Anatomy 25 PDF

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em) ulocochlear The vestibulocochlear nerve enters the internal acoustic meatus and remains within the temporal bone, to the cochlear duct (hearing), semicircular duets, and maculae (balance). The facial nerve enters the internal acoustic meatus, the facial canal in the temporal bone, and emerges from the stylomastoid foramen, The stylomastoid foramen lies, between the styloid and mastoid processes of the temporal bone. After the main trunk of the facial nerve exits from the stylomastoid foramen, it enters into the substance of the parotid gland. It is here that it gives off five main branches that will supply motor innervation to the muscles of facial expression, 1. If you inadvertently deposit anesthetic solution in the parotid gland when giving a mandibular block, the patient will develop paralysis of the muscles of facial expression. 2. An acoustic neuroma is a tumor involving the vestibulocochlear nerve ‘as it exits the cranial cavity. Because this tumor compresses surrounding structures or invades nearby tissues, in addition to hearing loss and equilibrium problems, a patient would most likely also demonstrate ipsilateral (same-sided) facial paralysis. ‘The mandibular foramen is located on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible just below the lingula, midway between the anterior and posterior borders of the ramus. The foramen leads into the mandibular eanal, which opens on the lateral surface of the body of the mandible at the mental foramen. Note: The lingula is a tongue-shaped proje for the sphenomandibular ligament. jon of bone that serves as the attachment Remember: The inferior alveolar nerve (branch of V-3), artery, and vein travel through the mandibular foramen, At the mental foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve ends by dividing into (1) tie mental nerve, which exits the mental foramen and supplies the skin of the mental region, mucous membrane and attached gingiva of the ipsilateral mandibular anterior and premolar teeth and (2) the incisive branch which continues coursing through the mandible and supplies the pulp chambers of the anterior teeth and adjacent mucous membrane.

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