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The application process for the CCC mark (China)


Can take sixty to ninety days or longer

Requires testing at accredited laboratories in china
Generally does not permit self certification or third-party texting results
Requires submission of numerous technical documents
Requires submission of a product sample to the Chinese testing laboratory
Requires a factory inspection by chinese officials at applicants expense
Requires follow-up inspections every twelve to eighteen months
Can cost several thousand dollars

The CCC Mark is administered by the Chinese government agency Certification and
accreditation Administration (CNCA). The China Quality Certification Center (CQC) is
designated by the CNCA to process CCC mark applications.
Step One: Determine whether your products require CCC Marking
First, examine CNCAs product catalogue and determine whether your products or
components parts within your finished goods, require CCC marking. The product
catalogue list, originally divided into 132 broad product categories, of all products
requiring CCC marking.
Step two: Get the Implementing regulation
CNCAs implementation rules cite numerous GB Standards which are mandatory
standards. Information on mandatory standards can be requested from china
through U.S WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point.
Step three: Consider your Option for Applying
Some companies use agents or consultants to manage their CCC mark applications,
others apply on their own or rely on their importers or distributors. Check with your
Chinese partners, distributors or your export managers. They may have experience
with CCC mark or they can point you to other resources.
Step four: Apply
Open the website of the China Quality Certification Center (CQC) which administers
the CCC mark application, there will be five-steps application process which is:
1. Submission of an application and supporting materials, including user guides,
CB reports, EMC reports, Regulatory labels and other information.
2. Type testing. A CNCA-designated test laboratory in china will test product
3. Factory inspection. CCC will send representatives to inspect the
manufacturing facilities for your product.
4. Evaluation of certification results and approval (or failure or retesting)
5. Follow up factory inspection, this will be happened every 12-18 months

Step five: Note other Chinese Licensing requirements

Like many countries, china has multiple certification license schemes, like chinas
state drug administration requires product registration for certain medical devices.

The Application process for Licensing (Laos)

Step One: Check whether goods require import/export License
Step Two: Draft license application using DIMEXs prescribed format
The application form is a fee format letter but a template is available from DIMEX.
Step Three: Present application to DIMEX together with accompanying
The documents required to be presented in order to obtain an import or export
license vary according to the product and may need to be obtained from other
Step Four: DIMEX will check application and will issue import/export
Step Five: Pay fee of Kip 10,000 at cashier office in DIMEX
The import license form must be purchased by paying a fee of KIP 10,000 to the
finance division of the ministry of industry and commerce.
Step Six: License issued
The format of the license will be varies according to the product.

The application process for Licensing (Indonesia)

Step One: Go to accreditation Body or National Accreditation Committee
Check whether your product already in the standardized product list that Indonesia
issued, if it not then it cant be certified.
Step Two: Demonstration of Competence
The product will be tested by agent from National Accreditation Committee as for
checking the competence.

Step Three: Conformity Assessment Bodies

This procedural will takes three steps, first one the product will be taken to the
laboratory to be checked, and then it will go to the inspection and certification
Step Four: License issued
If the product successfully passes all the conformity assessment bodies, then the
product license will be given.

The application process for Licensing (Cameroon)

Step One: Prior Import Declaration (DPI)
All goods import is subject to the securing of the prior export request. This
document is issued by SGS. Depending on their nature, some export goods may be
subject to the authorization or restriction.
Step Two: Securing of the certificate of origin
The importer must secure the certificate of origin of goods from their supplier.
Step Three: Goods inspection
The inspection of goods is in line with the Programme de Securisation des Recettes
Douanieres (PSRD). This inspection is conducted by a body mandated by the
government of Cameroon.
Step Four: Securing certificates following the enforcement of technical
Depending on regulations, goods may be subject to the following inspection:

Phytosanitary checks
Health checks
Formalities for animal-based products
Environment-related formalities

Step Five: Import precedes Domiciliation

The importer must supply the following documentation:
-the pro forma invoice in 3 counterparts
-the import declaration

-appropriate folders.

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