EX-GM-005 - GMW 14729 - 201011 - EN - Procedures For Humidity Test PDF

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eae ENEINSsINfel] Tost Procedure BODE Procedures for High Humidity Test 4 Introduction Note: Nothing th standard parcdes aplcale laws and reputons. Note: nthe event of confit tween the Engich and dams Inguage, the Engich language sll lke presence. {14 Purpose. This procedure deserves wo options of igh huni testing (te fog and we bot) which ‘xe bplaly usd to vata the nluenoe thigh hurd envonments coated etbetaies, Ts hfusnoe [esa measured by esting physea and mesa! popes bala and fe expose 1.2 Appliablty. No appscable. 4.3 Remarks, Not appable. 2 References Note: Ony te ats proved standards ave appcatle unless there spectioa 24 External Standardspecifstions, asmentt? |ASTIED99 \so2r02 226M Standard/spectcations. 128 Additonal References Product or Mater Spectetos + Suteysom Techical Specteatons ‘+ Gomponee Techical Speciation, + Par Drawings 3 Resources 3,1 Faclities, Not appeal. aration bt 3.1.2 Allematives.Atamatve etfs and eaipmentnay also be used. Hower ll measuring variables {ae spectiag nha stanaard shal ba eemined caret wit expos oer ysl dein. £32 Equipment. 12.2: Option A Water Fog. The apparatus fr fopung handy exposure shal consis of 32.1.1 Ateglenionmentl ramber £22.12 Sutabe water supply corfoming to ASTH D183 Type 32:13 A supply of sutbly condoned compressed a. 532.14 One ore tomiing nz. 132.15 Provisions for heating the chamber and the necessary means of corvl (reer to ASTM BIt7, ‘Append a futher deals rogaine censtucion of Be appara) 322 Option B: Wat Bottom, The apparatus shal consist of the chamber design a6 dnd ISO 6270-2 ‘Seton 1, chmate Chamber 1 equipment shal bein good werkng oor ant hall ave a wall ste aca or Pave taf GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS couwia729 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS: ‘omwis729 Note: Dung wat bet” generated hum cys, sure tt vibe water droplet aa foundc he saps toverty ropa eines 33 Test VehiclTest Plce. Tes specmen reparation shall bs par the appeals srt or maori "heceaton, por agreement between the requester an the eet ana 234 Test Time, Not appa 135 Test Required information. Not posable, 36 Personnelikil, Not soplcatic, 4 Procedure 41 Preparation, Humity tt ricorment and dation oft! shale pe he apoeable prot or mat ‘psceaton, opr agreement boteen te requester an fase. 42 Conditions 4421 Environmental Gonltons. The apparatus fr himityexgoeure sal be salen a room wit an nbient amospore where fom umperahreis 23°C 48°C and «Tot clave analy (A) 1422 Test Conditions. Dovaion ram th reiremant of his stead ena have bean reed upon Such ‘eaulrsments shal be spocfed an comparent swings, es cerete, pa {43 Instruction, {4311 Option A: Water Fog. Test tmpoatue and muri win te exposure zne hal be + Tenperaiee: 38°C 22°C + Humiiy—00% 14.32 option 8: Vet Bottom. Test engeratwe an huni win he exposure zone el be! + Tempers: 40°C#3°6 2 Huis 10086 RH 5 Data 54 Caleuatons Nat scale 5:2interpretation of Results Evans ets ans poste), ating methods an septa ceri shat be spected within ongnoetigdocumeison wren mauces Hata Spcitatons, Subsysom Techical ‘Sheciatons Component Tectia Spectteston ana Par Drawings. '53 Test Documentation. Test documentation must ince Type of used oqupment (Opton Ao Bh £531 Option A: Fogging. Basic tat infomation ocho samp nieton, hors of Satan, ests of frakaton ané any ater porinetilomaton shows be eluded inthe tpi aaonsy, the eng Durametrs sal ts mooted and reared 003 daly ba (ookends ard dye ae excep 531.1 Tho ompeaure win te exposure one 28 “C22 °C 53:12 Te fon colecton rae, based an 80 en ofhariona test area (1.0 mL 29 iL por hour, Atleasttao faletors per atomizng tone: shal be placed in to exposure 2008 and shal be dieruted to Prods 8 ‘epresenatve measur othe og cobecton rates aught th chart $31.3 Te hunidying toner tomporste and pressure. Tso parameters shal be adusd 18 needa to rogue he spciedoporsingconatons 5.32 OstionB: Non-Fooging. Gaze et iforaton nna nen tein hour of ation, ee Gf eavaton ara sry ota prtnone infrmatan saa be incudod fe Topo, 6 Safety ‘hie standard may moive hazarous mets, operate, snd equipment. Ths sand does mt rope to essa ta sty probloms acseitog wih te uze. Ris he respon of he use Ine Nard stabs appropate safely anc Neathpractoes an delemine heels regery trator ro cop015 Gr Mis Conary ARs rt TNotes 1 Glossary. Not spate. 1.2.Reronyms, Abbreviations, ane Symbols GSSLT Globo! Subsystem Leadership Team RH Relative Hist 8 Coding System Ti stent shal be elerenced in other documents drawing. ee, 8 otows: Testto oMwt4729 9 Release and Revisions ‘he standard was aginst in Cetaber 2005 was fret sproved by Globe! Matas Testing asin Decomer 205 twas fos puened in Fotary 2007 se 4 6 2007 | hal platen 2 "NOW 2010 | Removed evsion date rom ASTM 01758 and SO 62702 arences 25,529, 434.492,621, nd 8-42, (Conenen GS8L, peated o 2015 GM template (atari = Corosson GSSLT) Description Organization) a ND Ci 8 een oe Cane Ren “ine 278 "Page zat “ne 2078 Pose Sofs

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