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A. Research Background
For quite a long time, vocabulary has been known as the basic of
learning a language. People cannot start to listen, read, speak, and write
without understanding and learning the vocabulary first. We could say that
we begin with single thing called vocabulary, and we end up with the whole
thing which is language.
For students, learning vocabulary is quite handful and yet
challenging. Students will definitely be able to learn about expressions,
grammar, and skills much easier if they are storing an abundance of
vocabulary in their brain. While the advantages of vocabulary in language
such as the ease to communicate cannot be denied, the difficult part of
vocabulary is also something which needs attention. In fact, students need
supports to learn vocabulary, in terms of time allocation, level of
understanding toward the words, and the contextual usage. That is why the
teacher needs to be innovative to make sure that the students learn
vocabulary effectively.
In SMAN 3 Singkawang, as the curriculum being used is curriculum
2013, the vocabulary is learned through the integration over the expressions
and the four skills, which are listening, reading, speaking and writing. For
the eleventh grade, students are given the opportunity to learn vocabulary
with the integration of the reading skill, narrative text. The focus is to let
students understand and learn the narrative text along with its
characteristics and while learning and understanding the text, students are
given with several words that much more likely to be used in the text. But

as mentioned earlier, vocabulary needs to come first in order to let the

students gain much more benefits, such as the ease of understanding the
text and the ability to paraphrase the story.
When the researcher had pre-observation on the eleventh grade
students, the researcher found several problems regarding the students
vocabulary. The researcher was consulting his pre-observation result with
the English teachers. First problem was that the students were found to lack
of motivation to learn new vocabulary presented. Most of the students were
not enthusiastic to understand the words that teacher taught them. Another
problem was that the students were having difficulty in memorizing the
vocabulary that they learn in terms of long last memory, especially the high
frequency words. The students, with the help of dictionary only able to
preserve the words they found on that day only and forgot the words on the
next meeting without any hints to remember the words except that they
reopened the dictionary.
To solve the problems, the researcher tried to pick a media to
improve students vocabulary which is in form of manga. Manga is a
Japanese comic, which is like any other comic, in the form of pictures with
text balloons that divided into several frames in one panel, and contains a
story. McCrudden,Schraw,Lehman&Poliquin (2007) showed that the
underlying cause and effect in sentences are understood more easily when
there are visual clues of the cause and effect. That shows how the manga,
which contains both sentences in a text balloons and pictures that acts as a
clue can be used to help students in understanding words through the
picture presented.

In specific, the manga Detective Conan was being choosen as the

researcher found several moral value in both the first story and second
story. In first story the moral value is about how friends help each other
when one was having problem. For the second story, the moral value is
about how parents should not abandon their children no matter what the
situation is.
The researcher conducted the classroom action research to eleventh
grade students of SMAN 3 Singkawang by using the manga. The researcher
believes that through the use of manga, the students vocabulary can be
improved while also maintaining the interest and motive they had over the
manga itself.
B. Research Questions
In relation to the research, the problems of the research are:
1. How is the improvement of vocabulary of students by using the manga?
2. Is the use of manga able to improve the students vocabulary?
C. Research Purposes
Referring to the research question being stated, the research
purposes are:
1. To describe how the improvement of students vocabulary by using
2. To describe whether the manga is able to improve students vocabulary.
D. Action Hypothesis
The action hypothesis of this research is the manga able to
improve students vocabulary for eleventh grade students of SMAN 3
Singkawang academic year 2015/2016.
E. Terminology
To avoid misunderstanding over the topic of this research, the
researcher explains the following terminologies:
a. Detective Conan: The manga being used in the research. A shounen manga in
which the story revolves around a young man being detective and solving

mysteries and problem around him. The manga is classified as teen manga
and as for education, the manga is being translated from japan into English.
b. Improving vocabulary: the act to make the words knowledge that students
have increased than before in focus upon words for narrative text language
c. Students grade eleven of SMA 3 Singkawang: this term means that the
students being listed as a participant in the research are students in eleventh
grade who is studying in SMA 3 Singkawang. In this case the eleventh grade
social 2 is the class being used.
d. Classroom Action Research is a research that is applied in the
classroom in order to find the solution of the problem faced when the
teacher is teaching by using certain technique.

A. Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a set of words, relate to a particular language as the
components or elements on it. Thornbury (2002:13), by quoting David
Wilkins states that without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It obvious that the vocabulary should be
focused in every line of teaching English language as it will provide
significant differences in terms of the success of understanding the English
language teaching process.

To teach a vocabulary, the term frequency is important as it related to

the kind of words which suitable for the learner. The word frequency can be
classified into several tiers. Beck et al (1987 cited in Rollanda and Patricia
2011:148) stated that the conceptualized three-tier heuristic as a means of
identifying a potentially manageable set of words for reading and language
arts instruction by considering that different words have different utility and
roles in language.
1. Tier 1. This tier designated as words typically found in oral language,
including those likely found in conversations with young children (e.g.,
bed, boy, run, busy). Children entering school typically know the
meaning of such words, and there is little need for direct instruction of
the meanings of these word in school.
2. Tier 2. This tier contains words of high utility for literate language users.
Hayes and Ahrens (1988 cited in Rollanda and Patricia 2011:148) stated
that the tier 2 words characterize text and are not so common in
conversation. They are also words of general utility, not limited to a
specific domain. Some examples might be versatile, cherish, awe, and
emerge. Because of the role they play in a language users verbal
repertoire, rich knowledge of words in tier 2 can have a significant
impact on verbal functioning.
3. Tier 3. This tier consists of words with quite low frequency of use that
usually apply to specific domains. Many Tier 3 words represent new
concepts and, as such, are part of the content being learned in a particular
subject area, such as peninsula, colonists, and legislate. These words are
taught to build students content knowledge rather than to expand their

general language repertoire. Knowledge of tier 3 words as independent

items would not be of high utility for most learners.
The importance of frequency, in precise the high frequency words also
supported by Stahl and Nagy (2006:150) that they approached the issue of
which words to select and what kind of attention to devote to different words
using characteristics such as frequency, utility, and requirements for learning
to create descriptive categories of word types. Two key categories that both
experts meant are high frequency words and high utility general vocabulary.
Another experts also strengthening the importance of high frequency words,
as Nation (2001 cited in the Rollanda and Patricia 2011:150) asserts that the
high frequency words are important enough to merit significant attention and
it is aimed for second language (L2) learners.
As Scott Thornbury (2002:15) says, Vocabulary and comprehension
have powerful relationship. It gives us clue that through the vocabulary, we
can understand particular learning material better, as we cannot completely
think about particular learning material if we happened to lack of vocabulary
needed for that.
Stahl and Fairbanks (2005:102) found three principles that
characterized effective vocabulary instruction:
1. Definitional and contextual information
2. Generating rich connections
3. Providing multiple exposures to a words meaning

The first principles showed how in teaching vocabulary, there is a need

for knowing how the word relates to other words in a sentence, and how the
words being applied in different context. This principle leads us to choose
media which can help for learning the meaning of word in a sentence and also
how it is used in the sentence. The second principle explained about the needs
for learner to connect the new words they will learn with the existing
information they have. One of the possibly activity is through the discussion
that learners have with their group especially in a classroom. The third
principle is getting us on how the learning of vocabulary should be continuity.
A media to learn vocabulary effectively need to be able to give the learner the
possibility to learn even out of the school time. Thus, from the principles we
can surely think that to learn vocabulary effectively, a media which able to
provide the contextual information while also able to spark the interest of the
learner to keep having contact with the media itself for as long as possible,
which obviously reading media.
B. The Importance of Vocabulary
To learn vocabulary means to learn half of the language. The statement
made isnt exaggerating regarding how the vocabulary able to affect the
vocabulary learning greatly. Lewis (1993) argue that lexis is the core heart of
language. In reality, as the students reach a high level of thinking which
develop their way of fluency and expression over English, it is significant for
them to acquire much more vocabulary knowledge and to develop their own
personal vocabulary learning strategies. It shows that automatically, the
learning of language which students have will be back to the vocabulary

itself. As Schmitt (2010) noted, learners carry around dictionaries and not
grammar books. The statement is amusing yet it is the fact that, if we think
deeply on how our mind understand that it is much more important to learn
and master the vocabulary first rather than grammar presented in the
Vocabulary knowledge is one of the major part which affect student
success in comprehension. For all of the four skills presented in language
learning, the vocabulary play its roles as the crucial part to determine the
understanding of students over the four skills especially for the reading skill.
Vocabulary able to cover the knowledge needed in particular material as it
will help the students to understand particular material much easier as what
stated by the experts that wide vocabulary and broad knowledge go
together (Hirsch 2003) and that vocabulary knowledge is knowledge
(Stahl 2005).
Not only impacts the academic success, vocabulary also beneficial for
the social life which the students will eventually have. Vocabulary is







communicates to the world what we know, and contributes to peoples

judgments about how smart we are (Stahl 2005:16). The students which able
to come to society with a lot of confidence and able to express themselves
precisely also with appropriate language are more likely to make a positive
impression to people around them. We can help ourselves to communicate our
needs and enables us to understand the needs of others to strengthening our
relationship with others.

C. Motivation in English Language Learning

Drnyei and Otto (2011:6) spoke that in a general sense, motivation can
be defined as the dynamically changing cumulative arousal in a person that
initiates, directs, coordinates, amplifies, terminates, and evaluates the
cognitive and motor processes whereby initial wishes and desires are selected,
prioritized, operationalized and (successfully or unsuccessfully) acted out. In
short, motivation can be stated as the direction of human behavior which
consists of choice, persistence and effort.
Motivation is one of the important aspects in learning a language. There
is need of practical framework of motivational strategies to decide how to
organize a long list of relevant motivational techniques, in order to ensure that
the students will do the particular teaching and learning activity. Drnyei and
Otto (2011:107) had made themselves a framework based on the processoriented model, which offers comprehensive principles. The key units in the
process-oriented organization include:
1. Creating the basic motivational conditions
2. Generating student motivation
3. Maintaining and protecting motivation
4. Encouraging positive self-evaluation
The process-oriented approach to motivate able to open the path for
better and organized learning activity. Drnyei (2011:259) has argued that, for
real integration to take place, L2 motivation research needs to meet a final
criterion, which means that it needs to focus on specific language behavior
rather than general learning outcome.
As motivation become clear in its influence towards language learning,
there is also need to be noted that teachers act as key social figures who


significantly affect the motivational quality of the learning process, which

makes teacher behavior a powerful motivational tool to assist the learning
activity. This was confirmed by Drnyei and Csizrs (1998) study of 200
Hungarian teachers of English, in which the participant teachers rated their
own behavior as the most important and, at the same time, extremely
underutilized, motivational factor in the classroom.

D. Vocabulary in Reading
Vocabulary is one of the five core components of reading, along with
phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, fluency, and comprehension
(National Reading Panel, 2000:2). Vocabulary is considered as one of the
component that both affecting reading and affected by it. The vocabulary able
to improve the readable of reading material while the reading itself able to
extend the vocabulary acquired by the students more than other skills can do.
Stated by Hayes, Wolfer, and Wolfe (2005:1) that the vocabulary of written
language is much more extensive and diverse than the vocabulary of oral
language. In reading skill, vocabulary acts as the starting point to get the idea
over the reading material. The comprehension over the reading material will
hardly happened if the vocabulary stored in memory is not sufficient. The
same goes with the word study, to understand the word and its form, the
students need to know the meaning of the word first above else.


Vocabulary holds a complex and yet beneficial relation with reading.

Vocabulary and reading have a reciprocal causal relationship. Anderson,
Wilson, and Fielding (1988:34) stated that one of the main reasons that is
better readers do a lot more reading and therefore have many opportunities to
learn new words.
It shows how the learning of vocabulary can be enhanced through the
reading activity in the same amount that vocabulary can help the reading
activity to be much effective.

Hiebert and Kamil (2005:46)

The figure above shows how the vocabulary, reading comprehension

and volume of reading affect each other. Stanovich (1986) used the
vocabulary growth as an example of the Matthew effects. He stated that the
rich tend to get richer, which means student with large vocabularies will


understand the text better and will come eventually to read more. As they read
more, they will learn additional words which makes their vocabularies even
larger. Conversely, the poor tend to get poorer. Students with small
vocabularies will have a difficulty in understanding text, and as a
consequence will read less. The less they read, the less will their vocabulary
growth be.
E. Reading Manga
Manga literally means humorous picture as it is originally began as a
simple caricature which happened to be pictures of birds and animals. In
modern days, manga has become more than a humorous picture filled with
pictures of birds and animals. In late eighteenth-century, manga was
published for public consumption. The first manga is created in a form which
narration and dialogue were placed in and around ink-brush illustrations,
often in creative ways that consciously blurred the distinction between text
and picture.
Nowadays, manga has developed even further and contains more than
pictures and narration only. Manga has its own elements or the grammar in
which are (1) picture (depicting objects and figures), (2) word (including
onomatopoeia), (3) balloon (indicating words) and (4) frames (surrounding
pictures) (Natsume, 1997). The elements presented on manga has a difference
from the American comic since manga has developed from a simple
caricature into a story which contains diverse themes regarding politics,
religious, historical, social, cultural issues, and many more.
In manga, the elements has its own important function in response to
the story it has. The picture is the content of manga itself which generally


divided into two shapes, positive shapes (figures) and negative shapes
(background). For the word, it mostly divided into the outside voice (sound)
which comes directly from subjects and the inside voice which appear only in
the mind. Word also frequently appears independently outside of the frame
with or without balloons as a directional connector between frames. While the
balloons is used as a container of the inside voice of the mind or an outside
voice from subject or object differentiated from the narration. The frame, has
a role as a container, which includes the picture as the content, and the word,
namely as format. Frame used to be simple square or rectangle shapes, but it
has now developed into diverse shapes aligned dynamically to express
different psychological situations (Natsume, 1995, 1997, Yomota, 1994).
Those roles of each part is what make unique characteristics of Japanese
To be precise, the complexity and drama of the story while wrapped by
the elements of it that become the reason why there are so many people
attracted to manga. As a result of reading manga and discussing it with their
peers, young peoples literacy is growing (Nakazawa and Nakazawa, 1993).
The result of variety elements and story revolving around manga made manga
isnt only consumed by children and teenager, but adults also show the
interest over reading manga.
In recent years, manga has gained a massive amount of popularity
across the countries. For people in Indonesia, especially students, manga is
considered as an interesting reading material. Take an example with manga
named Doraemon, Dragonball, Naruto and Detective Conan, which
are not only known in the form of reading material but even aired in the


national channel weekly. The fact that manga is popular in the world need to
be faced wisely as not only look at the part in which it acts as an
entertainment but also digging the possibility that the manga can be useful for
F. Manga Versus Comic
Manga as known as Japanese comic has its own similarities and yet
differences to the comic which mostly known as American/European comic.
Manga has developed from merely a caricature into a complex narrative
which as explained before, consisting of several important elements.
In the past, manga were less popular than the American/European
comic in terms of its drawing style which changing from a two-dimensional
perspective into drawing style which use four-panel comic strips following
the American/European style. Another thing is that manga comes from a same
style of visual narrative as the American/European comic is. And yet, even
with the similarities they have, manga has outrunned the popularity of
American/European comic. McCloud (1994, 2006) has noted that compared
to American/European comic, in manga there is a higher level of engagement,
or reader participation, and a greater emphasis is placed on pacing out the
narrative to create a sense of being there.
Bryce. M and Davis. J (2006:7) stated that although original readers are
strictly to Japanese, manga have become a part of global circulation of
commodities. This has been helped by the absence of strong ethnicity
(Japaneseness) in their visual presentations which enhances non-Japanese
readers/audiences approachability and encourages their domestication in host


cultures, whilst keeping cultural identity (Japaneseness) mainly within the

purview of the narratives.
G. Manga as Reading Media
As the reading believed to be one of the major factor in the vocabulary
acquisition, there is a needs to consider the media which can help to
strengthen the potential of reading for vocabulary. From a massive amount of
media which can help to promote the potential of reading for vocabulary,
there are only few which can be used to greatly improve the vocabulary
acquisition from reading activity. Several media of reading which can
promote the learning of vocabulary are novels, newspapers, and manga. To
read either novels or newspapers the level of reading and vocabulary which
students have must be in high level as to understand the words represented in
it, students need to have a massive amount of vocabulary, a great reading
comprehension, and good critical thinking.
For manga, which is also called Japanese comic, the pictures which are
provided able to give students clues and a spark of interest which can help
students to read much more easily. McCrudden, Scharw, Lehman &Poliquin
(2007) further showed that the underlying cause-and-effect in sentences are
understood more easily when there are visual clues of the cause-and-effect.
Murata (2008) found that manga promotes reader understanding by spelling
out the thematic focuses in the illustrations. Additionally, Hasegawa (2002)
demonstrated that manga can be read in a shorter time and give a stronger
impression than conventional text books. The experts trying to convince that
manga can be a media for reading that is easier to be absorbed.


Another important thing to be realized is that manga is able to merge

into motivation aspects in term of process oriented approach. As mentioned
earlier that the four key units mostly related to the instrument or media which
able to generate motivation and preserve it for long term and encourage the
self- evaluation.
Mangas popularity worldwide has come to the attention of teachers and
researchers alike with some educators taking advantage of its popularity and
validating the text for classroom use (Alvermann& Heron, 2001). The
statement shows how manga has gained a lot of attention in the education
field, not only believed to be a strong entertainment media, but also
educational media. Thus, it is quite promising that manga able to be used as
reading media for students in vocabulary acquisition.

A. Form of Research
In research, the method which is being used need to match the topic
mentioned and the problem which is faced. The appropriateness of method
used will affect the whole research in terms of success and failure on it. As
this research will do, the most suitable method to be applied will be a
Classroom Action Research. The researcher tries to use the method as a path
to improve the vocabulary as mentioned in the topic.
In Action Research, one of the main aims is to identify a problematic
situation or issue in which it able to hinder the progress teaching and learning


process. The problematic term isnt telling that the teacher is the one who is
incompetent, but often the external factors such as students motivation,
insufficient materials, lack of facility, and many more. According to Kemmis
and McTaggart cited in Burns (2010:7), as seen from figure 1 regarding the
flow of Classroom Action Research typically involves four broad phases in a
cycle of research. The first cycle may become a continuing or iterative, spiral
of cycles which recur until the researcher has achieved a satisfactory
outcome. While the second cycle will be to ensure that the development
didnt only stop on the first attempt and able to provide continuity.
In the model which developed by Kemmis&McTaggart, there are
several phases which correlated to each other sharing the progress mutually.

Figure 1. The Flow of Cycle in CAR


(Burn, 2010)
Several phases which related to above model are:
1) Planning
In this phase the focus will be to identify a problem or issue and
develop a plan of action in order to have an improvement in a specific
area which researcher wants. The researcher need to prepare several
things in this phase carefully before proceeding to another phase.
several things need to be prepared are an English teacher as an
investigator, lesson plan, teaching material, media in which is going to
be used and instruments for collecting specific, the instruments
and tools which needed are (1) Lesson Plan, (2) Observation Checklist,
(3) Field Note, (4) Test Items, and (5) Questionnaire.
2) Action
Action is the phase in which the interventions which comes from
the first phase being implemented in the classroom situation over an
agreed period of time. The interventions are conducted based on the
plan, but isnt restricted if any possible changes appear. In this research,
the researcher will act as a teacher applying the method and the teacher
on duty will act as a collaborator observing the situation happened in
the classroom. The researcher will applying the teaching through the
use of manga Detective Conan to improve the students vocabulary.
The researcher and the teacher will divide their job as taking note in the
form of observation checklist and field note.
3) Observation
In this phase, the researcher will observe systematically the effect
of the action which has been planned and documenting the context,
actions and opinions of those involved. This phase can be called as data


collection phase where the open minded is needed in order to acquire

valid information.
4) Reflection
At this point, the researcher reflect on, evaluated and explain the
effect of the action which has been done in order to know what has
happened and what need to be done in accordance to the outcome
The outcome acquired will tell what further action need to be
prepared and done as will it be success or need some revise for further
attempt of making the result much better. The result gained from the
observation checklist, field note, test and questionnaire will be gathered
and a conclusion can be made whether there is a need of another cycle
or the cycle stopped on this attempt.

B. Research Participant
The Participants of this research are the eleven grade students of IPS 2
of SMAN 3 Singkawang in the academic year of 2015/2016. The amount of
students in this class are 30 students.
The IPS2 was found to have a problem which was lacking over
vocabulary in learning English language. Only few of the students have
sufficient English proficiency. And lack of vocabulary makes most of the
students frustrated to improve their vocabulary easily and it comes to
affecting their motivation to learn English itself as they find it hard to
understand the English language. They themselves think that learning English
isnt appealing and it will not be used intensively in their future as it is only
secondary language. The researcher believes that the class students need to be


encouraged in learning English language especially in the vocabulary

improvement and the impacts of learning of it for their future.

C. Technique and Tools of Data Collecting

1) Technique of Data Collecting
The technique to collect data in research holds a crucial position
as it will affect the conclusion made from the outcome. As the
researcher believes that the appropriateness of technique to collect data
need to be carefully chosen, the researcher tries to use the observation
and measurement techniques. The technique will be applied using
observation checklist and field note as a way to recognize students
improvement over the vocabulary through manga, while the
measurement will be implemented through the test and the
questionnaire to know the student progress over the vocabulary and
their motivation in learning English.
2) Tool of Data Collecting
The instrument or tool of data collecting which will be used by
the researcher are:
a. Observation Checklist Sheet
Observation sheets are used in what is sometimes called
systematic or structured observation, in which it involves the use of
coding system or checklist prepared before (Burns 2010:62). The
researcher will try to use the checklist which provided with range of
choice of options and some indicators in order to have much wider
perspectives of outcome.


The observation checklist itself will act as a sources or reflection

for the next action as it meant to be a description of the condition and
situation that happened in the classroom during the teaching learning
b. Field Note
Field note is the note which made by the collaborator when the
teacher applies the technique. The main idea is that the collaborator
will try to write down and lists anything happened when the research
being conducted, in order to cover the limited vision of teacher on
duty. The field note as stated by Ary et al (2010:435) will contain two
components which are the descriptive part that contains complete
description of classroom activity and the reflective part that put the
observers impression regarding the classroom activity.
The field note will be useful tools to record the progress in the
classroom. Newbury (2001) stated that field note can be understood as
an objective record of observations made in a particular setting. It
means that field note will cover the observation checklist which in the
end improve the validity of the outcome.
c. Test
The test will be used as a tool to acquire student score of
vocabulary test. The test will be in a form of multiple choice with four
options in each. In this research, the researcher will use a test which
consist of 20 test items.
d. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is one of the tool to obtain information for a large
number of subjects. The use of questionnaire is to obtain data
regarding the students motivation which is also able to assist the


accuracy of data acquired from other tools. In this research, the

questionnaire consists of 20 question items with Likert scales that
consist of 4 range of responses.

D. Techniques of Data Analysis

In data analysis, the research findings will come from the outcome of
observation checklist, field note, and students test that have been analyzed.
To acquire the students mean score, the researcher measured it by using the
following formula:
Note :

= the mean score of the students

the total score of students

= the total of students in the classroom
(Heaton, 1988)
From the mean score, it will be able to show which qualification

match the students. The result of the students will be classified into the
following criteria:



80 100

Good to excellent

60 79

Average to good

50 59

Poor to average

0 49


(Heaton, 1988)

While for the questionnaire the data analysis will be:


The percentage of respond of the questionnaire was calculated with the formula
Mean score:

The total of value

The total of question items

Mean score


84.85 (Moderately positive)




Very positive

80 99

Moderately positive

60 79


40 59

Slightly negative

20 39

Moderately negative

0 19

Very negative

Adapted from Likert scale (Ary et al, 2010: 230)


A. Research Findings
In conducting the research, the researcher applied the Classroom
Action Research in order to solve the problems found in the classroom. The
problems found from the eleventh grade students of social 2 of SMA Negeri
3 Singkawang were lack of motivation in learning new vocabulary and


difficulty over memorizing the vocabulary. The implementation of manga as

a media in the research was to improve students vocabulary in terms of
motivation over learning new words and the ease to memorize the high
frequency words.
This research was conducted in two cycles. In each cycle there are
four stages which consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting stage
following the procedure of Classroom Action Research. In the first cycle,
the acting stage was conducted in one meeting which occurred on Tuesday,
September 15th 2015. In the second cycle, the acting stage was conducted in
one meeting which occurred on Tuesday, September 22nd 2015.
During the implementation of the manga as a media, the researcher
acted as a teacher and had the collaborator acted as observer in teaching
learning process which meant to observe and monitor the activities
happened in the classroom through the observation checklist and field notes.
To avoid the subjectivity of the teacher over the teaching learning process,
the necessity of collaborators point of view is important. After the whole
activities of implementing the manga as a media including the distribution
of the manga chapters and the distribution of the test, the researcher
collected and calculated the students score and classified the mean score
obtained into the qualification. All of the steps were done in the effort of
acquiring the research findings.
1. The First Cycle (September 15th 2015)
The researcher found problems in the pre-observation when the
students were learning about expressions, many students unable to choose


the words properly and they were limited to the words which commonly
used as far as repeating the words that their teacher was using as an
example. As a result, the students were found to have difficulty in conveying
message properly and lost motivation to learn English as they stuck within
the same words over and over. For that reason, the researcher implemented
the use of manga as a media to help students to improve their vocabulary
and let them learn the words easily.
a. Planning Stage
In this stage, the researcher who acted as the teacher made a lesson
plan with the manga as the media. The manga used were Detective Conan
chapters 303 and 304. The lesson plan is the guideline which helps the
classroom activity to run smoothly. The lesson plan which was used based
on the Curriculum 2013. Next, the researcher prepared the teaching learning
process resources, such as the materials and the chapters of the manga. The
researcher also prepared the tools for the research such as the observation
checklist, field notes and test items.

b. Acting Stage
This stage focus is about the teaching and learning process which
applied through the use of particular technique or media in order to improve
the students ability over certain skill or to improve the effectiveness of the
teaching and learning process. Along with the statement above, the
researcher had put the acting stage through the implementation of manga as


a media to improve the students vocabulary in terms of learning new words

and the ease to memorize the high frequency words.
This research was held on Tuesday, September 15th 2015; at 10.15
am to 11.45 am. The time for English subject was 90 minutes. There was an
observer to help the researcher in monitoring the class. The researcher did
the procedures of teaching and learning process based on the lesson plan
created which the activity divided into three sections: pre-activity, whilstactivity, and post-activity.
In pre-activity, the learning process was started with apperceptions,
such as greeting and checking students attendance. This were aimed to give
awareness to the students to make value the norms and cultures in the
classroom. Next, teacher was brainstorming the students with bringing the
idea of learning with manga and how they know about manga for the first
time to make sure they understand the whole idea of the activity regarding
the narrative text. The teacher mentioned several important things such as
the learning objectives and the focus of learning. Then, the teacher
conditioned the classroom to make the students get prepared with the
teaching learning process. The pre-activity took time approximately 10
After done with the pre-activity, the researcher was continuing the
activity to whilst-activity. In the whilst-activity, the focus was on the
technique or media which has been determined before, in this case was
manga Detective Conan as a media. The researcher in this occasion, who
acted as the teacher, became a facilitator, motivator and educator whom


mostly helped students in less manner as possible to make sure that the
students able to be creative and open minded while to ensure also that the
students would not swerved too much from what is the teacher intended to.
Meanwhile, the students, who acted as the actors of the teaching learning
process, played their roles in participating and conducting the activity as
In the whilst-activity, there were several sections which started with
observing where mainly focus was to let the students read and discussed the
chapters 303 and 304 of manga Detective Conan given within their groups.
Before the teacher let the students to read, the teacher asked the students to
form a group which consist of 5 persons each. The teacher formed the group
randomly. After dividing the groups, the teacher asked whether the students
knew what manga was and have they read it before in terms of using
English language on it. Most of the students were saying that they did knew
what manga was. Most of them also knew the manga Detective Conan along
with several famous manga such as Naruto, Dragon Ball and Doraemon.
But, they were saying that they never once read manga in English language.
When the students read the manga, some of them confused on how
the manga panels began. The teacher explained how the reading should
worked. The teacher told them to read manga in the sequence with started
from the top right panels, and then continued to the top left panels, then
moved on to the middle right panels, and continued in the same manner.
While the students read the manga chapters, the group 1, which consisted of
male students, lost interest over the manga because they could not read it


properly and kept disturbing the neighbor group. The teacher asked them to
continue their reading and kept their focus.
On to the next sections, it was continuing to the questioning section
which the teacher was guiding the students to be critical upon the new and
difficult words they have found after they have read the chapters of manga.
The teacher found most of the students were quite passive to ask words they
did not understand. Only several students wanted to ask directly what they
did not understand. Upon finding the students acted passively, the teacher
then triggered the students to ask the words they found difficult through
asking them the narrative structures. The teacher asked them which page
showed the orientation. When they answered the first and second pages
were the orientation, the teacher asked them how can they said that, from
which text they found it, and what was the text told them about, and did they
understood the particular high priority words in the text. Teacher done that
for the complication and resolution also in brief time.
The next section was exploring where students asked to present their
own conclusion regarding the story of the chapters of the manga. The
students after given a short time to conclude the story within their groups
were asked to give presentation for their understanding toward the manga
chapters. Overall, there were 6 groups in the classroom. Each group has
their representative. For the group 1, the teacher asked for one
representative for one group only. But, when the teacher asked the
representative to deliver the conclusion, he became nervous. Then, the
teacher made a choice to let one group represented by two representatives.


There were 2 groups which able to deliver excellent presentation regarding

the story, which were group 3 and group 6. Both of the group able to give
almost complete conclusion within their own words.
The next section, which was associating, mainly focus on the
students to respond on the whole conclusion that each group has. The
students from group 2, 3, and 6 able to share their feedback without having
nervous, while the other groups were somehow felt not confident enough to
share their ideas. The teacher then concluded the whole story about and
gave correction over the students conclusions.
After that, the teacher came to confirming section, where the
students were given hints on how to get a grasp over the story and the new
and high priority words. The teacher explained that to read manga
efficiently and effectively, students could started with looked at the pictures
in each panels. Most of the story would likely related to the pictures and
even some of the words could be understood from the pictures in the panels.
Another thing worth to be understood was that the high priority words,
could be understood through the texts inside the balloons. Both of the
pictures and the text in the panels would be really helpful to grasp the story
and the words.

c. Observing Stage
Observing stage is one of the stage of Classroom Action Research
which focus on the data collection through the researcher and also the
observer in the teaching and learning process. The observer able to use


several tools to improve the data validity and data collection such as
observation checklist and field notes. In this research, the researcher asked
for one of graduated students from English Education Program of Teaching
Learning and Education Faculty to be observer in this research. The tools
were observation checklist and a field note.
The observer gathered the data through the observation checklist.
The observation checklist was used to observe the intended activities; which
means that all the statements in the observation checklist were the activities
that the researcher expected in order to look over any improvement made.
Based on the observation checklist, the overall activity was good,
except that teacher did not provide the guidance for the manga chapters well
from the beginning. What it meant by guidance was that the teacher did not
provide complete explanation in the beginning of reading about the chapters
covers, which consist of titles and pictures. But aside from that, the students
and teacher did the roles well enough although some minor errors and
disturbances could not be avoided. The teacher mostly led the activity
through the instruction, the explanation over the manga chapters, facilities,
and motivation towards the students.

Table 1. Result of students score on the first cycle.


Students Code

Students Score







After collecting and analyzing students answer sheet, the researcher found
many students did not passed. Based on the test, the students mean score
was 60.17.

Mean Score



= 1805
= 60.17 (average)



= The students mean score


The Total of studentsscore

= The total of students in a class

The students mean score showed that the students in first cycle had
not passed the standard minimum score, 68. The percentage of students who
had passed the standard minimum score was 23%, as shown below:

x 100

T = 7 x 100%
= 23.33%

= the percentage of students who had passed the standard

minimum score

= the total of students who had passed the standard

minimum score

= the total of all students

Through the percentage which showed the students who had passed
the standard minimum score, we can see there were only 23% students that
had passed.
Based on the field note, there were some points which related to the
teaching and learning process including the teacher and the students. First,
the focus of the students easily distracted by the external factors, such as


noise from the outside, the appearance of students from another class whom
passed by, and even the rang of the bell. Second, there were several male
students, who did not paid full attention with the explanations given by the
teacher and even went to disturb the group near them. Because of that, they
lost the time to discuss and share their idea while reading the chapters
within their group. Another point was that several students giving a hard
time for teacher to divide them into several groups because they wanted to
be in a group along with their close friends.

d. Reflection Stage
Reflection is a stage where the focus is for both of the teacher and
the observer evaluate the effect of what they have done. In this stage, the
researcher found the solution and weaknesses which have been found
through the cycle done. The researcher made a summary of the problems
and managed to have solution to correct the mistakes, in order to ensure that
the teaching learning process and the students achievement would improve.
In this research, the researcher found several problems that had to be
corrected. The problems were related to the teaching and learning process,
along with the teacher and the students. The problems came from both the
external factors and internal factors. The researcher summarized the
problems into several points as below:
1) The class was not conducive because of students easily distracted by the
noise and people passed by outside of the classroom.


2) There were several male students who did not paying full attention to
the teacher instruction and explanation and distracting the groups beside
3) The teacher was not strict enough to the students who were not giving
full attention.
4) The students were taking quite a long time to deliver their presentations
which made the other students got bored and got busy with their own
5) In the first cycle, only 7 students passed the standard minimum score;
with the mean score 60.17 and the percentage of the passing grade
6) The students tend to be passive, and only few students from particular
groups which were actively involved with the questions and feedback.
The problems above led the researcher to conduct another cycle in
order to improve the teaching learning process; in term of the students
performance, teachers performance, and also the score of the students.
Therefore, the researcher made several correction and reflection to the
second cycle as follow:
1) The teacher needed to change the atmosphere of the classroom so that
the atmosphere would be much more conducive and students would be
happily involved into the teaching and learning process then they would
not easily distracted by the noise and people passed by.


2) The teacher needed to pay an extra attention to the several male

students and did an approach to them so that they would felt much more
involved with the activity.
3) The teacher needed to fairly strict to the students who did not paying
attention to the classroom activity.
4) The teacher decided to make short the presentations of students and
adding the time to discuss and to share the story and the words students
5) The teacher needed to analyze and to evaluate the material and media
which were being used along with the question items.
6) The teacher needed to motivate all of the students to be active and got
involved with the questions and feedback.
In conclusion, the first cycle was not as good as it was expected. It
needed to be revised, corrected, and improved in order to get better result in
the next cycle. Therefore, the researcher conducted the second cycle to
revise and improve the shortages and weaknesses in the first cycle.

2. The Second Cycle (September 22nd 2015)

a. Planning Stage
In this stage, the researcher acted as the teacher made a new lesson
plan with manga as the media. The manga used was Detective Conan
chapters 523 and 524. After that, the teacher prepared the teaching learning
process resources such as the material which was narrative text and chapters


of the manga. Another thing that the teacher prepared were the observation
checklist, field notes, and the test items.
b. Acting Stage
The stage started with the pre-activity where the teacher had the
class paid attention to the teacher first. The teacher asked the students
whether they wanted to have the class indoor or outdoor to motivate and to
create the atmosphere. The students asked for the outdoor one and both of
the teacher and students agreed to have a class under the big tree on the
basketball field. The teacher was greeting the students while conditioning
the students to make circle within their previous group. The teacher was also
checking the students attendance and did some review regarding the
students experience of reading manga in English language while also
mentioned the learning objectives and the indicators.
The teacher moved to the next activity which was whilst-activity. In
this activity, the students asked the students to gather with their previous
groups. To make sure that the students would not talked too much between
the groups, the teacher told the groups to make distance so that the teacher
would be able to monitor each group easily. The teacher then explained the
part of speech and what made it related to the narrative text, which is noun,
verb, adjective, and adverb in order to make sure that the students would be
easily grasp the idea of each. After that, the teacher distributed the manga
chapters along with some explanations regarding the chapters and the parts
where it can be considered as narrative text. Done with all of that, the


teacher let the students read the manga and mentioned the sequences in
reading the manga to ensure they would not be confused.
After done with the reading, the teacher continued to guide the
students on the new and difficult words that they have found. The teacher
then asked what could they thought of the words from the pictures and the
texts inside the panel. The students from groups 2 finished the chapter first
then group 6 came for second and group 3 came for third. While the group 1
which consisted of 5 males in it was somehow confused on the manga
chapters, the teacher encouraged them with gave hints and helps such as
before reading for the texts which were quite many, what could they derived
from each of the pictures. While took a slow movement, the group able to
grasp the idea and the story of the manga chapters even in the end they
became the last group to finish the story. The students of first group able to
bravely share their idea for the new and difficult words they found to the
After knowing that all of the groups have finished their reading, the
teacher came to the exploring section. In the section, the teacher asked each
group to deliver their idea about the story. The teacher started the
presentation from group 1. While at first they felt nervous and afraid that
they might wrong with their understanding, the teacher kept encouraging
them. The group 1 came with their idea about the story and they were able
to explain the orientation and complication and the resolution well. After
that, the teacher moved on to the other groups and found that group 2 ,


group 3 and group 6 able to give excellent summary regarding the story.
But, group 2 was able to deliver much detail explanation.
The teacher continued to the associating section where the teacher
asked students to share and to give feedback about the story that each group
have delivered. Surprisingly, group 1 delivered feedback regarding group 4
explanation, even the feedback given was not clear enough. The teacher also
told the students to remember the difference between each of the words in
the part of speech. The teacher then asked to all of the group regarding what
did it meant by overlap and which picture showed it. One of the male from
group 4 which mostly kept silence, able to answer what did it meant by
overlap along with the pictures with his own words. Even without complete
explanations, he was able to tell the point of word overlap with the help of
The teacher did confirming section where he motivated the students
to start reading manga in English language and he showed several clues
which related to the difficult words.
The researcher found several findings in the second cycle as follow:
a. The students able to focus and became comfortable with learning outdoor
even there were few disturbance from other students who passed by.
b. The students were seen to be much more excited to learn through manga
more than when they were on first cycle.
c. The students were actively involved with the discussion and sharing of
ideas, not only the students who were active from the first cycle, but also


the students that first kept silence, whose seemed to have grasp the idea
of learning with manga.
d. Most of students able to speak up within their groups regarding the story
and the words that they found. The students not only focus on the text but
also to the pictures.
e. The students were able to do the test efficiently and effectively. Both
could be seen from how the students focus with their test items.

In conclusion, the acting stage of the second cycle was much better
than the first cycle. The students had done better than the previous one.
They were excited and encouraged with the activities. They paid attention to
the instruction and explanation more than the first cycle. Overall, the
process of the second cycle was improved, even when there were several
minor problems.
c. Observing Stage
As the first cycle was, the second cycle put the researcher cooperated
with the observer. In second cycle, the observer also used the observation
checklist and the field note. Both the observation checklist and the field
note were used to record the intended activities to see the improvement of
the students performance. Moreover, the test was used to measure the
improvement students had in form of score through the comparison of the
result of the mean score.


Table 2. Result of students score in the second cycle


Students Code

Students Score

Based on the test, the students mean score was 68.3.

Mean Score



= 2050



= 68.3 (average)


= the students mean score


the Total of studentsscore

= the total of students in a class

The students mean score showed that the students in second cycle
had passed the standard minimum score, 68. The percentage of students who
had passed the standard minimum score was 53%, as shown below:

x 100

T = 16 x 100%
= 53.33%

=the percentage of students who had passed the standard
minimum score
= the total of students who had passed the standard
minimum score

= the total of all students

Based on the field note, the observer noted some findings which
might helped the explanations over the process of the teaching learning.
First, the student did excited and able to grasp the idea of learning through
manga. It was shown from how the students able to get active, even the one
who first kept silent. Second, the teacher did correct several mistakes and
well aware with some of the groups which needed extra attention. In


conclusion, the teacher and the students were done better than the previous
While looking at the result of the students, there are many students
who have improved and passed the standard minimum, while there are also
several students who have failed and did not passed the standard minimum.
As researcher investigated the reasons behind this shortcoming, the
researcher found that several students who failed were distracted by the test
items and the distracters. Several students who did not passed the second
test mostly confused over the type of verb and the adjective test. Another
thing was that the students happened to overconfident to their answer
quickly after having the same type of test in the previous one. Last thing
was that the students didnt have the same amount of knowledge received
compared to the first meeting, as both of the manga chapters and the test
items being used were different. The researcher believe that this kind of
shortcoming might happened unintentionally and any kind of internal
factors which might related to it cant be avoided, yet able to be prevented
in the future.

d. Reflection Stage
In this stage of the second cycle, the researcher concluded that the
second cycle of the research was successful to the extent able to pass the
standard minimum and more than half of the students able to pass it. All of
the intended actions from the teaching and learning process able to be done
much better than the first cycle. It can be seen from the result of students


test and mostly from the students performance which shown excitement
over learning with manga and actively involved in the discussion.
The result of the two cycles indicated the improvement of students
vocabulary through the use of manga. The students were motivated to learn
vocabulary and they were also able to answers the test items which consist
of high frequency words. After using the manga as media, the students able
to be motivated in learning the vocabulary in the manga. The students were
also able to acquire the idea of how manga able to help them in learning
vocabulary, which were through the pictures and the text inside the panels.
The researcher believes that the result of the two cycles could be
improved more with another cycles. The limitations were the factors that
made the researcher did not continue to the third cycle. The limitations were
such as the amount of time given by the school and the teachers schedule.
By comparing the first and second cycle, the improvement made was 8, 13
and the researcher believe that if the third cycle was executed, the
improvement could be doubled to 16, 26 which made the final score 76, 39.


The Questionnaire analysis

In order to assist the data for measuring the motivation, the
researcher tried to give students a questionnaire which consist of 20
question items that related to the key units of process-oriented approach
from Drnyei (2011).


Question Items

It is important for me to learn







I learn English at school and at



I am able to learn English from



Learning English with manga is



I read manga in my free time



I read many kinds of manga



I like to read manga online



I am able to understand the story in



There are many new words in




I am able to learn new words from




I help myself to learn new words

from manga with dictionary




Manga is encouraging me to learn

English better



I read manga together with my




I have read manga Detective

Conan before entering senior high




I choose to read manga rather than

watch anime



I learn English easier with manga

rather than conventional learning
text book



I believe learning English with

manga is good for senior high
school students




I am able to learn moral values

from manga




I prefer to read manga in English

than in Bahasa Indonesia




I want to learn English subject

with manga in school













Each of the response has value which weighted:

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


The percentage of respond of the questionnaire was calculated with the formula below
Mean score:

The total of value

The total of question items

Mean score


84.85 (Moderately positive)

This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycles consisted of
four stages which are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Each acting
stage was conducted in two meetings that was executed during the teaching
and learning process. To improve the data obtained, the teacher cooperated
with collaborator to observe and to monitor the activity which was
happening in the classroom through the use of observation checklist and
field notes. The existence of collaborator was also to minimize the


subjectivity which the teacher might had while analyzing and evaluating the
data. The data collected in form of the observation checklist, field notes, and
students test. From the research findings, it can be seen that the students
vocabulary has increased from the first cycle to second cycle.
The researcher tried to answer the research questions based on the
data acquired. As mentioned before, the research questions are; (1) does the
use of manga able to improve the students vocabulary? (2) How does the
improvement of vocabulary of students by using the manga? The first
question can be answered through the research findings that show there is
improvement made from the first cycle to second cycle. While the second
question can be answered that the improvement is good with the increase
from first cycle 60.17 to second cycle 68.3 about 8.13. Another point is that
the students score shows when the first cycle happened, there were only 7
students who passed the minimum standard score which is 68. While on the
second cycle, there were 16 students who passed the minimum standard
Based on the students achievement score, we could see that the
students vocabulary had increased from the first cycle to the second cycle
collectively. Additionally, the observation checklist and the field notes also
showed that there were significant improvement in the teaching and learning
process. The students were became much more focused in teaching and
learning activity. The students were paying attention better to the instruction
and explanation. The students felt much more confident to share ideas and


to give feedbacks to their friends. By that very fact, the researcher decided
to stop the cycle.
Another point to be mentioned was the questionnaire which aimed to
look upon students motivation in learning vocabulary with manga. The
questionnaire was given after the second cycle and second test. The
questionnaire was used to assist the observation checklist, field note and test
to ensure that the intended result was achieved. The questionnaire result was
84.85 which can be categorized as moderately positive. From the result of
questionnaire responses, the researcher believes that, the motivation for
students to learn new vocabulary was enhanced, or at least sparked.
In conclusion, the researcher determined that this research was
satisfactory. The vocabulary improvement by using a manga could be seen
from the students test score and students performance. While the students
motivation improvement could be seen from the questionnaire result. To be
specific, the motivation seen from the questionnaire result was improved
and the vocabulary acquired was also increased seen from the students test
score. Therefore, the researcher has concluded the action hypothesis which
was stated as manga able to improve students vocabulary for eleventh
grade students of SMAN 3 Singkawang academic year 2015/2016 has been



Cycle I
Observation Checklist:
a. Students were unable to
follow the instruction
accurately in the beginning
b. Students were not actively
participated in the activity

Cycle II
Observation Checklist:
a. students were able to
understand the instruction
given by teacher
b. students were actively
involved in the activity of
reading and discussion
Field Note:
Field Note:
a. Several male students did
a. Most of the students both
not cooperated well to the
male and female were able to
cooperated well for the
b. Some Students were not
fully motivated with the
b. Most of the students were
reading and discussion
motivated with the activity
Test: 60.17
Test: 68.3
a. The teacher tried to give
a. The teacher tried to
extra attention and motivation encourage students with the
to several students which
idea of learning and fun by
were passive and problematic using manga
b. the teacher tried to be strict b. the teacher tried to implant
to students and yet
the idea of reading with manga.
Questionnaire: 84.85 (Moderately positive)


Based on the studen
achievement score,
concluded that the s
vocabulary improve
the first cycle to the
cycle. Both of the o
checklist and field n
described the impro
students made throu
students performan
teaching and learnin

While based on the

questionnaire respon
was clear that the st
motivation was imp

In short, this researc

satisfactory. The stu
vocabulary which re
the motivation on le
new words and mem
high frequency wor
improved through th
implementation of m


Based on the result of the research done on the eleventh grade students
social 2 at SMA Negeri 3 Singkawang, the researcher derives conclusions as
1. The students vocabulary was improved by using manga in teaching
learning of vocabulary. This was proved by the result of students mean
scores in achievement test. In the first cycle, the students mean score was
60.17 and the students mean score in second cycle was 68.3.
2. The teaching learning process was improved by using manga in teaching
learning of vocabulary. This was proved by the description of the
observation checklist and field notes from both of the first cycle and
second cycle. The students showed better result in the process of learning
the new words and memorizing the high frequency words.
3. The application of manga did not only improve the students score and
performance to pass the standard, but also the motivation of the students. It
can be seen from the result of questionnaire which is 84.85 and considered
as moderately positive.



Based on the research findings, the researcher would like to offer several
suggestions to improve teaching learning process specifically for teaching
vocabulary by using manga. The suggestions are defined as follows:
1. It is suggested for English teacher to apply manga using Classroom Action
Research, for very reason that it was proved that applying manga could
improve students vocabulary in term of motivation to learn new words
and memorize high frequency words.
2. The use of manga in teaching learning activities should be related to the
topic to be learned.
3. In improving students motivation to learn new words through manga, the
teacher should consider the use of appropriate manga which means the
manga that is not filled with pornography and other sensitive aspects. The
teacher should also be aware that the manga can mislead students to false
understanding over what was aimed for, which means monitor from
teacher is important.
4. The teacher should consider the kind of manga to be used for vocabulary
learning. As in this research, the researcher use Detective Conan which
considered as teen manga and the genre is mystery. As the manga can be
both educating and entertaining, the choice of genre could affected the
result greatly.
5. The teacher should pay great attention to the time management in applying
the manga in classroom. As manga contains both pictures and texts in
panels, there will be likely different respond given by students as some
might becoming encouraged, bored, frustrated or even hopeless as they
need different amount of time to understand the story.
6. The teacher should remember that the test to find out the result of manga
implementation are both influential and important. The test items given to


students should be kept checked as manga contains an abundance of

words. There will be a chance that the words aimed to be learned are
happened to be too much for students or the words are too difficult and

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Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary Learning Strategies. In Schmitt, N, &Mccarthy,
M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
Schodt, F. L. (1996) Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga, Berkeley,
Stone Bridge Press.
Tamada, K. (2008) Manga woriyoshitagakushu no kanosei no kosatsu: Manga de
shinrigakuto Manga woshinrigaku no kantenkara / A Consideration of
Learning with the Use of Comics: From Viewpoint of Psychology with
Comics and Psychology on Comics. Manga Studies, 13, 65-75.
Thornbury, S. (2002) How to teach vocabulary. Essex: Pearson
Yongqi, G. P. (2003). Vocabulary Learning in Second lanugaeg: Person, Task,
Context and Strategies. TESL-EJ, 7(2). From http://


Zeno, S. M., Ivens, S. H., Millard, R. T, &Duvvuri, R. (1995). The Educators

word frequency guide. Brewster, NY: Touchstone Applied Science Associates.

Appendix 1
Observation checklist
Date and time

: Tuesday, 15th of September 2015

: First
: XI IPS 2





Teacher prepares learning activity in the class and engages

the students

Teacher brainstorms the students about the learning


Students show excitement in the beginning of activity

Students follow teacher instructions accurately in reading

the manga chapters

Teacher provides guidance about the Manga chapters

Teacher guides the students to analyze the new and

difficult words they found

Students actively participate in group discussion of the

manga chapters story

Students deliver presentation about the summary of the


Students enthusiastically ask questions and give feedback

regarding to the story and words found


Teacher and the students conclude the activity along with

the points of learning

Appendix 2
Observation checklist
Date and time

: Tuesday, 22nd of September 2015

: Second
: XI IPS 2





Teacher prepares learning activity in the class and engages

the students

Teacher brainstorms the students about the learning


Students show excitement in the beginning of activity

Students follow teacher instructions accurately in reading

the manga chapters

Teacher provides guidance about the Manga chapters

Teacher guides the students to analyze the new and

difficult words they found

Students actively participate in group discussion of the

manga chapters story

Students deliver presentation about the summary of the


Students enthusiastically ask questions and give feedback

regarding to the story and words found


Teacher and the students conclude the activity along with

the points of learning

Appendix 3
Date: September 15th 2015

Time: 10.15 11.45

Setting: The classroom used was the regular classroom for eleventh social 2.

Notes to Self


I started the classroom with greeting to the

students. I asked them were there anyone who
absent on that day as I looked there were two
chairs empty. At the moment when I asked them,
two male students were coming to the
classroom, wearing regular white top mixed
with sport pants. I asked them what was their
reason for that, and they told me that it was due
to their regular grey pants ripped. I told them to
sit and follow the class like usual.

I needed to use the time efficiently

as there might be unintended things
occurred while the classroom
activity had started

I engaged the students to follow my instruction

with some jokes and introduction to the manga. I
asked them what is manga? the first answer
was coming from the male student who sat in
the front row. He answered my question quickly
and I asked him did he knew it because he likes
manga? He replied to me that he preferred to
have anime rather than manga. I threw the
question to other students to make the class
lively and let other to get involved as the very
first the answer came from the male student, the
class went quiet as if they knew the male student
would be the first one to answer. I found later
that the student was considered as skilled at
English subject by the teacher and also his
classmates. I got the second answer from the
female students sat at the second row from
backside. She replied me that manga is Japanese
comic and she sometimes read it. I asked her did
she read the manga in English? She replied no. I
asked the class was there anyone who had read
manga in English? No one said yes and most
replied with shaking their head. I continued to
introduce them with the Detective Conan. I
asked them did they knew Detective Conan,
most of them nodded their head and I told them
that they would learned about manga Detective
Conan. Most of the student response in a
confusion state.

As most of the students seemed to

lack motivation in the beginning of
the activity, I needed to engage
them more to make them getting
involved in the learning process

I believed the students were confused for how to

learn English through the manga. I asked them
to make group of five and quickly distributed

I needed to pay extra attention to

students who seemed might
disturbed the classroom activity and
affected the outcome.


the manga chapters with the help from the class

chairperson. I chose to give two for each chapter
in one group. I told them to check the manga
chapters and asked me if any questions came to
their mind. I did not get a question except their
shocked face knew that they would learned
English in the panels with abundance of texts in
it. I told them the introduction of Detective
Conan and I saw they felt confused while I
explained it. I asked them whether they
understood the idea of how to read the manga,
most of them did not know where to begin and I
told them that it was started from top right to the
top left and middle right to middle left and
bottom right to bottom left. I gave them 30
minutes to read the manga and they could help
themselves with dictionary.

In the first 15 minutes, I monitored them and

found that they unable to completely linked the
pictures inside the panels with the texts. Because
the difficulty they found in grasping the story,
some groups were reading the manga slowly,
and there was even a group consisted of male
students which gave up to read and ended up to
disturb the nearest group to them. I ended up
with personally came to each group asking and
giving questions and also hints which able to
trigger them to understand the story. The group
which consisted of male students only became
the hardest group to teach. Unable to get focus
to the reading, they were hopeless as I would
told myself. Even when I asked them to open
dictionary, they told me they did not bring it.
When I asked them to open electronic dictionary
using their smartphone, they told me they did
not have the internet access. I came to my last
resort to make them the first group to present
their idea about the story in front of the class
and they need to prepare it.

While it was almost reached the 30 minutes I

gave them, they told me they barely finished the
first chapter. I asked them that they needed to


discuss and help each other in the group to read

it easier. I told them they need to read effectively
and efficiently. They needed to discuss the
difficult words they found not solving it
individually. I told them to prepare for
presentation in 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, I told them to pick one of their

member to represent the group and deliver the
story they got. At first, I chose the troublesome
group to go first and pick one member to
represent their group. They came into confusion
state and threw at each other for the job to
represent the group. I believed that I could not
waste any minute more to them and I gave told
to the students that they could came into two as
a representative. In the end, they were
presenting their group idea without clear
explanation regarding the story. I told the
students to stay focus on the introduction,
complication, climax, and resolution. After that,
I told them to give respond to the first group
performance. The respond came from the
student who answered the first question earlier.
He gave his opinion and told the first group that
their explanation was not clear enough. Moved
to the next group, I asked one group to come
voluntarily. The one who prepared was the
group of the students who answer the first
question. He explained the story better than the
first group. Then, I found that there were 3
groups which able to explain almost complete
story regarding the manga. I asked them to ask
the difficult words and any questions they have
regarding the manga. The students were getting
silent and only several students were brave
enough to ask the difficult words they found.
Each of the student who asked were the one who
able to clearly explained the story. I told them
that they should be more active.

I gave them a clue in learning English with

manga easier and which also would help them to
read the manga faster. I told them that they could


understand most of the idea of each panels from

the first text and the picture presented in it. I told
them that the very reason they were made into
group consisted of five was to work effectively
and efficiently for example they could read
together while the other also prepared with the
dictionary and came into understanding the text
through some discussion first rather than they
force themselves to understand each sentences
completely all alone.


Appendix 4
Date: September 22nd 2015

Time: 10.15 11.45

Setting: The classroom location was changed to the Basketball court.


Notes to Self

I walked to the classroom while having

conversation with the teacher regarding on
where should the classroom took a place. As the
teacher suggested, the classroom atmosphere
should be changed as the students loved to learn
outside of the class. We decided to start the class
at the basketball court.

I found that the students needed

quite a lot of time to understand
one chapter of manga. If the aimed
was to let them understand and
learn thoroughly in detail, I
believed it would need more than
one and a half hour to have them
finished two chapters.

I greeted the students to have their attention as I

told them to move into their groups. I found that
the students were much more cooperative and
seemed that they had loosen the tense to learn
faster than the first cycle was. I asked the
students to review what was learned before and
tell them that they would learned manga once
more with different chapters.

I told them that what they learned were

vocabulary which focused on the part of speech.
I asked them for what is noun, verb, adjective,
and adverb. When I asked them the adjective
and adverb, the response they gave were not as
quick as when they replied me with noun and
verb. I explained them the manga chapters while
asked the chairperson along with another male
students to distribute the manga chapters. I told
them that they could saw the cover and the title
to guess what will most of the panels talked
about. I told them that the order on how to read
it would be same as what they previously did. I
asked them to read efficiently as they needed to
consider the time they read it. I recalled on how
they should work in group to understand the
story as it would helped them a lot rather than
they divided the manga chapters and let some to
read the first chapter while other read second

I found that as I focused on to the

most troublesome groups, I did not
paid the same amount of attention
to other group as I believed I could
not hope to give extra attention to
all of the group in the 90 minutes of
teaching them with manga.

I believed that the classroom

atmosphere also helped the mood
and the swiftness of the students in
getting involved with the class
activity. As I moved the class to the
basketball court and let them
getting out of their regular room
they seemed to be more focused to
my instructions.



I could not helped myself when I knew that they

were doing that in the first cycle as I believed
they could not understand the second chapter
completely without understanding the first
chapter before. It seemed that they were doing
that as they thought that they were working on
some group tasks.

I gave them 30 minutes to read the first chapter

while I monitored the group one by one. What I
focused was the group with male students only
as I found they lacked of everything, motivation,
English proficiency, and focus. I kept
encouraged them that they could read it if they
worked together. I helped them to realize the
first panels where they asked me on what
shipwrecked, drought and natural disaster were.
I told them they could learned each of it when
they linked it with the sentence before and after.
They could learned shipwrecked from the
tsunami and what was meant by ship. They
could learned drought from the forest fire and
they could understanding natural disaster when
they had learned for each of the words before. I
was having quite a lot of time in helping them
but I felt it was worthwhile as when I left them
all alone, they were into the reading and
discussed more to each other. The other groups
were found to read actively and even some
disturbance by other students from another class
did not mislead them much.

When 30 minutes had passed, I asked them

whether they had finished the reading and they
replied me that they were finishing the first
chapter while going to the second chapter. I gave
them another 30 minutes and decided to cut
short the presentation time. When they read the
second chapter, some of them confused with the
word overlap and what was the pictures related
to it meant. I told them that the overlap word


was related to the picture of carp streamer which

they believed it was a flying fish and some
replied it was a national flag. I told them to look
at the picture completely and then what could
they found from the word carp and streamer.
Eventually, they were able to understand that it
was telling them about a fish shaped decoration.
On to the overlap, I asked them what was
several problems that they story got so far was
related to the word. I guided them to realize that
the problem where the story told them that the
child was looking at the fish caught in the net
was related to the overlap. They had found what
the fish was, and I asked them what the net was
if the fish was the flying fish. How in the world
the fish decorative waving in the sky could be
seen to be caught in the net. I told them to look
at the picture thoroughly and they finally able to
see that there was a golf course behind it that
looked like a net and when it was put in line
with the fish shaped decoration, it would
perfectly matched the idea where the fish
seemed to be caught in the net.

As they managed to learn several words, I asked

them to present their group ideas regarding the
story. I asked them to start the order same as the
previous meeting, but now they could deliver
their summary from where they sat to let them at
ease. And when the first group consisted of male
students gave presentation, I knew that they
were able to deliver the presentation much better
than they previously did. They managed to tell
other on several high frequency words they
found and managed to deliver almost complete
summary of the story. The other groups also did
better and not to mention that the 3 groups
which were giving almost complete summary in
the previous meeting, now able to deliver
complete summary and able to not only
delivered the summary all alone but while also
consulted with their group members.

Appendix 5 First cycle



Aspect of Study
Time Allocation

: SMA Negeri 3 Singkawang

: English
: XI/1
: Teks narrative
: 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Standard Competency
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,
peduli (gotongroyong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsive
dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas
berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan social dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai
cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis



konseptual,procedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan,


kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban






pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai

dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di
sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai
kaidah keilmuan
B. Basic Competency and Indicator
Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar
Menunjukkkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta
damai, dalam melaksanakan Komunikasi fungsional


3.12. Menganalisis fungsisosial, strukturteks, dan unsure kebahasaan pada

teks naratif sederhana berbentuk cerita pendek, sesuai dengan konteks
4.17. Menangkap makna teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek sederhana.

Identifying new words and difficult words in the narrative text.
Classifying new words and difficult words in the narrative text into
part of speech.

C. Learning Objective
1. Identifying the new words and difficult words presented in the
narrative text in form of manga chapters
2. Classifying the new words and difficult words presented in the
narrative text in form of manga chapters into part of speech.
D. Learning Material

Definition of Narrative
Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is

to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.


Generic Structure of Narrative

A narrative text consists of the following structure:

Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time

and the place
Complication: Describing the rising crises which the
participants have to do with
Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises,
better or worse



Language Features of Narrative

Using processes verbs ( which mean verbs that show certain state or
Example: stand, sit, move, eat, etc.

Using temporal conjunction ( which pointing at words that show about



Example: after that, then, next, as soon as, etc.

Using Simple Past Tense ( which related to something happened before or

in the past)
Example: he was sleeping in math class before.
Several narrative texts in form of manga chapters (chapter 303
E. Learning Method
Scientific approach

: Discussion in Group of five.

F. Resources
Manga from
G. Learning Activity
First Meeting
1) Pre Activity (10 minutes)

Starting with preparation of learning process

Greeting the students

Checking the attendance of students

Reviewing the previous lesson briefly

Explaining the learning objectives

Brainstorming the students briefly on what will be learned for the

meeting today.

2) Whilst Activity (70 minutes)


Students are making group of five.

Explaining the narrative text and its elements.

Providing the narrative text in form of Manga chapter 303 and 304.

Explaining the Manga chapters in terms of how it can be considered as

narrative text along with its elements.

Asking the students to read the manga chapters in group.



Guiding the students to questioning the new words and difficult words
in the chapters.

Guiding the students to ask and discuss the words to their mates in
their own group.


Asking the students to present their understanding about the story they
have read

Encouraging the students to identify the story, the new words and
difficult words with their mates in the group.

Asking the students about the words and in which it is classified to in

the part of speech with a guidance.


Guiding the students to discuss and share their understanding to the

other group and ask for feedback.

Providing feedback to all of the group about the story, the words and
in which it classified to in part of speech.

Giving the students clue and help for understanding the story and
learning the words easily.

3) Post Activity (10 minutes)

Guiding the students to conclude the activity they have done.

Giving the students points on what they have learned.

Conveying the next learning activity briefly.

H. Assessment
Multiple choice (20 items)
Rubric Score:

Correct answer x 100


Total question

Appendix 6 Second Cycle

Aspect of Study
Time Allocation

: SMA Negeri 3 Singkawang

: English
: XI/1
: Teks narrative
: 2 x 45 Minutes


A. Standard Competency
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung
jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun,
responsive dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari
solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan social dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri
sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual,procedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban
terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di
sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai
kaidah keilmuan
B. Basic Competency and Indicator
Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam
semangat belajar
2.3. Menunjukkkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta
damai, dalam melaksanakan Komunikasi fungsional
3.12. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan pada
teks naratif sederhana berbentuk cerita pendek, sesuai dengan konteks
4.17. Menangkap makna teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek sederhana.
Identifying new words and difficult words in the narrative text.
Classifying new words and difficult words in the narrative text into
part of speech.
C. Learning Objective
1. Identifying the new words and difficult words presented in the
narrative text in form of manga chapters


2. Classifying the new words and difficult words presented in the

narrative text in form of manga chapters into part of speech.
D. Learning Material

Definition of Narrative
Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is

to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.


Generic Structure of Narrative

A narrative text consists of the following structure:


Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time

and the place
Complication: Describing the rising crises which the
participants have to do with
Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises,
better or worse
Language Features of Narrative

Using processes verbs ( which mean verbs that show certain state or
Example: stand, sit, move, eat, etc.

Using temporal conjunction ( which pointing at words that show about

Example: after that, then, next, as soon as, etc.

Using Simple Past Tense (related to something happened before or in the

Example: he was sleeping in math class before.
Several narrative texts in form of manga chapters (chapter 523


E. Learning Method
Scientific approach

: Discussion in Group of five.

F. Resources
Manga from
G. Learning Activity
First Meeting
1) Pre Activity (10 minutes)

Starting with preparation of learning process

Greeting the students

Checking the attendance of students

Reviewing the previous lesson briefly

Explaining the learning objectives

Brainstorming the students briefly on what will be learned for the

meeting today.

2) Whilst Activity (70 minutes)


Students are making group of five.

Explaining the narrative text and its elements.

Providing the narrative text in form of Manga chapter 523 and 524.

Explaining the Manga chapters in terms of how it can be considered as

narrative text along with its elements.

Asking the students to read the manga chapters in group.



Guiding the students to questioning the new words and difficult words
in the chapters.

Guiding the students to ask and discuss the words to their mates in
their own group.


Asking the students to present their understanding about the story they
have read

Encouraging the students to identify the story, the new words and
difficult words with their mates in the group.

Asking the students about the words and in which it is classified to in

the part of speech with a guidance.


Guiding the students to discuss and share their understanding to the

other group and ask for feedback.

Providing feedback to all of the group about the story, the words and
in which it classified to in part of speech.


Giving the students clue and help for understanding the story and
learning the words easily.


3) Post Activity (10 minutes)

Guiding the students to conclude the activity they have done.

Giving the students points on what they have learned.

Conveying the next learning activity briefly.

H. Assessment
Multiple choice (20 items)
Rubric Score:
Correct answer x 100
Total question
Appendix 7
Choose the meaning/synonym of the words in bold for the following
1. That big guy is a voracious person, he is eating four bowls of ramen already,
and still wanting more
a. starved
b. forced
c. stuffed
d. dropped

2. Jane is constantly saving her money each month, and now she can buy a new
a. repeatedly
b. completely
c. forcefully
d. peacefully

3. He got a stomachache a little while ago. He remembered that last night he ate
ice creams too much.
a. now in the present


b. later in the future

c. back in the past
d. amount of time

4. Her voice was trembling, and she cried right after that.
a. increasing
b. shaking
c. shining
d. whining

5. I heard her footsteps when she was approaching me from behind.

a. the sound of wind
b. the sound of someone eating
c. the sound of applause
d. the sound of a person walking

6. I can see many bolts and metal are being used for the construction of the
a. a type of short arrow shot
b. a flash of lightning
c. a quick act
d. an object like screw

7. There was a fallen tree blocking the road. People said it was because of
typhoon last night.
a. moving fast
b. falling down
c. standing up
d. rolling down


8. I brought two smartphones intentionally. One for my sister and the other is for
my brother.
a. firstly
b. accidentally
c. purposely
d. differently

9. There are a lot of females in my class. There are 20 females in precise.

a. questionable
b. guess
c. ambiguous
d. accurate
10. I saw a big crowd at the concert last night in Kridasana. It was like the
Kridasana full of people.
a. a large group
b. a large black bird
c. a large building
d. a large ground

11. The Israel army has menaced people in Palestine since several years ago.
They need to be stopped.
a. helped
b. embarrassed
c. terrorized
d. assisted

12. The customer always complaining everything he wants and it makes me mad.
a. happy
b. awkward
c. confuse
d. angry


13. I didnt study last night. And now, I am stumped on today test.
a. certain
b. confident
c. puzzled
d. distracted

14. Jane said we need several thing such as knife, stove and a lot of skewer for
this barbeque party.
a. iron bat
b. silver sword
c. wooden stick
d. sharp blade
15. He always acts calm and patient whenever hes with his mother.
a. tolerant
b. wild
c. dilligent
d. arrogant

16. She looks totally awesome with her blue dress.

a. powerful
b. purely
c. almost
d. completely

17. I didnt actually see her. I only heard her voice.

a. in fact
b. in time
c. in all
d. in doubt

18. Trice mother told her that she shouldnt dyed her hair to look like artist.


a. marked
b. stripped
c. colored
d. washed

19. Arnold is using round shape spectacles and it makes him looks like harry
a. staff
b. coat
c. eyeglasses
d. wig

20. The hacker of president official website has been arrested by police yesterday
in his house.
a. released
b. restricted
c. captured
d. annoyed


Appendix 8
Choose the meaning/synonym of the words in bold for the following
1. Finding an appropriate job is not a trivial matter. Lot of people are still jobless.
a. difficult
b. very challenging
c. less importance
d. quite confusing

2. The sign hanged on the door of that shop shows that the shop will start to open
at 09.00 am.
a. an abstract picture
b. a notice of information
c. a pamphlet
d. a banner

3. Nowadays, we can see the government is neglecting their people, especially the
a. a little care


b. getting angry
c. a little arrogant
d. feeling disappointed

4. There are a lot of holiday resort in Singkawang. Some of them are near sea.
a. a recreational place
b.a government office
c. a skyscraper building
d. an inn

5. Jack was not aware about the mistake he did yesterday. And now, he has done
that again.
a. believe
b. conscious
c. accept
d. deny

6. Nick is currently the one who buy the food. I hope he remember which food to
a. now
b. past
c. future
d. somehow

7. The fisherman put a lot of fish he caught before in the ice chest.
a. a bag
b. a prison
c. a box
d. a cupboard


8. He fold the paper carefully and put it to the envelope.

a. burn
b. cut
c. ruin
d. shaped

9. The trip they are doing will make them stay overnight in the hotel nearby.
a. for the night
b. since morning
c. yesterday
d. today

10. The upcoming concert of that band will be in several weeks later.
a. last
b. soon
c. delayed
d. first

11. You will find yourself difficult to socialize if you keep being rude towards
a. evil
b. passive
c. lazy
d. impolite

12. The kids are playing in the shallow part of the pool.
a. low
b. high
c. deep


d. center

13. The shop is selling many type of rods for different spots of fishing such as
mountain, sea, and river.
a. boots
b. pole
c. key
d. tent

14. I think we dont need to bring umbrella because it only rain lightly.
a. slightly
b. painfully
c. completely
d. effectively

15. I see a carp streamer is hanging on the pole when it is a children day in
a. an animal dead body
b. a fish-shaped decoration
c. a clothespin
d. a national flag

16. The building was used as an office initially, but it is now used as a restaurant.
a. somehow
b. in the future
c. hopefully
d. at the beginning

17. A heavy wind was blowing last night. It made the roof shaking.
a. destroy a part
b. pushing


c. force to
d. send out air

18. When the artist tried to leave the hotel, she was surrounded by waiting
journalists and fans.
a. threatened
b. pulled
c. encircle
d. endanger

19. The picture and the wall overlap each other, it makes it difficult to be seen.
a. to cover different part in same space
b. to act more intense on doing something
c. to succeed in controlling something
d. too confident over oneself

20. The house has four bedrooms and, so its pretty big.
a. beautiful
b. nice
c. quite
d. over





























Appendix 9
Questionnaire Data
1 2




















1 2


2 2


1 2


1 2

CLW 2 1


1 2


1 2


2 2


2 2


2 2


1 2


1 2

1 3

2 2


1 2

MWP 1 2

2 2


1 2


1 2

2 2


2 2



1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


2 2


1 2


1 2

2 2

Notes: Strongly agree



Strongly disagree





Question Items


It is important for me to learn


Basic motivation

I learn English at school and at


Basic Motivation

I am able to learn English from


Generating motivation of Manga

Learning English with manga is


Generating motivation of Manga

I read manga in my free time

Generating motivation of Manga

I read many kinds of manga

Generating motivation of Manga



I like to read manga online

Generating motivation of Manga

I am able to understand the story

in manga

Positive self-evaluation

There are many new words in


Maintaining motivation


I am able to learn new words

from manga

Positive self-evaluation


I help myself to learn new words

from manga with dictionary

Positive self-evaluation


Manga is encouraging me to
learn English better

Positive self-evaluation


I read manga together with my


Generating motivation of Manga


I have read manga Detective

Conan before entering senior
high school

Generating motivation of Manga


I choose to read manga rather

than watch anime

Generating motivation of Manga


I learn English easier with manga

rather than conventional learning
text book

Maintaining motivation


I believe learning English with

manga is good for senior high
school students

Maintaining motivation


I am able to learn moral values

from manga

Positive self-evaluation


I prefer to read manga in English

than in Bahasa Indonesia

Maintaining motivation


I want to learn English subject

with manga in school

Maintaining motivation

Adapted from Drnyei and Otto (2011:107) on process-oriented





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