Week 6-9 Guiding Questions

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Week 6 Guiding Questions

Describing distributions

What are the key features of a histogram that you can use to summarize or describe a
Which kind of descriptive statistics indicate: general tendencies in the data? spread of scores?
relative standing?
.Describe three different ways in which a researcher might use descriptive data statistics

Week 7 Guiding Questions

How do the quality criteria for mixed methods studies suggested by Plano Clark and Creswell
compare with standards for studies that do not combine methods? What additional
considerations should you keep in mind as a reviewer of a mixed methods study?
Explain the rationale for each of the four types of mixed method designs described in Chapter 12.
What three characteristics distinguish the different mixed methods research designs?

Week 8 Guiding Questions

Examine the criteria reported on pg. 113 of your textbook for evaluating 'data analysis' and
'findings' in qualitative research. How do the quality criteria listed relate to Tracy's 8 criteria for
qual. research (e.g. credibility, rigour, sincerity)?

List and briefly describe 4 ways of validating the accuracy of research findings in qualitative
studies. Explain how these methods contribute to overall research quality.

What is purposeful sampling and why is it important in qualitative research? Which sampling
methods are used before data collection begins, and why are they used then? Which sampling
methods are often used after data collection has already started, and why might they be used to
find additional participants?

Briefly describe each of the following research designs: narrative research, case study, grounded
theory, and ethnography.

Week 9 Guiding Questions

What are 3 factors that influence the selection of sites in case study research, and how can these
influence the trustworthiness of a study?
Cite three techniques that help to increase rigor in a case study, giving a simple example of each.

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