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..Either . ia] Write ; oliiinai nomparisuh ofthe foliowing poems, izonsideringi
n detail ways in which
"fr: **~='1="f='.
". Iangu = ge, style and form contributebo each poe
-t'; pogrlrayal of poetic inspiration.
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~. l was watching a main fly after atinch--tt1e sm
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" chirping with excitement, the bigger, its breast blazing, silent
: in light-winged earnest chase-when, out of nowhere
ever the chimneys and the shivering front gardens, ll.
flashes a p;,r;Q3;,gI3;gg.gl5 headlong, a leg ht brow
n burn

| scorching the air from which it simply plus ks

like a ripe fruit the stopped robin, whose two or three
~cheeps of terminal surprise twinkle in the silence
r closing ever the empty street when the birds have gone
about their business, and l began to understand
.hew a poem can happen: you have your eye on a small
. elusive detail, pursuing its music, when a terrible truth
-strikes and your heart cries out, being carried off.
. I imagine this midnight moments forest,
Something else is alive
Besides the clock's loneliness
And this blank page where my fingers move.
ll __
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4 - v ""-w'Ted Hughes 193-19981 ..
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Eamon Gcenaan [1941-]
' Tiimugh the window! see no stan
Something more near
Though deeper within darkness
ls entering the loneliness:
Gold, delicately as the dark snow
Afore nose touchestwig, leaf, .1 ; Z i 1
:}" pr i,'~_ 1Ur".~l,l,
.Two eyes serve a movement, that now %:.
..M , 14
,4~ .-4
H "
.giI H | 1911 *I .lll
- Till, with sudden sharp soft stink of fox .
#rg ,| 9 1.
-4 ~':.1\; --! .21 v
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T|111leispl1mel. lim'
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'hi wg
amen: au;4,u;,asuu
vrwauu I few *{*1'4:

in' H.
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CJ! (b) Wme a critical mrnpfnlwn uf lisa fullfw/ing pnermf, cmzidering in de
tail ways in which
language, style am lorn :(ifr1flblJl8 la sam wmayal of the weather,
The wind lvlew all my 'w4:fJdrv;rJ:sy,
/#ni my we=rJfJ1rsgmght 'limi Um' mght of the high wirncl,
Am a name dow mm harugmg, arcsin and mam,
That he raw ga and smut n, leaving me
SIMM m camivzllgrrt, h~
,anng ram,
Seems my fame m the tww.1rx1 canahrwcln,
Yet swung ncnlwmg, when he came mm.
He sam! me dvmm 'mem resflesfs, and I was sad
That any man ar beast that mah! smuki tank
The happmenil had,
How in the vial
Mrs ravelied urncief the sun br/ Im- WML; blcmnng,
He han gone in look at the nooaa, and I
Carry a mapped pant ta me chicken-run,
541 it down, ami dare MI ns me MM
Huntmg though clmm and fafesls, thrashing
My apron and the hangmq cloths an the line.
Can n he borne, this bmynrwfmm by 'and
Ufiwfw/ aetianeturn on, Iilfeathfeari
Him Um pewetual morning shares my bed?
Can even death my up
These new deinghterl lakes, conclude
Qur lmeeiing as cattle by dl-genaoue waters?
Philip Lame (1922-1985)
3'f;RM on THE ISI./4140
We are prepared, we build our houses squat,
sim walls in rock and roars mem with good slate.
TheMg earth had never troubled us
Wim hay,
'as you can see, there are no stacks
Car W/alfa' that can be lost. Hor are there trees
Which mm prove company when u blows full
Blast; you know what l mean - leaves and branches
Can raise a chorus in a gale
So that you can listen lo the thing you fear
Forgetting that i pummels your house loo.
But there are no trees, no natural! shiner.
You might MM that the sea ls company,
Exploding cornfonably down on the cliffs
But no: when it begins, the hung spray has
The very windows, spits like a tame cat
Turned savage. We just sa light while wind dives
I-nd Wales rnvti1br/, Space is a salvo.
We are bombarded by the empty air.

Strange, H is a huge nothing mat we fear.

Seamus Her
ney (1939-2013)
um over
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an 4 -v awt~fv.wv
Either (a)
as4 W-f;A-4 na/4
Section B
The journey from childhood w adulthaud is nn! an easy one!
Consider the means by which MaEv/an reveals the grcvmh of Brionv in Atonement.
Write a critical commentar/ on tha foliating passage, relating it to the present
01 the relaiiomhip between Robs and GecilIa, here and elsewhere in the novel.
When she emered the cate, wearing her nurse's cape, startling him from
a pleasant daze, he stood loo quickly and knocked his lea. He was
conscious of the oversized suit his mother had saved far. The jacket did not
seem to touch his shoulders at am/ point. They sat down, looked at each
other, smiled and leaked away. Robbte and Cecilia had been making love
for years - by peat. ln their coded exchanges the/ had drawn close, but
how anrlicial that closeness seems now as they embarked on their small
talk, their helpless catechism of polite query and response, As the distance
opened up between them, they understood how far they had run ahead of
themselves in their letters. This moment had been imagined and desired for
too long, and could not measure up. He had been out of the world, and
lacked the confidence to step back and reach for the larger thought. Hove
you, and you saved my Me. He asked about her lodgings. She told him.
And do you get along all light with your landlady?
He could think of nothing better, and feared the silence that might come
down, and the awkwardness that would be a prelude to her telling him that it
me been nice to meet up again. Mow she must be getting back to world.
Everything they had, rested on a few minutes in a library years ago, Was it
too frail? She could easily slip back into being a kind of sister. Was she
disappointed? He had lost weight. He had shrunk in every sense. Prison
made him despise himself, while she looked as adorable as he remembered
her, especially in a nurses uniform. But she was miserably nervous too,
incapable of stepping around the inanities. Instead, she was trying to be
lighthearted about her landladys temper. After a few more such exchanges,
she really was looking at the little watch that hung above her left breast, and
telling him that her lunch break would soon be over. They had had half an
He walked with her to Whitehall, toward the bus stop. In the precious final

minutes he wrote out his address for her, a bleak sequence of acronyms
and numbers. He explained that he would have no leave until his basic
training was over. After that, he was granted two weekds. She was looking at
him, shaking her head in some exasperation, and then, at last, he took her
hand and squeezed The gesture had to carry all that had not been said,
and she answered it with pressure from her own hand. Her bus came, and
she did not let go. They were standing face to face. He kissed her, lightly at
first, but they drew closer, and when their tongues touched, a disembodied
part of himself was abjectly grateful, for he knew he now had a memory in
the bank and would be drawing on it for months to come, He was drawing
on it now, in a French barn, in the small hours. They tightened their
embrace and went on kissing while people edged past them in the queue.
Some card squawked in his ear, She was crying onto his cheek, and her
sorrow stretched her lips against his. Another bus arrived. She pulled away, squ
eezed his wrist, and got on without a word and didnt look back. He
watched her find her seat, and as the bus began to move realised he should
have gone with her, all the wav to the hospital. He had thrown away minutes
in her company. He must learn again how to think and act for himself. He began t
o run along Whitehall, hoping to catch up with her at the next stop.
But her bus was far ahead, and soon disappearing toward Parliament Square.
Throughout his training, they continued to write. Liberated from
censorship and the need to be inventive, they proceeded cautiously.
impatient with living on the page, mindful of the difficulties, they were wary
of getting ahead of the touch of hands and a single bus-stop kiss. They said
they loved each other, used dar1ing and dearest and knew their future
was together, but they held back from wilder intimacies. Their business now
was to remain connected until those two weeks. Through a Girton friend she
found a cottage in Wittishire they could borrow, and though they thought of
little else in their moments of flee time, they tried not to dream it away in
their letters. instead, they spoke of their routines.

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