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Smog is often caused by heavy traffic, high temperatures, sunshine and calm winds.

These are few of the factors behind increasing level of air pollution in atmosphere.
During the winter months when the wind speeds are low, it helps the smoke and fog to
become stagnate at a place forming smog and increasing pollution levels near the
ground closer to where people are respiring. It hampers visibility and disturbs the

Effects of Smog
Smog is harmful and it is evident from the components that form it and effects that can
happen from it. It is harmful to humans, animals, plants and the nature as a whole.
Many people deaths were recorded, notably those relating to bronchial diseases. Heavy
smog is responsible for decreasing the UV radiation greatly. Thus heavy smog results in
a low production of the crucial natural element vitamin D leading to cases of rickets
among people.
When a city or town gets covered in smog, the effects are felt immediately. Smog can be responsible for any
ailment from minor pains to deadly pulmonary diseases such as lung cancer. Smog is well known for
causing irritation in the eye. It may also result in inflammation in the tissues of lungs; giving rise to pain in the
chest. Other issues or illnesses such as cold and pneumonia are also related to smog. The human body
faces great difficulty in defending itself against the harmful effects of smog.
Minor exposure to smog can lead to greater threats of asthma attacks; people suffering from asthma problems
must avoid exposure. Smog also causes pre-mature deaths and affects densely populated areas building it up to
dangerous levels. The highly affected people include old people, kids and those with cardiac and respiratory
complications as they have easy tendency to be at disadvantage of asthma.
The ground level ozone present in the smog also inhibits plant growth and causes immense damage to crops
and forests. Crops, vegetables like soybeans, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts, and cotton are subject to infection
when they are exposed to smog. The smog results in mortifying impacts on environment by killing
innumerable animal species and green life as these take time to adapt to breathing and surviving in such toxic
Smog is a devastating problem especially due to the fast modernization or industrialization as the hazardous
chemicals involved in smog formation are highly reactive is spread around in the atmosphere. Smoke and
sulphur dioxide pollution in urban areas is at much lower levels than in the past, as a result of law passed to
control emissions and in favor of cleaner emission technology.

So how should you fight with the forceful impact of smog? It can be reduced by implementing modifications in
your lifestyle, decreasing the consumption of fuels that are non-renewable and by replacing them with alternate
sources of fuel which will reduce toxic emissions from vehicles.

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