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Course instructor: Roxana-Cristina Petcu, PhD


I. Is copulative BE a raising verb? What are the features that copulative BE shares with
the auxiliaries? What are the features that copulative BE does not share with the
auxiliaries? What kind of complement does copulative BE subcategorize for?
II. Derive the sentences below: 1.The programme was open to criticism. 2. My brother is Jims
friend. 3. He is at peace with himself and with his environment.4. All work is noble. 5. The town was
abuzz with excitement. 6. All those reporters are enthusiastic about the results. 7. The idea was
surprising to all the participants in the conference. 8. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 9. These bills
are chargeable to Bill. 10. She is at home in several foreign languages.
III. Are copula-like verbs raising verbs? What kind of complement do copula-like verbs
subcategorize for? What features do copula-like verbs share with the copula BE and what features
they dont?
IV. Derive the sentences below: 1. Jack went red with anger. 2. The other child looked neglected. 3.
Hell make a good manager some day. 4. His fear turned into unreasoning panic. 5. The cake tasted
IV. Identify the predicative in the sentences below: 1. Hell make a poor pop-singer. 2. His voice
went hoarse with so much shouting.3.The results of these experiments will remain a secret as long as
the researches are alive.4.The United States stands ready to take whatever military action is
appropriate.5.In ten years time from now on he will make a good president.6.The air turned cold.7.The
horse has fallen lame. 8. The house fell into decay. 9. He will turn traitor, you will see.10.The knot has
come untied.11.He can grow tired of writing. 12. Hell continue as manager of the company till the
following elections. 13. The prospect of war loomed large in everybodys minds. 14. Seawater tastes
salty. 15. His fear turned into uncontrolled panic.
V. Discuss the properties of adjectives when used attributively and predicatively. Decide
whether the adjectives below are exclusively modifying or exclusively predicative.
Illustrate in sentences of your own.
VI. Arrange the pre-nominal adjectives as well as the noun modifiers in the most
appropriate order in relation to the noun they modify:
1.DISCUSSION long, boring, about the price of houses; 2. RESULT worse, rather; 3.VASE beautiful,
tiny, glass, lime-green, 4.STUDENTS few, allergic to syntax; 5.DESCRIPTION of the painting,brief,
following; 6. QUALITIES basic, human, certain; 7.ADVANCE technological, further; 8.PRINCE
Russian, genuine, only; 9.HOUSE white, wooden, little, our; 10.DRESS lacy, pretty, black, my; 11.
FREEDOM fast, diminishing, personal, degree of; 12. EYES her, frightened, blue,big; 13.OFFICER
retired, army; 14.EQUIPMENT expensive, sophisticated; 14.CHILD well-behaved, intelligent,
Romanian; 15.CARPET woolen, big,round,old,excellent,Persian,red.
VI. State whether the verb BE in the sentences below is used as a copula, a lexical verb or
an auxiliary:

1. He was at school with my sisters. 2. He was at school. 3. The tulips are out. 4. My mother is out.5.The
Social Democrats are in. 6. My boss is in. 7. He is reading a new play. 8. The house has just been
redecorated. 9. The soup is off. 10. Were off. 11. He is at home in several foreign languages. 12. He is
still at home. 13. I was surprised at/by the idea. 14. He is well -behaved. 15. I was being surprised by/*at
your behaviour. 16.Theres the accident! 17.He is at table./ He is at the table.18.He is Secretary of State.
19.Vegetative reproduction is by fragmentation.20.Its no use crying over the spilt milk.21.She is artist
enough to find an original solution.22.Fur coats are the thing today.23.The funeral is
tomorrow.24.Nobody is on the safe.25.There should be a lot of people there tomorrow.
VII. Replace by BE-predicates and make all the necessary changes:
1.I regret to say that. 2. I fear that I presume too much on your patience.3. They hope for a better life.4.
The music pleased everybody. 6. These words express my intimate desire. 7. They support their wives in
public. 8. The boat drifted for a month. 9. The waves washed the deck. 10. The bulbs glittered in the
trees. 11. John resembles his brother. 12. Nobody touched the food. 13. His attitude provoked a disaster.
14. He doesnt like to work hard. 15. She has always pursued her personal interests.
VIII. Consider the following subcategorization features and assign them to the copulalike verbs below; supply one illustrative context of your own for each feature that you
associate with each verb:
Features: [-AP]; [-AP,PP]; [-NP]; [-PP]; Verbs: SMELL, GROW, GO, MAKE, STAND, FALL
IX. Supply the copula-like verbs in the sentences below:
1. His popularity may ......... eroded.2.Your zip has ......... undone.3.Lampposts .......... marooned on their
concrete islands .4.The mail ....... scattered on the table.5.His eyes ......... black in anger.6.What kind of
people ........ bandit? 7. His exploits .......... unsung. 8. The silk ........ soft and smooth.9.When that
road ......... into disuse, nothing will be there anymore.10.You will ......... a lovely public figure. 11. Their
case unheard as far as the authorities were concerned. 12. His time of ten seconds ..
unbeaten. 13. Unhinged by her death, he . ill. 14. Fashion has to change almost with the moon to
. fashionable.15. How did Socrates .. master of himself? 16. There are times when we
are like horses, we . psychologists, we . restive. 17. When he .. very old, he told them a
story he had heard in China. 18. Her relatives would have nothing to do with her. She . sick, poor
and weak. 19.As he remarried, his son .. estranged. 20. Without what makes it full, the valley may
.. dry. 21. He has such a sensitive face like Apollo .. fasting friar. 22. He did not seem to
notice that Henry had .. silent. 23. Why had they all so quiet? 24. The nuclear weapons that
had been stored in the cave had .. loose, the cylinders had cracked. 25. He put in a word here before
things .. heated. 26. The air around them .. awash with daylight. The sky .. something
light and limitless. 27. Glands can larger or smaller in response to use. 28. They may choose to
. hungry rather than make another ten-mile track. 29. Perhaps if the population of that country
had not been exposed to the whole terror of modern war, they would have . permanently
nonviolent. 30. Who can .. muddy and yet, settling, slowly .. limpid. 31. And if I cease to desire
and . still, they will be at peace of their own accord. 32. Kings Chapel . without peer. 33.
Laws should not be allowed to into contempt. 34. You can young at heart. 35. How many
positions have . vacant? 36. He is unhappy because he has bald. 37. They have .. short
of food. 38. Such crimes must not . unpunished. 39. Their achievement unmatched to this
day. 40. One can .. lyrical on such a subject. 41. His plan to reform the system has unstuck.42.
Joblessness and school dropouts .. large among the problems I encountered. 43. A string may
.. untied. 44. The telephone .. dead. 45. The material has .. thin. 46. He . as an
experienced manager. 47. She .. pretentious. 48. The machinery has to rust. 49. They .
for the richest family in the county. 50. These methods have gradually .. into disuse.
X. Fill in the necessary prepositions:

1. He was not ________ home in their world. 2. The table was ______ disarray. 3.The writing fit was
________ him again. 4. Crying was ______ the point. 6.The man was _______ his best behaviour
at the party. 6.I am _______ films. 7.This is an unpopular measure whichever Administration is ____
power. 8. We are ________ fear of snow. 9.In many cities efforts were _______ way to raise funds.
10.Life was _______ standstill in New York yesterday. 11.You are _______ liberty to go. 12.The film
hits him home; its right _____ target. 13. Their skill is _______ demand now. 14.Are you _____
good terms with yourself? 15. Can you say you are _________ no obligation to help? 16.He is always
________ a disadvantage in arguments.17. Are you _______ to it? 18.Our zone is ______ peace.
19.The call is ________ . 20.These clans are still _______ war. 21. We were ________ exclusion
and discrimination.
XI. Translate into English using BE+PP/PRT+(PP):
1. Este o greeal fr importan. 2. Rmsese n urm cu plata chiriei. 3. i-e soarta n joc. 4. Copacii
au nmugurit. 5. Se studiaza promovarea ta. 6. E la curent cu asta? 7. terenul acesta este cultivat cu
cartofi. 8. Sunt nc la prima ceac de ceai. 9. Nu are greutatea necesar. 10. Au ordin s trag. 11. Face
parte din personal de zece ani. 12. E nc n tratament. 13. E n curs o anchet pe plan local. 14. mi pare
ru, nu mai avem aceste vederi n stoc. 15. Nu-i vorbi cnd lucreaz. 16. El a greit. 17. Ai terminat cu
cltoriile. 18. Vrea s-i ia slujba. 19. Probabil c are dureri mari. 20. Nici nu ai idee cu ce te pui.
XII. Translate into English, paying attention to the copulative predications and also to all
the a fi predicates:
A. Copiii sunt veseli i zgomotoi. Fratii lui au devenit cercettori. Suntem fericii de venirea prietenilor
notri. Mihai a ajuns al doilea la crosul de ieri. Obligaia ta rmne sa citesti mereu cte puin din crile
din biblioteca tatlui tau. Tema este de scris. Azi nu ari prea bine. Vecinul meu este, n zilele de
smbt i duminic, paznic la un depozit de materii prime. Bunica lui a rmas, cum tii i tu foarte
bine, generoas i amabil. Problema este s ne prezentm in corpore acolo. Toi vei deveni ceea ce vai propus. S renuni acum nseamn s-i recunoti public neputina. Primvara aceasta este timpurie.
B. Era pe la 1601. Am fost la munte cu trenul. Ct e kilogramul de banane? Ce e cnd visezi ceva uratr?
Maria este n camera de alturi. Aparatul era construit de o echip special. Cnd a fost s pleci te-am
ajutat. Numai cine nu socoate iubirea de ar drept o datorie e n stare s se laude cu ea. Tu ai ajuns,
conform previziunilor mele, pictor. Realizarea ta n acest domeniu nseamn, n final, o mare
recompens. Fapta lui pare nensemnat, dar va avea, sunt sigur, consecine cumplite. El se va face
medic dup ce va termina facultatea. Pe msura ce nvai devenii mai nelepi.
C. Dorina noastr este s ne perfecionm. Visul ei a fost s se fac actri. Fratele cel mai mic al
matusii mele nu a devenit ceeace a visat. Colegul meu a ajuns ce a dorit mereu s fie, adica on de
afaceri. coala a rmas cum o tii. Fiica prietenei mele celei mai bune s-a fcut ceea ce i-au dorit
prinii s fie i acum este cumplit de nemulumit. Rspunsul tu nseamn c nu ai neles nimic din
ce am spus pn acum sau nu ai fost deloc atent.Rsplata va fi dup cum o merii. Cartea este a oricui ar
dori s-o cumpere. ntrebarea este cine va fi premiat la sfritul acestui concurs. Mncarea-i cum i
place ie, nici prea cald, nici prea rece, nici prea srat, nici prea condimentat. Cum e mama e i fiica.
D. 1. Cci obiceiul era s se mearg cumva cu capul descoperit n cazul cnd el singur ar fi fost acoperit
i s-ar fi vzut c n-a mai intrat niciodat n asemenea local, iar lumea distins s-ar fi uitat zmbind
dispreuitoare dup el. Dac dimpotriv obiceiul ar fi fost ca s se mearg acoperit iar el ar fi intrat cu
plria n mn, cu hainele roase i lustruite, cu faa de bolnav neras socoti c ar prea desigur acolo
un comisionar care aut pe cineva i gndul acesta i rsucea nervii. (Camil Petrescu)

2. Poate c ofierul a neles c e mai bun afacerea pentru el s se fac la noapte c doarme dect
s mai mearg pn la Seltim, hruit mereu c se afl ntr-o ar strin, mai ales c nu se mai opera
nici o barc i pe malul cellalt nu puteau s vorbeasc cu loptarii . (Camil Petrescu)
3. N-am s-i dau rspuns la ntrebrile acestea cci ce voiesc eu e numai s detept n mine
sentimental c atunci cnd eram copil nu-mi ddeam seama despre ceea ce fceam. Mama era, ce-i
drept, aspr, dar ei nu-I psa de ceea ce fceam eu; vorba era numai s nu cad, s nu m lovesc, s nu
m tai, s nu m ard, s nu m fac de ruine . (Ioan Slavici)
4. Asta nseamn c se apropie sfritul, se gndi bolnavul, i pe portia gndului simea cum se
furia n gol amenintor o dr de groaz care totui prea c-I plcut. (Liviu Rebreanu)
5. Dac el ndrznea, nsemna c el tia ceva care ei nu tiau i nfrigurai s afle acest ceva nou i
nesbuit care apruse n mijlocul lor, lsar cruele fr paz i ncepur s se apropie din toate prile.
(Marin Preda).
6. Cnd fu s plecm, m lu la o parte s m previe s fiu fa de soul ei ca i cum nu s-ar fi
ntmplat nimic i n-a fi tiut nimic, pentru c nici dnsul nu avea s-i aduc aminte. (Mateiu




I. Case Theory.
1.Define inherent/structural case. 2. Discuss Case assignment for the subject of finite/non-finite clauses.
3.Analyze the NPs with respect to Case Theory:
1.John, come here right away! 2.Johns fight against the virus was unsuccessful.3.His passion for music is
compelling.4.They considered her beautiful.5.She was thought to be a very sensible person.6. John wrote the essay
for her.7.It is right that she should have refused the offer.8.For him to have bought these books is rather
remarkable.9. Grant seems happy.10. Tom is pleasant to talk to. 11. It was easy for him to have broken into his
sisters room.
4. Does Case Theory explain the following (un)grammatical sentences?
1. She preferred very much for the students to do their homework./*She preferred very much the students to do
their homework. 2. *Anyone to cover this event would be desirable. /For anyone to cover this event would be
desirable.3. They consider Liz quite competent./ *It is considered Liz quite competent. 4. Tom, I do want to see
you today! 5. This movie, I dont think I have seen it so far. 6. Johns belief of the rumour was unfounded. 7.

atitudine favorabila mediului. 8. *They built last year a house. 9. He spoke yesterday to Tom. 10. acord daunator
II.X-bar Theory
1.Identify the lexical and functional heads in the following sentences:
1.England will defeat Brazil in the final match.
2.The idea that I would do such a thing is absurd.
3.Marys suggestion was well received.
4.He might have been reading for a long time when I entered the room.
5.For him to go there would be unthinkable.
2.Define the Auxiliary in English.
3.What is X-bar theory? State the Projection Principle and explain its relevance for the dstructure representation.
4.Comment on the structure of the simple sentence as IP.
5.Represent the following in X-bar:
A. a very tall boy; three meters to the left; straight into the wall; two nice kids; this interesting story; aware of the
difficulty; Marys blouse; the leg of the table; frequently see the children; a real appreciation of poetry;
B.1.She was aware of the difficulty.2.The city lies on a river.3. She is envious of my blouse.4.They agreed with us
on the details of the treaty.5.The meeting started at noon yesterday. 6.It happened in London in 1929.7.He did his
jogging on the campus yesterday. 8. Could he have done it? 9. I wonder what he did in the end.10.I believe that he
will come.11.What should I say? 12. The announcement of the news by the BBC surprised the audience
inordinately. 13. The blonde boy at the back of the classroom is prone to accidents.14.Im sure that you are right.
15. Almost certainly, the cat has eaten the dogs dinner. 16. He may have been writing a letter to his sister. 17. We
are nearing the meadow. 18.Near the meadow they built a house. 19. Mother has always admired his passion for
music. 20. He must be truly in love with her.
III. Move .
1.Define NP Movement.
2.Analyze NP Movement (as well as any other instances of movement) in the following examples:
1. The house was newly built.2.The book sold out in two days. 3. They wondered what book they should read
first.4. What book should they read first?
3.Analyze head-movement in the following sentences:
1. Is he sleeping? 2. Has he got any chance? 3. Could he have done it?
4. Discuss the following sentences with respect to Move .
1.Will Mary invite John tomorrow? 2.Has the teacher checked the papers? 3. Whom will Mary invite tomorrow? 4.
The wind opened the door. / The door opened. 5.Mary drove the car well. / The car drives well. 6. All the people
believed the story./ The story was believed by all the people.7. Which book will you be reading tonight?

VI. Analyse syntactically:

1.What amazed the guests was that the tea-room opened into a conservatory where one could see a long table .
2.Beatrice had explained to her mother that it was necessary for the hostess to devote her time to social arts. 3.
The host will give all his guests a hearty welcome.4.Will you stand godmother to my daughter? 5.Everything that
you see here belongs to me.6.The flats are well positioned for the young couples who commute to London.7.Third
World countries are competing with each other for a restricted market.8.My advice is to find a knowledgeable
professional who is familiar with your game.9.The soldiers returned alive.10.The man in the booth wondered
whether the girl that was waiting for the bus had introduced her friend as Sarah the day before.11.I was surprised
that nobody could prevent him from running that dog so very mercilessly.12.In the field that stretched four miles
there were patches of snow here and there.13.If you dont behave, Ill give you a good thrashing.14.He happened to
find the victim flat on the floor.15.I considered it proper to nod approval when I heard the Mayors voice
pronouncing them husband and wife.16.Fortunately,they caught the thief red-handed, although it took them a
long time to do it.17.She cozily wrapped her baby in the thick blanket so that it might sleep a pleasant sleep.18.
She shouted in fear when she saw the sight of the battlefield.19.John, Ive bought a bunch of lilac for my wife for
only 500 lei.20.I grew cold and my hands trembled as I read that they had my son.

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