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DBMS : DataBase Management System

DCCU : Data Communication Controller Unit

DCE : Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
DCE : Distributed Computing Environment
DDBMS : Distributed DataBase Management System
DDL : Data Description Language
DEC : Digital Equipment Corporation
Defense Data Network Information Centre : DDNIC
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing : DWDM
DES : Data Encryption Standard
Desktop Publishing : DTP
Digital Network Architecture : DNA
Digital Routing Protocol : DRP
DIP : Dual Inline Package
Direct Access Storage Devices : DASD
Directory System Agent : DSA
Directory User Agent : DUA
Distribute File Service : DFS
DLE : Data Link Escape
DLL : Dynamic Link Library
DMA : Direct Memory Access
DML : Data Manipulation Language
DNSS : Drive Noise Supression System
Document Content Architecture : DCA
Document Interchange Architecture : DIA
DOS : Disk Operating System
DSL : Digital Subscriber Lines
Dual Attachment Concentrator : DAC
Dual Attachment Station : DAS
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol : DHCP
DSL : Digital Subscriber Line
EBCDIC : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
ECL : Emitter Coupled Logic
ECMA : European Computer Manufacture Association
EDFA : Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
EDI : Electronic Data Interchange
: Electtronic Data Interchange For Admnistration
Commerce and Transport
EDO RAM : Extended Data Output RAM
EDP : Electronic Data Processing
EDPS : Electronic Data Processing System
EFF : Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFT : Electronic Funds Transfer
EGA : Enhanced Graphics Adaptor
EIA : Electronics Industry Association

EISA : Extended Industry Standard Architecture

EOF : End of File
EOL : End of Line
EOM : End of Message
EOT : End of Transmission
EPS : Encapsulated Post Script
ERD : Entity Relationship Diagram
Exip : Exchangeable Image Format
FAST : Federation Againts Software Theft
FAQ : Frequently Asked Question
FDDI : Fiber Distributed Data Interface
Federal Information Exchange : FIX
FLOPS : Floating Point Operation Per Second
FM : Frequency Modulation
Format Feed : FF
For You Information : FYI
FoxPro : Foxbase Professional
FSB : Front Side Bus
Frame Check Sequence : FCS
Frequency Division Multiplexing : FDM
Frequently Asked Question : FAQ
FTP : File Transfer Protocol
FTAP : File Transfer Access Method
Fully Qualified Domain Name : FQDN
Full Duplex : FDX
GaAS : Gallium Arsenide
GIGO : Garbage In Garbage Out
GOCA : Graphics Object Content Architecture
GUI : Graphical User Interface
HLLAPI : High Level Languge Application Program Interface
HSF : Heat Sink Fan
Internet Control Message Protocol : ICMP
IGP : Interior Gateway Protokol
ILD : Inter Layer Dielectric
IMAP : Internet Message Access Protocol
IRC : Internet Relay Chat
ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network
ISP : Internet Service Provider
JEDEC : Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council
LDAP : Lightwieght Directory Access protocol
LED : Light Emitting Diode
Lpd : Linux Printing Daemon
LTO : Linier Tape Open
MIME : Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension

MLC : Multi-level Cell

MTBF : Mean Time Between Failure
MTD : Memory Technology Driver
NCSA : National Center of Supercomputer Application
NIC : Network Interface Card
NOS : Network Operating System
OLE : Object Linking and Embedding
OTP : One-Time Programmable
RAMDAC : Random Acces Memory Digital to Analog Converter
RTOS : Real Time Operating System
SCSI : Small Computer System Interface
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol : SMTP
Texel : TEXture ELement
Unified Driver Architecture : UDA
URL : Uniform Resource Locator
: Very Easy Rodent Oriented Net-widw Index to
Computerized Archives
Very Large Scale Integration : VLSI
VESA : Video Electronic Standard Assosiation
Video Processing Engine : VPE
VLB : VESA Local Bus
Vxd : Virtual Extended Driver
WAIS : Wide Area Information Servers
WAN : Wide Area Network
WAP : Wireless Application Protocol
WBMP : Wireless Bitmap
XML : Extensible Markup Language
XMMS : X Multimedia System

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