Scom Interview Questions

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what is AD integration for scom?

# AD Integration = We can use AD integration for automatic agent Installation on computers
in Domain

what are the jobs running for scom in sql server

can we cluster reporting datawarehouse db
how gateway works and its functionality?
# Gateway = Gateway act as a proxy to to deploy agent and monitor computers in untrusted
The Gateway server reports back to MS or RMS

can we promote gateway server as RMS

# We can't promote gateway server as RMS

what are the extensions of mps in scom?

# Extension of MP's in SCOM are .xml , .mp for unsealed adnd sealed management packs

can we modify a sealed mp?

what are the prerequisites for installing scom agent
# Pre requisite for agent Installation = ports(135,137,139,5723,5724), scom action account as
local admin right on computer to be monitored.

what is health service and its functionality

what is Rms server functionality?

How Rms server will write the monitor objects data to database
differance between Report server and Report datawarehouse db
how to migrate from mom05 - > scom 07

SCOM 2007 / MOM 2005 Interview Questions

What is the port number for SNMP? 161
What is the Default port number for SQL? 1433
How do u migrate from MOM 2005 to SCOM 2007?
Only side by side migration is possible.
How many services will run on RMS server and on a agent machine?
How many accounts required to configure SCOM 2007?
What is the difference between MOM 2005 and SCOM 2007?
- Features in SCOM 2007 Service Oriented Monitoring, Active Directory Integrated, Role
Based security, Audit Collection, Client Monitoring.
What is the default database size for SCOM 2007?
How many jobs will be running on MOM 2005 daily?
What is the maximum size recommended for a MOM DB?
30 GB. It can go much larger, but performance suffers.
How do you configure the alerts in SCOM 2007?
What is the extension for Management packs in scom 2007?
What are the different rule types in MOM?
Run As Accounts in Operations Manager 2007?
Run As account allows you to specify the necessary privileges for use with rules,
tasks, monitors, and discoveries targeted to specific computers on an as-needed
How do you configure notifications in SCOM 2007?
What is the use of ACTION account ?
How do you configure Webconsole in SCOM 2007?
How do you Monitor Network devices using SCOM 2007?
how do u import Management packs in scom 2007?
How to Create a Simple Windows Event Unit Monitor in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create Rules in Operations Manager 2007 R2?
Follow this link to create Rules
-Open Authoring -Open Rules -Right click and start the Create Rule Wizard.
Choose the event based NT Event Log (Alert)
-Select the proper management pack to save the rule in
On the Rule Name and Description page, do the following:
-Type the Rule name, such as Network Card The network link is down
-Type the description, such as Generates an error when the network link is down
-Type the category, Event Collection
-Type the rule target, Windows ServerLeave Rule is enabled selected, to have the rule take
effect at the completion of the wizard, or clear the check box to enable the rule at a later time,

and then click Next.

-Event ID Equals 4
-Event Level Equals Warning
-Insert a new Parameter and fill in EventDescription---Click finish.
Root Management Server
The root management server (RMS) is a specialized type of management server in a
management group, and it is the first management server installed in a management group.
Only one RMS can be active per management group at a time.
Management Packs
Management packs contain an applications health definition as defined by the application
developers. When imported into Operations Manager, they enable the agent to monitor the
health of an application, generate alerts when something of significance goes wrong in the
Operations Console
The Operations console provides a single, unified user interface for interacting with
Operations Manager 2007. The Operations console provides access to monitoring data, basic
management pack authoring tools, Operations Manager 2007 reports, all the controls and
tools necessary for administering Operations Manager 2007
Gateway Server
Operations Manager 2007 requires that agents and management servers authenticate each
other and establish an encrypted communication channel before they exchange information.
Kerberos is the default authentication protocol
Reporting Server
Operations Manager Reporting Server is installed into an instance of Microsoft SQL 2005
Reporting Services SP1 or later or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 Reporting Services. It is
responsible for building and presenting the reports from data queried from the Reporting Data
Audit Collection Services
Audit Collection Services (ACS) is a high-performance, secure solution that collects and
stores events from the Security Event Log on monitored computers. Events are stored in a
separate database, the ACS database, in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1 or later and
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1. ACS collects all events written to the Security Event Log
on computers that the ACS Forwarder is enabled on.
Agentless Exception Monitoring
In Windows operating systems, when an application error occurs, the Watson service can
capture the error and forward the information about the error to Microsoft to determine the
root cause of the problem.
What is Reporting server's role in OpsMgr?
How grooming works for DW, what is the grooming interval?
How do you import Management pack?
Name any 3 kind of Rules in Ops Mgr?
What is MP dependency?
Different version of SCOM?
What is Gateway server and its functionality?

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