Mythical Island 1

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Mythical Island

Khushi and Tehjeev


Where Fantasy Becomes Reality

How Will the Island Be Ruled?

Leadership Style: Democratic
How Will Laws Be Established?
Civilians can voice their concern and give feedback on how the island is being run to the
leader. The Leader than can decide to make alterations to the laws.

How Will Laws Be Enforced?

Certain people known as the Peace Keepers will monitor groups of civilians to ensure
they are following the law.
If a civilian breaks the law, they will be punished based off the severity of their crime.

How Will Leaders Be Selected?

The leaders will be selected by the vote of the civilians, who are over the age of 12. The vote
will be anonymous.

Roles of the Leader

How Long Will The Leader Remain the Leader?
The Leader shall remain in power for 1 year, every year on November 22nd an election will
take place.

What Powers and Responsibilities Will the Leader Be Given?

The leader will have the following responsibilities/powers

Make sure that people follow all the laws.

Make sure that the civilians are doing their assigned job properly.
Leader must also help out with tasks/jobs.
Must listen to the concerns of the civilians and make changes to laws as necessary.
Make sure that every civilian is treated fairly and equally. (equal share of food,resources,

Roles of the Civilians

Who Will Work? How Will Work Be Distributed?
Civilians over the age of 12 must work/contribute to some sort of task. They
must work 3-6 hours. Civilians can choose what task they would like to help in.
Tasks include:

Building shelters
Gathering resources for clothing, shelters, etc.
Hunting, fishing or harvesting food
Cooking the food
Growing vegetation/crops
Monitoring groups of civilians (Peace Keeper)

Will There Be Anyone Exempted From Work?

Civilians that are ill or have health problems will be exempted from their work.

5 Laws on Mythical Island


No stealing food or resources from others.

No violence/murder will be tolerated.
Every able bodied person above the age of 12 must work.
No discrimination based on age, gender, sex, race, or
5. Sustainable hunting and gathering (do not hunt more
than required).

Arrival Day ~ April 11th
The day to remember when the ship crashed on this island.
Mythical Creature Appreciation Day ~ July 21st
A day to appreciate the mythical creatures (fairies, mermaids, and trolls) that live on
the island peacefully with us.

* Civilians can choose not to work on these days.

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