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Something To Shout About

John 3:16
In every culture there are things that
people get excited about and shout over.
People shout for different reasons.
They shout when things go right.
They shout when they go wrong
Some shout to urge their favorite team to
Others shout under the pressures of life.
To shout is a outward vocal expression of
an intense inner emotion.

We shout on Sunday when the Spirit

moves us.

We shout when the kids dont mind

Well all admit that there are many

things in life that make us shout.

But I believe that God has left for us in

this 3rd chapter of John something to
shout about.

When you stop to realize the incredible

love that God has for us.

When you contemplate the blessings He

has given us.

When you grasp the beauty and awesome

message He has given us

And sometimes we shout when we can't

do anything else.

Youll have to agree thats something to

shout about.

This morning I want you to see two

unmistakable truths that ought to make
every born again believer shout.
No matter what your present situation
might be
No matter where your past experiences
have led you
Remembering these two life altering
truths ought to make you shout.
What are these incredible truths that Im
talking about?
The First Thing Worth Shouting About is
The Fact That God Didnt Send His Son
To Condemn You
God has never done anything to us that
wasnt for our own good.
Before we existed He prepared a world for
us to live in.
He put life in our bodies.
He watched over us , cared for us and loved
And yet with all that He had done
Man rebelled against God
Man defied God
And chose the world over God.
And man is still doing it today.
God had every right to condemn you..
He had every right to pass judgment over

Man was guilty and we deserved the

judgement of God.
The scriptures aptly describes us:
a. Eph. 2:2 the children of
b. Eph. 2:3 the children of wrath
The scriptures declare that there is none
righteous no not one.
We deserved the condemnation of God
We deserved our just reward
Before sin came we depended on God.
Before sin came we put our trust in God.
We desired fellowship with God.
But sin made us unsatisfied with the gifts
of God.
Sin clothed us in garments of
Sin meared us with the filth of rebellion
and disobedience.
And after all that sin stamed us with the
sting of death.
Today sin is still at work in the lives of
many today.
Were still chasing the things of this world.
We still unsatisfied with the blessings God
has given us.
Were still allowing the flesh to lead us
away from God instead of toward him.
Not Only Were We Fallen By Sin But We
Were Condemned By The Law.
Romans 3: 20 Therefore by the deeds of
the law shall no flesh be justified in His

sight; for by the law is the knowledge of

The job of the law was to IDENTIFY YOU
To show you where you stood according to
Gods standards
The job of the Law was to INDICT YOU
To point you out as a transgressor of the
It was obligated to convict you and
condemn you according to the sin in your
But not only did you deserve the judgment
of God because of the power of sin and
the condemnation of the law but also
because of.
The flesh is a spiritual terrorist to a holy
Galatians 5:17 for the flesh lusteth
against the Spirit and the Spirit against
the flesh; and these are contrary the one
to the other; so that ye cannot do the
things that you would.
Theres a war going on inside of you
The flesh is the enemy that wants to control
Its the enemy that wants you to continue
rebelling against the things of God.
Its desire is to keep you seeking the
pleasures of this world rather than the
righteousness of God.

Because of the power of sin, the

condemnation of the law and the control
of the flesh
God had every right to condemn you
He had every right to destroy you
He had every reason to bring judgment on
The evidence was against you
The verdict was against you
The wages of sin was your just reward
And yet when He had every right to let your
soul burn in an eternal hell.
Thats why you ought to be shouting this
That Almighty God of Mercy and Grace
didnt send His Son to condemn you.
Secondly You Ought To Be Shouting
Because God Sent His Son To Save You
When we were covered in our shame
When we were surrounded by our sin
When we were alienated and isolated from
Jesus Came.
When nobody would
When nobody could
Jesus Came
When you were on your way to a burning
Jesus came
When you were lost in in need of a Savior

Jesus Came
Why would He come?
Why would the Son of God place himself
under the thunder bolt of divine
To be crushed under the weight of mans
John says for God so loved the world
God gave what man needed most.
God did what man couldnt do for himself.
He gave you something to shout about
Jesus the Lamb of God that takes away the
sin of the world
Jesus came to reconcile us to God.
Jesus came to undo what Adam did.
Romans 5 wherefore as by one man sin
entered ionto the world, and death by
sin; and so death passed unto all men,
foe that all have sinned.
I can shout because Adam brought death
But Jesus Brought life
Adam brought divine condemnation
Jesus brought eternal forgiveness
Adam brought separation from God
Jesus restored tore down the veil that was
between us.
What a difference between our sin and
Gods generous gift of mercy and grace.
The sin of the one man Adam caused death
to rule over us.

But all who receive Gods wonderful gift of

grace will live in victory over sin and
death because of Jesus Christ
Jesus came to seek the abused and
He came to save the lost and condemned
Jesus came to die so that you might be set
Thats something to shout about
Thats something to lift you hands about
Thats something to give praise God for..
Thats good news
That God didnt send His Son to condemn
you but to save you
So the question comes why do men perish
though salvation has been provided?
Its not because God has forsaken them
Its not because there is no merit in it for
Its not because the required sacrifice has
not been made
Or the penalty had not been paid
No Man perishes because He will not
Vs. 18 he that believeth on Him is not
condemned, but he that believeth not is
condemned already, because he hath not
believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of God.
Numbers 21:8-9 7 Therefore the people came to
Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken
against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the

Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And

Moses prayed for the people. 8 And the Lord said unto
Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a
pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is
bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. 9 And Moses
made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it
came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
Man fails to believe the gospel of grace.
Man rejects the revelation of Gods truth
Man refuses the striving of the Holy Spirit
Man turns his back to the out stretched
arms of Christ.
Man fails to believe and hell is his reward
The lost shouts but they are shouts
They shout but they are shouts of regret
Im glad this morning that my shout is a
shout of redemption.
I can shout because God so loved me that
He send His Son for me
I can shout because when I was lost Jesus
came for me
I can shout because one day on a hill called
The son of glory and the bright and
morning star was nailed to an old rugged
I can shout because He stood in my place
I can shout because He took my shame
I can shout because He was wounded for
my transgression

I can shout because He died for me

What about you this morning, do you have
anything to shout about.
If youre ought to give him
If youve been redeemed, you ought to
praise him

If your sins have been washed in the

precious blood of the Lamb
You ought to get up and tell the world, you
got something to shout about..
You ought to get up and give Him glory..
You ought to give Him praise
Say Amen, Say Amen
Hallelujah To The Lamb!!!!

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