SEQUITIN Theo141 (March14,2015)

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Sequitin, Camille Andrea



March 14,

When Cardinal Tagle launched his talk about Christian Families called to
holiness at Sydney, he first pointed out one of the essential topic of the document
Christifideles Laici which is baptism. The cardinal has pointed that everyone of us
who were baptized are called to holiness as holiness are not just for those who were
ordained but to all of us which comprises the lay faithful. Cardinal Tagle also pointed
out that holiness is a gift from God to everyone of us in which we cannot achieve
this holiness by ourselves only but with the help of Jesus. To achieve this holiness,
we must see Jesus as our path and do what he does to serve the Father. We must
have the kind of obedience Jesus have for the Father in which even if he does not
fully understand the Father, he still chose to do what the Father has willed Him to
do. Jesus had also showed solidarity with the sinful and weak body of a human
being in which he had somehow had a glimpse of our weakness to temptations and
he became compassionate instead of being a judge to us people and that we must
be like him in terms of treating each other since we are all brothers and sisters,
those who listen and live up to the words of God.

Cardinal Tagle also emphasize the sacrament of marriage which is the

highlight of the document Familiaris Consortio in which produces a Christian family
in that is part of the eternal design of God. He also said that the Christian family is
an institution that God used to show His love to us. The marriage or the union of the
man and woman is like the love of Christ for the church. It shows that Jesus is the
husband and the church is his wife. It also shows that like Chist, the husband must
be much as well ready to die for his wife and family in order to protect it. That kind
of union is what God wants us to have in our marriage, the love that Jesus shows for
the church. The family must be the building block of the Christian society and that it
must teach their children the word of the Lord in a way that they wont interfere
with the will of God. The man must submit his self in the context of love to his wife
and the wife must also lovingly submit herself to the husband. In this context, the
mystery of fair love was shown as it treated the woman and man as equals as a
human being as they can also achieve holiness equally and they are seen by God
equally. They must love each other in a way that Jesus loves the church to fully be
themselves and we can all achieve because as person, we are loved by God.

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