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Author: Aly Anwar Amer

College of Education
Sultan Qaboos University
Sultanate of Oman

Address: Sultan Qaboos University

College of Education
P.O. Box: 32 Al-khod
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Sultanate of Oman

EFL/ESL Test-wiseness and Test-taking Strategies

Language testing research has recently witnessed an increased interest in test-wiseness
strategies and test-taking strategies used by test-takers in responding to test tasks. Although
these strategies are extensively studied in L1 literature, they are noticeably neglected in
EFL/ESL testing literature. The purpose of this article is to: a) highlight the difference between
test-wiseness strategies and test-taking strategies, b) discuss taxonomies of test-wiseness and
test-taking strategies in the general educational literature and language testing literature, c)
highlight the pedagogic significance of test-wiseness, d) review related EFL/ESL literature,
and e) bring out the importance of test-wiseness and test-taking strategies to EFL/ESL
teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum designers.

Key Words

Test-wiseness; Test-taking strategies; EFL/ESL test-takers strategies; Language testing; Testwiseness and test validity.

EFL/ESL Test-wiseness and Test-taking Strategies

Language testing research has recently witnessed an increased interest in test-wiseness strategies (TWS) and
test-taking strategies (TTS) used by test-takers in responding to test tasks. Understanding ESL learners
cognitive processes may be one of the most essential areas for language testers to be aware of (Anderson,
2001; Bachman, 2000). Although these strategies are extensively studied in L1 literature, they are
noticeably neglected in EFL/ESL testing literature (Allan,1992). Cohen (1998, p.219) distinguishes between
test-wiseness strategies and test-taking strategies. Test-wiseness strategies are not necessarily determined
by proficiency in the language being assessed, but rather may be dependent on the respondents knowledge
of how to take tests. Test-taking strategies, in contrast, consist of language use strategies when they are used
to help produce response to language testing tasks. The purpose of this article is to bring out the importance
of test-wiseness and test-taking strategies to EFL/ESL teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum designers.
Test-wiseness strategies:
Test-wiseness is a skill that permits a test-taker to utilize the characteristics and forms of tests and/ or testtaking situation to receive a high score. Some researchers (e.g., Benson, 1988; Rogers and Bateson, 1991)
believe that TW is a cognitive ability or a set of test-taking strategies a test taker can use to improve a test
score no matter what the content area of a test. Bond (1981, p. 54) distinguishes between test-wiseness
and test-coaching. TW is independent of content areas whereas test-coaching refers to: sustained
instruction in the domain presumably being measured.

While a part of language test performance is dependent on the knowledge that the learners have about the
target language, another part is dependent on their test-wiseness, independent of their language
knowledge. This does not imply that knowledge of content is totally irrelevant. Rogers and Bateson (1991,
p. 348) indicated that the effective application of TW strategies is dependent on some partial knowledge
of content. This partial knowledge, although inadequate to respond to a test item solely on the basis of this

knowledge, is sufficient when coupled with knowledge of the TW principles to increase the probability of
correctly responding to items susceptible to TW. Roger and Bateson (ibid: 333) provided evidence that
the cognition of the skilled test takers consist of:
a- a cognitive monitor that controls which abilities and skills are going to be
engaged to answer the item under consideration;
b- knowledge, abilities, and skills relevant to the content or trait being measured;
c- knowledge of TW principles; and
d- the response (selection and record of choice).

Test-wiseness strategies taxonomies:

In the general educational literature, different taxonomies for test-wiseness strategies have been
proposed. Nitko (2001), for example, classified TTS into three categories: 1- Time-using strategies (e.g.,
Begin to work as rapidly as possible with reasonable assurance of accuracy); 2- Error-avoidance
strategies (e.g., Pay careful attention to directions, determining clearly the nature of the task and the
intended basis of response); 3- Guessing strategies (e.g., Always guess if right answers only are scored).
Sarnaki (1979) used a five-category taxonomy: 1- Test-using strategies (e.g., Being able to work as
rapidly as possible with reasonable accuracy); 2- Error-avoidance strategies (e.g., Paying close
attention to directions); 3- Guessing strategies (e.g., guessing when there is not a severe penalty for
guessing); 4- Deductive reasoning strategies (e.g., Making use of relevant content information in other
test items and options); 5- Intent consideration and cue-using strategies (e.g., Recognizing and making
use of any consistent idiosyncrasies of the test that distinguish the correct answer from incorrect
options). A widely used taxonomy in the general educational literature is classifying TW strategies into
three major categories (Watter & Siebert,1990; Wenden,1991):
1) Strategies used before answering the test such as:
a- Read all questions first to start with the easy one/s.

b- Write an outline for each question first.

c- Read instructions carefully.
d- Budget time (i.e. allocate specific time to each question according to its
difficulty or length).
e- Form a mental image of the answer.
f- Underline key words in the questions.
2) Strategies used during answering the test such as:
a- Answer questions in chronological order.
b- Revise each question immediately after answering it.
c- Use all available test time.
d- Immediately write what comes to mind.
e- Answer all questions even the one/s I do not know.
3) Strategies used after answering the test such as:
a- Revise answers to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Re-read all questions to make sure I understood them correctly.

c- Revise both content and language.

d- Avoid last minute changes.

EFL/ESL Test-taking strategies:

In the EFL/ESL literature, TTS are classified differently. They may be classified according to
question-type (e.g. strategies used in essay, multiple-choice or cloze questions); according to
language skills (e.g. strategies used in reading tests, writing tests, oral tests); according to task
type (e.g. strategies used in role-play). For example, in a reading test, a test-taker may read the
questions below the reading text before reading the test; another may read the text first and then

the questions. In a writing test, a test-taker writing a composition may begin with writing the key
words s/he may use in writing the composition; another may begin with writing an outline.
EFL/ESL Test-taking strategies Taxonomies:
Literature search on EFL/ESL test-taking strategies revealed, to the best of the researchers
knowledge, two taxonomies, which may be used for classifying TTS regardless of language test
type, skill or task. The first taxonomy is proposed by Cohen (1998, p. 4-9). Cohen defines TTS
with reference to second language learner strategies. Cohen divides Second Language Learner
Strategies into two major categories: second language learning strategies and second language
use strategies. Both constitute the actions consciously selected by learners either to improve the
learning of a second language, the use of it, or both. Language learning strategies include
strategies for identifying the material that needs to be learned, distinguishing it from other
material if need be, grouping it for easier learning (e.g. grouping vocabulary by category into
nouns, verbs, etc.), having repeated contact with the material (e.g. through classroom tasks or the
completion of homework assignment), and formally committing the material to memory when it
does not seem to be acquired naturally (whether through rote memory techniques such as
repetition, the use of mnemonics, or some other memory technique). Language use strategies, on
the other hand, are strategies for using the material. They include four types:
a- Retrieval strategies: used to call up language material from storage.
b- Rehearsal strategies: used for rehearsing target language structures.
c- Cover strategies: are those that learners use to create the impression that they
have control over the material when they do not.
d- Communication strategies: which learners use to convey a message that is both
meaningful and informative for the listener or the reader.

These language use strategies also constitute, according to Cohen (1998, p. 219), TTS when
they are applied to tasks in language tests. All four types are used in test taking, since test
takers need to retrieve material for use on the test, may need to rehearse it before using it
(such as in speaking or writing tasks), are likely to use some cover strategies in order to look
good, and may well need to engage in genuine communication if the tests call for it.

Bachman and Palmer (1996, p. 70-71) propose a different conceptualization and taxonomy
for language test-taking strategies based on the concept of strategic competence which they
define as a set of metacognitive components, or strategies, which can be thought of as higher
order executive processes. They classify these metacognitive language test-taking strategies
into three categories:
1- Goal setting: deciding what one is going to do.
a- Identifying the test tasks.
b- Choosing one or more tasks from a set of possible tasks.
c- Deciding whether or not to attempt to complete the task(s) selected.
2- Assessment: Taking stock of what is needed, what one has to work with, and how well
one has done.
a- Assessing the characteristics of the test task to determine the desirability and
feasibility of successfully completing it and what is needed to complete it.
b- Assessing our knowledge components to see if relevant areas of knowledge are
available for successfully completing the test task.
c- Assessing the correctness or appropriateness of the response to the test task
3- Planning: deciding how to use what one has.
a- Selecting elements from the areas of knowledge for successfully completing
the test task.

b- Formulating one or more plans for implementing these elements in a response

to the test task.
c- Selecting one plan for initial implementation as a response to the test task.

Different test-takers may make differential use of the components of this model. Thus,
some test-takers, in an essay writing task, for instance, may:
a) Identify the task;
b) Decide what they are going to do;
c) Determine, for example, what vocabulary and concepts are needed for the task;
d) Figure out how to use their topic and language knowledge most effectively;
e) Evaluate how well they have done on the task (both during and after
performing the task).
Other test-takers, in contrast, may not follow these steps. They may not assess the situation
before starting writing. They may start writing without determining either a goal or a
detailed plan.
The Bachman Model received mixed reaction. For example, Alderson & Banerjee
(2002: 80) consider the Bachman Model a significant advance in language testing. In
their view it is an interactional model of language test performance that includes two
major components: language ability and test method, where language ability consists of
language knowledge and metacognitive strategies and test method includes
characteristics of the environment, rubric, input, expected response and the relationship
between input and expected response. In contrast, other researchers disagree with this
assessment of the usefulness of the Bachman model. Chalhoub-Deville (1997), for
example, argues that the Bachman model is a theoretical model. In her view, there is a
degree of lack of congruence between theoretical models on the one hand and

operational assessment frameworks, which necessarily define a construct in particular

context, on the other. McNamara & Lumley (1997) also argue that the Bachman model
ignores the social dimension of language proficiency, since the model is, in their
opinion, based on psychological rather than social psychological or social theories of
language use.

It is noteworthy that both Cohens and Palmer and Bachmans taxonomies of language testtaking strategies are theoretical conceptualizations. They lack experimental validity.

In the absence of a taxonomy of test-taking strategies specific to language, researchers

used Oxfords (1990) taxonomy of language learning strategies as a frame of
reference. Oxford classifies strategies into: cognitive, meatcognitive, affective and
social. In language tests, cognitive strategies refer to the test-takers ongoing mental
activities to use their language and world knowledge to solve the test tasks (e.g.,
translating, predicting, summarizing, activating prior knowledge, applying grammatical
rules, and guessing meaning from context). Metacognitive strategies are the test-takers
deliberate mental processes for directing and controlling their cognitive strategy
processing for successful test performance (Phakiti, 2003). Affective strategies are
concerned with the learner's emotional requirements such as confidence, while social
strategies lead to increased interaction with the target language.

It is noteworthy that the distinction between cognitive and metacognitive strategies is not
always clear-cut. It is likely that the goal of using a strategy determines whether a strategy
used is cognitive or metacognitive (Flavell, 1992). The same strategy in one occasion may
be cognitive while in another occasion it may be metacognitive. For example, if test-takers
translate a text so that they can memorize the general idea, translation seems to be a

cognitive strategy. If they translate the same text to make sure that what they have
understood is accurate (i.e., monitoring their understanding), translation seems to be
metacognitive rather than cognitive. On the other hand, recent research suggests a closely
interactive relationship between cognitive and metacognitive strategies. In a study by
Phakiti (2003, p. 43), results showed that most cognitive strategies occurred in association
with metacognitive strategies. For example, test-takers need to be metacognitive to use
cognitive strategies such as elaboration, inferencing and transferring. Some cognitive
strategies might even perform a metacognitive function. For instance, summarizing seemed
to be metacognitive since the test-takers wanted to evaluate whether the text was
understandable. Thus, it seems that cognitive and metacognitive strategies might need to be
viewed as two interactive facets of the same mental process that do not occur
independently of each other (p. 48).

Purpura (1997) reached similar conclusions. He used sophisticated statistical methods (e.g.,
Structured Equation Modeling) and powerful statistical analyses to investigate the
relationship between test-takers cognitive and metacognitive strategy use and performance
on ESL tests. Results indicated that the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies might
depend on the characteristics of test-takers and the nature of the test tasks (e.g., difficulty
level, oral/written, required response, etc.). ). For example, it was also noted that successful
and unsuccessful test-takers invoke strategies differently. Unsuccessful test-takers showed
an extremely high degree of metacognitive strategies in retrieving information from the
long-term memory, whereas the successful test-takers use metacognitive strategies to help
them understand and remember.


The results also showed that cognitive strategy use seems to function in concert with
metacognitive strategy use. Cognitive strategies are directly and positively related to test
performance. Metacognitive strategies, on the other hand, have a significant, direct,
positive relationship to cognitive strategies and are indirectly related to test performance.
They exert an executive function over cognitive strategies. In other words, we can no
longer operationalize Bachman and Palmers (1996) notion of strategic competence
solely in terms of a metacognitive component; rather, strategic competence should
minimally include cognitive and metacognitive processes (Purpura,1997, p. 311). Besides,
results indicated that metacognitive processing is a set of executive control processes that
embodies assessment, with goal-setting and planning as special cases of
assessment. This notion of metacognition necessitates a redefinition of Bachman and
Palmers (1996) conceptualization of strategic competence, which proposed
metacognitive components as comprised of goal-setting, planning, and assessment.
(Purpura,1997, p. 307-8).

Strategy use and selection:

In the process of strategy use and selection, we cannot assume that any test-taking strategy
is a good or poor choice for a given test task. Strategies themselves are not inherently good
or bad, but have the potential to be used effectively. Some learners may effectively use a
limited number of strategies for the most part. Others may be aware of an extensive
number of strategies but may use few, if any of them, effectively. Besides, the frequency of
strategy use is not necessarily an indication of success, nor is success at using a given
strategy in a given context a guarantee that the next use of that strategy will also be
successful (Cohen, 1998, p. 220).


In practice, the students use and selection of TTS is affected by numerous interacting
variables such as: their cognitive style profile, their linguistic proficiency, their test-taking
style, their repertoire of TTS, their test anxiety, type of test, and type of task. For example,
high proficiency test-takers performing an easy task might report low use of a checkingfor-accuracy strategy (i.e., a monitoring strategy). This may be interpreted as either the test
was so easy that monitoring was not needed or this strategy might become so automatic
that they did not realize they used it. Low proficiency test-takers, in contrast, might also
report low use of this strategy, perhaps not because it had become automatic, but perhaps
because they may be deficient in its use. Also, the test-taking style, i.e., the characteristic
ways in which individuals orient to the test-taking process, may affect the learners use and
selection of strategies. Purpura (1997, p. 312-3) classifies test-taking styles into two types:
product- or test-oriented and process- or learning oriented. Product-oriented test-takers
view test input simply as the context from which to provide the expected response (i.e., to
retrieve information). Process-oriented test-takers view input as an opportunity to learn as
well as to retrieve. In other words, the latter would invoke both memory and retrieval
processes; the former would simply engage the retrieval processes.

In my opinion, we have to be cautious when we talk about test-taking style. A style refers to
the habitual use of a strategy (Schmeck, 1988) and reflects an individuals trait. Recent
research on language testing draws attention to two important psychological constructs that
may contribute to variation in language test performance. Chapelle (1998) and Hong
(1998) refer to two different classes of psychological attributes for describing people: state
and trait. They emphasize that it is vital to make a clear distinction between the two
constructs when investigating cognitive and metacognitive strategies. It is assumed that


that each individual has both a transitory state and a relatively stable trait. States are
situation-specific and are considered to vary in intensity and change over time because the
level of activities changes from one situation to another. Traits, in contrast, are considered
relatively enduring predispositions or characteristics of people. Hence, state strategies are a
transitory state of the test-takers in a specific testing situation and varies in intensity and
changes over time. On the other hand, trait strategies are considered a relatively stable
individual difference variable to respond to testing situations with varying degrees of state
strategies. Thus, in order to be able to identify an individuals test-taking style, we should
investigate his state test-taking strategies on several occasions. If we notice that he/she
habitually uses certain test-taking strategies in most states (occasions), then we may be able
to identify his test-taking style.

Pedagogic significance of test-wiseness:

It was observed that the difference in approach between the test-wise and test-nave students
could be explained by differences in cognitive monitoring. Test-wise students experience
metacognitive success while test-nave students experience cognitive failure (Garner,1990, p.
518). Research on TW indicates that test-wise students: receive more points than they would
have predicted, feel more relaxed and better organized while taking tests, are able to complete
tests in the allotted time, manage their test time appropriately, and seldom leave out important
information from answers (Watter & Siebert, 1990). Research also indicates that TW is an
important correlate of test anxiety: test-wise students tend to perceive tests as less threatening
than test-nave students (Sapp,1999). On the other hand, test anxiety is closely related to selfefficacy: an individuals perceptions that he can successfully perform behaviours necessary to
produce a desired outcome (Bandura, 1986). Test-anxious students usually have low levels of


self-efficacy. They feel helpless and unable to influence testing events (Schunk, 1991). As a
result, they believe that any efforts to succeed on any tests are futile. When obstacles occur
during a test, individuals with debilitating test anxiety are likely to quickly capitulate if initial
attempts to overcome these obstacles are ineffective. Individuals with high self-efficacy, in
contrast, are better able to cope with obstacles during a test. They are more likely to keep
attempting to overcome obstacles. The higher level of self-efficacy gives low test-anxious
students greater confidence in their abilities and this results in sustained effort and constant work
to overcome obstacles that lead to better performance on tests (Sapp, 1999).

This shows the significance of training EFL/ESL students to be test-wise students.

Learning TWS helps EFL students become more relaxed, more confident, and more enthusiastic
about taking tests (Vattanapath and Jaiprayoon, 1999).

Another significant reason for investigating TW is that it is a valuable source of test content or
construct invalidity since it examines students ability to answer correctly by exploiting
weaknesses in test design. It is a relatively new undertaking to use data on test-taking strategies
in order to validate language tests (Cohen, 1998, p. 217). Traditional approaches to construct
validation ignore the strategies and processes that test takers employ in taking tests. Recent
thinking in educational measurement and in language testing recognizes the necessity of
including, in the investigation of construct validity, information about how test-takers go about
processing test tasks, and relating this information to information on test content and test
performance (Anderson et al., 1991, p. 41-42).

Research on EFL/ESL Test-wiseness and test-taking strategies:


While TW is widely researched in L1, it is noticeably neglected by EFL/ESL researchers (Allan,

1992). Review of EFL/ESL testing literature, revealed few studies dealing directly with TW. It
is not the purpose of this study to review this literature; only four studies are presented. Allan
(1992) developed and validated a multiple-choice test of TW specifically for ESL students. Allan
argued that a reliable and valid measure of TW in ESL students could identify students who are
likely to be disadvantaged by an objective test. Such a measure may even alert students to
strategies of which they are unaware. Taking a test of TW and receiving feedback might be
enough to sensitize students to the use of unfamiliar TTS. The test can also be used to diagnose
inexperienced or underachieving language test takers, and, by exposure and sensitization, to
confront their weaknesses. The test included: a) stem option cues, in which it was possible to
match information from the stem with information in the correct option; b) grammatical cues,
where only one alternative matched the stem grammatically; c) similar option cues, where
several distracters could be eliminated because they essentially said the same thing; d) item give
away, where another item already gave away the information.

Amer (1993) trained middle school students to use some test-wiseness strategies: to read
instructions carefully; to schedule their time appropriately; to make use of clue words in
questions; to delay answering difficult questions; and to review their work in order to check
their answers. The findings showed that instruction in using these skills enabled students to
better their scores. Hence, one of the reasons of poor performance on EFL tests may be
attributed to a lack of test-wiseness strategies.

Vattanapath and Jaiprayoon (1999) trained EFL Thai students to use 22 test-taking strategies
for multiple-choice English reading comprehension tests. The findings indicated that this
training helped students improve their test scores. Besides, students reported positive attitudes


towards TTS instruction: they felt that learning test-taking strategies helped them become more
relaxed, more confident and more enthusiastic about taking tests.

Yien (2001) investigated the relationships between Taiwanese EFL test-takers characteristics,
test-taking strategies, and test performance. The results suggest that test-taking strategies play
a mediating role between test-takers characteristics and test performance.
It is evident, from this review, that the constructs of test-wiseness and test-taking
strategies need further investigation in EFL/ESL testing research. In particular,
there is an urgent need for identifying TTS used by EFL/ESL students in different
types of language tests and tasks. It is noteworthy here to bring out the fact that
there are various noticeable differences between EFL and ESL settings in terms of:
context, ages, learners characteristics, cultural backgrounds and English
proficiency levels etc. Hence, we can expect that the learners use and selection of
test-taking strategies will be different in each setting. Consequently, we can not
generalize research findings in one setting to the other.
EFL/ESL pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes should explicitly
and systematically address these pedagogically important constructs of testwiseness and test-taking strategies. Teachers should be well prepared, in theory
and practice, to train their students to be test-wise, and to help them develop
positive attitudes towards language tests. Although there are no textbooks, to the
best of the researchers knowledge, on test-wiseness and test-taking strategies
specifically for EFL/ESL learners, textbooks in L1 may be used and adapted by
EFL/ESL teacher trainers and teachers (e.g., Powell, 2000; Calkins, Montgomery,


Santman & Falk, 1998; Boone, 1996a; Boone, 1996b; Wijgh, 1995). Besides,
language test-taking strategies should be integrated in EFL/ESL syllabi in order to
be a common practice in EFL/ESL classroom instruction.


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Yien, L. (2001). Effective test-taking strategies on English tests:
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Linguistics, 6,2.


Aly Anwar Amer is an EFL Methodology professor at Sultan Qaboos University,

Sultanate of Oman. He got his Ph.D. from London University Institute of Education.
He published articles in: ELT Journal; Forum; English for Specific Purposes; The
Internet TESL Journal; Language Testing; Reading in a Foreign Language
(twice); The Reading Matrix. His main interests are Teacher Development and EFL
Syllabus Design and Development. Email:


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