Siop Lesson Plan

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SIOP Lesson Plan

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Essential Question
How can quotation marks be used to communicate the thoughts and feelings of
individual people?
Standard - CC.1.4.6.L
Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and spelling.

Introduce quotation marks

Review/introduce vocab
Brainstorm what the picture is about
Come up with a description/dialogue for the picture
Write it down


Standard - CC.1.4.6.L: Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of

standard English grammar and spelling.
THEME: Vocabulary and Grammar
LESSON TOPIC: Vocabulary and Quotation Marks
Write a paragraph, including dialogue, accurately using the four vocabulary
words and quotation marks.
Define the four vocabulary words
Separate dialogue by using quotation marks
Create a paragraph, including dialogue, to describe a picture
Making logical guesses based on information given in the image
Guessing and deducing what the picture is about based on what is seen
Making connections to vocabulary word meanings and made-up story plot
Predicting and inferring what the picture is about, what the people in the picture are
discussing, their relationship to one another, etc.
Summarizing and synthesizing what exactly is going on in the picture

Content Specific words: quotation marks, dialogue,
Unit words: Compromise, despondent, notorious, and urgent.
Vocabulary list
The student will be motivated to learn because quotation marks are used in everyday life.
Knowing what dialogue is and how it is used is an important skill both inside and outside of
the classroom.
Comprehensible Input:
The student will learn the content-specific and unit vocabulary words through direct
instruction. The teachers will demonstrate the use of quotation marks by acting out a skit as
the student follows the script. The student will also receive a vocabulary with the definitions
that he can follow along on as the teachers go through the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint will
provide a definition, example sentence, and synonyms.
Throughout the lesson the teachers will use multiple strategies to ensure understanding of the
lesson. The teachers will use direct instruction to teach the student the meaning of quotation
marks and dialogue as well as how they are used in text. Direct instruction will also be used to
teach the student the meanings of the unit vocabulary words. The teachers will further explain
the use of quotation marks and dialogue through demonstration with a skit. Providing visuals
to help the student internalize the unit vocabulary words is another strategy used in the
lesson. This will help the student make these words his own and have something to associate
the new word with.
The teachers will interact with the student by explicitly teaching the content specific and unit
vocabulary words. They will also interact with him by acting out the skit and having him follow
along/identify ways in which they are using quotation marks and dialogue.
The teachers will use the students feedback as a formative assessment to differentiate
instruction if needed.
The student will analyze the script presented by identifying the quotation marks and dialogue
and explaining their relationship. The student will demonstrate their knowledge of the three
unit vocabulary words by matching each word to its corresponding picture. The student will
apply their knowledge of quotation marks by writing a paragraph that includes dialogue. The

student will also incorporate at least two of the three unit vocabulary words into the
The student will be assessed on their ability to properly use the vocabulary words and
quotation marks in a written paragraph.
This lesson can be extended by having students write a collection of stories, based off of
specific images, incorporating different vocabulary words for every unit.

Vocabulary List:
Content Specific Vocabulary:
1. Quotation marks: Used to indicate spoken language or dialogue in a text.
2. Dialogue: conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or
Unit Words:
1. Compromise: a way of reaching agreement in which each person or group gives up
something that was wanted in order to end an argument or dispute.
2. Despondent: in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
3. Urgent: requiring immediate action or attention.

1. Compromise: agreement, deal, balance.
2. Despondent: feeling down, low-spirited, discouraged.
3. Urgent: critical, serious, important.

Photos used to reinforce understanding of Unit Vocabulary Words

Directions for Paragraph:

1. Look at and analyze the picture on the projector.
2. Write a detailed story in paragraph form (at least four to six sentences).
3. Correctly incorporate at least two of the given vocabulary words from the vocabulary list
into your paragraph.
Photo for Paragraph:

Emma walks across the room and says, Hey Kelly! How are you today? Kelly is sitting at her
desk and responds, Hi Emma! Im good! How are you? Emma replies,
Im good too! Pretty busy with schoolwork. Kelly answers,
Me too! But I cant wait for Thanksgiving to see my family! Emma says,
Me too! I love turkey! Emma sits down and both girls wait for class to begin.

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