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Reporting a missing person

Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

Good morning, officer. Id like to report that my son has disappeared.
Oh, Im sorry to hear that. When and how did he disappear?
He left home the day before yesterday. He said he was going to his friends in
Budapest, but he didnt arrive there.
I see. Could you tell me a few things about your sons appearance? First of all, how
old is he?
Hes 17, but he looks older than his age.
How tall is he?
About 180 centimetres. Hes quite well-built and strong, hes about 75 kilograms.
What is his hair like?
Hes got collar-length fair hair.
Is it straight or curly?
Its straight.
What about his eyes?
Theyre grey, and hes got bushy eyebrows.
Does he wear glasses?
No, he doesnt.
What shape is his face?
Well, its oval. Oh, and theres a small scar on his chin.
Has he got any other distinguishing marks? For example a birthmark or freckles, or
maybe a tattoo?
Well, his face is a bit freckled, and hes got a pale complexion.
Can you tell me what he was wearing when he left home?
Let me think. He was wearing dark blue jeans, an orange and blue striped T-shirt and a
black leather jacket.
And the shoes?
Oh, yes. He was wearing his new pair of trainers. It was grey, with a white Puma-sign
at the heels.
Anything else that you can tell us about him?
Yes, heres a photo of him, but it was taken more than a year ago.
No problem, it will help us a lot. Finally, I will write down some of your personal data
and then well take the necessary steps. And we will let you know as soon as we find
to report bejelenteni
to disappear eltnni
chin ll
Let me think. Hadd gondolkozzam.
striped cskos
trainers sportcip
heel sarok
to take steps lpseket tenni

necessary - szksges

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