipse
or hyperbola is referredto a coordinate system with vertex at the origin, it can be
x2 y2
+ =1
shown that a2 b2


x2 y2
, respectively. The three adjectives
a2 b 2

hyperbolic, parabolic, andelliptic are encountered in many places in maths,

including projective geometry andnonEuclidean geometries. Often they are
associated with the existence of exactlytwo, one, or more of something of
particular relevance. The relationship arises fromthe fact that the number of
points in common with the so called line at infinity in theplane for the hyperbola,
parabola and ellipse is two, one and zero respectively.

Comprehension check

1. Answer the following questions.

a. What did the words ellipse, hyperbola and parabola mean at the outset?

b. What did these terms designate?

c. Who discovered conic sections?

Menaechmus, a pupil of Eudoxus, discovered conic sections.
d. What led Menaechmus to discover conic section?
Menaechmus was led to the discovery of the curves of conic sections by a
consideration of sections of geometrical solids.
e. What were the curves discovered by Menaechmus called?
The curves discovered by Menaechmus calledthe Menaechmian triads.
f. What did Menaechmus do to obtain the curves?
Menaechmus discovered the curves now known as the ellipse, parabola and

hyperbola by cutting cones with planes perpendicular to an element and with

the vertex angle of the cone being acute, right or obtuse respectively.
g. Who supplied the terms ellipse, parabola, hyperbola referring to

2. Choose a suitable heading for the text.

a. The discoveries of historys great mathematicians.
b. Menaechmus discovered three curves of conic sections by a consideration
ofsections of geometrical solids.
c. History of the terms ellipse, hyperbola and parabola.

How can the use of computers help the teaching of maths? To answer this
question,you will hear the text about Algorithms. Try to listen and fill in the
gaps using thewords from the box

basic tool (n)

concern (v)
depend (v)
unsolvability (n)

fundamental notion (n) represent (v)

number (n)
representation (n)
organization (n)
show (v)

Originally algorithms (1) solely with numerical calculations;Euclids algorithms

for finding the greatest common divisor of (2) isthe best illustration. There are
many properties of Euclids powerful algorithm whichhas become a (3) in modern
algebra and number theory. Nowadays theconcept of an algorithm is one of the
most (4) in maths. Experience withcomputers (5) that the data manipulated by
programs can representvirtually anything. In all branches of maths, the task to
prove the solvability or(6) of any problem requires a precise algorithm. In
computer sciencethe emphasis has now shifted to the study of various structures
by which information(7) and to the branching or decision making aspects of
algorithms,which allow them to fall on one or another sequence of the operation (8)
onthe state of affairs at the time. It is precisely these features of algorithms

thatsometimes make algorithms models more suitable than traditional maths

models for the (9) and (10) of knowledge.

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