Colonial Rivalries Questions

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Colonial rivalries questions

Is source 1 favourable or unfavourable to Cecil Rhode? How do

you know?
Source one shows the extreme power Cecil Rhode had over the African
continent. The artist characterized him as if he was a giant that is
standing on Africa. The string is attached from the bottom of Africa
continent up to his hand, indicating the extreme power he does hold. As a
result of this, Cecil Rhode could be seen in both a favorable and
unfavorable light, favourable, showing his excessive power but also
unfavorable as he is seen to be using Africa.
What does source 1 tell us about the British attitude towards
Source one, shows that the British had a very domineering stance over
other other countries.
What is source 3 trying to show?
Source 3 is trying to show the
What can Source 3 tell us about the relationship between
Germany and France?
Why did Russia get involved and who with?
Russia got involved do to the fear of the rising power that was Germany.
France and Russia fearing the growing strength of Germany and so, as a
result they joined the triple entente with Britain as France and Russia
knew that they alone would not be able to defeat Germany.
Outline the reasons why Germany, Britain and France were fearful
of each other.

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