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Latefa Waheeb Ali


Journal Entry 5.
Week 5.
Sun 6th Wed 9th Nov, 2016.
Last Week of TP and 4 Back-to-Back Lessons
This was my last week in this school. It felt bitter to bid farewell to the students and my MST, but at the
same time I felt relief because it is the last week and we dont have anything for the next week, that is
related to school teaching. Also, for this week I had to focus on teaching 4 back to back lesson since I
have an assessment that is related to these 4 lessons. Thankfully, the lessons were easy and simple.
Also, I had to make sure that I finished every task, observation reports and feedback. One of the things
that I had to finish is the math wall, since my MST will come and judge the math wall, as it is part of one
of the assessments that my group was preparing and planning for it for 1 and a half week, hoping that
we will get a good result.
Finally, I have to think carefully of the goals that I will put for the next TP. According to my MCT, MST
and colleagues observation and feedback, I will decide the goals that I need to plan and focus on.
To make students learn through exploring. Because MCT give me a positive feedback when I used it.
Use an effective reward system because my peer gives me ideas that could help me to manage the
classroom. Some of the goals are, giving positive feedback, it could be orally or written. Using intonation
when talking so that the students would be more interested. Be careful while giving instructions as some
of the students dont really get it.

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