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Aim and Objectives

The Aim of this PhD is to optimally increase the energy efficiency of the integrated ship machinery
system throughout its lifetime targeting low fuel consumption and environmental footprint.
To accomplish this aim, the following objectives were set:


Analysis of the machinery system (components, interconnections and operational data) to

identify the operating modes as well as the energy, exergy flows in the various system
1.1. Analysis of the ship power plant operational profiles (performance, consumed fuel).
1.2. Calculation of power demand variation in terms of energy/exergy distribution of the
investigated system components.
Modelling of the ship power plant components and development of a simulation platform that
can adequately represent the ship power plant/systems behaviour.
Sensitivity study of the system operational performance for identifying the main power
consuming components as well as possible energy efficiency improvement measures.
Utilisation of optimisation techniques to identify operational and design measures that result in
considerable energy efficiency increase.
Case studies for quantifying the potential for energy efficiency improvement.
Economic analysis of the proposed measures and prioritisation of the most attractive ones.
6.1. Calculation of payback time.

Expected results
1. Identification of the system operating modes, energy/exergy flows and operational/design
measures that can improve the energy efficiency.
2. An integrated model for simulating the ship energy systems/components for testing the
proposed operational/design measures to improve energy efficiency.
3. List of attractive design retrofits for improving energy efficiency.
4. Proposal for the system settings resulting in optimal energy efficiency during operation.
5. Develop a scientific methodology that can be used for energy efficiency improvement in
various ship types.
6. Set of open questions for further research.
7. Economic feasibility study of the proposed operational/design measures.

The following methodology will be applied to satisfy the aim and objectives of this PhD research. The
research process is divided in five major groups consisted of subtasks.
1. Literature review.
In literature review it has been done the identification of ship machinery system gaps and possible
2. Preliminary analyse of available Aramex tanker ship machinery system and operational data.
2.1. Available data classification: ship machinery data and operating profiles.
2.2. System energy/exergy calculation to identify optimisation potential.
2.3 Case studies definition according to the operation profile.
2.4. Identification of best modelling approach of components interconnections and operational data
to satisfy different case studies and optimisation techniques.
2.5. Models accuracy needed related to the level of precision looked-for to satisfy the optimisation

3. Modelling.
The modelling process is consisted of five main stages: modelling planning part developing ship
machinery system, operational demand model, optimisation module and their interconnection in to
one simulation platform.
3.1. Modelling prediction is necessary for development of prebuilt methodology of interconnections
between: individual models, subsystems, ship machinery system, operational data model and the
optimisation module in to simulation platform.
3.2. Individual ship machinery components, operational data and optimisation module models
development and validation.
3.4. Development of ship subsystems from individual ship machinery components and their infusion
in to ship machinery system with all the necessary interconnections.
3.5. Ship operation demand model developed from single operational demand models.
3.3. Ship machinery system models, operation demand model and optimisation platform integration
in to simulation platform capable of representing ship system behaviour in different operational
3.5. Simulation platform validation.
4. Case studies.
In this PhD research the classification of ambient conditions related to the geographic latitude will
be taken since of the ship operation and energy improvements depend on the operational demand
of the ship. Ship operation life time will be taken in to consideration in each of the case studies.
4. Optimisation.
Optimisation is performed for different case studies to give and grade the set of available energy
efficiency (fuel consumption reduction) techniques. Optimisation is consisted of few stages:
4.1. Sensitivity analyses to define the importance of energy machinery parameters on fuel
consumption improvement and reduction of emissions.
4.2. Application of design operational improvements to improve system performance related to fuel
oil consumption and exhaust gas emissions reduction.
4.3. Different optimisation techniques (design and operational) study related to different case
studies and operational conditions.
4.4. Development of optimisation graduation algorithms for different ship operation ambient
conditions and loads.

Modelling process explained:

Modelling process is very important part of this PhD thesis and it will be in detail explained in thesis.
The overall modelling approach depends on model precision needed and depends greatly on case
studies applied.
In scientific practice the models can be classified as:
Analytical /Empirical;
White box/Black box;
discrete models;
3D; 2D; 1D; 0 Dimensional models.
Physically models are classified as:
First principle models;
Look-up table models;
Transfer function models.
Two types of models will be used in this PhD thesis:
1. Models explaining ship performance behaviour:
1a. Operation conditions models defining the operation demand (power and energy type (electric,
propulsion, heat, etc.) in time.
b) Energy transformation defining performance of individual components, subsystems and whole
ship machinery system.
2. Optimisation module models defining the set of optimisation techniques, functions, and
classification of effectiveness of previously mentioned.
System modelling approach:
Modelling approach is defining the application of used models and is determined by needs, case
studies and optimisation scenarios.
Modelling approach is optimising the research time by defining the optimal models detail level in a
way that research goals are satisfied.
Three types of modelling approaches usually used in research:

In my PhD thesis I will use Mesoscopic approach. Mesoscopic approach shortly is defined as a
combination of detailed and less detailed models. Less important parts of the Machinery System will
be defined as black box models while more important parts will be modelled as first principle models
or transfer function models.
Less complicated models: look up tables and transfer function models are used for control
optimisation purpose and for describing the parts of the optimisation platform that will not be

optimised but their input output is affected by optimisation process.

Higher precision models are used when is performed design optimisation of ship machinery
subsystems such as: white box models, first principle models in combination with transfer function

Applied approach combines two types of models black box model with white box models (first
principle models, white box models). Black box models represent energy consumers and energy
supplier (transformers) taking in to account energy consumers which are not optimised and not
important for particular case study. White box models (first principle and transfer function models)
represent the models which are the object of optimisation in particular case study.
When the models will be developed the set of optimisation measures will be built in to them and
they will be tested by optimisation unit which will be developed.
Optimisation method that will be used is defined as simulation method, meaning that different case
studies will be incorporated in one system machinery platform and compared afterwards.
The optimisation algorithms that will be used will depend on a complexity of case studies and
number of cost functions needed to be optimised. Least complicated optimisation able of
performing optimisation will be used. Different optimisation methods will be used to analyse the
optimisation precision. According to the optimisation specialists all available algorithms should give
similar results, meaning that double algorithm will give the proof that used optimisation algorithms
are correct. Algorithms that will be used in research are: Gradient Descent Method, Newton
method, Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimisation.
The main idea is to develop the modelling platform which will be able to easily support the changes
in operation demands and satisfy modelling needs of different ship types. Meaning that, the models
and optimisation algorithms will be developed as a good optimisation ground for optimisation of
other ship types. Models of system inputs/outputs that need to be developed are given in power
point graft called: 2. modelling of components & Systems with set of Measures.

Gantt chart

1 Modelling
1.1 Heating Balance
1.2 Main Engine
1.3 Operating Conditions
1.4 Auxiliary engine
1.5 Heating tank & Ventilation system
1.6 Ceramic heat exchanger
1.7 Modelling of main engine cooling system
1.8 Awqith
1.9 Model verification
1.10 Integration of models
Optimisation for different
case studies
Development of
optimisation algorithms
2.2 Optimisation of operating paramers
2.3 Design retrofits
3 Writing
3.1 Passive writing
3.2 Highly active writing

Third Year of PhD
October November December January February
August September
3.005 3.01 3.015 3.02 3.025 3.03 3.035 3.04 3.045 3.05 3.055 3.06 3.065 3.07 3.075 3.08 3.085 3.09 3.095 3.10 3.105 3.11 3.115 3.12
3.005 3.01 3.015
3.02 3.025
3.03 3.035
3.04 3.045
3.05 3.055
3.06 3.065
3.07 3.075
3.005 3.01 3.015 3.02 3.025 3.03 3.035 3.04 3.045 3.05 3.055 3.06 3.065 3.07 3.075
3.005 3.01 3.015 3.02 3.025 3.03 3.035 3.04 3.045 3.05 3.055 3.06 3.065 3.07 3.075

3.08 3.085 3.09 3.095 3.10

3.08 3.085 3.09 3.095 3.10
3.09 3.095 3.10 3.105 3.11 3.115
3.005 3.01 3.015 3.02 3.025 3.03 3.035 3.04 3.045 3.05 3.055 3.06 3.065 3.07 3.075 3.08 3.085 3.09 3.095 3.10 3.105 3.11 3.115
3.105 3.11 3.115 3.12

Explanation of Gantt chart

1.1. Heating Balance model

1.2. Main Engine Model

1.3. Operating Conditions;

Explanation of operating conditions

The Operating conditions are function of time and their values will be represented with functions of

1.4. Auxiliary Engine &Generator model:

1.5. Heating Tank & Ventilation system models

A) Heating tank:


1.6. Ceramic and Teflon Heat Exchangers

1.7. Modelling of main engine cooling system

1.8. Some WHR systems are already made but their modifications will take time to
combine with other sources of energy sources instead of exhaust gasses.

1.10. A) Basic Existing platform:

1.10. B) Optimisation platform (Integration of models + optimisation algorithm)

The optimisation platform is consisted of 3 blocks:

1. Import data block for different case studies:
a) Different temperature (air; sea water) Operational curves;
b) Load conditions ship speed; amount of cargo transported.
2. Optimisation unit consisted of three parts:
a) Optimisation algorithm performing the optimisation of important parameters and improving
the effect of design and operational techniques
. The theory of the algorithm is explained in project proposal.
b) Decision unit consisted of different design, operation improvements and their
c) User interference model system component responsible to provide the information related
to the total amount of fuel consumed through operational and design improvements. The
required information is represented as report consisted of: fuel consumption figures, energy
flows; exergy flows, classification of efficiency improvements through different operational
parameter changes and design retrofits.
3. System energy transformers, their interconnections and available WHR techniques.
The idea of this platform is to be easily customable for different Tanker ships and different operating
1. Heating Balance 20th November 2016 if additional time is not needed for writing PhD
2. Main Engine model from lookup tables 20th December 2016.
3. Operation conditions model 20th January 2017.
4. Auxiliary engine model 10th February 2017.
5. Heating tank & Ventilation system 20 February 2017.
6. Ceramic heat exchanger 20th April 2017.
7. Main engine cooling system with different optimisation techniques 20th May 2017.
8. WHR models: ORC model with different fluids, Incorporation of heat exchange areas,
combination of ORC with cooling systems 20th May 2017. Incorporation of heat exchange
9. Integrated model capable of giving the performance without Optimisation unit.
10. Development of optimisation algorithm
11. Incorporation of the optimisation algorithm in to integrated model to develop Optimisation
platform 5th July 2017.
12. Optimised operating parameters and list of design retrofits with brain storming 5th
September 2017.
13. First PhD thesis first draft 5th October 2017.
The physical explanation of design retrofits is submitted in power point presentation.

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