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Assalamualaikum wr wb.
With all due respect to the honorable judges representing, to all of the teachers here
attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone!
Allow me to introduce my self to you all, My name is Levya Riska Nabilla, I am in the
sixth class in Elementary School 41 Pekanbaru.
First of all, lets thank and pray unto our god who has been giving us some blessing and
mercies so we all can gather here on this event.
The second May Sholawat and Salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW, his
family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amin

In this chance I would like to tell you my speech about the Discipline time.
Honorable, all of the juries, the teachers and the audiences
All the activities we do every day that there must be time, there is a pre-planned and
happens suddenly. If we plan activities that occur at the time was called on time, if the time has
come and the activities of these activities has not happened that his name not on time, and
usually on time with all the activities that we do produce maximum results or satisfactory.
Actually, I have many questions in my mind to all the student, ? do you usually study at
home ? what time do you usually sleep at home ? what time do you usually get up in the morning
? what time do you usually do home work at home ? do you always pray on time everyday ?
As a student we have to really pay attention to this, the discipline of time, we can start
from the time when we go to school, so we are never late, time to do homework, work on school
assignments. Particular discipline of learning time, this will help us quickly and easily to
understand the lessons in school. Thus without us knowing we have been taking part in helping
to promote national development in our beloved country.
Dear Brother and Sister
A State if it is not accompanied with discipline in all aspects of time, then the State would
be impossible to get a head.
So, It is the right time for us to rekindle the spirit of learning, time to prepare the future of
our education, it's time we looked at or meet this world with all the ability we have, it's time we
prove that we can do something for our country especially in terms of educational
development in our country.
Dear Brother and Sister
Thats all my speech, I apologize if any mistakes, thank you very much for your attention
and the last I say
Wassalamualaikum wr,wb.

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