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Facilitation Technique Category: Mindfulness therapy

Activity Title: Mind Yourself yoga: Guide to the easy life

Source: Mind-Body Medicine and the Art of Self-Care: Teaching Mindfulness to
Counseling Students Through Yoga, Meditation, and Qigong
Equipment: Yoga mat, Yoga ball
Activity Description: mindfulness therapy activities such as yoga impact our society
heavily everyday promoting longevity, a dramatic increase in flexibility,increase
muscle strength and muscle tone,maintains respiration,vitality and energy, keeps a
stable metabolism , decreases weight improves athletic performance and aids with
cardio and circulatory health. The first step to minding your self to free the mind
and body of potential stressor through the use of yoga is to first set your your yoga
mat on the floor vertically kneel down slowly lay on your back and relax. The
participant must feel the air around the environment and breath deeply through the
nose and exhale slowly through the mouth to achieve clear thoughts. Step 2 raise
the left leg into the air and maintain stability as the participant is doing this action
he or she will gradually raise the opposite leg the engage the core. The goal is to
endure this position as long as possible as your breath and relax. Step 3 is the
candle position and raise to get in the candle position the participant must follow
the first 2 steps the then use both hands to stabilize the back while positioning the
arms in a 90-degree angle. Once the back is completely straightened and the toes
are pointed in the air the participant must then hold that position for one minute.
Step 4 Spinal rotations: The participant will lie flat on the mat chest towards the
ceiling the participant shall press both legs together bending the knees bringing the
heels the rear area then slightly rotating the pelvis right and turning the head left
then same thing will be done on the opposite direction. The participant must
remember to twist the spine as much as they can to get a full range and motion on
the twist. Step 5 Prone and Raise: the participant will lie on their stomach with their
hands beneath their waist when ready the participant will then outstretch the left
leg hold it for one minute then do the same with the opposite lower extremity. Once
this has been done with both legs the participant would then outstretch both legs
simultaneously and hold that for one minute. Step 6 Abdominal Stretch: the
participant must lay on their belly bend their knees as much as possible to bring the
feet back as much as possible so the the hand can reach back and grab them once
the participant has grabbed both feet the shall put their back and pull their legs to
create a bow like position from there the participant will hold that position for 20
seconds while continuously breathing smoothly to relax the body. Step 7 Cool Down
Phase: the participant will relax with their face hands and feet on the mat.
Leadership considerations: The CTRS would functions as an instructor and supervisor
for this activity. The CTRS will perform breath techniques and exercises with the
participants before the activity is initiated. It is recommended that the CTRS be

certified in first aid and CPR. It is NOT required for the CTRS to possess certification
in teaching yoga but due to the extreme stretches that can inflict bodily injury to a
participant a certified yoga teacher must be present at all times when conducting
classes. There must be at least 1 intern involved during these sessions. the staff to
participants ratio should be around 1:5, 2:10 or 3:15. Yoga put a lot of strain on the
muscles therefore there are safety protocols set in place to prevent participant from
bodily injury such as listening to the body, not using force, never get competitive
with yoga and release from a pose when needed. In the event a participant has a
self inflicted muscle tear due to a tear in the muscle 911 must be notified
immediately while the CTRS clears the floor and keeps the participant steady until
the paramedics arrive. If participants have attended session and lacking proper
equipment temporary equipment shall be provided on a need basis.
Adaptations: Participants with physical impairments: Cerebral palsy occurs during during
the birth process it can occur before or after birth. Cerebral palsy can cause muscle
spasms, inability to walk and degrading muscle mass. Most individual who have cerebral palsy
are wheelchair bound and yoga require the body to stay stable during the exercises. The
adaptation for this activity is a block that sits right between the knees of the participant that
block is supported by two velcroed straps one located under the patella region and strap located
at mid thigh to support the block from slipping and to prevent the waist from shifting from side to
side when the the participants are performing outstretch exercises with their upper extremities.
The goal of this adaptation is stability. Once the participant has stability he/she will have total
confidence in performing the exercise and therefore be more effective and more responsive to
the activity to reap the benefits of its calming remedies and physical advancements. Most are of
the participant were born with the with this particular disability so the CTRS may supervise from
a distance in the event a yoga teacher must take over.
Participants with Cognitive Impairments: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
is a behavioral condition among some children which causes inattentiveness,
hyperactivity and impulsivity. When utilizing yoga as mean of treatment for children
with ADHD the adaptation that is used to keep the children focus and interested
while staying in one small area is jar of water and glitter as simple as this sounds
the children see this as spectacle in which they zero in and narrow their focus on
the jar given that all distraction are removed from the room to keep them attentive.
The instructor shakes the jar while speaking in a calming voice letting the children
know that their bodies are similar to glitter in the jar and to continue with the
activity their bodies have to be calm. The instructor then sets the jar down after 1
minute all the glitter settles to the bottom of the jar which emulates the state she
wants the children in. Once this has his been done the CTRS can step in and
supervise from a distance not breaking the attention the children.
Adaptations References

(2016). Three Breathing Exercises and Techniques | Dr. Weil. Retrieved October 15, 2016, from
The Benefits of Yoga. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2016, from
F. (2016). Yoga for Children with ADHD. Retrieved October 15, 2016, from

Facilitation Technique Category: Expressive Arts as Therapeutic Media

Activity Title: Painting you Painting me Painting us: Guide to the 3 Ps
Source: Art Therapy and the Brain: An Attempt to Understand the Underlying
Processes of Art Expression in Therapy

Equipment: acrylic paint, small paint brushes, medium paint brushes large and
extra large paint brushes, canvas or wall goggles and paint overalls or ragged
Activity Description: Expressive Arts activities such as painting, enhance fine motor
skills, creates more control with hand eye coordination, decreases heart rate, boost
creativity, supplements non-verbal communication skills, improves confidence and
develops critical thinking skills. The purpose of this activity to show the the
individual the proper steps and guidelines to painting a strong reflective mural. The
first Step is location the individual must choose what surface he or she would like to
paint on. The surfaces can range from from smooth, jagged, flat or round. Step two
is the paint the Art facilitator or CTRS will be providing paint to each individual from
there the artist must choose his/her color scheme they would like use on their mural
or personal art project. The color scheme is important because it will determine the
overall theme of the image. Step three is the Method of Application this would
would range from paint brushes, air brushes, paint sprayers but in this case we shall
be using a variety of standard paint brushes ranging from sizes small to XL. This is
how the individual will be applying paint his/her medium to their desired surface.
Step four is the design the participant shall either draw, etch, build or photograph
the image they would like to reflect on to their desired surface by doing this the
participant can visualize exactly where they want certain object to be and the size proportions
they can afford to put on the surface. Step five is Prepare the Surface: Depending on the
surface of the Art piece the participant will take a cleaning product specified for that particular
surface wipe it down thoroughly and begin to work on the project. Step Six Paint: create a large
outline of your design. By creating an outline, the measurements for the required design are

developed proportionately and the image can be view in full detail as the artist created it. Step
seven: Base: The Artist ready to fill in the outlines with his/her base coats and blended color
scheme create unique colors to bring their artwork to life. When painting with paint brushes
there are a variety of ways to stroke the brush. The participant can slowly move the brush in a
vertical motion or brush in a lateral motion to blend the colors. Each stroke gives you a different
product and texture to the surface. Last step Drying process: Once the the participant has
created their art piece it is time to let it dry. Depending on what surface the the participant
painted on the drying period may vary but, since all participants in this program use acrylic
based paint. Acrylic dries fairly quickly. An estimated time of preparation would range from 2 to 4
hours upon completion.
Leadership considerations: The CTRS would functions as an instructor for this
activity. The CTRS would walk around and observe each participant as they painted.
It is NOT required that the therapist possesses an Art teaching degree but if an Art
professor is made available the addition knowledge would would be welcomed and
respected. there must be at least 2 interns must have involved during this activity.
the staff to participants ratio should be around 1:1, 1:4 or 2:6. Before starting with
the activity all participant must be equipped with with their safety goggles to
prevent acrylic paint from jumping into eyes and causing immense irritation and
partial blindness. The participant must also be wearing ragged clothing or paint
overalls since they shall be working with rather large surfaces. Safety protocols are
read aloud by the CTRS on site, including emergency scenario in the event a
participant swallows paint, slips and falls on paint and allergic reaction to acrylic
paint. Paint is highly flammable, there 1 fire extinguisher at each exit and direction
on how to use it. During painting there should be no horseplay with the paint
brushes in the event there is horse play with brush that participant will be given a
warning after that warning they will be asked to exit the facility. For those with
difficulty gripping the brushes accommodations can be made to adjust the size.
Adaptations: Participants with visually impaired vision: visually impaired (blind)
individuals refer to those who have have suffered from vision loss, the visually
impaired have difficulty seeing images or objects to certain degree that cannot be
fixed with a visual aids or devices . For participants with minimal vision the CTRS
would aid the participant locate landmarks on the surface of the painting by using
verbal cues to help the visually impaired participant design and trace out the art
piece. By using those verbal cues the CTRS will then guide the participant to look
with their hands as the CTRS navigates the participants to different color pallets
.When the participant is ready to color a desired area he/she shall place the surface
of their design on top of a mesh screen or sand paper so that way when they
engage in detailing their art piece they feel exactly where the they are painting
without going outside out of the lines. A bumpy edge around the painting also helps
with keeping the participant within the border of the painting. These adaptive tool
surface do not need to be purchased you can create them in your own home by
using mediums such as dimensional glue, a glue gun, paint and even creating a
unique sewing pattern.

Participants with Autism: Autism is a mental condition develop early early in

childhood this causes the child to have developmental delays which affects
communication and creating significant relationships with others. The painting give
the the participant with autism the ability to channel their creativity or frustrations
onto a surface without judgement. Autism has different levels. For those who are
severely autistic and painting products and objects could be danger to themselves
or others there is an adaptive alternative its an application called SENSU this
application allows the user to paint anything at will allowing the participant to
express their creative mind mind regardless of their mental capacity. The
application has individual processes where you can choose images to edit. The
application even allows the user to create simple animations and as you progress
through the application you can gradually make the animations a bit more complex.
The application works best when put on a promethean board or an interactive
whiteboard for the participant to use. It is recommended that the CTRS or staff
member navigate the paint options for that particular participant if needed.
Adaptations References
Sensu Brush and Sensu Solo portable capacitve paint brushes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13,
2016, from
Top 10 Health Benefits of Painting. (2016). Retrieved October 13, 2016, from
B. (n.d.). Paint a Mural. Retrieved October 13, 2016, from

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