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Harashta Wendranirsa


Its about time that we realized that the boundary of region, nation, even
continents are gradually fading away with the rapid growth of internet in our
everyday live. From the source for Phd paper to information about how to cook
certain food for dinner, everything is related by the massive network of internet.
This fading boundaries are the beginning of human kind as a whole species as one
should we called us the Global Citizen no countries, no border, just a massive
group of us called human as one. This might seem a little bit overwhelming in the
eyes of the Pre internet generation, because the internet hasnt been available for
the public for more than fifty years so it takes just a small portion in the history of
human race, yet.
Being a global citizen is like living in two dimension and then suddenly
poof all the boundaries in the two dimension are eliminated with the introduction
of the new axis thus living in three dimension. Its confusing at first but when we
can use all the thing in a new way it must be good for us. Being in a situation
where everything is connected and information is easily accessible is a big upper
hand for our generation. For example we can now see what progress the other so
called first world countries are doing. In science we can see discovery being made
daily and more advancement in technology are constantly broadcasted in the
internet. We can see the growth of each countries and their economical state at an
instant. Us as the future generation in our big nation can reflect and somehow
grasp the essence of the more advance nation and implemented it to our current
state. The information are there in the vast internet its just a matter of how to find
If we somehow as a global citizen can make a huge contribution to the
problem in our world like curing cancer and finding alien an stuff thats great. But
is it really the urgent thing that we have to do? If somehow ones become a huge
international figure with many pages of research and acknowledged as one of the

Harashta Wendranirsa

greatest man ever lived on our planet dozens of humanitarian achievements or

scientific break trough but the land that he lived on for most of his life is not
developed is that the final goal as a global citizen? The roots of everyone is as
important as the journey that he went trough to achieve his final frontier. Its the
beginning of ones life that makes him what he is right now.
We cannot neglect the current trend in our nation that somehow makes
most of us felt pessimistic about the future of Indonesia. Corruption, unstable
political thug of war, bad wealth distribution and all that is just something that
makes us feeling sad about the future. But it is not permanent. We can use the
current problem as a motivation for us to use all the global resource in information
to become a better nation. We cannot forget our tradition, the beautiful land that
we lived on and the diversity in our land. It is a big task that every future
generation including us must thrive to improve. We can use the knowledge from
other countries that we study on in our future studies. We study abroad just to
come back with a better understanding of each knowledge. We use those
knowledge to build Indonesia to be better than before. So we as a global citizen
can praise our root as one of the great nation that contributes to a better world.
The amount of information that we can use to improve Indonesia as a
nation and the world as a whole is just limited in how we approach them. We have
to thrive in the international world and try to become the best in each field without
sacrificing our roots. One of the essential things that we as a global citizen must
upheld in our mind as an Indonesian citizen too is that no matter what happen in
this world, how many things that you can achieve, how much money you can
have, if you have to sacrifice your country, you better sacrifice yourself for the
sake of your country because your sacrifice will not be in vain and it will be all
worth it. BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA for all that everything is different in every
way, we are all just one. That is also applicable to the condition in the whole
world. Even though every thing is not the same in one way or another, if we can
solve problem as a whole, we as a human being is unstoppable.

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