Essay For Duty School Management in Senior High School Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya

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Name : Zaimatul Ummah

NIM : 12030194232
Class : PKU 2013
Subject : School Management

Essay for duty School management in senior high school Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya
Our chemistry education featured in this year conducting interviews for school management
subject in senior high school Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya were greeted immediately by the
father of the head of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 surabaya, Mr. Astajab, S.Pd., MM, in order to
develop insight into the schoool management , we do communicates the activities and give
opinions . There is experience in start self management , studying at university while
performing organization is the organization UKKI, IMM, mngikuti party activities such as
PAN, PAN and create branches and at this time also still doing the organization's activities in
such places as the Board PCM as well as the board of Surabaya Regional Library Council. He
who was born on February 16, 1969 has experience in conducting schools management
ranging from the vice principal's curriculum found in schools DARUL ISLAM in 1994,
became vice principal of student during two periods: in 2008 and 2012 in SMA
Muhammadiyah 2 SURABAYA, after that he was becoming principal at SMA
Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya in 2016 - 2020. in appointing or stages to become principals, he
was born in Lamongan had to run through several stages to become principals rules, which
made a filing in the name of the Assembly Education basic and management (PenDasMen)
which is owned by institutions Muhammadiyah 2 which includes Psycology Test, general
knowlage, Management knowledge, Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan and highlights the
vision and mission. In the follow-up by proposing to local governments and proposing to the
government Muhammadiyah East Java area Muhammadiyah. From there it will show up one
name to lead or be the principal for a period of 1 year from the nomination the name of the
leader of East Java area. Once you can shake become principals, duties Mr. Astajab perform
work plan, namely Improving management of the school, do evaluation school which can
include 8 standard (which can be demonstrated by adding their religious sciences with their
prayers Duha, the infrastructure that supports students' competency and students in academic
and non-academic), to fix the financial system through cooperation with the bank so that it
can be audited better, superior in character and female students, excellent in achievement and
the special committee that handles special about the Olympics, running class international
events in collaboration with schools in Singapure, Malaysia, China, received a certificate O
level school that aims to become a reference for school - school forward. there are messages
that given by the Mr. Astajab itself to us as a potential leaders of the future, which can
management themselves at first, always innovating in conducting the activity, can keep up
with the changing times, their entrepreneurship skills and most importantly have good

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