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g My
s s Pa
l Pla

to get the most out of myfitnesspal

Hey, were Jonny & Yusef, the coaches at

P r o pa n e F i t n e s s . c o m we help men and
women achieve incredible results with their
fitness and physique while giving them
more lifestyle flexibility than they ever
thought possible. In short, we use a toolbox
of simple tools and solutions to create dramatic results.
Congrat s on grabbing our Maximising
MyFitnessPal Playbook 5 strategies to
get the most out of MyFitnessPal.
Were excited youve downloaded it. Inside
youre going to learn how to get twice the
results from the app with much less effort.

Were going to teach you a few of our unique

methods such as the 2:1 Planning Method
and Magic Ratio Solution. Weve never
shared these publicly before.

During this period, we dropped to the leanest

levels of bodyfat weve ever accomplished
and secured places on the GB powerlifting
and BUCS gymnastics teams.

Over the past 10 years, weve personally

managed our diet and training around 60+
hour workweeks, work based travel, balancing work and exams and even a medical
degree and hospital shifts. Over this time,
we built some unique systems to help us
not only manage but flourish in these environments. These systems are how weve
helped over 1000 clients create dramatic
results without a change in their current

One of the many tools we used to help us

during this that we still use with every client
we manage is MyFitnessPal and while its a
good tool, there are 5 not-so-obvious things
you can do to really accelerate your progress today with no extra effort.
Lets get into it!

2:1 Day planning method

With MyfitnessPal, were looking for flexibility rather than being a slave to a meal plan.
However, its important that we give at least
some consideration to our targets for the
day as well.
We typically suggest that clients follow the
Hit macros within a range of +/- 5-25g
Consume 2-3 servings of fruit and veggies
Consume at least 25g fibre
Consume 3-4 servings of protein contain-
ing sufficient EAAs
Consume 3-5L of water
This can be hard to achieve every single day,
especially when your meals arent planned
out. You need at least some structure to

your day in order to achieve this. We need

a balance between schedule and flexibility,
this can be hard to do.

way, you can still have one meal every single day where you can eat what you want
without worrying about impacting progress.

This is where the 2:1 Planning Method

comes in. Typically two meals in your day
can be controlled to an extent. If you eat
out at dinner, its unlikely that you also eat
out in the morning and at lunch. Equally, if
you eat out at lunch, you probably will eat in
at dinner.
Of course, this wont be the case every single
time but it will be in the majority of cases.

Day Plan

The 2:1 ratio is where we ensure that each

day is that 2 meals are for function and 1 is
for fun. Pick two meals that you can control
each day and ensure that across these two
meals youre covering the points above, this

Meal 1 Function
40% of calories and protein intake,
2 servings of fruit, 15g fibre, 1L water/fluid
Meal 2 Function
40% of calories and protein intake, 2 servings veggies, 15g fibre, 0.5-1L water/fluid
Meal 3 Fun
Fill remaining calories for the day, ensuring
you have 20% of your daily protein, 0.5-1L
of water/fluid

1,000 Kcal
800 Kcal
200 Kcal

Theres no point in tracking your diet if you

arent also striving for accuracy. Getting the
clearest picture of your intake for the day is
crucially important.
When you find yourself out of the house
without the means to weigh and measure
foods, this can be very difficult to do.
So, how can we use MyFitnessPal to still
overcome this situation?
1) There are always similar options
If you find yourself eating a meal without
a barcode or label, this can feel like an
impossible situation to overcome but its
really very simple. There are always similar versions of the food on MyFitnessPal.
Im yet to find a food that cant be found

on either a supermarket or chain restaurant

database and failing that, there is always a
google search.
2) Go for the average
A search for cheeseburger will likely bring
up a minefield of entries, some 1,000Kcal+,
some less than 200Kcal, some with only
half the entries and some with too much information for our purposes.
We suggest that you skim over the entries
and look for the rough average. Something
like 7-800Kcal in the above example (or
you could actually calculate the average of
4-5 entries if you wanted) and then ensure
that the entry you include has reasonable
entries for protein, carbs, fats and calories.
If something has 500Kcal but 1g of protein,

carbs and fats, thats clearly not a correct

3) Do your best
If youre looking to lose fat as fast as possible, eating out and not having access to
the correct information isnt the 100% ideal,
but keep your estimates conservative and
you wont blow your targets. Its sensible to
limit these occasions to 1-2 times per week.
Otherwise, the above option is the best you
can do, so dont let it stress you out. Theres
no point going out for a meal only to spend
the whole time stressing over whether you
tracked it correctly. Remember, IIFYL.


When you really think about it, its strange

that we ever overshoot our calorie targets.
No one forces you to eat food after-all!
Well...apart from when you visit Aunty
The only time you can realistically overshoot your calories and macros is at the last
meal of the day. Youve maybe eaten by
hunger and convenience during the day and
now youre left with some strange ratios of
macros and calories at your last meal.

have something enjoyable and satiating

that also hits your targets.
Do this by creating a selection of meals that
you can easily adjust to meet different macro requirements. Meals with clear building
blocks makes tracking childs play.
We recommend you make a list of single
macro foods that contain one dominant
macronutrient with traces sources of the
other two. For example:

How can we make the most of this?

Protein: chicken, low fat yoghurt, whey

Carbs: rice/couscous, honey, haribo
Fats: oils, butter, dark chocolate

We call this playing Macro-Tetris. You

want to slot specific quantities of protein
carbs and fats into your evening so that you

You can then combine these into a meal that

can easily be adjusted to help you complete
your macro tetris.

Seasoned chicken breast, couscous and
vegetables with butter/oil based marinade
Dessert: Yoghurt, berries and honey
Less/more protein needed:
Less chicken or yoghurt
Add whey to yoghurt
Less/more carbs needed:
Less couscous or drop the honey
Add honey or haribo
Less/more fats:
Add/subtract marinade
Add dark chocolate to yoghurt


If youre wondering whether or not alcohol

can even be part of your diet at all, check
out our guide here.
Understanding this is one thing but actually
using MyFitnessPal to track it is another.
How do you actually go about tracking
1) On days you drink, ignore carbs and
fats, focus only on protein and calories
When we track alcohol, that is a 4th macronutrient which means that the protein,
carbs and fats along wont add up to the
calories for that day. If we rely on that, well

overshoot. So, aim to hit your protein target

and calorie target only.
2) Track the calories from alcohol
Another benefit of MyFitnessPal is that most
drinks are already in the app so there is no
need to enter new entries every time you
drink. Of course, youre going to need to
allow some room at the end of the day to
include some alcohol but track the drinks as
you would any other food in MyFitnessPal.

3) The 20% rule

We suggest no more than 20% of calories
from alcohol on a given day. This automatically means that you probably dont
overshoot calories, probably dont end up
so drunk that it affects your sleep and
training and also means that youre more
incentivised to favour spirits over beer and
other calorie dense options.


This is probably the biggest mistake I see

people making when it comes to MyFitnessPal and calorie logging. The whole goal of
tracking your diet is to influence a result,
we want to lose fat or gain muscle.
Despite this, its common to focus on the
targets on a daily basis, disregarding the
bigger picture.
Do you think that hitting your macros on
one day will help you with your goals? Not
in isolation, no.
What matters is a string of successful days
and the right adjustments made at the right
time. If youre trying to lose or gain weight,
the calories and targets you have now wont
work forever, they will need to be adapted
as you progress. You should be considering how your weight, strength and weight

trends on average and for this we need to

be actually doing something with the numbers we track in MyFitnessPal.
Without this, we have four numbers in an
app, we dont really know why and were
not really sure what to do with them after

we use for many of our clients) then there

are only two scenarios that we care about:

We actually created the Tracking Bundle

to give you all of the tools you need to be
able to manage this and we also teach our
methods for what to measure and how on
a daily, weekly and monthly basis to keep
progress fluid.
The magic metric that we want to be focussing on is relative strength.

2) We are gaining weight slowly with

strength increasing at a faster rate
Relative strength increases
Were gaining muscle with minimal fat

Really let that sink in.

If were managing our strength and bodyweight (which are the only main variables

1) We are losing weight and maintaining

Relative strength increases
Were losing fat and maintaining muscle

In other words, MyFitnessPal is one small

piece of a big puzzle and you need to ensure you have some way of measuring your
other numbers alongside your calories.
Without this, youre focusing on only one
piece of the jigsaw.

is a fast-track call designed to do the following:

Uncover the #1 roadblock

to consistent progress.

Unlock the possibilities to simplify

and accelerate your diet and training

Create a plan for

continued success

Let us ask you:

do you know why your progress isnt
where it should be right now?

Well look at the main areas we

help our clients manage:
diet flexibility, nutrition tracking
and overall simplicity.

Well identify the keys required for

you to start moving towards your
goal and give some recommendations for how we can help you more.

Well help you uncover a crystal

clear picture of where you are, what
the biggest obstacle is for you and
then removing it so we can move
forward fast.

Well look at your current approach

in these areas and determine your
needs so that we can maximise
your progress.


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